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Paille-Maille: a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue

Known originally as Paille-Maille in French, and later as Pall- Wicket Difficulty is 0 for ones own color and is equal to the
Mall in English, the name of this game means ball and mallet. Savvy of the person who placed the wicket for all other colors.
The game was mentioned as early as the 13th century in French (This reflects the cleverness of the individual who places the
texts. In remained popular in France for centuries. Merians wicket.)
1615 Map of Paris shows two Palmail alleys: a long alley just Ending a Turn
outside the city wall and moat between the Porte Mont-Marthe A player can continue to make certain strokes (Move, Knock, or
and the Porte St. Honore and another, shorter alley between Fly) until they fail to succeed at a stroke or until they play a
Larcenal (the Arsenal) and the Right Bank of the Seine. stroke (Block or Set) that ends their turn. When making multiple
The English version, Pall-Mall was known to be very popular in strokes in the same turn, each stroke after the first has a
England in the 1500s. By the 1600s, the game had reached favor cumulative -1 penalty.
in Italy and Scotland. A Mighty Success on any stroke earns the player one free turn
Paille-Maille was played in a long alley with a hoop of woven which is used immediately after the players current turn ends.
straw or iron suspended over the ground at either end. The A Calamitous Failure ends the current turn and causes the
object was to strike a boxwood ball of about 3 inches in player to skip their next turn.
diameter with a heavy wooden mallet, so as to traverse the
course, passing their ball through the wickets in the correct color The Game Board
order, striking the Midway Hoop at the far end of the alley with The Game Board is a graphical representation of a Paille-Maille
their ball, then traversing the course back, passing their ball alley. In design and function it is similar to a Backgammon
through the wickets in reverse color order and finally striking board. There are 14 white squares seven that move to the right
the End Hoop. The first player to do this wins, the second player and seven that move back to the left. Separating the white
to do so is second, and so forth. squares are colored areas that represent the six wickets. The tan
square in the center of the wicket is used to mark the difficulty
To start, players choose which of the six available colors they of the wicket. Players will need some sort of token, colored or
wish to use. This may be done in any method deemed fair by the otherwise, to represent their ball. (Included with the game are a
players. Once a player has selected their color, they are given set of six printable circular Ball Tokens.)
ball in that color and the corresponding wicket marked with their
color. Players start in the order of the six colors: blue first, red Play begins in the Start square. Players then traverse the board
second, black third, yellow fourth, green fifth, and orange sixth. clockwise, passing each wicket in order until they reach the
Midway Hoop. Then they retrace their path clockwise, again
Next, the course is set up. The End Hoop and the Midway Hoop passing each wicket until they reach the End Hoop.
are placed at the ends of the alley. There is no set length or
width for an alley, but 50-100 in length and 30-50 in width The difficulty for each wicket is equal to the Savvy of the player
were typical. Frequently natural boundaries formed the borders who placed that wicket, for example, the difficulty of the Green
of the alley. Paille-Maille does not have a set lay-out for the wicket is equal to the Savvy of the Green player, with one
wickets. The players may place their wicket anywhere on the exception. The difficulty for the Green player for their own
course, at any angle. Hence, players may have to go from one wicket is +0. The difficulties can be marked in the tan boxes in
end of the course to the other to move from wicket to wicket, the center of the appropriate wicket either by writing the
making each game of Paille-Maille unique. Once the wickets are difficulty inside the box or by placing a die in the tan box to
placed, play begins. mark the difficulty.

