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Proven Condition Monitoring Solutions

On-Line Condition Monitoring

For Rotating Plant

In todays increasingly competitive

market, the need to reduce costs while
maximising output is paramount. In
many industries, the introduction of
a preventative maintenance strategy
has proved highly beneficial in both
reducing operating costs and increasing
plant availability.

Condition monitoring for rotating machinery is widely
acknowledged as a valuable tool for implementing a
preventive maintenance strategy, helping to identify
faults as they develop, and allowing appropriate planning
of remedial actions to be carried out before costly
breakdowns occur.

Investment in a comprehensive continuous data

monitoring system is often realised within months

Optimised plant usage

Avoidance of costly penalties

Minimising unnecessary plant stoppages

Reduced spares holding

Beran Instruments have been providing on-line monitoring

systems for over 20 years into the power generation,
steel and petrochemical industries, and to a wide variety
of plant manufacturers. The systems offer cost-effective,
adaptable, and flexible monitoring for all rotating plant.

Now in its fifth generation, Berans PlantProtech On-

line Condition Monitoring Systems harnesses unrivalled
experience to provide state-of-the-art solutions that
meet the needs of todays condition based maintenance
strategies, being:


Easy to Use

Industry Proven

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 1
Condition Monitoring Systems

For Rotating Plant

Beran Condition Monitoring Systems

provide comprehensive functionality,
flexible data handling, and efficient
communications in a highly intuitive
and easy to use package which can be
configured to meet every need.

Overview User Interface

The Beran Condition Monitoring System features Easy both to configure and use
multichannel parallel dynamic acquisition for both
Windows front end
steady-state (on-load, barring) and variable speed (run-
up, run-down) plant modes, with simultaneous acquisition LAN, WAN or dial-up compatible
of vibration and process parameters.
Password protected access levels
The system performs all functions simultaneously so
there are no restrictions on graph plotting and real-time
analysis operating concurrently with data recording. Data handling
Multiple users can access real-time and historic data
Fast data capture
displays utilising an easy to use Windows-based user
front end running on a standard PC connected to the Comparison of real-time data with historic in real
Beran system via an Ethernet connection, enabling time
remote communication via a LAN or WAN.
Open communications standards enable remote
Control and interrogation of the system may also be access to real-time and historic data wherever it is
carried out remotely, via a modem on a standard required, locally or on the other side of the world
telephone line. The system is highly flexible, and can be
configured to monitor virtually all types of rotating plant
including: Functionality
Turbines Powerful condition-based alarm functions

Pumps Automatic plant-state detection

Fans Modular and expandable, ensuring that the system

can be extended and adapted to meet your future
Combustion cans

Industrialised gas turbines

Gas circulators

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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System Architecture

For Rotating Plant

The building blocks for the Beran

Condition Monitoring System are the
PlantProtechTM 766/768 Analysers,
which are networked together via an
Ethernet LAN / WAN enabling local and
remote machine support.

Overview Real-Time Data Exporting

Using the appropriate PlantProtech analysers; systems Data values may be exported into an optional spreadsheet-
can be configured to monitor permanent installations style workbook in CSV format, mathematically processed
ranging from a single machine to a complete facility, via user entered formulae, and the result returned into
including multiple turbines and auxiliary machines with the Beran System as a new process parameter. This
multiple tacho/ synchroniser and analyser combinations. capability provides the user with the flexibility to add
More PlantProtech units can be installed later to monitor performance monitoring, absolute vibration, efficiency,
additional plant as required. thermal stress calculations, etc.

