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Human Factors Research Project

10,000 Roses Caf

The 10,000 Roses Caf is surrounded by, as its name implies, ten thousand artificial roses lit by LEDs. In
this case, lighting really made a huge impact on the space. There are a lot of tourists that flock to the site
(which is really far from the city so they really went out of their way) just to take pictures with the roses
and everyone seems to be fascinated by the lights. The design is quite unique and I think they made the
right choice with the lighting here because there are so many ways this couldve become tacky. The
lighting here creates an experience where people can interact with light in a different way than we
normally do. Here the lights are really the focus.

Medical Acupuncture Clinic, St. Lukes QC

The clinic is really dim as there are only two indirect downlights as artificial lighting in the whole space,
and theyre usually unused (had them turn on the lights for the photo). The space mainly relies on
daylighting but the bed furthest from the window basically receives no light (photo 3rd from left). The
doctor explained that acupunctures goal is mainly to relax and repair the body and the darkness helps
people sleep. Acupuncture is not a visual skill, it is tactile, and it doesnt need much light. Aesthetically,
the design can really be improved but functionally, it works. The doctor can do his job and the patients get
to relax.
Human Factors Research Project

Starbucks Reserve

The lighting in Starbucks creates an inviting atmosphere, its warm and not too bright. The counter and
menu boards are accented, as well as the merchandise, to draw the eye to the space. The lights are
focused on the tables and are bright enough for studying (especially on the work table which I think is
somewhat brighter than the other tables). The lighting brings out the different finishes used in the space. I
think the lighting in Starbucks is really well thought of. It gives the space character, creates a bit of drama
and is still really functional.

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