Usdaw Activist 70

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Issue 70:

August 2017

the bulletin of
theActivist members in



he headline figure in the And inflation is currently running at for those 1,100 workers and the local
result of the latest Tesco pay around 3%. area. Usdaw and the Welsh government
negotiations is a pay rise of So while a pay increase of 5% is welcome, should put as much pressure on Tesco as
10.57% to 8.42, in Tescos against a backdrop of cuts in terms and possible. The union in particular should
own words its biggest ever pay conditions, now and previously, this is ballot for strike action over this and future
award. And it is far higher than the pay merely playing catch-up. And while Usdaw attacks on terms and conditions.
rises of 2% or less that I received when I members will have different opinions over The Mandate trade union in Ireland
used to work for Tesco. the pay deal, the fact that yet again Tesco brought Tesco workers out on strike
But in the detail below the headlines workers dont get a vote on it means earlier this year after Tesco tried to
its revealed that this rise will take place there is no accountability. change contracts and force workers to
over the course of the next two years, And as one Tesco worker commented to take redundancy.
straight away meaning that the increase me, with the estimated 1,100 potential Their strike, which was extended
is actually just over 5% a year. And job losses at its call centre in Cardiff and and spread with brilliant picket lines
this increase comes after small or no possibly more at head office, Tesco is throughout the dispute, was an
increases in the last couple of years. moving money around the company as inspiration to workers here and shows
Another blow will be the decrease in opposed to making a large investment in whats possible.
Sunday and bank holiday pay from time this offer. An investment it could afford Usdaw should look to this as an example
and a half to time and a quarter, which to do, with a rise in operating profit and in the fight to save jobs, terms and
in Usdaws Network magazine for August a 3.7 billion takeover of cash-and-carry conditions and to secure a 10 an hour
is flippantly brushed aside with the group Booker on the cards. real living wage for all.
justification that most companies already There is no excuse to close the call Scott Jones, Usdaw East London C026
pay a flat rate for bank holiday working. centre in Cardiff which will be devastating branch chair (personal capacity) Facebook: Usdaw Activist Twitter: @UsdawActivist

theActivist the bulletin of members in

Retail workers from across Europe meet

ctivist supporters attending an Deliveroo and Uber workers, extends
international meeting in Barcelona there with the left rallying around the
convened an international attempt to get workers council in the
gathering of retail workers and trade Muller drug store company, with defence
unionists in July to discuss the situations of a victimised female union activist
in different countries. being a focal point for International
Quite striking was the report from a Womens Day in Austria.
supermarket shop steward in Belgium The Activist hopes to use the links we
of the attacks being proposed by are developing internationally to help
managements there on terms and inform retail workers in the UK of the
conditions like workers in the major situations of those working for the same
supermarket chains have seen in the companies abroad as well as extend
last few years. Interestingly, some of A report from Austria, pointed out that our coverage (and solidarity with) the
the unionised growing discount chains the development of fresh layers of struggles of retail and distribution
in Britain, such as Lidl and Aldi, are workers pushing for improved conditions workers around the world.
unionised in that country. and union recognition from below like Iain Dalton

Come to NSSN TUC Congress Rally in Brighton

10 September: Smash the Tory pay cap!
Confirmed speakers: Mark Serwotka demonstration, up to 750,000 trade gency Peoples Assembly demonstration
PCS General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA unionists and anti-cuts campaigners that was called days after the election.
General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU marched against Camerons austerity We called for the TUC and the unions to
General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT plans. The NSSN produced a flyer that put themselves at the leadership of the
President, Amy Murphy USDAW Southern day that warned This is the fight of our march to mobilise the strength of the
Division NEC member and Len Hockey livesliterally. The tragedy of Grenfell organised working-class. We support TUC
Secretary Unite Barts NHS Trust branch has laid bare the effects of cut-backs, Congress motions from fighting unions
currently on strike. Chaired by Janice privatisation and de-regulation that the such as PCS that call for the launch of
Godrich PCS National President all wel- Tories call red-tape but actually protect a real mass struggle of demonstrations
come! We will also be giving a platform lives. The likes of Boris Johnson praise and strikes, looking to co-ordinate across
to speakers from other current disputes emergency services workers, yet as the public sector. This could reach out to
to build solidarity. Mayor he closed 10 London fire stations the increasing number of disputes in the
The NSSN is again organising a rally at and sacked 600 firefighters. private sector.
TUC Congress to fight for a strategy to Now workers have had their confidence A real bold campaign is the best way to
take on the Tories and the employers. At lifted and many feel that this weak Tory overcome the higher voting thresholds in
the end of 2011, 2 million public sector Government, propped up by the DUP, can the new Tory Trade Union Act. Although
workers went on strike together to defend be defeated. One of the first targets is ultimately we cant allow undemocratic
their pensions. It shook Cameron and the to break the 1% pay cap that has seen anti-union laws to stop our members de-
Tories but they were let off the hook by public sector workers lose 14% of their feating pay poverty that has seen nurses
conservative union leaders and the cuts income in real terms. Teachers are also and other public sector workers forced
offensive stepped up a gear. We have fighting school funding cuts and NHS to go to foodbanks particularly from a
to organise to make sure that history workers want the vicious 22billion STP government that couldnt win a majority!
doesnt repeat itself in 2017. attacks scrapped. Lets finish off the Tories, their pay cap
The General Election result has shocked Workers will be asking: If the Tories can and the rest of their austerity!
the Tories and the media but it has con- find 1billion from their magic money Website email
firmed that weve had enough of brutal tree to do a deal with the DUP, why cant twitter @NSSN_An-
cuts. Jeremy Corbyns manifesto gave we have a pay rise or why cant the cuts tiCuts Facebook National Shop Stewards
workers the opportunity to express their be stopped? Network
anger. We cancelled our 11th annual confer- Email us on if you
On the massive March 26th 2011 TUC ence on July 1st to build for the emer- want to attend and need transport Facebook: Usdaw Activist Twitter: @UsdawActivist

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