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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

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Post-operational characterization of solid oxide

fuel cell stacks

Peter Batfalsky a, Jurgen Malzbender b,*, Norbert H. Menzler b

Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics, ZEA-1, 52425 Julich,
Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, IEK, 52425 Julich, Germany

article info abstract

Article history: Progress in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cell and stack development depends strongly on
Received 11 March 2016 improvements stimulated by post-operational characterizations. Although highly moti-
Received in revised form vated by the analysis of unintended interruptions or stack failures, detailed characteriza-
4 May 2016 tion of SOFC stacks after operation provides information on the behaviour of advanced
Accepted 7 May 2016 materials and optimized microstructures as well as interactions during start-up, operation,
Available online 27 May 2016 and shut-down, hence, also with respect to manufacturing quality control and stack
structural integrity and its relationship to manufacturing, design, dimensions and toler-
Keywords: ances. This work summarized the experience of more than 300 post-test analyses that
Solid oxide fuel cell have been carried out in the past 15 years, their careful dissection, photography, and
Post-test characterization subsequent detailed characterization that included numerous detailed examinations of all
Methodology stack components. Particular analyses' concerning the different stack components are
Stack dissection highlighted, exemplifying useful analytical methods. Finally, conclusions are presented
with respect to ongoing R&D work and future directions.
2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Forschungszentrum Julich (Julich) has been working on

Introduction SOFC development since around 1990. Since then, more than
600 stacks of various sizes and designs have been operated.
Nowadays, after decades of research and development, solid Cross-sectional and explosion drawings on the different Julich
oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising electrochemical devices stack designs can be found in Refs. [6e8]. Roughly half of the
for stationary and mobile applications, where the operation in operated stacks received a detailed post-operational inspec-
electrolysis mode as well as coupling to metal oxide storage tion, which is necessary to understand degradation and fail-
devices enhance their potential for the global energy market ure mechanisms, for example, failure reasons, electrical
[1e5]. Current stack technology verified operation for more characteristics during stack operation or the relationship be-
than 70,000 h and promising voltage degradation rates of less tween interaction phenomena and operation conditions. In a
than 1% per 1000 h [6]. Nevertheless, understanding of stack stringent post-test methodology, advanced characterization
failure as well as long-term degradation mechanisms are still methods are an essential element to understand the stack
main aspects for the production of reliable and cost efficient performance within the frame-work of systematic testing,
devices for envisaged stationary and mobile applications. where in particular in the last decade new characterization

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 49 2461 616964; fax: 49 2461 613699.

E-mail address: (J. Malzbender).
0360-3199/ 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
11400 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

