Empowerment Present Perfect Intro

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Language of Empowerment (Present Perfect)

Why use the present perfect?

Its an empowering grammar!

A. To emphasize/highlight an (important) experience or a lack of experience

B. To describe a noticeable or important change
C. To describe an important impact or effect
D. To highlight/describe an accomplishment or achievement or milestone
E. To describe an unfulfilled expectation (sometimes to express dissatisfaction
or to complain)
F. To emphasize how often you have done something

Can you decide, what kind of present perfect is used in these

sentences? There could be more than one answer possible.

I have seen that movie twenty times.

I think I have met him once before.
There have been many earthquakes in California.
People have traveled to the Moon.
People have not yet traveled to Mars.
Have you read the book yet?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
She has won three journalism awards.
Edmontons immigrant population has significantly grown over
the last ten years.
Language of Empowerment (Present Perfect)

Read this story. Notice the present perfect, highlighted in red.

1. For each present perfect usage, decide why the perfect is used. Write
the letter (or letters) next to each perfect usage.
Language of Empowerment (Present Perfect)

2. Identify at least two cause/effect relationships implied by the use of

present perfect.
3. Why do you think this author chose to use the present perfect so
frequently? What is the authors tone or attitude towards Williams
and this story? What does the author want the reader to feel?

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