Robust and fault tolerant Continuous or routine automatic monitoring

Each PlantProtech analyser contains integral data Monitoring conditions of each plant item are individually
acquisition, processing and file storage for dynamic and configured. Thus key plant items can be monitored
static channels, and can function independently of the continuously, while auxiliary plant items are monitored
rest of the network. The acquisition and storage functions every few hours. The system can be set to react to
of a PlantProtech analyser are unaffected by any failures vibration, any process parameter change or combination
in the network, central PC or display terminal, or another or parameters. For example to:
PlantProtech analyser, ensuring a highly reliable and fault
tolerant system. Increase the monitoring rate;

All data is processed and stored within an on-board hard Close a set of relay contacts (to provide alarm status
disk in each Beran PlantProtech analyser. The data is information to other systems)
accessed and displayed using a Windows PC running Automatically store the immediately preceding high
the PlantProtech Vision software, these PCs are located resolution data for diagnostic purposes.
wherever they are needed, providing any number of users
This approach ensures the minimum of information
with simultaneous access to condition monitoring data
is stored when a plant item is operating normally and
across the plant. Remote users can also gain access to
the maximum is stored before and after an incident,
the data via corporate WAN or modem links.
optimising the Beran System storage capability.
Modem links can be made available to allow remote off-
site Vibration Analysts to access any monitored plant
item and view identical condition displays to those at the
plant - even in real-time.

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Flexible Measurement Options

For Rotating Plant

The Beran PlantProtech analysers

provide robust modular conditioning for
many types of applications.

PlantProtech 766 Analyser

The PlantProtech 766 analyser is a 19 rack-mount
unit providing modular acquisition/analysis of up to 64
parallel channels from acceleration, velocity, proximity
and pressure sensors. This ensures high-speed condition
information is acquired during both steady-state and
variable speed modes vital for accurate diagnosis of
many fault conditions. Process (DC) parameters may be
acquired directly by each PlantProtech analyser using
either voltage or optional 4-20mA and thermocouple PlantProtech 766 Analyser
signals with full galvanic isolation capability. Alternatively,
a connection to the plant DCS or process computer may
be utilised to acquire these parameters via an electronic
data link, including, for example, MODBUS, PI, OPC or
Alstoms AMODIS.

PlantProtech 768 Analyser

The PlantProtech 768 analyser is an optimised solution PlantProtech 768 Analyser
for smaller turbines such as those used in hydroelectric
and gas pumping installations. In addition, an alternative
configuration utilising a multiplexed input option is ideal
Key Points
for auxiliary plant applications. The PlantProtect 768
analyser can monitor up to 4 Tacho signals, 8 AC signals Modular Construction
(32 Multiplexed), 16 local DC channels (up to 256 remote),
19 Rack Mounting
8 digital channels and has 8 alarm relay outputs. The
multiplexed variant allows up to 4 non critical plant items Up to 64 dynamic vibration channels
to be monitored cost effectively.
Acceleration, velocity & displacement inputs

Up to 4 x 1/Rev phase marker inputs

Links to station DCS systems

E-mail vibration alerts

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Portable Condition Monitoring

For Rotating Plant

The Beran PlantProtech 767 system

offers portable parallel multichannel
plant monitoring either for temporary
usage or return to service works.
Robust fast data capture, Ethernet,
modem and internal solid state data

PlantProtech 767 Portable Analyser storage, acquisition rate increase and contact closure.

To complement the permanent installations provided by A comprehensive range of real-time and historic data
the 768/766 based condition monitoring systems, Beran displays are available, and data can be exported in CSV
Instruments also have the perfect solution for temporary format for balancing programs, Excel, etc. The unit has a
monitoring installations. high capacity solid-state disk for data storage.

The 767 Portable analyser is ideal for on-site

commissioning, balancing, return-to-service and fault Key Points
finding applications. Offering unparalleled facilities in a
compact, rugged and easily portable unit weighing less Up to 32 parallel vibration channels
than 12.5kg. Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement dynamic
Full control of measurement, analysis and alarm vibration inputs
configuration is achieved via an Ethernet capable PC. 16 DC input channels & 8 Digital inputs
Alternatively, it can function as a standalone or remote
Up to 4 x 1/Rev phase marker inputs
system for longer term monitoring or analysing of
intermittent faults and problems. Various carry case options
Using the latest data compression technology, full real- Remote access via modem
time graphical capability is available over a modem link
or via Ethernet WAN. This allows a 767 Portable to be
left on-site, but monitored by vibration analysts at a Internal solid-state storage
remote location - anywhere in the world! For unattended
operation the PC is not required, giving greater security
and eliminating the possibility of the PC being removed
without authorisation.