methods have been implemented and existing ones improved. low open circuit voltage (OCV) of cells, spontaneous voltage
Furthermore, it has to be emphasised that the analyses aid drop below a certain level (reaching the range of the Ni re-
the development of promising prospective materials and oxidation potential) or external reasons, such as failure of
suitable material combinations to ensure high and even control or measurement unit or furnace, lightning strike or
enhanced power outputs along with long-term stability and voltage breakdown.
low stack degradation. Also interrelated with post-test anal- - Stack objective were achieved therefore subsequent
ysis and its observation, geometrical contacting, component characterization needed to be carried out
manufacturing accuracy and tolerances and their relationship considering material changes, such as materials chemis-
to the stack operation are typically considered. Disassembling try, crystallographic phases, microstructural changes,
is carried out with selected experts depending on expected development of oxide scales, material interactions (i.e.
outcome of the post-operational analysis and/or goals set in sealant-metal, sealant-electrolyte, cell materials, contact
initiating the stack experiment, hence post-test analysis al- materials-metal) or geometrical aspects (i.e. component
ways need to consider the stack operation along with all de- thickness, creep, distances, tolerances, contact situation,
tails known from the assembling and production of the comparison to initial design measures).
individual stack and its components with respect to quality - Search for specific phenomena and their dependence on
assurance and unusual events or changes in boundary con- operational conditions, i.e. degradation phenomena on
ditions. Experts are available from synthesis, production, and anode side (such as coke formation, metal dusting, sulphur
interaction of materials, thermo-mechanics, corrosion, poisoning, re-oxidation damage), chromium poisoning on
thermo-chemistry, sealants, stack/system operation, single cathode side, metal (corrosion) or sealant (devitrification,
cell testing, optical and scanning electron microscopy. secondary phase formation), material interactions or
Currently information on post-test analysis, methods and changes based on different operational conditions such as
results is limited [9e12], concentrating often on single effects influence of temperature, applied current density, used
after stack operation, single cell or model experiments and fuel gas, fuel and air utilization, and during thermal-, load-
theoretical considerations, such as corrosion, thermody- or redox-cycling tests.
namics or Cr-poisoning [13e36]. Post-test characterization
results of stacks can be found for example in Refs. [11,37e39]. Typically it can be defined in advance which of these rea-
In the Julich procedure, during the post-operational anal- sons are the basis for the post-test characterization and/or
ysis, electro-chemical results and irregular events receive whether the stack characterization has to answer a specific
special attention. In particular, cells and components that question. This leads to the first important decision: will the
display unusual operational behaviour are inspected in detail. stack be dissected plane-by-plane and components subse-
During disassembly a digital photographic image is taken of quently characterized individually or should either the entire
every stack plane. Unusual observations are investigated stack or stack parts should be embedded in a polymeric resin
microscopically. After dismantling, if necessary more detailed in order to retain geometry and contact situation and samples
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and/or transmission thereafter have to be extracted via typically water jet cutting
electron microscopy (TEM) investigations are carried out. All in well-defined positions for individual post-test analysis. If
techniques along with particular observations will be the stack is partly embedded a decision has to be made con-
described later. Investigation methods cover graphical and cerning which area is to be embedded and in which direction
image analysis to gain insight into macroscopic changes and (parallel or perpendicular to the gas flow) it will be cut. Even if
associated shifts in colour. SEM and energy dispersive X-ray the stack is not embedded, it is possible after plane-by-plane
analysis (EDX) deliver information on microscopic/structural dissection to extract single samples from individual parts
changes, in order to acquire a qualitative chemical analysis. such as the frame with cell, interconnect or bottom and top
Furthermore, wet chemical analysis is used in a coarsely plate typically by laser cutting for subsequent investigations.
localized quantitative analysis. Thermography and computer
tomography have been used successfully in determination of Post-test analysis methodology
the origins of short circuits and localization of porosities. X-
ray diffraction (XRD) offers insight into structural changes, Especially in order to assess changes of stack planes, it is
TEM into local changes at interfaces and reactions. Leakages important to document images of the planes before assem-
are localized using liquid dyes. Hence, the current work bling and after dissection. To ensure good and long-term stack
summarizes in detail the dissection methodology, considering operation the post-test characterization starts, due the strong
also underlying reasons for analysis, individual characteriza- interrelationship of both aspects, with a quality assurance
tion methods and results. system for the single components, e.g. cells [40e42], sealant
[43e45] and metal parts (interconnect and frame) [46], con-
Reasons for post-test analysis tinues during stack assembling, stack operation, stack
dissection and ends with the special post-test analysis. Fig. 1a
The necessity for post-test characterizations originates from explains this schematically. For simplification, the diagram
the need to understand typical and untypical operational be- only includes cells, sealant and metallic components. In real
haviours; examples from the work of the authors are: stack assemblies contact materials such as anodic nickel
mesh or contact layers on cathode side and evaporation pro-
- Characterization of failure during operation, that might be tection layers or electronic insulating layers are applied
related to short circuiting, non-contacted planes, leakage, [2,6,12] and hence also analysed.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1 11401

Fig. 1 e a: Scheme of stack life including necessary quality assurance to ensure high quality of post-test analysis, b: Flow
chart of possible stack post-test analyses'.

