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As of the Quarter Ending March 31, 2017

Department: State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) Authorization: 01 - Current Year Appropriations
Agency: Visayas State University Report Status: SUBMITTED
Operating Unit: N/A
Organization Code (UACS): 080830000000
Fund Cluster: 01 - Regular Agency Fund
Appropriation Allotments Current Year Obligations Current Year Disbursements Balances

2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd Unpaid Obligations

4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter (15-20) = (23+24)
UACS Quarter Quarter
Particulars Adjustments 1st Quarter 1st Quarter
CODE Authorized Adjusted Allotments Adjustments (Withdrawal, Transfer Transfer Adjusted Total Unreleased Unobligated
(Transfer (To)/From, Ending Ending Ending Total Ending Ending Ending Total Not Yet Due
Appropriation Appropriations Received Realignment) To From Allotments Ending Ending Appropriations Allotment Due and
Realignment) March 31 March 31 and
June Sept. June Sept. Demandable
Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Demandable
30 30 30 30
1 2 3 4 5=(3+4) 6 7 8 9 10=[{6+(-)7}-8+9] 11 12 13 14 15=(11+12+13+14) 16 17 18 19 20=(16+17+18+19) 21=(5-10) 22=(10-15) 23 24

I. Agency Specific Budget

Specific Budgets of National Government Agencies 01101101 698,416,000.00 698,416,000.00 629,218,186.00 629,218,186.00 132,091,066.61 132,091,066.61 105,841,302.35 105,841,302.35 69,197,814.00 497,127,119.39 25,308,319.92 941,444.34

Personnel Services 430,954,000.00 430,954,000.00 381,106,186.00 381,106,186.00 87,264,713.25 87,264,713.25 84,658,955.06 84,658,955.06 49,847,814.00 293,841,472.75 2,598,135.37 7,622.82

Salaries and Wages 5010100000 285,399,000.00 285,399,000.00 285,399,000.00 285,399,000.00 73,493,657.81 73,493,657.81 72,002,604.61 72,002,604.61 211,905,342.19 1,483,597.14 7,456.06

Salaries and Wages - Regular 5010101000 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 68,462,882.73 68,462,882.73 67,475,282.06 67,475,282.06 194,983,117.27 984,344.61 3,256.06

Basic Salary - Civilian 5010101001 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 263,446,000.00 68,462,882.73 68,462,882.73 67,475,282.06 67,475,282.06 194,983,117.27 984,344.61 3,256.06

Salaries and Wages - Casual/Contractual 5010102000 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 5,030,775.08 5,030,775.08 4,527,322.55 4,527,322.55 16,922,224.92 499,252.53 4,200.00

Salaries and Wages - Casual/Contractual 5010102000 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 21,953,000.00 5,030,775.08 5,030,775.08 4,527,322.55 4,527,322.55 16,922,224.92 499,252.53 4,200.00

Other Compensation 5010200000 78,884,000.00 78,884,000.00 78,884,000.00 78,884,000.00 10,960,378.23 10,960,378.23 9,849,981.24 9,849,981.24 67,923,621.77 1,110,230.23 166.76

Personal Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) 5010201000 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 4,874,064.53 4,874,064.53 4,846,064.53 4,846,064.53 14,061,935.47 28,000.00

PERA - Civilian 5010201001 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 18,936,000.00 4,874,064.53 4,874,064.53 4,846,064.53 4,846,064.53 14,061,935.47 28,000.00

Representation Allowance (RA) 5010202000 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 67,916.67 67,916.67 234,000.00 10,000.00 83.33

Representation Allowance (RA) 5010202000 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 67,916.67 67,916.67 234,000.00 10,000.00 83.33

Transportation Allowance (TA) 5010203000 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 77,633.33 77,633.33 67,550.00 67,550.00 234,366.67 10,000.00 83.33

Transportation Allowance (TA) 5010203001 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 312,000.00 77,633.33 77,633.33 67,550.00 67,550.00 234,366.67 10,000.00 83.33

