Normas ASTM D 4220-95

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, Desisnation : D 422o - e5 (Reapproved

Standard Practices for
Preserving and n=potting Soil Samptesl
the year of
D 4220; the number immediately following the designation indicates
This standard is issued under'the fixed designation prentheses indicates the vear of last reapproval A
,;"r of last revision.
original adoption or, in the case "i;;;;r;;;?;
si"ce the last revision or reapproval'
superscript epsilon (e) ini"ut"s "n "Jito'i^i "hage

general visnal
1.1.1 Group l-Satnples for lvhich only
l. ScoPe " identification is necessatY'
soil --i
1.1 These practices cover procedures for .preserving ll GrotLp B-Satt'tples tbr wliich only rvater coriteut aud
after they are obtained in tl're field and
satlples i,r',m.,liattly classificatiorrtests,pfoctorarrdrelativedensity.orprofile
accotnptrnying procedures for trar-rsporling and handling rernolded or
a;;;lt required, and bulk samples tliat will bepercent
satnPles' pressure' sweli'
.,,?ip^?," into specirnens for swell
12 Lintilcttiottr-These practices are not 1lrtendeil to ad- .,rr'ii",i"r, penneability, shear testing, CBR' stabilimeter'
dress requiretnents applicable to trarlsportitig
of soil
io hazardous tlaterials'
kr**n o; suspecterl contain 4.1.3 Grottp C-lntact, naturally fonned or helci-lablicated'
|-3 'I'his stattdattl cloes nrt pLu'port to address ttll of the
samples for density deteninatitlt-ts; or fol swel'l pt'essure'
sctfetl' concern's, iJ' any' associctted with its ttse' It is the and sirear
of ti'e of this standrtrul to e.stablish appro- ;;;t swe1l, cor.rsolidation, penneability-testing
atld volume cirauge mea-
"'"' iesting witlr or without stress-strain
p,:,t" ,oan'' ad health pr::aciices anl detennine the applica' -surem"ents, to include dyr-ramic and cyclic testing
'btilitv lintititons prior o rse see Section 7'
of'relulcLtttry 4.1.4 Group D-samples that are fragile or liighly ssnsitive
for which tests in Group C are required'
2. llefercnced Documents in the
4.2 The procedure(sj to be used should be inciuded
7.t, .",:;T!,'! St'ii!:tt'i!s : resiorisible
De- project speifications or dened by the designated
D 420 Guide to Site Cliaracterization for Er.rgineering' person.
sign, and Cottstruction Putposes2
D o-53 'fenninology Relating tr Soil' Rock' and
Contained 5. Significance and Use
5.1 Use of the various procedures iecotlurentled ili
Fiuids2 ttlese:
for Soil Investigatior.i and Sampling by (I'rac-
D 1'152 Practice practices is dependent on fire type of sampies obtained
Auger i3orings2 type of testing and engineering properties
iice Da20), tire
required, ti.,e fragiiity anci ser.rsitivity of ttre soil'
l-)l586TestlvietirotlforPer.retratior.rTestandSplit-Barrei and the
SamPling of Soils2 cliinatic conditions. L.r all cases, the plimary purpose is to
D 15g7 pracrice io,.rnin_wuil.d Tube Sarnpling of
preserve tlie desired inhereni conditiolts'
for Description and Identificatior.r of Soils ptlrr:-
D 2'188 Practice 5.2 The proceciures presented in these practices "'re
(Visual-Manual Procedure)2 rily developed for soil san-rpies that are to be tested for
of Soiis2
D 3550 Practice for Ring-Linerl Barel Sarnpling .r',g properties, however, they may be applicable
D 4564 Test Metl.rod foi Densiry of Soii in Place by the for otl'rer ptlryoses'
. sapies of soil and other materials obtained
Sleeve lvlethod2
D ,i700 Cuide fcrr Soii SaLnpling from the Vadose Zone2 6. Apparatus
'I'erminologY 6.1 The type of marerials anci containers ueeded depeird
upon tire .o"n,liitio", and recluirements listed under the
J.l Ternlinoiogy in these practices is iu accordince with
grouping, A to D in Seciion 4, and also oli the clirnate anri 1"
l- I
TerrninologY D 653. trat'rsporting tnocle and distance' ,', u'1.!i, t',
o.i.t Siotrrg I'lla- includes microcrystalline rvax' pataflln' o. c*-n
4. SunrmarY of Practices thereof'
beeswax, a..arir-r., camaubawax, or combinations
4.1 The various procedures are giveu tlnder foul'gLoupings 61..2 luletal 1)is/s, about %e in' (about 2 mrn) thick and
as fbllorvs: l-raving a diameter slightly less than the ir:side diarleter of the
'oe useil in union with wax 0r caps and
iut ., iir.t, 0r ring anlto
1 -fhese pracrices are uncler thejurisdiction ofASTM Conmittee Dl8 oli Soil anil
tape, or both.
Dl 8'02 on Samplitrg ald
noct-and are the direct responsibility of Subcomrittee A.t.3 yyootl Oislrs, prervaxed, i in (25 rnm) lhick and having
l(clicu l relo !e'tirrg lbr Soil lrveslrgrtlo'r5
eclition lppioved '+pri! t5, i995' Published iure
ig95 Origirall'v adiatnetersliglrtlylesstharrti'reinsidediarreteroftirelirreror
pubirsheci as D 4220 - 83 Last previcos editiotr D 4220 - i9' tube.
'Antuttl Book o|',4STM SttttiLt'tls' Vbl 04 08'