Quality and reproducibility of materials and processes are equipped with an extractor hood in which the plane-by-plane
ensured by sequential numbering of all stack parts (cells, in- dissection is carried out. A CCD camera is mounted above the
terconnects, frames, glass-ceramic batches), handling in- dissection place in the hood to photograph the planes with
structions for all processing steps, standardized stack transfer to PC based collector software to label specific pho-
operation and stack dissection protocols. All information is tographs permitting the addition of comments and findings.
collected on a central server. Thus after stack testing, dissec- An optical microscope for documentation of visible areas is
tion and post-analysis, conclusions can be drawn with respect available which is also equipped with a CCD camera (pictures
to the used materials, processes and testing. Hence, there is a are later included in the dissection protocol). All necessary
complete uninterrupted chain from the initial starting mate- tools for stack dismantling and measuring are available. All
rials to the post-test analysis which is also necessary to stacks are stored in cabinets for several years so that samples
develop SOFC systems for marketability. might be extracted later for further investigations that might
Various characterization methods exist for stack, compo- be triggered by later stack tests and dissections and the in-
nents or individual samples, i.e.: terest in finding correlations.

- entire stack, for example leak testing in assembled condi- Thermography

tion and leak detection with colour intrusion method,
thermography to localize short circuiting, photography of The arranged stack dissection sequence follows the questions
all stack sides, optical microscopy (including distance emerging during stack operation and subsequent shut down.
measurements), distance and thickness measurements For example, if short-circuiting was measured, as long as the
with micrometer screw and feeler gauge. stack does not exceed a certain number of planes, it is char-
- stack planes, for example photography of every plane acterized thermographically before dismantling (if it has too
(anode and cathode side) in sequence of stack disassembly, many planes it heats-up rather uniformly and local charac-
optical microscopy (defects, cracks, corrosion, and topog- terization is not possible) [35,36]. Thermographical analysis is
raphy to characterize warpage or surfaces state). carried out by feeding an electrical current to the stack and
- stack components (cell, frame, interconnect), i.e. photog- electrically conducting paths lead to local heating, however,
raphy, optical microscopy, topography to characterize due to equilibration effect the thermographic images change
warpage, surfaces or roughness, SEM (surfaces, fractured with time. An example is presented in Fig. 2. If the stack with
or polished cross sections) along with EDX, TEM, XRD of short circuit consists of more than around five planes plus
crystal phases, wet chemical analysis for composition, bottom and top plate, it is first partly dissected and subse-
incorporation of foreign elements, stoichiometries quently the remaining partition is characterized by thermog-
raphy. Hence, this method cannot only be used for small
stacks but also for large power stacks.
Stack dissection After taking thermographic images, the stack can be
dismantled and the localized short circuit inducing area
Due to the importance of this aspect, a special laboratory has characterized in detail. As an example, in the stack presented
been set up in Julich for stack dissection. It contains all in Fig. 2 a metallic particle in the glass-ceramic sealing was
necessary tools for dimensional assessment, dissection, identified as reason for the short-circuiting. The metallic
documentation and basic characterization methods and is particle might have been induced by interconnect or frame
11402 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

Fig. 2 e Thermography image showing area of short-circuiting.