Clothing/Uniform Allowance 5010204000 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,365,000.00 3,365,000.00 2,420,000.00 2,420,000.00 580,000.00 945,000.00

Clothing/Uniform Allowance - Civilian 5010204001 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,365,000.00 3,365,000.00 2,420,000.00 2,420,000.00 580,000.00 945,000.00

Subsistence Allowance (SA) 5010205000 45,750.00 45,750.00 28,900.00 28,900.00 (45,750.00) 16,850.00

Subsistence Allowance - Magna Carta for Public

5010205003 45,750.00 45,750.00 28,900.00 28,900.00 (45,750.00) 16,850.00
Health Workers under R.A. 7305

Laundry Allowance ( LA ) 5010206000 7,200.00 7,200.00 4,650.00 4,650.00 (7,200.00) 2,550.00

Laundry Allowance - Magna Carta Benefits for Public

5010206004 7,200.00 7,200.00 4,650.00 4,650.00 (7,200.00) 2,550.00
Health Workers under R.A. 7305

Honoraria 5010210000 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,238,226.80 2,238,226.80 2,235,270.00 2,235,270.00 390,773.20 2,956.80

Honoraria - Civilian 5010210001 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,629,000.00 2,238,226.80 2,238,226.80 2,235,270.00 2,235,270.00 390,773.20 2,956.80

Hazard Pay ( HP ) 5010211000 950,000.00 950,000.00 950,000.00 950,000.00 246,614.58 246,614.58 178,630.04 178,630.04 703,385.42 67,984.54

HP - Magna Carta Benefits for Public Health Workers

5010211005 950,000.00 950,000.00 950,000.00 950,000.00 246,614.58 246,614.58 178,630.04 178,630.04 703,385.42 67,984.54
under R.A. 7305

Overtime and Night Pay 5010213000 27,888.99 27,888.99 1,000.00 1,000.00 (27,888.99) 26,888.89 .10

Overtime Pay 5010213001 27,888.99 27,888.99 1,000.00 1,000.00 (27,888.99) 26,888.89 .10

Year End Bonus 5010214000 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00

Bonus - Civilian 5010214001 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00

Cash Gift 5010215000 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00

Cash Gift - Civilian 5010215001 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00

Other Bonuses and Allowances 5010299000 25,900,000.00 25,900,000.00 25,900,000.00 25,900,000.00 25,900,000.00

Productivity Enhancement Incentive - Civilian 5010299012 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00 3,945,000.00

Mid-Year Bonus - Civilian 5010299036 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00 21,955,000.00

Personnel Benefit Contributions 5010300000 4,197,000.00 4,197,000.00 4,197,000.00 4,197,000.00 1,079,436.17 1,079,436.17 1,079,436.17 1,079,436.17 3,117,563.83

Pag-IBIG Contributions 5010302000 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 708,000.00

Pag-IBIG - Civilian 5010302001 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 238,000.00 708,000.00

PhilHealth Contributions 5010303000 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 602,329.50 602,329.50 602,329.50 602,329.50 1,702,670.50

PhilHealth - Civilian 5010303001 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 2,305,000.00 602,329.50 602,329.50 602,329.50 602,329.50 1,702,670.50

Employees Compensation Insurance Premiums (ECIP) 5010304000 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 239,106.67 239,106.67 239,106.67 239,106.67 706,893.33

ECIP - Civilian 5010304001 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 946,000.00 239,106.67 239,106.67 239,106.67 239,106.67 706,893.33
Appropriation Allotments Current Year Obligations Current Year Disbursements Balances

