Movie Analysis

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Name: Morales, Mark Anthony V.

Date(of passing) March 11,2016

Section: MT2y2-3 Movie Analysis: Inside out

1. what does the crystal balls represent to Riley's Life?

Ans: crystal balls represent a different kind of memory, which is the core memory that build
theIsland of personality.

2. Describe the characteristics and the function of sadness, fear, disgust, anger, joy.

Sadness-by the word itself it describe sadness, pain and being full of sorrow, her function in
Riley's life to keep Riley sad.

Fear-fear is the one who always afraid to try everything , hes always scared and having a
poorsteem he control Riley's emotion when it comes in being afraid.

Disgust-disgust always being imperfection when it comes to other, so sossy , so perfectionist.

She control Riley's emotion in everything related to her sossiness.

Anger-by the word itself being always angry, he wants always to fight everybody, to argue and
to debate to make long story war freak.

Joy- she wants to keep Riley's always happy, she always express a great pleasure and happiness
in Riley's emotion.

3. Why is joy is important in Riley's Life?

Ans: we need joy in our life , because joy or happiness makes us to be a positive thinkers, we
can easily solve our all problem we always positive, because we have joy in our lives, happiness
encourage us to live in this world.

4. What does the island represent in Riley's Life?

Ans: Island represent Riley's personality that created by the core memory.

5. Is it possible that we should only have joy in our Lives? Yes/no please explain?
Ans: No! It is not possible that we should have only joy in our lives, because being a person it
compose a different emotions, if we always happy sometimes the other persons thought us that
you are crazy . Thats why we need a different emotion for us to be a normal person.

6. Who is Bingbong in Riley's Life?

Ans: Bingbong is Riley's imaginary friend . Who created the plane! We can easily defined
Bingbong physical appearance, Bingbong consists a different kind's of animal, which is the
elephant, cat, and dolphin. He cries candy.

7. How can you relate to Riley's life?

Ans: It realize me a lot and I relate to Riley's life as the story describe when Riley's was a child
her mother and father always give her attention which we always looking for! But when Riley's
grew up it fade's out, because her mother and father busy to her/his business and own life which
is I picture out myself . Same story to Riley. Now that I am adult I grew up with myself,
because my mama doesn't give me any attention now a day's my father is OFW in Saudi, now
on I live by my own. I learned to way my mama gives me attention.

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