'19428-2959' Uniteci State
Copyright O ASTM,
'100 Ba Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken' PA


{fl}l o +zzo
initiating sample traceability lecord, recording. tlie project'
6.1.4 Tupe, either watet'proof plastic, adhesive friction' or date' and the
sample i-rientification and location, sampie type,
duct tape.
wax in altetna- rrutnbet' anJ types of cuntniners'
6.1 .i Cheesecloth,tobe used itl union rvith
'l .3.3 A separate traceabitity recorrl shall accon'rpauy eaclt
tive layels.
Caps,either plastic, rubber or rnetal, to-be placed over shipnient.
the end oftirin-wa11ed tubes (Practice D 1587), liners
and rings i..+ Wtl.n transferitrg the rossession of samples the
persor.r(s) relinquishing and receiving the samples shall
(Pr-actice D 3550), in uuion with tape or wax'
6.1.7 O'ring isecrling End Cap-s), used to seal tire ends of ut., ..ot tlie time, and check for completer.ress of tiie
sarnples withii thin-walled tubes, by n'rechanically
expanding traceability record.
an O'ring against the tube wa1l.
8. Procedure
NorE l-Plastic expandable eud caps are preferreti. Metal expandable
8.1 Santples-Properly identify san.rples with tags' la-
end caps seal eqr.rally well; however, long-term storage lnay cause
corrosion ploblems. bels, anrl urarkings prior to transporting thetr as follows;
It "r
lids or lids 8.1.1 Job name or uumber, or both,
6.1 .B Jars, wide mouthed, with rubber-ringed
8.1.2 SirmPling date,
lined with a coaterl paper seal and of a size to corufortably
Sarnpie,fuoriug number and location,

. receive the san.rple, comtnonly

tb. pf (25A n-rl'), I pt (500 mL) 8.i.3
8.1.4 Depth or elevation, or botl-r,

t' and quart-sized (1000 tnL).

