Scuttle and Run

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september 11, 2010

Scuttle and Run

The US military formally leaves Iraq, leaving it in economic, social and political ruins.

cts of idiocy by the powerful come rather frequently famous retreat from the imperial ambition of reconfiguring the
these days, but few in recent times have matched the entire region has, fortuitously, coincided with the release of the
vulgarity of the flight-suited swagger down the deck of political memoir of Bushs principal partner in crime, the former
the aircraft carrier, USS Abraham Lincoln, by a smirking George British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
W Bush on 1 May 2003. Few indeed can remotely approach the Always self-serving and willing to stretch the truth, Blair
foolhardiness of the banner that provided the backdrop to his an- parades his famously convoluted morality across 700 pages of
nouncement that day, of a Mission Accomplished in Iraq. prose that he proudly claims as entirely his own. While disdaining
If that was farce, Bushs successor in the job, once regarded as a ghost-writer, Blair chooses not to identify the unseen demons
the most powerful in the world, was condemned to re-enact it as that prompted him to march in lockstep with a George Bush
tragedy. Seven years and four months from Mission Accom- across the Atlantic, in a mission to rearrange a region that the
plished, Barack Obama announced in a nationwide address that British empire had scuttled away from over six decades before.
the US military was pulling out of Iraq, after fulfilling its respon- He does so, quite simply, through the demonisation of a man long
sibilities. Apart from announcing the end of the combat mission since dead.
in Iraq, Obama was also seeking to mobilise his bitterly riven Saddam Hussein, the deposed president of Iraq, since executed
nation to cope with ongoing security challenges and the need in a ghoulish ritual of revenge, is, in Blairs narration, a scourge
to rebuild at home. And though at pains to avoid deprecatory the Iraqi people had to be rid of. The US and the UK launched
references to the misadventures of his predecessor, Obama spelt their war on a mistaken premise that he possessed weapons of
out the consequences of Iraq with a certain, though selective, mass destruction but succeeded nevertheless in achieving the
attention to detail: Thousands of Americans gave their lives; laudable goal of toppling a detestable regime. It was not just the
tens of thousands have been wounded. Our relations abroad execrable track record of the Saddam regime that was at issue,
were strained. Our unity at home was tested. but the potential and the intent for mischief he embodied. Blair
Missing in this narration is any remorse over the hundred concedes that Saddam had no known links with the Al Qaida
thousand Iraqis killed a conservative estimate or the destruc- terrorists who rained death and destruction on the US one
tion of the civic infrastructure that the people of Iraq had built September morning in 2001, but insists that he could have
up through years of arduous effort. Omitted entirely is the teamed up with his worst enemies in common antagonism
unsettled, potentially explosive, political mix that the US has towards western values.
bequeathed. Iraq is a nation where the generation today, grow- Astonishingly then, Blair offers the alibi that the enterprise in
ing into adulthood, has spent its infancy and childhood under a Iraq would have been a glorious success, but for Al Qaida and
regime of sanctions and starvation, imposed by the US to deny Iran moving into the power vacuum created by the overthrow
all possibilities of growth. And the US chose military invasion of Saddam. This is an exercise in dissimulation so characteristic
only when it found that sanctions and starvation were failing to of the war cabal, that it needs to be unpackaged: Saddam
do what it sought. kept Al Qaida and Iran out of Iraq, but could potentially have
Obama does express regret at the economic vicissitudes that teamed up with them to wreck western civilisation. Our, i e, the
have beset the US since the Iraq misadventure, though without Bush-Blair axis, invasion of Iraq would have been a glorious
drawing a direct linkage between the two. He laments that over success but for Al Qaida and Iran moving in to Iraq after we
the last decade, the US has failed to do what is necessary to shore toppled Saddam, with the mere intention of undermining our
up the foundation of (its) own prosperity. The grit and energy and civilisational mission.
common purpose that went into the war effort, he says, now need While the circus artistes perform their incredible feats of moral
to be brought home to tackle the woes of the US economy. Obamas contortion, the ringmaster remains discretely hidden. Neither
renunciation of the civilising mission also signals that it is entirely Israel nor Palestine finds a mention anywhere in Obamas
the job of the people of Iraq to fix a mess the US has created. This speech of renunciation. But there is an obvious connection
Economic & Political Weekly EPW september 11, 2010 vol xlv no 37 7

between his declaration of victory in Iraq and the launch of direct millions of refugees it created while claiming its supposed na-
negotiations shortly afterwards, between Israel and the quisling tional patrimony in Palestine. And the US, after creating an esti-
Palestine regime of Mahmoud Abbas. Like all previous efforts by mated four million refugees from Iraq the best of the countrys
the US to bring the Zionist entity to some semblance of accommo- middle-class and intelligentsia feels little remorse that it was
dation with the Palestinian people, this too is destined to fail. tweaked into a foreordained military disaster, to serve the strate-
Israel simply does not feel any sense of accountability for the gic ambitions of a recalcitrant ally.