2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd Unpaid Obligations

4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter (15-20) = (23+24)
UACS Quarter Quarter
Particulars Adjustments 1st Quarter 1st Quarter
CODE Authorized Adjusted Allotments Adjustments (Withdrawal, Transfer Transfer Adjusted Total Unreleased Unobligated
(Transfer (To)/From, Ending Ending Ending Total Ending Ending Ending Total Not Yet Due
Appropriation Appropriations Received Realignment) To From Allotments Ending Ending Appropriations Allotment Due and
Realignment) March 31 March 31 and
June Sept. June Sept. Demandable
Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Demandable
30 30 30 30
1 2 3 4 5=(3+4) 6 7 8 9 10=[{6+(-)7}-8+9] 11 12 13 14 15=(11+12+13+14) 16 17 18 19 20=(16+17+18+19) 21=(5-10) 22=(10-15) 23 24

Other Personnel Benefits 5010400000 62,474,000.00 62,474,000.00 12,626,186.00 12,626,186.00 1,731,241.04 1,731,241.04 1,726,933.04 1,726,933.04 49,847,814.00 10,894,944.96 4,308.00

Terminal Leave Benefits 5010403000 11,769,000.00 11,769,000.00 214,079.29 214,079.29 214,079.29 214,079.29 11,769,000.00 (214,079.29)

Terminal Leave Benefits - Civilian 5010403001 11,769,000.00 11,769,000.00 214,079.29 214,079.29 214,079.29 214,079.29 11,769,000.00 (214,079.29)

Other Personnel Benefits 5010499000 50,705,000.00 50,705,000.00 12,626,186.00 12,626,186.00 1,517,161.75 1,517,161.75 1,512,853.75 1,512,853.75 38,078,814.00 11,109,024.25 4,308.00

Lump-sum for Filling of Positions - Civilian 5010499007 29,711,000.00 29,711,000.00 29,711,000.00

Lump-sum for Step Increments - Length of Service 5010499010 660,000.00 660,000.00 660,000.00 660,000.00 7,496.52 7,496.52 7,496.52 7,496.52 652,503.48

Lump-sum for Step Increments - Meritorious

5010499011 1,163,000.00 1,163,000.00 1,163,000.00

Other Lump-sum 5010499012 19,171,000.00 19,171,000.00 11,966,186.00 11,966,186.00 1,509,665.23 1,509,665.23 1,505,357.23 1,505,357.23 7,204,814.00 10,456,520.77 4,308.00

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses 152,514,000.00 152,514,000.00 138,164,000.00 138,164,000.00 24,739,876.21 24,739,876.21 21,095,870.14 21,095,870.14 14,350,000.00 113,424,123.79 2,710,184.55 933,821.52

Traveling Expenses 5020100000 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 1,042,159.30 1,042,159.30 763,051.84 763,051.84 7,620,840.70 278,494.72 612.74

Traveling Expenses - Local 5020101000 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 1,042,159.30 1,042,159.30 763,051.84 763,051.84 7,620,840.70 278,494.72 612.74

Traveling Expenses - Local 5020101000 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 8,663,000.00 1,042,159.30 1,042,159.30 763,051.84 763,051.84 7,620,840.70 278,494.72 612.74

Training and Scholarship Expenses 5020200000 48,086,000.00 48,086,000.00 35,330,000.00 35,330,000.00 1,812,021.82 1,812,021.82 1,579,101.34 1,579,101.34 12,756,000.00 33,517,978.18 214,790.48 18,130.00

Training Expenses 5020201000 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 893,806.32 893,806.32 679,166.84 679,166.84 3,458,193.68 196,509.48 18,130.00

Training Expenses 5020201002 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 4,352,000.00 893,806.32 893,806.32 679,166.84 679,166.84 3,458,193.68 196,509.48 18,130.00

Scholarship Grants/Expenses 5020202000 43,734,000.00 43,734,000.00 30,978,000.00 30,978,000.00 918,215.50 918,215.50 899,934.50 899,934.50 12,756,000.00 30,059,784.50 18,281.00

Scholarship Grants/Expenses 5020202000 43,734,000.00 43,734,000.00 30,978,000.00 30,978,000.00 918,215.50 918,215.50 899,934.50 899,934.50 12,756,000.00 30,059,784.50 18,281.00

