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Manilyn M.

BSBA-Marketing Management 4-3

The spanish colonial government accused Rizal of three crimes:

(a) The founding of La Liga Filipina, an illegal organization Whose single aim was to
Perpetrate the crime of rebellion.
(b) Rebellion which he promoted through his previous activities.
(c) Illegal association

The prosecution drew information from the dossier on Rizal which.

Detailed his subervise activities some of which are the following:
1. The writing and publication of Noli me Tangere, the Annotations to Morgas history of the
Philippines, El Filibusterismo, and the various articles which criticized the friars and
suggested their expulsion in order to win independence. The El Filibusterismo was
dedicated to the three martyr priests who were executed as traitors to the Fatherland in
1872 because they were the moving spirit of the uprising of that year.

2. The establishment of masonic lodges which became the propaganda and fund raising
center to support subvervise activities and the establishment of centers in Madrithe,
Hongkong and Manila to propa-
gate his ideas.
After finishing as much evidence as possible on November 20, 1896 the preliminary on Rizal
began. During the five-day investigation, Rizal was informed of the charges against him
before Judge advocate Colonel Francisco Olive.

Two kinds of Evidences Endorsed By Colonel Olive to Governor Ramon Blanco:

1.Documentary -fifteen exhibits
2.Testimonial -Provide by Martin Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario, Jose Reyes, Moises
Salvador, Jose Dizon,Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano, Pio Valenzuela , Antonio Salazar,
Francisco Quison, and Timoteo Paez.
The Judge Rafael Dominguez advocate assigned with the task of deciding what
corresponding action should be done.
Penas recommendations were as follows:
- Rizal must be immediately sent to trial He must be held in prison under necessary security
His properties must be issued with order of attachment and as indemnity, Rizal had to pay one
million pesos
Instead of a civilian lawyer,only an army officer is allowed to defend Rizal.
The lawyer of Rizal is Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade Brother of Lt. Jose Traviel de Andrade who
worked as Rizals personal body guard in Calamba in 1887.In the presence of his Spanish
Counsel on December
11, 1896, charges against Rizal were read in the presence of his Spanish counsel. When they
asked regarding his sentiments or reaction on the charges, Rizal replied that in his defense.
-He does not question the jurisdiction of the court.
-He has nothing to amend except that during his exile in Dapitan in 1892, he had not dealt in
political matters.
Manilyn M. Magbanua
BSBA-Marketing Management 4-3

-He has nothing to admit on the charges against him.

-He had nothing to admit on the declarations of the witnesses, he had not met nor knew
against him.

Mi ltimo Adis (English; My Last Farewell) is a poem written by Philippine national

hero Dr. Jos Rizal on the eve of his execution by firing squad on 30 December 1896. The
piece was one of the last notes he wrote before his death; another that he had written was
found in his shoe but because the text was illegible, its contents today remain a mystery.

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