6.1.9 Bag, eiti.rer plastic, burlap with iiner, burlap or clotl'r
- (Practice D 1'152).
8.1.5 Sample oricntation,
8.1.6 Speciat shipring or laboratory handling instrttctiotrs'
or both, iucluding sampling orietltatiot'r, and
O.f.fO Pncking lvfaterial, to protect against vibration and
shock. 8.1.7 Per.retration lest data, if applicable (-[est Method
6.1 .11 lttsultttlo, eitlier granule (be ad), sheet or foam type' D 1586).
to resisl tetrperature char-rge of soil or to prevent tieezirlg' 8.1.8 Subdivi,led samples must be identified while uraiu-
6.1 .1'2 Sanrple Cte Boxes, for transporting cube
(block) taining association to the original sarnple'
Constructed u'ith % Lo 3/c in. (13 to 19 mni) thick 8.1.9 If required, sarnple traceability recotd'
piyu'oorl (nialirie iYiie)" g-2 Grotp A- i-ianspoii samples in any r;'pe of confainei bv
6. i.13 Cylinclrical Sumple Contuiners, somewhat
lalger irl way of available transportation. If transporled comr-nercially,
clirnensior-t tfran tlie thin-walled tube or linel san-rples, such as the containor tieecl only meet the minitnum requiremeuts ol thc
cylindrical fi-ozen tbod cartons. . tlansportiug agency atld any other requiretnetlts necessary io

.1.14 Shippittg Contctters, either box or cylindrical type assure agautst samPle loss.
and of ploper cotlstrucliott to protect against viblation, shock, 8.3 Group B:
and the eleuents, to the degree recluired' 8.3.1 Preserve and trausport these samples in sealetl, niois-
) tursproof coutainers, All cor-rtainers shall be of sufiicier-rt
Noru 2-The length, giith and weight restrictions for courtlercial
.it trarsilortation nrust be considered' thiciness irnd strength to ensllre against breakage and uloisture
loss. The container types include: plastic bags or pails, glztss or
6.1.1 5 I d ent tfctl-This includes the necessary
c (t tio n L'f a f eri
plastic (provicled they are waterpr-oof) jars, thin wa11ed trtbes,
writing pens, tags, and labels to properly iclentify the ii,.,..r, nnd rings. Wrap cylindrical and cube satnrles in suitable
plastic fi1m or aluminum foil, or both, (Note 3) aud coat with
7. Precautions several layers of wax, or seal in several layers of cheeseclotll
7.1 Special instructiotls, descriptions, aud marliil-rg 01'cDti- anci wax.
tainers urust accolnpany any sanrple that may include ladioac- 8.3.2 Transport these satllples by any available transporta-
tive. cheniical, toxic. or other cotltatnirlant tnalerial' iion. Ship these sampies as prepared or placed in larger
7.2 itlterstate transportatiou coutainrtlent, stol'age' and dis- shipping containers, inciucling bags, cardboard, or wooden
posai ol soil sanlples obtained from certain areas rvitl'rin the boxes or balrels.
nited States ancl the trattsportation of frlreign soils into or Nore 3-Some soils nlay cause holes to develoir in aluninurn fbii, clue
through the United States are subject to regulatious established to corrosion. Avoid direct contact where adverse aflects to sample
Uy ttie U.S. Department of Agriculture, Arlitai, and Plant composiliott ate a concern.
fl:ealth se r-vice, Flant Protectioti and Quarantine Prograrns, antl
8.3.3 Plastic .Bngs-Place the plastic bags as tightly as
possibly to regulations of other federal, state, or local ageucies' 'possibie around the sample, sqneezing out as much air as
7.2.1 Samples shipped by way 0f common camier 0r U S" possible. Tliey shall be 3 mil or thicker to prevent leakage'
Postal Set'r,ice must comply rvith tlie Department of Transpor'-
8.3.4 Glas.:-Plastic Jats-If tlie jar lids are uot lubbct
tation i-lazarclous lvlaterials Regulation, 49CRF Part 172'
ringed or linecl with new rvaxed paper seals, seal the lids rvith
7"3 Sarnple traceabitity records (see Fig' l) are encouraged
and should be t'equirerl for suspected contaminated samples'
8.3.5 Plastic Paits-If tire piastic pail lids are not air tiglrt,
7.3.1 The possessiou of ali samples rnust be traceable, fron't
seai them witl'r wax or tape.
coileotion to shipment to laboratory to disposition, and shor"rld
8.3.6 Min-lhlled TtLbes:
be hanclled by as felv persorls as possible'
'7.3.2 'lhr- sarnple collector'(s) should be responsible for Expandable Paclrct's-l'he prefemed method of