Time and RPM based logging may be enabled ensuring

run-up, run-down and on-line plant operational modes
are automatically stored.

Berans 767 can be configured with up to 32 parallel

dynamic channels, 16 additional static (DC), 8 digital
and 4 tacho inputs, and can accept inputs from most
dynamic sensors; ICP supply and high and low pass
filters are integral.

The unit is equipped with comprehensive alarm detection

and alarm-initiated actions, including configurable

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 5
Display Formats

For Rotating Plant

Beran on-line condition monitoring

systems provide a wide variety of
configurable and user-defined data
displays to optimise the analysis and
interpretation of condition monitoring

Overview Mimic
Multiple simultaneous users can access the Beran A mimic, customised to suit the plant monitored, provides
PlantProtech systems and select whichever display an overview pictorial view that delivers an easy-to-use
formats suit their needs, without affecting data acquisition summary of the current vibration levels and process
or other users. parameters, allowing the operator to determine precisely
which area to investigate further. Colour changes inform
Plant condition displays include Bode (stacked and
the operator if any vibration channel or process parameter
multi-plot), Polar, FFT, Orbit, Time-Domain, Histogram,
moves from a normal operating condition into alert or
Waterfall, Shaft Centre Line, Real-Time Text and Trend.
alarm status. The operator can then access either a real-
Both real-time and historic data may be simultaneously
time display or view the alarm log to assist in determining
displayed, including the ability to view a current run-up or
plant condition.
coast-down overlaid onto a reference or historic file.

Display types include :

Real-time data display
Historic data display
Customised machine Mimic
Shaft Centre Line
Trended data display
XY Plots
Bearing Clearance
Tabular Display

Export to CSV

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Display Formats

For Rotating Plant

Easy to use menu driven graph

templates allow quick review of plant

Histogram Multiplots
Provides an at-a-glance view of overall vibration levels or Multiplots allow different parameters to be displayed
other key plant parameters. The colour of the bar gives an against a common X-axis. This display shows vibration
immediate indication of alert and alarm status. data from four bearings over time, with the individual full
scale Y-axes differentiated by colour.

Bode Shaft Centreline

Single bearing bode showing overall vibration level, order Shaft centreline display of a gas turbine, showing the
1 vibration and phase information. This example shows change in shaft centreline position as the machine runs
several run-up data files overlaid in different colours up to full speed. Colour is used to indicate the shaft
to rapidly determine a visual indication of changing speed and auto annotation of speeds is also added, to
conditions. Real time data may also be overlaid against assist the user.
historic base line data.

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Display Formats

For Rotating Plant

Data Displays can be copied into other

applications for fast report generation
or emailed to colleagues.

Trends be viewed at the current and three previous shaft speeds.

Trend displays show long-term variations in vibration

over time, enabling slowly increasing vibration levels to
be detected. Data can be filtered to show only specific
data meeting user selected rules.

This user-created plot shows the trend of vibration

magnitude for a single channel (overall and orders 1-4)
on a 500MW generation unit over a period of four days.
To ensure that long term data is only trended from stable
conditions, and to improve clarity, the plot has been
configured to exclude data points below 80% of machine
load. This quickly allows the user to spot increasing
vibration. X-Y plots
Single bearing (order 1 mag and phase) plus generator
load displayed with respect to time. A cross-hair cursor
provides a simultaneous value display of all traces. File
statistics may also be displayed with the cursor including
the max, min and mean data values.

Orbit display showing overall orbit and filtered orbit for
a Gas Turbine run-up. The graph may be configured to
show individual bearings or a combination of positions
along the machine. The tracking cursor along the top of
the display is used to display the orbit data at a selected
time/speed. The user may display four separate bearings
or alternatively, a single bearing offset by X acquisition
points. This allows the progression on the orbit shape to

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Display Formats

For Rotating Plant

The Beran PlantProtech Vision software

provides an easy to use method of
viewing plant information.
Multi-windows displays enable
display of real-time and historic data
simultaneously with other information
such as alarm logs or histograms.