Supplies and Materials Expenses 5020300000 18,850,000.00 18,850,000.00 18,850,000.00 18,850,000.00 2,405,304.08 2,405,304.08 1,564,162.71 1,564,162.71 16,444,695.92 521,089.15 320,052.22

Office Supplies Expenses 5020301000 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 989,486.28 989,486.28 490,740.99 490,740.99 11,944,513.72 268,468.97 230,276.32

Office Supplies Expenses 5020301002 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 12,934,000.00 989,486.28 989,486.28 490,740.99 490,740.99 11,944,513.72 268,468.97 230,276.32

Accountable Forms Expenses 5020302000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

Accountable Forms Expenses 5020302000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

Animal/Zoological Supplies Expenses 5020304000 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Animal/Zoological Supplies Expenses 5020304000 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Food Supplies Expenses 5020305000 111,678.50 111,678.50 75,418.50 75,418.50 (111,678.50) 36,260.00

Food Supplies Expenses 5020305000 111,678.50 111,678.50 75,418.50 75,418.50 (111,678.50) 36,260.00

Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses 5020308000 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 10,310.00 10,310.00 (6,310.00) 10,310.00

Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses 5020308000 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 10,310.00 10,310.00 (6,310.00) 10,310.00

Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 5020309000 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 687,540.48 687,540.48 637,324.48 637,324.48 1,803,459.52 50,216.00

Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 5020309000 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 687,540.48 687,540.48 637,324.48 637,324.48 1,803,459.52 50,216.00

Agricultural and Marine Supplies Expenses 5020310000 412,000.00 412,000.00 412,000.00 412,000.00 56,890.00 56,890.00 52,159.00 52,159.00 355,110.00 4,731.00

Agricultural and Marine Supplies Expenses 5020310000 412,000.00 412,000.00 412,000.00 412,000.00 56,890.00 56,890.00 52,159.00 52,159.00 355,110.00 4,731.00

Textbooks and Instructional Materials Expenses 5020311000 787,000.00 787,000.00 787,000.00 787,000.00 194,473.00 194,473.00 177,872.00 177,872.00 592,527.00 16,601.00

Textbooks and Instructional Materials Expenses 5020311001 787,000.00 787,000.00 787,000.00 787,000.00 194,473.00 194,473.00 177,872.00 177,872.00 592,527.00 16,601.00

Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment Expenses 5020321000 88,853.00 88,853.00 (88,853.00) 52,901.00 35,952.00

Office Equipment 5020321002 10,375.00 10,375.00 (10,375.00) 10,375.00

Information and Communications Technology

5020321003 60,688.00 60,688.00 (60,688.00) 35,726.00 24,962.00

Communications Equipment 5020321007 10,990.00 10,990.00 (10,990.00) 10,990.00

Other Machinery and Equipment 5020321099 6,800.00 6,800.00 (6,800.00) 6,800.00

Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books

5020322000 39,197.00 39,197.00 (39,197.00) 31,285.00 7,912.00

Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books

5020322000 39,197.00 39,197.00 (39,197.00) 31,285.00 7,912.00

Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 5020399000 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 226,875.82 226,875.82 130,647.74 130,647.74 1,974,124.18 50,316.18 45,911.90

Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 5020399000 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 226,875.82 226,875.82 130,647.74 130,647.74 1,974,124.18 50,316.18 45,911.90

Utility Expenses 5020400000 17,167,000.00 17,167,000.00 17,167,000.00 17,167,000.00 6,468,554.57 6,468,554.57 6,370,557.57 6,370,557.57 10,698,445.43 97,997.00

Water Expenses 5020401000 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 20,520.37 20,520.37 16,353.37 16,353.37 30,479.63 4,167.00

Water Expenses 5020401000 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 20,520.37 20,520.37 16,353.37 16,353.37 30,479.63 4,167.00

Electricity Expenses 5020402000 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 6,448,034.20 6,448,034.20 6,354,204.20 6,354,204.20 10,667,965.80 93,830.00

