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Ingress Manual

This is a manual for the Niantic game Ingress. This is still in the works, and probably will never
be done completely. Niantic has a bad habit of adding new features to the game, so we need to
update this manual quite often. Here is a Table of Contents:
Notification: All portal related actions are awarding double AP until December 1st 2015 read
more here

Ingress Interface
Ingress items
o Resonators
o XMP Bursters
o Ultra Strikes
o Portal Mods
Portal Shields
Force Amplifier
Link Amplifier
Heat Sink
o Portal Keys
o Media Items
o Power Cubes
o Jarvis Virus
o ADA Refactor
Item Actions
o Deploy Resonator
o Upgrade Resonator
o Recharge Resonator
o Recycle Items
o Drop Items
o Deploy Mods
o Attack Portal/Fire XMP
o Remote Recharge
o Hack Portal
o Link Portal
o Target Portal
o Upgrade Portal
Control Fields
Exotic Matter XM

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