Blooms Taxonomy For Mathematics - Sara

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Bloom's Taxonomy for Mathematics

Lower-order thinking questions

Evaluate existing knowledge, review & summarise content

Higher-order thinking questions

Encourage deeper & critical thinking, problem solving, encourage discussion, stimulate students to seek information on their own

Level of
Types of Activities Examples of Learning Activities

Remember Define, describe, identify, list, name, show, state, use

State the formula for
Recall or recognition of specific information Name
Learn terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts Identify the different
List the attributes of
Learning rules & facts

State the definition

State the theorem
What is

Understand Classify, convert, describe, estimate, explain, interpret, summarise

Lower-Order Thinking

Describe what a formula does

Understanding of given information Classify... from its given properties
Understand uses of terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts Explain how to
Decide whether conditions of a simple definition are satisfied Interpret data on a graph

Understand the significance of symbols in a formula and use substitution Select the graph that illustrates
Recognise examples and counterexamples

Apply, calulate, compute, demonstrate, graph, implement, modify, practice, prove,

solve, use
Routine procedures

Select the correct formula for

Use strategies, concepts & theories in routine ways Solve an equation
Solve problems Complete a proof
Use a procedure/algorithm in a familiar context Translate real world situations into symbols
Everyone solves the problem in the same way How do you calculate
Typically, drill exercies Find using the formula
Use the given graph to
Level of
Complexity Types of Activities Examples of Learning Activities

Analyse, break down, compare, deduce, examine, formulate, investigate, outline,

separate, simplify
Test/analyse data using statistical methods
Solve specific problems

Use existing knowledge in new ways Perform what if calculations by changing variables
Choose and apply suitable methods in new situtaions Verify the validity of a solution
Transfer information between verbal and numerical What method can be used to compare
Decide whether conditions of a conceptual defintion are satisfied Describe the relationship between
Recognise applicability of generic formula in particular contexts How does compare to
Summarise in non-technical terms Design a survey graph the results
Explain relationships between component parts Use a Venn Diagram to show similarity and difference
Explain processes Make predictions based on statistical data
Reassemble components or an argument in their logical order
Appraise, assess, check, choose, compare, conclude, critique, decide, describe,
Higher-Order Thinking

Justify, interpret & evaluate

Evaluate evaluate, experiment, hypothesise, judge, justify, measure, rank, trst, validate,
verify Compare two or more correct methods for efficiency
Accept or reject on basis of criteria Support a proof with additional information
Criteria may be provided or need to be determined Describe how to solve a problem
Prove a theorem in order to justify a result/method/model What criteria would you use to evaluate if your answer is correct
Find errors in reasoning Justify your method for choosing a specific strategy
Recognise limitiations in a model
Determine appropriateness of model
Discuss significance of given examples
Recognise unstated assumptions
Predict & draw conclusions

Compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, generalise, generate,

invent, plan, predict, prepare, propse, what if
Use information in a new and creative way Draw conclusions from
Generalise from given facts Extraplolate from data
Relate knowledge from several areas Teach a concept to another person
Draw conclusions What kind of table/graph could you create for
Make predictions (extrapolate) Apply & integrate several different strategies to solve a problem
Design a new
Higher-Order Thinking Questions - Mathematics

What is the relationship between and?

Have we ever solved a problem like this before?
What is the same?
What is different?
What ideas have we explored before that were useful in solving this?
Is there a pattern?
Where else could this strategy be useful?
Is there a general rule?
Is there a real-life situation where this could be used?
How would your method work with other problems?
What other problems does this seem to lead to?
How could you prove?
What is another way you could solve this problem?
Does that always work?
Can you think of a case when that wouldn't work?
What do you need to do next?
How would you interpret that?
What assumptions do you have to make?
Can you explain what the question is asking?
What would happen if?
Do you see a pattern?
What are some possibilities here?
How could you check your steps or your answer?
What did not work?
How is your method the same or different to someone else's?
How can you determine if your answers are appropriate?
How did you organise the information?
How could you solve this using tables, lists, pictures, diagrams?
What have you tried? What steps did you take?
How would it look if you used this model or these materials?
How would you draw a diagram to solve the problem?
Is there another possible answer? If so, explain.
Is there another way to solve the problem?
Is there another model you could use to solve the problem?
What was your estimate or prediction?
How confident are you in your answer?
What else would you like to know?
What do you think comes next?
Is the solution reasonable given the context?
Did you have system/strategy/method? Explain it.

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