Electricity Expenses 5020402000 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 17,116,000.00 6,448,034.20 6,448,034.20 6,354,204.20 6,354,204.20 10,667,965.80 93,830.00

Communication Expenses 5020500000 4,760,000.00 4,760,000.00 4,760,000.00 4,760,000.00 837,284.22 837,284.22 761,047.75 761,047.75 3,922,715.78 76,118.28 118.19

Postage and Courier Services 5020501000 348,000.00 348,000.00 348,000.00 348,000.00 139,382.00 139,382.00 96,143.00 96,143.00 208,618.00 43,239.00

Postage and Courier Services 5020501000 348,000.00 348,000.00 348,000.00 348,000.00 139,382.00 139,382.00 96,143.00 96,143.00 208,618.00 43,239.00

Telephone Expenses 5020502000 2,067,000.00 2,067,000.00 2,067,000.00 2,067,000.00 465,027.22 465,027.22 433,559.75 433,559.75 1,601,972.78 31,349.28 118.19

Mobile 5020502001 1,344,000.00 1,344,000.00 1,344,000.00 1,344,000.00 278,359.46 278,359.46 251,227.88 251,227.88 1,065,640.54 27,013.39 118.19

Landline 5020502002 723,000.00 723,000.00 723,000.00 723,000.00 186,667.76 186,667.76 182,331.87 182,331.87 536,332.24 4,335.89

Internet Subscription Expenses 5020503000 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 225,600.00 225,600.00 224,000.00 224,000.00 2,110,400.00 1,600.00
Appropriation Allotments Current Year Obligations Current Year Disbursements Balances

2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd Unpaid Obligations

4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter (15-20) = (23+24)
UACS Quarter Quarter
Particulars Adjustments 1st Quarter 1st Quarter
CODE Authorized Adjusted Allotments Adjustments (Withdrawal, Transfer Transfer Adjusted Total Unreleased Unobligated
(Transfer (To)/From, Ending Ending Ending Total Ending Ending Ending Total Not Yet Due
Appropriation Appropriations Received Realignment) To From Allotments Ending Ending Appropriations Allotment Due and
Realignment) March 31 March 31 and
June Sept. June Sept. Demandable
Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Demandable
30 30 30 30
1 2 3 4 5=(3+4) 6 7 8 9 10=[{6+(-)7}-8+9] 11 12 13 14 15=(11+12+13+14) 16 17 18 19 20=(16+17+18+19) 21=(5-10) 22=(10-15) 23 24

Internet Subscription Expenses 5020503000 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 2,336,000.00 225,600.00 225,600.00 224,000.00 224,000.00 2,110,400.00 1,600.00

Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio Expenses 5020504000 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 7,275.00 7,275.00 7,345.00 7,345.00 1,725.00 (70.00)

Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio Expenses 5020504000 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 7,275.00 7,275.00 7,345.00 7,345.00 1,725.00 (70.00)

Awards/Rewards and Prizes 5020600000 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00

Awards/Rewards Expenses 5020601000 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00

Awards/Rewards Expenses 5020601001 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00 1,190,000.00

Survey, Research, Exploration and Development Expenses 5020700000 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00

Research, Exploration and Development Expenses 5020702000 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00

Research, Exploration and Development Expenses 5020702002 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00

Confidential, Intelligence and Extraordinary Expenses 5021000000 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 102,792.00 102,792.00 82,028.00 82,028.00 297,208.00 20,764.00

Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses 5021003000 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 102,792.00 102,792.00 82,028.00 82,028.00 297,208.00 20,764.00

Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses 5021003000 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 102,792.00 102,792.00 82,028.00 82,028.00 297,208.00 20,764.00

Professional Services 5021100000 679,000.00 679,000.00 679,000.00 679,000.00 386,236.00 386,236.00 367,488.00 367,488.00 292,764.00 18,308.00 440.00

Legal Services 5021101000 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 9,960.00 9,960.00 6,640.00 6,640.00 34,040.00 3,320.00

