Disguising A Suicide As A Homicide Sir Arthur.9

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Disguising a Suicide as which was dragged over the parapet of The author reports no conflict of interest.
the bridge into a rather deep stream by the
a Homicide weight of the stone. By killing himself, This is an open-access article distrib-
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the merchant hoped to gain a life insurance uted under the terms of the Creative Com-
Hans Gross, and for his family. Conan Doyle might have mons Attribution-Non Commercial-No
read the case in the English translation pub- Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND),
The Problem of Thor Bridge lished in 1906.5 However, it cannot be ex- where it is permissible to download and
cluded that Conan Doyle read the original share the work provided it is properly cited.
German edition of Gross' treatise, because The work cannot be changed in any way or
To the Editor: he had, in his own words, a fair knowledge used commercially.
W hile reviewing the scientific litera-
ture concerning the Materia Medica
contained in Sherlock Holmes' adventures,
of conversational German.6
It has been suggested7 that Gross
might have been inspired by the stories of
I have fallen upon 2 articles published 2
decades ago in The American Journal of
Sherlock Holmes in the writing of his REFERENCES
book. Although there is no evidence
Forensic Medicine and Pathology. Both ar- whatsoever to support this argument, it is
1. Gross A, Kunz J. Suicidal shooting masked using
ticles reported a case of suicide disguised a method described in Conan Doyle's novel.
pretty sure that Gross' work influenced
as a homicide, one in Poland1 and the other authors of detective stories. As a matter
Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1995;16:164167.
in the United States.2 Correctly, authors of fact, the entire case was quoted in 2. Prahlow JA, Long S, Barnard JJ. A suicide
pointed out that the modality of the 2 sui- the German original in a footnote in The disguised as a homicide: return to Thor Bridge.
cides was patterned on that described by Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1998;19:186189.
Greene Murder Case (1928), one of the
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (18591930) in best-ever mystery novel of Philo Vance, 3. Doyle AC. The problem of Thor bridge. In:
The Problem of Thor Bridge, a story pub- the character of amateur detective created Baring-Gould WS, ed. The Annotated Sherlock
lished in The Strand Magazine in 1922.3 of S.S. Van Dine,8 pseudonym of Willard Holmes. New York: Clarkson N. Potter; 1967:588606.
However, authors of both articles Huntington Wright (18881939). Vance 4. Gross H. Handbuch fr Untersuchungsrichter,
apparently missed the point, which still re- uses quotations from Gross' Handbuch to Polizei beamte, Gendarmen. 1st ed. Berlin,
mains unfamiliar in the scientific litera- demonstrate that the culprit of the story, Germany: 1893:834836.
ture, that Conan Doyle did not conceive the mad Ada Greene, took her ideas for 5. Gross H. Criminal Investigation: A Practical
the storyline of the tale, which instead was plotting the murders from Gross' book, ex- Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers
modeled on a real case described in 1893 actly like Conan Doyle did. and Lawyers. 1st ed. Madras, OR: 1906.
by the Austrian criminal jurist Hans Gross4
(18471925), in his famous compendium 6. Doyle AC. Memories and Adventures. 1st ed.
of criminal cases collected for the use of London: Murray; 1924:84.
Ernesto Damiani, MD
magistrates, police officers, and lawyers. Department of Biomedical Sciences
7. Berg SO. Sherlock Holmes: father of scientific
A grain merchant, whose business was crime and detection. J Criminal Law Criminol.
School of Medicine
hopelessly ruined, shot himself on a bridge 1971;61:446452.
University of Padova
with a gun tied to a stone with a rope. The Padova, Italy 8. Van Dine SS. The Greene Murder Case. 1st ed.
moment he fired, he let go off the pistol, ernesto.damiani@unipd.it New York: Charles Scribner's; 1928:chap 26.

Am J Forensic Med Pathol Volume 37, Number 2, June 2016 www.amjforensicmedicine.com 79

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