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Gender Bias And Sexism In The Media Essay - 1,634 words

Gender Bias and Sexism in the Media (1) It is a fact that, since the time when Medias began to play an increasingly important role in
lives of people from Western countries, the gender-based structure of traditional society started to become more unisex. Because of
that, the social roles that used to be traditionally assigned to males and females cannot be thought as distinctive behavioral concepts.
The essence of this metaphysical evolution appears to be quite simple. Medias try to apply notions of sensitivity, insecurity and
femininity to males, while women are being discussed in terms of masculine qualities, such as self-reliance, intelligence and
individualism. When female politician lacks masculine qualities, Medias try their best not to concentrate their attention on this fact
(nobody wants to be fired as sexist). However, sometimes the lack of leadership qualities, on the part of such politicians, is being just
too apparent for the Medias not to be mentioning it. This is when the old Liberal song of gender biasness comes into play.

It cannot escape our attention that the issue of gender biasness in politics today is like a rash the more it is being scratched, the
more it itches. Hillary Clintons election campaign serves as very good example, which substantiates the validity of this statement. It
is not a secret that her followers used to come up with accusations against American Medias, which according to them, have failed at
covering Clintons campaign in objective manner. This is despite the fact that news anchors are well aware of the fact that sexist
statements, on their part, are absolutely intolerable. Therefore, it appears that the bulk of these accusations were unsupported.
Nowadays, it is not persons individual qualities or its gender affiliation that allow him or her to attain high social status, but its ability
to adjust to the political ideology of neo-Liberalism, in order to become a member of the club.

The reason why Clinton was qualified to participate in Presidential race is that she was acquainted with pseudo-sophisticated
terminology of neo-Liberalism and that she looked presentable. However she made one crucial mistake, while campaigning. Clinton
used to insist that that Presidents primary function consists of managing the bureaucracy, rather then leading the nation towards new
goals. This caused her to fall out of favour with Americans and not the fact that she wears skirt. Whether we want it or nor, but it is
the possession of masculine qualities of character, which qualifies potential leader for a job. Joan of Arc was able to liberate France
from foreign invaders not because she knew how to practice participative leadership, or had the ability of operating with terms that
have no actual meaning, such as empowerment, transition-decision making or consensus, but because, deep inside, she was more of a
man then those men who surrounded her.

The same can be said about Margaret Thatcher, who practiced authoritarian style of leadership, despite being a fragile woman. This
is the reason why it is only female leaders who knew how to act as men that will go down in history, while the name of Hillary Clinton,
for example, is going to be forgotten in the matter of a year or two. David Gaunlett in his book Media, Gender and Identity had very
accurately pointed out to the current trends in Medias, when it comes to dealing with issue of gender: Magazines for young women
are emphatic in their determination that women must do their own thing, be themselves, and/or be as outrageously sassy and sexy as
possible. Several recent movies have featured self-confident, tough, intelligent female lead characters. Female pop stars sing about
financial and emotional independence, inner strength, and how they don't need a man (Gaunlet). It cannot escape ones attention that
even very moderate propaganda of womens emancipation is nothing but a part of feminism as ideology. However, it is not a secret
that feminism had sustained a crushing defeat, as political philosophy, because it is based on denying the laws of nature. Therefore,
the proponents of this idea had changed their tactics.

Instead of trying to embrace masculine qualities as something natural to women, now they enforce femininity upon males, while
denying them their right to discuss female politicians as women. Their ultimate goal appears to be nothing less of erasing all
difference between genders on social level. This is the reason why post-modernity is associated with degendeneration. In fact,
women appear as being quite as vulnerable to accusations of sexism as men are, if they have strong feminine qualities and happen to
be White. The political observers notice that the popular notion of angry white male will be soon accompanied by the concept of
angry white female. As a rule, Black women are being described by Medias as the victims of unjust social realities.

They are shown as highly spiritual beings, which tend to hug trees and talk to flowers. The movie Beloved is a good example Oprah
Winfrie plays the role of honest and loving Black woman, whereas in real life, she is greedy and vicious TV host, who does not
understand what the concept of good taste, stands for. In movie Maid in Man

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of: Gender Bias And Sexism In The Media

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