($lll P zzo

Sample ldentllication/Traceabllty Record

(Controlled Document)
Shippod bYi Att6ntio of:
ShieDod lo: HzSrdous materals uspeclod?
(yss/no)'l'/"1 (oPrrn'l)
No. o,
co.l.r. .oulr. lr! lO

.. Ssmpler(5) (stgnat"re).
s -



ShDont prepared bY: (ignstut) Dalo/Timo Shlpmsnt

Rceived lor Lab bYi (6gsturs) Deta/Timo Commsnle

R6coivirg Laboratory: Plsao Jetutn original fo. aflsr algig toilecepl of 6amplo'

FlG. 1 Example Layout of Record Form

Plastic,such as polyethylene and polypropylene, or loil shoulcl

sealing sample ends within tubes is with plastic, exparrdable
be further protected witl-r a tninirnum of tirree coats of wax'
packers. Wax l'ttith Disfrs-l-or sholt-term sealing, parafin Qlindrical anl Cube Samples Wropped in Cheese-
wax is acceptable. For long tenn sealing (in excess of 3 days) cloth and Wm, sball be sealed with a minimurn of three layers
use rnicrocrystalline waxes or conlbiue with up to 15
of eacir, placed alternativelY.
beeswax o, i"si,r, for better adherence to the wall of the
tube Cartan Santples (Frozen Food Cartrtns)-Samples
and to leduce shrinkage Several thin layers of wax are placed in these containers must be situated so that wax can be
prefered over one thick layer. minimum final thickness poured cornpletely around the sarnple. The wax should fill the
shall be 0.4 in. (10 mm). void between the sarnple and container wall' Tlie wax should End Cops--Seal metal, rubber, or plastic eltd caps be sultrciently wann to flow, but not so hot that it penetrates the
with tape. For long tenn storage (longer than 3 days), also dip pores of the soil. Generally, the samples should be wLapped in
them iu wax, applying two or more layers of wax' plastic or foil belbre being surrounded witl.r wax'
83.6.4 Cheesecloth antl Wax-IJse altematir.rg layers (a
8.4 GrotLp C:
nlinimttm of two each) of cheesecloth ancl wax to seal each end
8.4.1 Preserve and seal these samples in containers as
of the tube and stabilize the sarnple.
covered in 8.3. In addition, tlley must be protected against
spacers or appropriate packing materials' or
Nors 4-Where llecessary, vibration and shoch, and protected from extreme heat or cold'
both, must be placed prior to sealing tlle tube ends to provide
Packing material must be uonabsorbent and nrust tnlintailt 8.4.2 Samples transported by tire sarnpling or testing ageircy
its properties to provide the same degree of continued sample support personuel on seats of auton-robiles aud truchs need only be
placed in cardboard boxes, or sirnilar containers into rvhich tlie
8.3.'7 Liners and Rtugs-Refer to 8'3 6'3 or 8'3.6'4'
sealed samples fit snugiy, preventiug bun.rping, rolling, drop-
8.3.8 Exposed SantPles:
ping, etc. iylindrical, Cttbical or Other Samples Illrapped in
(fflll o +zzo

inclucl- 8.5.i"1 Samples s1'rou1d be hantlled in the same orientation

,Sou 8.4.3 For rll otl-rer methods of transporting sarnples' or
parcel sewices, truck' boat' air' etc'' in whicir they were sampled, including during transpoatiotr
ing auton-robile trunk, bus,
on the shipping container'
slripping, with appropriate markings
plfce the sealed sarnples in rvood' metal' or other type of
sritable shipping containers that provirie cushioning
or insula- i.i.r.z f o. all modes of private or cotttmercial transpoa-
and container' Avoid trarrsporting tion, the loading, transporting and unloading of the shiprnent
tion, or both, fbieach sample by a
.ontainers should be supervised as much as possible
by r-ry ug"r.y whose l-rar-rdiing of containers is,suspect'
" qualified person.
S.+ ine tushioning rnaterial (sawdust, rubbeq polysty-
rene, uretha,e fba,r, orinaterial witl'r sirnilar resilier.rcy) Noru 5-A qualified persoll may be an cngineer' geologist' soil
cornpletely encase each sample' The cushior-ring between scientist, soils technician or responsible person designated
by the project

,u-il., and walls of the sl'ripping containers sl.rould have a mairager.