Legal Services 5021101000 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 9,960.00 9,960.00 6,640.00 6,640.00 34,040.00 3,320.00

Auditing Services 5021102000 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 24,504.00 24,504.00 17,836.00 17,836.00 125,496.00 6,668.00

Auditing Services 5021102000 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 24,504.00 24,504.00 17,836.00 17,836.00 125,496.00 6,668.00

Other Professional Services 5021199000 485,000.00 485,000.00 485,000.00 485,000.00 351,772.00 351,772.00 343,012.00 343,012.00 133,228.00 8,320.00 440.00

Other Professional Services 5021199000 485,000.00 485,000.00 485,000.00 485,000.00 351,772.00 351,772.00 343,012.00 343,012.00 133,228.00 8,320.00 440.00

General Services 5021200000 25,588,000.00 25,588,000.00 25,588,000.00 25,588,000.00 5,686,207.98 5,686,207.98 5,250,558.09 5,250,558.09 19,901,792.02 434,573.50 1,076.39

Janitorial Services 5021202000 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 642,480.00

Janitorial Services 5021202000 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 377,520.00 642,480.00

Other General Services 5021299000 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 5,308,687.98 5,308,687.98 4,873,038.09 4,873,038.09 19,259,312.02 434,573.50 1,076.39

Other General Services 5021299099 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 24,568,000.00 5,308,687.98 5,308,687.98 4,873,038.09 4,873,038.09 19,259,312.02 434,573.50 1,076.39

Repairs and Maintenance 5021300000 15,823,000.00 15,823,000.00 15,823,000.00 15,823,000.00 3,412,391.30 3,412,391.30 2,092,823.15 2,092,823.15 12,410,608.70 735,671.65 583,896.50

Repairs and Maintenance - Land Improvements 5021302000 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 311,182.00 311,182.00 186,050.00 186,050.00 1,939,818.00 29,262.00 95,870.00

Other Land Improvements 5021302099 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 2,251,000.00 311,182.00 311,182.00 186,050.00 186,050.00 1,939,818.00 29,262.00 95,870.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Buildings and Other

5021304000 7,098,000.00 7,098,000.00 7,098,000.00 7,098,000.00 2,096,037.50 2,096,037.50 1,475,112.00 1,475,112.00 5,001,962.50 531,708.00 89,217.50

Buildings 5021304001 374,000.00 374,000.00 374,000.00 374,000.00 498,401.50 498,401.50 340,094.00 340,094.00 (124,401.50) 117,030.00 41,277.50

School Buildings 5021304002 6,674,000.00 6,674,000.00 6,674,000.00 6,674,000.00 1,425,318.00 1,425,318.00 1,077,508.00 1,077,508.00 5,248,682.00 347,510.00 300.00

Other Structures 5021304099 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 172,318.00 172,318.00 57,510.00 57,510.00 (122,318.00) 67,168.00 47,640.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Machinery and Equipment 5021305000 1,737,000.00 1,737,000.00 1,737,000.00 1,737,000.00 152,499.80 152,499.80 56,954.80 56,954.80 1,584,500.20 37,197.00 58,348.00

Machinery 5021305001 948,000.00 948,000.00 948,000.00 948,000.00 948,000.00

Office Equipment 5021305002 72,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 41,703.10 41,703.10 21,568.10 21,568.10 30,296.90 5,417.00 14,718.00

Information and Communication Technology

5021305003 206,000.00 206,000.00 206,000.00 206,000.00 6,114.00 6,114.00 199,886.00 6,114.00

Communication Equipment 5021305007 474,000.00 474,000.00 474,000.00 474,000.00 474,000.00

Technical and Scientific Equipment 5021305014 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Other Machinery and Equipment 5021305099 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 104,682.70 104,682.70 35,386.70 35,386.70 (70,682.70) 25,666.00 43,630.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Transportation Equipment 5021306000 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 806,539.00 806,539.00 352,073.35 352,073.35 752,461.00 137,504.65 316,961.00

