Jagadish Philosophy

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Jagadish philosophy

By Jagadish

Congratulations for Independence Day of completing 70 years

When somebody criticizes you for your work

There are many people in this world who dont like Jagadish work because they want to own it up and
not me so the only way to make these people stop criticizing you is earn money left right center and
leave the job malamaal

The more wealthy I would be the lesser the criticism because I won't be in the job for long and whatever
span of job I am in I have learnt to earn money left right center to leave when death threat looms large
for being hated to stay in job


Why should I hate others?

I am not bothered about whether the other person is rich or poor, I am only bothered how that person
can make me rich if I associate with him to see my end result as respectable person

If I hate others I would burn my body to ashes and the person whom I have hated doesnt change his
attitude in front of me just because I am hating him

Bother about yourself, the other person or second person would definitely look at his life as rosy why
would he bothered about whether you have taken food or are in poverty

He is bothered whether his family has eaten food for the day or not

Why would third party pay you money

Everyone live for themselves to see themselves rich, if they are bothered about every one they have to
forego cash

A lakhier would always cry at the feet of crorepati

A crorepati would always cry at the feet of trillionnaire

The basic desire is to earn money more than what he possess

People come to the abode of others only to see results for themselves

So my philosophy is get returns by looking at personal accomplishments and keep people at distance

Nobody develops friendship in this world without result of exchange

Some come for jobs others come for money

Earn wealth and share it with family


Why should you spend 200 crores on your wife birthday?

When you spend money you lose money , you can't get it back

You get fresh money, you dont get past money which you have earned
Past + present money = trillionnaire cash

Plus, interest on it

When you spend money on wife left right center after few years you have to be pauper


Money once leaves your account comes back not past but as present hard work

Enemies watch the show but they can't change your past money earning of hard work

They change your present state of earnings as they become participative

Past there is no participation, present there is manipulation

So keep money safe and spend money on the basis of live within means philosophy


Why money is precious and should be used wisely

Money once lost can't get back so use it to accumulate it in the form of compound interest

Investments are better options than spending as result of it is spreaded across the years

Youth investments give returns in old age

Spend it on knowledge and earn money simultaneously gives you investment options to retire early

Those who are wise invest

Those who are fools spend money on food gaining in diabetes

So wise people say when you get money spread the money in such manner that you can live peacefully

If you dont invest and spend money would not quadrapulate fast in old age

It quadrapulates when you have done investment in youth


On which utilities are you spending money said to CEO when you are earning 3 to 6 lakhs per month

Ceo is becoming lakhier but doesn't have awareness

If this money is earned for a duration he is actually millionaire cum trillionaire

But he is spending on utilities which he thinks as necessary to keep his family comfortable

If he had commonsense to live life of upper middle class he would have become rich

But by spending money he lost the opportunity to quadrapulate the money

His child is left penniless at end of father's retirement

Money not invested is called waste money or zero surplus money

If he had thought about living like middle class or say upper middle-class

Later on, part he could have spent his old age in suites and spend on fruits and vegetable

When his children would leave them parents to look after themselves
So be a upper middle class and see how your expenditure becomes investment and your old age a
comfortable suite


Why are you spending so much on marriage of your child?

Marriage of a candidate child comes only once and if unfortunate it comes twice

Stupid people spend away their entire money which they have saved almost 50%

Of their income earned on marriages of their children and live a poor life

If one sees where he spends his money

You would be amazed that number of plates used for eating purpose was where the father spent his
entire hard-earned money

If he had commonsense he would invite less number of people instead of trying to boast about his
popularity in the society

People aren't bothered about how many people came to his abode to see marriage of his child

They came to relieve their tension of saving food in their house and see friends circle in marriage

Father could have spent money by shifting his money to son which he would lose to marriage in the
form of pension to son

And save money by calling in lesser number of people for marriage

Wise people call close relatives not entire public available in the society

Why old people are needed by youth

People like to see lots of serials and have competition in the house

Mother in law is horrible because she likes Sony

Daughter in law is horrible because she likes to watch star plus

Both at the same hour

They have a debate, they get angry and old people see themselves in the hands of old age homes

Because they didnt like making adjustments because of their understanding society is bigger

Children didnt like to make changes because they work in the society to get bread and butter

So old age homes are increasing

What did I do

Removed away idiot box, sold it off and told them now debate with each other

So they debated but what happened

Where is my Sony

Where is my star plus?

Udan choo

So, they became friends and talked about olden days and lived happily ever after making food for the


Why is internet expenditure huge in the family

No television family attacked internet

WIFI was the solution

Eyes problem to see the knowledge flowing in and scared of electronic transfer and reading

All want to purchase books calling themselves ethical branch of family members

Do multiple source jobs and earn money lavishly?

Convert knowledge of books in to money earning

Not capable off

Success is perseverance of knowledge

Failure needs one assignment

Gain secondary data knowledge and knowledge of internet is 600 rs per person with Wi-Fi free access

Who is considered to be economic men of the family

One who earns money in the house

One who earns money in the office

One who earn money both office + home

People waste time in time pass of chit chat and dont do qualitative work of knowing the knowledge of
how to earn wealth

They think their salary is more than sufficient

One who is wise keep on reading ways to earn and at last retires at 50

The other thinks about retirement at 60 has to work till 80

So keep earning when you are healthy, otherwise disease would make you pauper


Why old people still work

Spiritualism is having peace in home

When people talk at higher tones without wetting their tongues while talking

Old people can't stay in the house because of less mental strength

Old people do jobs even now

How to gain spiritualism

Keep the house quiet


By not giving solutions to each other

The moment one come to ones abode they give solutions thinking them to be wise

If you ask them to chalk out their own solutions without asking

Family would be in peace

And solutions discussion is during lunch, dinner time

All are happy


Why dont youth work

They were not allowed to read books

They were made to watch television

They were made to realize that recreation is part 0f daily curriculum

They were never given the opportunity to explore internet

Lack of awareness created a void so they thought knowledge is to be taken only in doses of few hours

So my philosophy is

Keep busy and keep internet 24/7 for job security


Are friends needed

Wise friends give you job opportunities to sustain

Wise friends make you better half intellectual through exchange of views

But how to choose them is the question and how to know them before your house collapses

Not having friends is happy state of affairs and keeping companies closer by is much more satisfying
explanation to keep family intact


Do you believe in love affair or arranged marriage?

Arranged marriage as elder's advice is closer by

Love affair always tension

Knowledge flows in much more smoothly in arranged marriages than in love affairs as apprehension in
not knowing about lovers and their taste buds makes elders hate them instead of loving them

Love affairs is lack of knowledge about society

Arrange marriages are having knowledge about what to expect from society

Love affair is poverty as no support or less support

Arranger marriage more helping hand from companies

Love affair fickly minded as there is no age limit upper else lower limit

Arranged marriages are looked at with upper and lower limit of acceptance of marriage

So my philosophy says

Love affair is poison arranged marriage is togetherness of families under acceptance


The entire story of above is that

If you dont put your own effort into the result you expect from yourself

You have to put your own effort

The other can't deliver it for you, he can deliver it for himself

If you want to eat Italian food , you have to make it to relish it

If you do not make it and aspire for it that you should consume , you cant

Only when you put effort of 1 hour in kitchen you get food

Otherwise adjust with taste buds of others who are making it

Moral of Jagadish philosophy

Personal effort by yourself is relishment of both wealth and health

No personal effort and dependent that some other should make you wealthy and prosperous in life

Live in day light compartments still nobody can save you or make you relish as it is only your own efforts
which can give you results through your own dedication and commitment

Happpy indepdependence day !!!!!!!


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