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Government Essay - 745 words

GOVERNMENT The years 2000-2003 was the years of growth for Ukrainian economy. The development of Ukrainian legislation
are raised. Now we try analyzed some laws, decrees and other legislation documents were passed during the years 2000-2003. The
year 2000. The Law of Ukraine On Distribution of Copies of Audiovisual Works, Phonograms Videograms, Computer Software,
Databases Date of Entry into Force: April 26, 2000 This Law determines labeling with control stamp of packaging of copies of
audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer software, databases Control stamps on the packaging signify observance of
copyright and (or) related rights and entitle to the right to distribute copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer
software, databases. That is why it is prohibited to disseminate on the territory of Ukraine, import to or export from the customs
territory of Ukraine copies of non-labeled copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer software, and databases -
subject to labeling with control stamps according to this Law. The year 2001-2002 On the 14th of October 2002 was adopted the Law
of Ukraine About payment of Labor.

The law was discussing on the 2d session of IV convocation. The law sponsored by Social Policy and Labor Committee of Ukraine
and created by O. Feldman, peoples deputy of Ukraine of IV convocation. The offered amendments are regarding decline of wages
percentage that is allowed to pay out in kind from 50% to 20%. Besides, it is offered to establish the responsibility of the owner, or
other body that was authorized by him, for braking the terms of payment and to enable the employee to stop working in case of wage
delay for more than 15 days, as necessary preconditions the employer should be informed. As for positive influence, restriction
established by the bill regarding payment of portion of wage in kind should enhance the growth of social security of employees in

Besides, owners of enterprises would receive incentive for increase of efficiency of their enterprises because in case of wage delay
they are risking to remain without employees. The negative influence is document may cause an increase of wages arrears in those
spheres where payment in kind is used. The other paper is On Amending the List of Documents enquired for Obtaining a License for
a Certain Type of Economic Activity (under numb

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Essay Tags: ukraine, computer software, economic activity, payment, wage This is an Essay sample / Research paper, you can use it for your
research of: Government

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