Polar plots Vector difference

Polar plot showing vector change of dynamic data during Vector Difference screening provides a pictorial display of
a run up. Enabling colour trace and automatic annotation the vector difference between Run-up or Run-down data
assists with the interpretation of the data. and enable the analyst to review changes in data sets and
make important plant operational decisions.

The lower trace shows the vector difference between two

run-ups on the same channel as the speed increases
allowing rapid data screening of changing plant

Colour waterfall
Single bearing FFT waterfall displayed with speed as the
trace colour change parameter and order tracking lines
enabled. The colour parameter may be selected from
RPM, time, static parameter, etc.
Log Files
The PlantProtech systems automatically log all alarm
events, changes in plant operational mode, system
configuration changes and user access to the system.

The system also allows users to enter free text allowing

plant operational information to be shared with others.

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Alarm Management

For Rotating Plant

A powerful and comprehensive suite of

alarms are integral to the Beran On-line
Condition Monitoring System, providing
early warning of changes to monitored

Alerts and alarms with hysteresis are available for both
dynamic, static and process channels. Separate vector
alarms are provided for all monitored harmonics on both
amplitude and phase, including step changes.

The system offers intelligent functionality, enabling

different levels to be configured for specified combinations
of machine state and other key plant parameters. Unique
conditions for each plant item may be entered, to
minimise the occurrence of false alarms. For example,
an individual alarm may be set to function only when the
shaft speed is greater than 1100 RPM. Different alarm
thresholds can be set for different plant load settings,
and for hot, cold or warm start-ups.

The boundaries of ellipse alarms may be automatically Key Points

calculated with respect to the plant historical running
condition. For example, the user may request an User configured custom alarms
automatic calculation of the position and size of an ellipse Password controlled configuration
alarm setting based on the last three months normal
steady-state running. The prediction may be accepted Above or below limits
and enabled and manually enlarged or reduced by means Within boundaries
of a scaling factor.
Step alarms
A variety of user-defined actions can be initiated when an
alert or alarm occurs, including: Vector alarms

Storing the rolling buffer data (one hour before, or Combination alarm based on machine mode and
30 minutes before and after) process parameter

Change data storage rate Alarm status can be sent to DCS

Storing spectral data Alarm e-mails

Relay contact closure Alarm event logs

Alarm relay module

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

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Data Management

Auto Archive Downloader

The Beran PlantProtech systems have

built in temporary storage, longer term
data storage is automatically performed
using PlantProtech Auto Archive
Downloader tool.

The PlantProtech Auto Archive Downloader application
has been designed to automatically retrieve data files
and alarm logs from Beran PlantProtech Monitors on
demand or at a scheduled time. The retrieved data from
multiple PlantProtech Monitors may then be:

Reviewed using PlantProtech Vision software

and Basestation applications.

Converted into an open format.
Beran PlantProtech Archiver(s)
Read by customised data screening


Archived using standard IT backup


The Auto Archive Downloader is scalable from one

PlantProtech analyser to fleet wide installations, providing
either Archiving, Data file downloading or both. The
archiving function automatically downloads PlantProtech
analyser data files to a central location and manages the
internal data storage.

It is recommended that the data is further backed up to PlantProtech Auto Standard


Archive Downloader. IT Backup

a long term storage medium using a third party industry
Optional PlantProtech

standard IT solution. Basestation.

PlantProtech Vision Software

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 11
Transducer Calibration

For vibration sensors

Calibration of installed vibration

sensors is vital to prevent machine
operational issues and potential

To complement our range of condition monitoring
systems, Beran Instruments manufactures a
comprehensive range of transducer calibration systems,
including the Beran 445 Portable suitable for localised
verification of transducers in situ.

Optimised for condition monitoring, the Beran TransCal

455 system combines high precision stimulation and
measurement facilities for calibrating both magnitude and
phase in vibration sensors up to 1kg. The transportable
unit is ideal for use in the laboratory or out in the field.

A laboratory based system, the TransCal 475 provides

high precision, fully automatic calibration and reporting
of vibration transducers and microphones, traceable to
national standards.

These systems are widely used throughout the world

within the power, automobile, aerospace and transducer
manufacturing industries.

