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One hot afternoon a thirsty fOx was looking
around for wate Soon he found an old well
He reached down to drink the water but he
shpped and fellinto the we11

No matter how hard he tFied,he could not

clirnb Out ofthe we11 It was too deep and the
walls were too sr Ep.IuSt then,a goat came by and loOked into the well

He asked, Vhat are you doing down therer

Theo suddenly thOught Of a plan to get out ofthe wel1 He

ca ed outto the goat, You w l only know when you come down here
and ha e a drink This is the best water I have ever tastedr

The thirsty goat wasted no time in jumping into the wdl As it

bent down to drink the water,the fOx quicldy chmbed onto the goat s

back,o er hi
;head,andjumped out ofthe wdl

Looking down atthe unhappy gOat,the fox said, h/Iy friend

gOat,the next thne be sure tO look before you leapr

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