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Failure theories Bearing capacity equations

and factors.

A properly designed structure should be safe from

(i) excessive settlement
and (ii) shear failure of the soil mass

These phenomena are usually dealt separately and are caused due
to overstressing of the soil beyond its limits.
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.

What governs the

mode of failure ?
P C Varghese / Foundation Engineering / 2005
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.

Nc = (Nq - 1) cot '

Kp in some books

2 2
for local shear failure, c c and tan tan
3 3

Think, why parameters for local and general shear failure are different?
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.

can be used for both local

and general shear failure
V N S Murthy / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / Vol.II
V N S Murthy / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / Vol.II
V N S Murthy / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / Vol.II
V N S Murthy / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / Vol.II

sc > 1 but s < 1, why?

V N S Murthy / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / Vol.II
Dr. K R Arora / Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering / 7th edn.
B M Das /Principles of Geotechnical Engineering/4th edn.

For shallow
strip footing
Fig.23.6 on next page

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