Motor Vehicles 5021306001 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 1,559,000.00 806,539.00 806,539.00 352,073.35 352,073.35 752,461.00 137,504.65 316,961.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Furniture and Fixtures 5021307000 93,000.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 23,500.00 23,500.00 69,500.00 23,500.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Furniture and Fixtures 5021307000 93,000.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 23,500.00 23,500.00 69,500.00 23,500.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Leased Assets 5021308000 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 3,054,267.00

Machinery and Equipment 5021308002 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 20,733.00 3,054,267.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Other Property, Plant and

5021399000 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 8,100.00

Other Property, Plant and Equipment 5021399099 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 8,100.00

Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 5021500000 3,278,000.00 3,278,000.00 3,278,000.00 3,278,000.00 1,093,735.40 1,093,735.40 1,068,500.78 1,068,500.78 2,184,264.60 25,234.62

Taxes, Duties and Licenses 5021501000 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 20,987.18 20,987.18 15,987.18 15,987.18 999,012.82 5,000.00

Taxes, Duties and Licenses 5021501001 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,020,000.00 20,987.18 20,987.18 15,987.18 15,987.18 999,012.82 5,000.00

Fidelity Bond Premiums 5021502000 87,000.00 87,000.00 87,000.00 87,000.00 19,902.00 19,902.00 16,568.00 16,568.00 67,098.00 3,334.00

Fidelity Bond Premiums 5021502000 87,000.00 87,000.00 87,000.00 87,000.00 19,902.00 19,902.00 16,568.00 16,568.00 67,098.00 3,334.00

Insurance Expenses 5021503000 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 1,052,846.22 1,052,846.22 1,035,945.60 1,035,945.60 1,118,153.78 16,900.62

Insurance Expenses 5021503000 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 2,171,000.00 1,052,846.22 1,052,846.22 1,035,945.60 1,035,945.60 1,118,153.78 16,900.62

Labor and Wages 5021600000 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 295,407.00 295,407.00 262,937.00 262,937.00 1,429,593.00 32,470.00

Labor and Wages 5021601000 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 295,407.00 295,407.00 262,937.00 262,937.00 1,429,593.00 32,470.00

Labor and Wages 5021601000 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 1,725,000.00 295,407.00 295,407.00 262,937.00 262,937.00 1,429,593.00 32,470.00
Appropriation Allotments Current Year Obligations Current Year Disbursements Balances

2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd Unpaid Obligations

4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter (15-20) = (23+24)
UACS Quarter Quarter
Particulars Adjustments 1st Quarter 1st Quarter
CODE Authorized Adjusted Allotments Adjustments (Withdrawal, Transfer Transfer Adjusted Total Unreleased Unobligated
(Transfer (To)/From, Ending Ending Ending Total Ending Ending Ending Total Not Yet Due
Appropriation Appropriations Received Realignment) To From Allotments Ending Ending Appropriations Allotment Due and
Realignment) March 31 March 31 and
June Sept. June Sept. Demandable
Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Demandable
30 30 30 30
1 2 3 4 5=(3+4) 6 7 8 9 10=[{6+(-)7}-8+9] 11 12 13 14 15=(11+12+13+14) 16 17 18 19 20=(16+17+18+19) 21=(5-10) 22=(10-15) 23 24

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 5029900000 6,105,000.00 6,105,000.00 4,511,000.00 4,511,000.00 1,197,782.54 1,197,782.54 933,613.91 933,613.91 1,594,000.00 3,313,217.46 254,673.15 9,495.48

Advertising Expenses 5029901000 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 5,748.00 5,748.00 3,832.00 3,832.00 17,252.00 1,916.00

Advertising Expenses 5029901000 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 5,748.00 5,748.00 3,832.00 3,832.00 17,252.00 1,916.00

Printing and Publication Expenses 5029902000 482,000.00 482,000.00 482,000.00 482,000.00 77,519.80 77,519.80 33,033.16 33,033.16 404,480.20 44,486.64