Game Rules A Block stroke increases the difficulty of one of the adjacent
On each players turn they make one or more strokes rolling wickets. The blocking player chooses which adjacent wicket
2d6+Quality+Career (as is usual in Honor+Intrigue a total of 9+ when the stroke is made. Leave the Ball token in the current
succeeds). square and place a Block Marker in the tan square for the
appropriate wicket. (Included with the game are a set of six
Stroke Effect Roll square printable Block Markers.)
Move pass through a Wicket and (Flair+Career-Wicket
continue Difficulty) A Knock stroke removes one Block or Set marker from either
Block -2 to difficulty of one (Savvy+Career) adjacent wicket. The knocking player chooses which marker to
adjacent Wicket, ends remove when the stroke is made.
players turn Markers and Tokens
Knock Counter a Set or Block for (Might+Career) Included with the game is one printable circular Ball Token for
adjacent Wicket or Hoop each of the six colors. It is used to mark that players current
Set +2 to your next stroke, (Flair+Career) location. Move it past the adjacent wicket in the proper direction
ends players turn when a Move stroke succeeds.
Fly Pass through nearest Hoop (Flair+Career-2)
Included with the game is one Block Marker in each of the six
Combo Combine any two strokes As per stroke -2
colors. Place a marker of the proper color on the appropriate tan
-2 penalty, roll once for
square to mark a blocked wicket.
stroke with lowest chance
of success

Gastons Hat Paille-Maille a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue v1.0 Version 1.0 Page 1
Included with the game is one heptagonal Set Marker in each of Credits
the six colors. Place a marker of the proper color on the
appropriate tan square or Ring Circle to mark a set ball. Writing, Layout, Game Board and pieces: Gastons Hat
Special thanks to: Ron Knight and the Mauit Croquet Club
Optional Rules
Paille-Maille Partners has 3 teams of two colors (usually blue & website for their explanation of
yellow, red & green, and black & orange). Paille-Maille Sides the game of Pall-Mall.
has 2 teams of three colors (usually blue, black, & green and Play Testers and Proof Readers: Guy de Bourges, Seigneur de
red, yellow, & orange). In these variations, all members of a Chambre, Father Gatan Signoret S.J,
team must complete the course and hit the End Hoop for a team
to win. Rules based on Honor + Intrigue by Chris Rutkowsky

Quick Game: For a shorter game end the play at the Midway Special Thanks to Chris Rutkowsky and Basic Action Games for
Hoop. This will shorten the game, but it will eliminate some for creating Honor+Intrigue.
strategic options for using Blocks, Knocks, and Sets. Honor + Intrigue is the intellectual property of Chris
For solo play or PC vs. PC play the individual rules will work. Rutkowsky, 2004. Any mention of companies, titles,
For team play use the optional rules for "Paille-Maille Partners" characters, or authors is not a challenge to their trademarks or
or "Paille-Maille Sides". You can use the following table to copyrights. Such mention is only as reference, under the Fair
more easily keep track of the players in a game of Paille-Maille. Use clause of the US Copyright code. Any referenced works are
all the property of their respective owners.
Table of Paille-Maille Players
Color Name Courtier Might Savvy Flair Paille-Maille: a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue is the
BLUE intellectual property of Gastons Hat, a pseudonym as of
RED July 4, 2015.
Paille-Maille: a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue is available
under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Designer Notes
For the text and terms of the license, see below or the Creative
In creating a set of rules I had several goals in mind.
Commons web site:
1. The rules should be simple and fun to play.
2. Play should resemble or at least be evocative of the
actual game of Paille-Maille. Creative Commons may be contacted at
3. Different types of strokes should simulate tactics in play
and feature more than one of the qualities.
4. Since the game is popular at court and with courtiers the "CC-BY-SA icon" by Creative Commons -
Courtier career instead of a Combat Ability is a modifier.
5. Flair, the consummate quality of the courtier, is the most
useful quality, Savvy should be second.
1/svg/by-sa.svg. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via
6. Non-combat characters should have a chance to shine; Wikimedia Commons -
therefore Daring will have no effect on play.
The next page contains the Paille-Maille Alley, Ball Counters,
and Block Markers.

Gastons Hat Paille-Maille: a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue Version 1.0 Page 2

Game Board and Pieces

Representation of a Paille-Maille Alley

-2 -2

End Midway
Hoop Hoop

Ball Tokens

Set Markers Blocking Markers

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2

Gastons Hat Paille-Maille a Mini-game for Honor+Intrigue v1.0 Version 1.0 Page 3
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Official translations of this license are available in other languages.

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