,',-rirri,ruu thicltness of I in. (25 rnm)' A minitnutn thickness

floor' 8.6 Shippit'tg Cctttctitters (see l'-igs' 2-7 lbr typical coutaiu-
2 in. (50 mm) shall be provided on the container
8.+.5 When recluired, the sar'r.rpies should be shipperl in
8.6.1 The followir.rg features shoulcl be includecl in the
same orientation in whicli they wele sampled' Othenvise' design of the sliipping container lor Groups C and D
special conclitions shall be provided such as freezing' con- It should be reuseable,
tiolled drainage, or suffcient conflnement, or a combination It should be constructed so tliat the samples can be
thereof, to maintain sanlpie integrity'
maintained, at all tirnes, in the same position as when sampled
8.5 GrouP D:
or packed, or both,
8.5.1 Th; requit'ements of 8.4 rnust be met, in addition to the
.0.t.: tt should include suficient packing rnaterial to

Top, sc revled ,o ei Lrl.i, * )VL*'

a*9 \
be hinged
u[, ;, if" roL. aAertl.'
-ra{qpa se pu
'on crblsaq'nr
,1 cinraf ca$5[ol

f.rra*^) i* .\;la@o ' I4"

4'\ tatrt{rw (356 mrn)

(+ @\
'-o'k' ag<)e+o1ae
q A'{o''}o
t:5or 2',
)_6 JiJ.^
lt.*,* i6'1 ,lq'rjeac
(5.1 mm)
a\bt /"l Jivisor
\ Typ.
t"./ /i 1,1

4" (,]02 mm) Dia. llole

1 holes each, toP & olgtd I
botonr dividers) i

1/2" ()3 mm) 0ia, Rope
aadq. l+adq Hndle (one thjs side
\Ya ogarta'.dafi & one opposite side)

l,linri ql of 7 natls in

: ?//:12\,Lil:,'?i'(Hi:il*l{
- glue)-
c( 1 cat,oi,;iutn^o,1"
.r \ 1\
llll ,","-./',.,',.)-
i," ,irr, :oryo (?'" i"^Ltir,
'' paddins
(Qt;1fi4 cu: ,^l1q,u!4c 6{0 nln) of.urethane. f99*
-, ,tt va-t.t"ale
ii.;*,xii;ii.ilu'ffi,01l::T,:\ 'f,lrl:,r:),.n^,0!1,,1,. ",: y.,:;i:l,j:.;i; X+ O>

w *' \Drdo oe. o c'

3/4rJ19 mm) thick plywood
(ex rer i or grade )
FlG. 2 Shipping Box for 3-in. (76'rnm) Thin-Walled Tubes

(flll o zzo

l;i:. fft,tii{r i:!i ,i.}lr. '*'"!\

tlt {" !l }i' i'li'trr} $r'rLr*t

v] ,.



I $ " t3* #t*lt

t '/"

i;lI l t:itltr '':ri'

u- 'rt' ll
It4u {*}

ldi i*,r" Llrx

Noru l-Top ancl botlom halves are identical'

FlG. 3 Styrene Shipping Container for 3-it.t. (76-mm) Thin-Walled Tubes

cushion or isolate, or both, the tubes flom the adverse efl'ect of be used. The top (cover-) should be hinged and latched, or
vibration ald shock, and fastened with screws. It should inciude suficient insulating raterial to The cusl.rioning requirements are giveu in 8 4'4'
pl'event freezing, sublirnation and thawing, or undesirable For protection against 'eezing or extreme telnpera-
temperature changes. ture variation, the entire shipping container should be
8.6.2 lVood Shipping Containers'. with a minirnum insulation tliickness of 2 in. (50 mm.. Wood is prefered ovcr metal. Outdoor (n.rarine) 8.6.3 Metat Shipping Containers-The tnetal shipping cun-
plywood liaving a thickr.ress of Vz a:nd 3/c tn. (13 to 1 9 mm) n'ray tainers lnust incotporate cusirioning and insulation material to