Printing and Publication Expenses 5029902000 482,000.00 482,000.00 482,000.00 482,000.00 77,519.80 77,519.80 33,033.16 33,033.16 404,480.20 44,486.64

Representation Expenses 5029903000 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 432,730.00 432,730.00 292,760.00 292,760.00 2,444,270.00 139,970.00

Representation Expenses 5029903000 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 2,877,000.00 432,730.00 432,730.00 292,760.00 292,760.00 2,444,270.00 139,970.00

Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 5029906000 152,000.00 152,000.00 152,000.00 152,000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 143,500.00 3,500.00

Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 5029906000 152,000.00 152,000.00 152,000.00 152,000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 143,500.00 3,500.00

Subscription Expenses 5029907000 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 529,021.91 529,021.91 494,292.91 494,292.91 978.09 34,729.00

Other Subscription Expenses 5029907099 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 529,021.91 529,021.91 494,292.91 494,292.91 978.09 34,729.00

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 5029999000 2,041,000.00 2,041,000.00 447,000.00 447,000.00 144,262.83 144,262.83 104,695.84 104,695.84 1,594,000.00 302,737.17 30,071.51 9,495.48

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 5029999099 2,041,000.00 2,041,000.00 447,000.00 447,000.00 144,262.83 144,262.83 104,695.84 104,695.84 1,594,000.00 302,737.17 30,071.51 9,495.48

Capital Outlays 114,948,000.00 114,948,000.00 109,948,000.00 109,948,000.00 20,086,477.15 20,086,477.15 86,477.15 86,477.15 5,000,000.00 89,861,522.85 20,000,000.00

Property, Plant and Equipment Outlay 5060400000 114,948,000.00 114,948,000.00 109,948,000.00 109,948,000.00 20,086,477.15 20,086,477.15 86,477.15 86,477.15 5,000,000.00 89,861,522.85 20,000,000.00

Buildings and Other Structures 5060404000 110,448,000.00 110,448,000.00 106,448,000.00 106,448,000.00 20,086,477.15 20,086,477.15 86,477.15 86,477.15 4,000,000.00 86,361,522.85 20,000,000.00

Buildings 5060404001 110,448,000.00 110,448,000.00 106,448,000.00 106,448,000.00 4,000,000.00 106,448,000.00

School Buildings 5060404002 20,086,477.15 20,086,477.15 86,477.15 86,477.15 (20,086,477.15) 20,000,000.00

Machinery and Equipment Outlay 5060405000 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Machinery 5060405001 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00

Sports Equipment 5060405013 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00

Transportation Equipment Outlay 5060406000 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00

Motor Vehicles 5060406001 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00

II. Automatic Appropriations

Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums 01104102 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 24,686,841.94

Personnel Services 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 24,686,841.94

Personnel Benefit Contributions 5010300000 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 24,686,841.94

Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums 5010301000 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 24,686,841.94

Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums 5010301000 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 31,614,000.00 1,224,979.00 32,838,979.00 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 8,152,137.06 24,686,841.94

III. Special Purpose Fund

Pension and Gratuity Fund 01101407 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 .10

Personnel Services 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 .10

Other Personnel Benefits 5010400000 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 .10

Terminal Leave Benefits 5010403000 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 .10

Terminal Leave Benefits - Civilian 5010403001 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,869.00 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 149,868.90 .10


Grand Total 730,030,000.00 1,374,848.00 731,404,848.00 660,982,055.00 1,224,979.00 662,207,034.00 140,393,072.57 140,393,072.57 114,143,308.31 114,143,308.31 69,197,814.00 521,813,961.43 25,308,319.92 941,444.34

Certified Correct: Certified Correct: Recommended By: Approved By:

Godoy, Anita Ampac, Louella Tulin, Edgardo

Head of Agency or Authorized
Agency Budget Officer Agency Chief Accountant Director, FMS
Date: 28/Apr/2017 Date: Date: 28/Apr/2017 Date: 28/Apr/2017

This report was generated using the Unified Reporting System

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