Beran Instruments also provides an on-site calibration

service for all types of vibration sensors, along with
verification of site installed plant protection systems and
On-line Vibration Monitoring Systems.

Beran 455 System

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 12
Total Capability, Full Support

Project management & support

From the initial project concept stage

through commissioning and warranty,
Beran offer continual support.
After sales support is vital to you
ensuring you maximise your return on
the investment made in the condition
monitoring system.

Project Management Service and After-Sales Support

During the initial stages of a project Beran Instruments In the event that a fault is suspected, Beran engineers
experts will attend the site to understand fully the can access the installation via modem link to perform
requirements of the condition monitoring system and comprehensive diagnostic tests and recommend
advise on the optimum system configuration to maximise remedial action.
the benefits of installing the system.
The modular configuration of the Beran unit, which
Beran Instruments provide project management during utilises plug-in cards for all functions, including process
installation: (DC) and vibration (AC) acquisition, tachos and Ethernet
communications, allows a faulty card to be replaced
Installation and Commissioning of the Beran
quickly in the unusual event of a hardware failure.
These two features ensure that system downtime is
Signal cabling and termination
Network cabling and termination
All of our customers are offered extended support cover
Installation of vibration sensors after the initial warranty period, providing complete peace
of mind and protecting the original capital investment
System training at operator and system manager
Different support levels are offered including off-site
Vibration diagnostic training
support or a Beran engineer to attend site to investigate
and repair systems if required.
Signal Conditioning Capability
Beran Instruments manufactures signal isolation modules
to interface to the wide variety of instrumentation signals
found on industrial sites.

Signal isolation of process parameters, vibration channels

and tacho signals helps to protect sensitive equipment
and maintain signal integrity.

Beran will advise on the optimum solution for your plant,

and can supply the equipment needed for your condition
monitoring project.

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 13
Company Profile

Since the formation of Beran

Instruments in 1984, three fundamental
issues have dominated the Companys
direction - Quality, Innovation and

Beran Instruments supply and service the international ISO 9001:2000 UKAS system approval.
market from purpose built headquarters in the UK,
Helitune is an associate company and world leader in
supported by direct sales and service subdivisions in the
aircraft Rotor Track and Balance (RTB) technology.
USA and Europe, and distributors around the world.
Helitune products include an innovative range of
Beran Instruments product range includes:- vibration analysis and diagnostic systems, specialising
in the dynamic balance of helicopter rotors and
Condition Monitoring Systems for rotating machinery
aircraft propellers. More details can be found at
Automated Calibration Systems for vibration and
microphone transducers

Signal Conditioning Amplifiers for transducer


Frequency Response Analysers

Beran Condition Monitoring Systems are in use around

the globe within numerous power generation companies
including coal, oil, gas-fired, nuclear and hydro. The
plant monitored includes steam, gas and water turbines,
pumps, fans, compressors and coolant circulators. Our
Transducer Calibration Systems are in service with many
European and USA automotive, aerospace and power
generation companies, along with Certified Calibration
Houses, meeting the ISO 9000 requirement for calibration
integrity. Beran Frequency Response Analysers are
employed in the verification of many aircraft and missile
control systems. Beran Instruments has been awarded
Credit: NASA

This document is not contractual. Beran maintain a policy

of continuous product development and improvement. This
specification may change without notice.

Beran Instruments is registered to BS EN ISO 9001 / AS9100

Issue 3

Beran Instruments Ltd. Phone +44 (0) 1805 624304 Registered in England & Wales Beran USA
Hatchmoor Industrial Estate Fax +44 (0) 1805 624093 Reg. No. 01802762 190 Gordon Street
Torrington, Devon EX38 7HP VAT Reg. No. GB 762 442 630 Elk Grove Village
United Kingdom IL 60007, USA

Beran Proven Conditioning Monitoring Solutions

Page 14

Beran Instruments Ltd.

Hatchmoor Industrial Estate
Torrington, Devon EX38 7HP
United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0) 1805 624304
Fax +44 (0) 1805 624093

Beran USA
Beran Instruments
190 Gordon Street
Elk Grove Village
IL 60007, USA

A CMG Company

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