(flll o ezo

" 'it'! *i .+

{ ,,..--****"$"i
a:. l{jllf.lXf,#


1i trtij*,ll

DescriPtion of ltem Quantity
No. DescriPtion of ltem
'19 1 Sheet 1a Rope, nylon, l/z-in. (127-mm) diameter' solid
braided 5 it (1524 mm)
yain' mm br
Ptywood,4 fl by I ft by mm by 2440
14 Cusllonng Material' expandLd polystyrene foamone sheet ol10plywood
ft3(0 28 m3)
1 {1220
mm) exterior, Grade AC Noies- (a) All wJoden components can be sawed from
4 Each ''"'""
2 Hnqe, slrap, 4 in (1O2 mm), heavy duty wiih screws :trris
snipping box will accommodate aPproximately three
3-in' (76-mm)
Hasp, hinged, 41/zin. (114 mm), wlth screws
3 Each i;
3 iiarneter tubes oi two s-in (127-mm) diameter tubes up to 30 in (762
72 Eacf'
4 s"tJ*, woai Slr"et, itathead, No 10 bv 1% in' (44'5 mm) 3 Each mm) in length. For longer tubes the inside height
of the box must be a
5 Bolt, Machne, % in (9.5 mm), with nut to secure ln^r, ol 6-in (152 mm) greater than the length of the tube
3 Each
6 Washer,flal, % in. (9 5 mm) (c) All ioints to be glued and fastened with screws
wth nut I Each
Eve Bot vray Z in. (0. mm by 51 mm)' zinc-plated' B and C)
in. 4 rm), for hasp bolt 8 Each i) stencl all sidei as follows (See Views
B asher. llal, V 16
B Each
I S Hooks,2 in. (51 mm), open, zinc-plated
2 Each (e) After suspending samples as indicated above' all vod space
must be
10 C/mp, adiustable, hose, steel, worm screw adjustment Rtt" *itn a suitable resilient packing material'
B Each
11 Sprng, exPanson
1 rb (a54 s)
12 Adhesve, woodworking
FlG. 4 Suspension System Container for Thin'Walled

accordance with S'6'2' alt1'roug1-i

in 9. Reporting
minimum thicknesses
.iigi',,ly greater thickresses would be appropriate. Altema- 9.i The data obtained in the field shall be recorded and
i*?iy,',fr. cushion effect could be aciiieved with a spring should include the foliorving:
suspellsioll system, or any other means that would
provide 9.1.1 iob name or number, or botli,
similar Protection. 9.1.2 SarrPling date(s),
8.6.4 Stvrene Shippittg Contatners-Buik styrene
with slots f.i.3 Sarnple/boriug number(s) and location(s)'
the sample tube or liner' A protective f .i.4 Depttr(s) or elevation(s), or both,
cut to the tlirensioni of
is recornmended' 9.1.5 SamPle orieutation,
outer box of plywood or reinlbrced cardboard
constructed with lami- 9.1.6 Groundwater obseryatior.r, if ar.ry,
8.6.5 Other Cotttctiners-Containers
9.1.7 lr'lethod of sampling, and penetration test data' if
outer walls'
nated llberboard, plastic or reinforced cardboard
be used' applicable,
and properly lined, n.ray also
(fllll o zzo
9.1.10 Names of technician/crervman, engineer, pLoject
chief, etc.,
9.1.11 Conrments regarcling contatninated or possible

taminated sanlPles,
9.1.12 If used, a copy of traceability t'ecords,
9.1.13 Weather conditions, and
9.1.i4 Gener-ai remarks.

10. Precision and Bis

10.i This practice provitles cpralitative aLrd gerreral infortlla-
(a ) 55-cl'l on(l.el nr3) oil barrels tion only. Therefore, a precision and bias statement is not
vrit secLions of styrofoain insula-
tion; welded handles on each side. applicable.

