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1. Open your model with existing design strips.

2. Click the check icon, and make everything visible except for the design strips.

3. Select everything by dragging the objects on the model. Then delete. What we did in 2. Will
prevent the design strips from being selected. Better save this model in another file name for


4. Go to Edit>Interactive Database Editing> Geometric Data> Point Coordinates>Table: Object
Geometry Point Coordinates.
5. You will now have a Table like this, click the To Excel Button. Save the excel file with a file
name point coordinates.

6. Go to Geometric Data> Design Strip Object Geometry >Table: Object Geometry Design Strips,
then repeat step 5 with file name strip coordinates.
7. Go to Design Data> Slab Design Overwrites >Table: Slab Design Overwrites 01-Strip Based, then
repeat step 5 with file name slab design overwrites.
8. Go to your Model With NO Design Strips. Draw any length of Design strip. We just need to have
at least one design strip because the Design Strip tab will not appear in the Interactive database
editing if no strip is defined.
9. Now go to Display>Show Tables> Geometric Data>Point Coordinates>Table: Object Geometry-
Point Coordinates. Look for the last number under Point Text. In this case, my models last
number is 120087.
10. Now open simultaneously the 3 excel file that we have extracted earlier.

11. Make a copy of the sheets strip coordinates and slab design overwrites in the point coordinates

12. Earlier we had determined that the last point name of our model will be 120087. To avoid
duplication of point labels, make a new point label for the points and start with a number
Higher than your last number. In my case I started with 120088. On the second picture I used an
equation to match the numbers from column B to the designated new point label on the point
coordinates tab. ( Please see attached excel)

Strip coordinates tab

Point coordinates tab
13. Now replace the old point label with the new point labels. Do this for the point coordinates tab
and the strip coordinates tab. Save.

14. Go again to your model with NO Design Strips.

Repeat Steps 4 and 5 except the save part.
15. From your point coordinates tab, copy your new point labels with the corresponding
coordinates and paste it to the excel file from SAFE. Remember to paste it after your last point
number and not overwrite the rest. Go back to safe and click From Excel>Apply To Model>
16. Go to Geometric Data> Design Strip Object Geometry >Table: Object Geometry Design
Strips>Click To Excel. Replace all the data with your new design strips from your strip
coordinates tab. Go back to safe and click From Excel>Apply To Model> Done.

17. Go to Design Data> Slab Design Overwrites >Table: Slab Design Overwrites 01-Strip Based >Click
To Excel. Replace all the data with your new design strips from your slab design overwrites
tab. Go back to safe and click From Excel>Apply To Model> Done. (Default property of slab
design overwrites will consider your strips only 1 layer which is none/other so you cannot
determine if the only strip you want to view is layer along X or layer along Y. Also default yield
strength is 400 Mpa only)

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