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Germany From 1890, National Identities Essay - 1,393 words

Germany from 1890, National Identities (1) The founding of German Empire, which is also being commonly referred to as Second
Reich, coincided with German decisive victory over France in 1871. After Napoleons defeat in 1815, Holy Roman Empire of German
Nation ceased to exist, which resulted in Germany being split in 39 independent states. Their independence was based on monarchic
tradition, while there were no objective reasons for the Germany to be divided. This was realized by Prussian Prime Minister Otto
Bismarck, who united Germany through series of domestic and international wars. Otto Bismarck strived to rid Germans of their
regional secularism, by instilling them with a spirit nationalism. He insisted that it is a national affiliation that defines the essence of
German mentality and the faith of social status. This is why Bismarck initiated a campaign against Catholic Church, which was
pursuing its own interests, at the expense of depriving g Germans of their sense of national unity. They were also economical factors
that helped shaping up German national identity at the time.

The fact that Germany was undergoing a rapid process of industrialization, allowed Germans to have geopolitical aspirations. They
did not see the reason why they could not embark of building a colonial empire of their own. This represented a danger to English
interests, throughout the world. Therefore, since the beginning of Anglo-Boer War, German national identity was being increasingly
affected by geopolitical confrontation with England. Germans thought of themselves as defenders of European interests. They were
also beginning to realize that they are the strongest nation in Europe, which boosted up German messianic sentiment.

Just as Russians, who promoted the concept of pan-Slavism, at the time, Germans were promoting pan-Germanism. German national
identity in time of Second Reich is best characterized by the principle of national solidarity, which was the cornerstone, upon which
German system of education was based. (2) Between years 1919 and 1933, Germany was commonly referred to as Weimar Republic.
During this period, Germans were divided on those who supported Communists and those who opposed their attempts to take over
the political power in Germany. Today, Medias portray Weimar republic as democratic and even progressive country. The truth is
slightly different.

The annual inflation ratio in Germany between 1920 and 1930 was often reaching 300%. Sixty percent of Germanys workforce was
unemployed. Germany had to pay enormous reparations, according to the Treaty of Versailles, which made the cultural and social
progress in this country simply impossible. Many Jewish bankers were quick to use the misfortune of Germans to their own
adventure. The staggering inflation rate allowed them to acquire factories and real estate for pennies. Just as it is America
nowadays, Jews also dominated Germanys cultural life.

By promoting homosexualism, cosmopolitism and other types of spiritual depravity, they strived to reduce Germans to a bunch of
hedonists, who only cared about sensual pleasures. We can say that during the period of Weimar Republic, Germans were being
deprived of unified sense of national identity. Communists succeeded in making many Germans to believe that it was only class
affiliation that defined their essence as citizens. Nazis and Communists used to kill each other in countless street fights on daily
basis. The only sentiment, which we can point out to as something that was unifying many Germans at the time, was feeling of
historical injustice. Majority of Germans simply did not want to accept the fact that the millions of German soldiers had lost their
lives for nothing. This is why; it was only the matter of time, before they would give their votes to some strong politician, who would
promise them to return Germany its former glory. (3) Even the hard-core critics of National Socialism admit that, from time when
Hitler came to power in 1933 to the outbreak of Second World War in 1939, Germany underwent a miraculous transition.

For the first time in history, German government was able to completely liquidate unemployment. Workers enjoyed unprecedented
social benefits, such as paid vacations abroad and free housing. With beginning of Volkswagen Beetle production, cars ceased to be
the luxury items in Germany, even before it happened in America. The workers living standards in Germany became highest in the
whole world. Nazis nationalized banks, refused to pay reparations, ended of poverty among Germans b

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