11. Keyrvords
I l.l preservation; soil sarnples: transportation

(b) Sar,eas (a ) showing barrel reariy

for shjprrrent. Steel lids bo.l ted
on to provide tight seal .

Nors l-Two in (51 rnm) of foam rubber covers 2 in of styrofoam at

the base. One n. (25 mm) of foam rubber overlays the top of
the tules'
and tlre remaiuir)g sPace to the lid is filled with styrofoaur'
FlG. 5 Shipping Barrel for Thin-Walled Tubes

9. 1.8 Sarnple dimensions,

9.1.9 Soil description (Practice D 2488),
(il}l o zzo
w* ,lrrqa, u'o. *.$orr-i^ J.
endu & l" ('2;^nunti q bb*
yw*,p* Lotetekl "
o Z '/z't {G4 *^'.. a"s.u,t'ia}
Semi Sponge Rubber
l" (25mm) top and 011 side
surfacesi ur,2]' (64 nrn)

tt , \
"r/4" (!.t tt4
,"') d c{m ?.,e

3/4" (19 mm) Binding Steel

fi>ron r * ,wao
tog Yte*'t'A- '>ll t'ry.<"e
\ 3" (76 mm) foanr rubber over base; or
l" (ZS mm) foam rubber and 2l' (64 mm)
-z bbryrutq .e) 3",, ) ,,...,o
18 Gauqe Clvanized Steel
'insulation over base. )d. itt {d;tuw;\
-e ., Lo*;
1" 1l' (25 mm x 33 nrn) -r rr.;,.o-
FlG. 6 Shipping Box for Liner (Short Tube) or Ring Samples
aj1,p rr, aa*oe Z'/Z
{eq -"'''')
') n
. 4 X. <t"- ") AOft
e\ 2t t..,: .,,:. .:,t, t
teyry,li v, t

i t io
(\",bo ,a,
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u ,o',,.ia la ce"l'olqo * r4lbiuS L (fflb o zzo

?am Nfta,la'uC7M
: Tr.o add jt onal l.yers of chcesc
cloth and warnr rubbcd lla x
are required to seal
the sar):pl e.


pao arZ* k cte se cor'

@/\ka e( scele , ,/,tib por, ui r-so
,p ,q. ter ,b,,ie,fifl"o
\ 0nc thickness of chcese c l oth a- ,
is placr-.d aq.tinst soil, follov;ed
by an appl icatjon of mr x , r,ra
rubbed by hand.


f:'il l botecn sed.l ed

. loue .l aex-* au)' r lo
sanrp 1 e an d box r,ri rh mo i s L u Yd 4a I
sarvdust packcd to support l'n)tnr*o
e?!!ac le' dYYr
e-urhluo fi'Pou'L/
',/ t4UfrlYa.


tsox constri.rcted yjth l/2"-314" (13 - 19 nur) exterior plyr.rood.

FlG. 7 Preparing and Packaging a Block Sample


since the last

This section itler.rtifies the location of changes to these practices that liave been incorporated
the technical ir.rterpretation or use of these
issue. Comrnittee D-18 lias highlighted thosq o1'ranges that affect
(1) Section 11 was added since the last revision.
(2) Section 2 tvas expauded since the last revision.

patent rights asserled n connecton

The Amercan Socety for Testng an(l Matetals takes no poston rcspecng the vatdty of any
that determnation of the validity of any such
wth any lem mentoned n this stindard. Users of th6 standard arc expressly advsed
patent'rights, and the risk of infrngement of such tghts, are entirely ltter own rcspansiblty.

sublect to revson at any lme by the responsble techncal commttee and must
s be revewect every fve years and
Ths standard
for addtonal standards
f not revsed, reapproved or wthdrawn. Your comments are invted either for revsion of this standard or
your comments wil receve carefut consderaton at a meetng ol the responsble
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquaders.
heatng you should make your
lechncal commttee, whch you may atteia. tf you feel that your comments have not receved a far
views known to the ASTM Commttee on Standas, at the address shown below.

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