Will Truth Prevail?

In its current form, the whistle-blowers bill will simply not do.

he Public Interest Disclosure and Protection to Persons concerned government authorities (including police) to ensure
Making the Disclosure Bill, 2010 was recently tabled in the protection and that these directions will be binding. Nothing is
Lok Sabha. The Law Commission of India had first drafted spelt out and clearly everything is left to the discretion of the
a bill on providing protection to whistle-blowers in 2001. Since concerned agencies.
then the murder of two whistle-blowers (Satyendra Dubey in The whistle-blowers bill does not cover the private sector,
2003 and Manjunath Shanmugham in 2007) brought the issue concerned as it is with only central and state governments. There
of the vulnerability of those who expose corruption into public is no reason why the private sector should be left out of the
focus. Following a Supreme Court order in 2004, the government purview of the bill. Also, any disclosure of corruption made five
issued the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers years after the corrupt act was allegedly done will not be investi-
Resolution. Since this resolution is not sufficient to provide gated. This provision is rather baffling and has the potential to
statutory protection to people who report corruption, a law was encourage fudging of dates and backdating of documents.
required to provide effective protection to those who expose Since the CVC has no investigative mechanism of its own, the
corruption and wrongdoing. bill envisages that a public authority (against whom a disclosure
Everywhere in the world whistle-blowers have to be unusually is made and to whom the CVC sends an inquiry) will create an
committed and unafraid of risks, but strong protection laws go a appropriate machinery to deal with the inquiry which the CVC
long way in reassuring them of safety. However, given the is empowered to superintend. The CVC can also take the assistance
endemic proportions of corruption in public life in India and of police authorities and the Central Bureau of Investigation for
corruption-related violence (eight Right to Information (RTI) making inquiries. Both these agencies are periodically mired in
activists have been murdered since January this year), the moot controversies and are accused of being vulnerable to pressures
point is how far it will be possible to implement the provisions of from the ruling political establishment.
the proposed legislation and how far the infrastructure available The fight against corruption has many ramifications and
will support effective implementation. has to be carried out on many fronts. The RTI Act has been a
The bill covers acts of corruption or wilful misuse of power particularly effective one not only because it is a strong piece of
by public servants belonging to the central and state govern- legislation but also because RTI activists across the country are a
ments or any corporations, societies, local bodies and categories vigilant lot. In the US which has perhaps seen the most high-
under their jurisdiction. It provides for adequate protection profile whistle-blowing cases than those of any other country
to public servants or citizens reporting such corruption and disclosures of corruption are covered by a number of laws
a regular mechanism to encourage them to disclose such acts. which are constantly being revised to give them more teeth. For
It prevents victimisation of such complainants, and empowers example, the US Whistleblowers Protection Act, 1989 to protect
the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) or the designated com- federal employees making disclosures was amended in 1994 and
petent authorityto penalise those who reveal their identity. The an Office of Special Counsel was set up to aid them and prevent
CVC which is the nodal agency in all such cases will have the victimisation. After the Enron collapse, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
powers of a civil court. It also enjoins punishment for false or of 2002 was passed giving wide legal protection to disclosures in
frivolous complaints. publicly traded companies, providing for exemplary punishment
Protecting the identity of whistle-blowers is always very to anyone retaliating and placing a deadline for completion
difficult and in the past few years the United States has witnessed of investigation.
high-profile cases of whistle-blowers who have exposed illegal The Public Interest Disclosure Bill needs to be vigorously
acts in large corporations being subjected to harassment. Pro- debated in the public and thoroughly revised so as to give it more
tection will require an exceptionally strong legal help mecha- teeth lest it becomes yet another cosmetic exercise. How may the
nism, a committed and sensitive investigative agency and strong risk involved in blowing-the-whistle be significantly reduced?
support systems. In the bill introduced in Parliament, the rele- How best may the anonymity of the whistle-blower be scrupu-
vant clause 10 only says that in case of victimisation the compe- lously maintained? How may the whistle-blower be adequately
tent authority shall take action as deemed fit, direct the protected against retaliatory action?
8 september 11, 2010 vol xlv no 37 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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