conditioning or was introduced during stack assembling. Such sealing, distances between the planes (interconnect-frame-
malfunctions can be avoided by assembling the stack in a low- interconnect) are measured by a feeler gauge on all four stack
dust laboratory supported in terms of quality control by edges. The distance control along with the measured total
photographing every plane during stack assembly. heights of all sealing levels indicates whether there are sig-
nificant differences within one plane or within the entire
Stack embedding stack. Hence, also uniform settling during the stack start-up
joining procedure can be controlled.
Occasionally stacks are embedded either partly or completely After plane-by-plane dismantling every plane side (inter-
into a polymeric resin in order to permit a characterization of connect or frame with cell) is photographed to completely
contacting situation and interfacial reactions [47]. The characterize the stack, irrespective of whether there are areas
embedding must be done carefully to ensure venting of the of special interest or changes during stack operation. Such
stack; hence to fill all cavities with the liquid resin, otherwise initial photographs answer many questions: Was the stack
artefacts might be induced by the subsequent water jet cut- assembly correct? Does every plane side (anode, cathode) look
ting. Water jet cutting has various advantages. First, the stack alike as expected? Are there unusual colour or morphological
thickness with adjacent bottom and top plate is in the centi- changes or anomalies? Is it necessary to analyse stack parts or
metre range, which is a challenge for other techniques such as surfaces in more detail? Are there visible foreign phases? Are
laser cutting. Second, the stack consists of different materials cells unchanged (re-oxidation, cracking, coking) and undam-
and material combinations and all of them should be cut in a aged? Are there indications of leakages (visible by remnants of
comparable manner. Third, water jet cutting does not lead to burning or gas streams)? Where does the sealant fracture
melting of cutting edge effects typical for laser cutting. If for during dismantling (within glass-ceramic or at metal oxide-
example sawing is used, material differences between metal glass interface)?
or ceramic and polymeric resin become a key problem, since If during dismantling areas of special interest become
the polymer may become liquid and subsequently it may obvious, the plane is directly inspected by optical microscopy
smear other parts and again cutting procedure related arte- permitting characterizations at higher magnifications. If
facts are produced. The contamination from the cutting parts necessary, photographs are taken or parts are selected for
is negligible in the case of water jet cutting since all samples further characterization, e.g. SEM/EDX.
are post-processed by grinding and polishing and thus Most stacks are characterized already after operation with
remnant contaminations are removed. If the stack is only respect to leakage, yielding information on internal (fuel to air
partly embedded, samples might be cut from embedded and side) and external leakage (fuel and air side to surrounding
remaining part, permitting for example, chemical analysis of environment). The so-called colour intrusion method [47]
cell parts with direct comparison and analysis of embedded has evolved to be one of the most powerful tools for charac-
contact zones. terizing of especially external stack leakages with high accu-
racy, i.e. even smaller leaks and/or cracks can be detected
Photography and distance measurements than with for example a bubble test.
The stack is painted with a red colour, which is normally
As mentioned above, if a stack is dissected plane-by-plane, used for crack detection of welded seams. After a few minutes
starting with the upper side of the top plate and ending with the outside of the stack is rinsed with water to remove the
the lower side of the bottom plate (gas connection side), excess colour. Then the stack is dried either overnight at
photographs are taken and directly transferred into a PC- ambient conditions or at slightly higher temperatures so that
based image collecting software. However, before dissection, it can be dismantled later. Due to the colouring, the leakage
especially since typically glass-ceramics are used for stack location in the glass-ceramic sealant can be easily
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1 11403

differentiated from the gas-tight regions during plane-by- with respect to geometrical issues of the stack or stack parts.
plane dissection. Additionally, it is also possible to differen- Hence, stack parts need to be cut and prepared by embedding,
tiate between complete cracking, which means that the cracks grinding and polishing. Fig. 4 presents an optical photograph
run through the entire sealant hence bridging the stack inte- taken during stack dissection showing a colour change at the
rior to the outside, and partial cracking (overall gas tightness anode side of the cell in one plane. Optical microscopy directly
still maintained). Via this optical visualization procedure it is confirmed that the colour change is a result of an unwanted
also possible to verify whether leakages are related to singular interaction between cathode material and glass-ceramic
regions or whether they are distributed randomly. Therefore sealant due to imprecise application of the glass paste since
this method and analysis can also be used as a tool to detect both materials should have no contact during assembly or
problem areas related to geometrical effects and/or non-ideal testing. The interaction causes local stresses within the
structures. Fig. 3 presents some stack photographs after stack sealant region and subsequently cracks and a gas crossover
dismantling revealing different leakages types. In Fig. 3a and between air and hydrogen leads to burning. Additionally, the
b, two planes from one particular F20 design power stack (for formed interdiffusion phase is electrically conductive and
design see Refs. [6,7]) after a thermo-cycling test are shown. may cause short-circuiting if it bridges the sealing gap.
One plane reveals significant leakages, while the second one Another example of visible changes or interactions during
appears to be gas-tight. The reason for this untypical result stack testing is associated with re-oxidation phenomena,
was a strong thermal gradient in the z-direction consciously which are obvious since anode colour changes from grey
applied to characterize the sealing behaviour. Fig. 3c presents (reduced Ni) to green (oxidized Ni), see Fig. 5a [34]. A typical re-
another plane from a F20 design stack with significant leakage oxidation phenomenon is presented in Fig. 5b. The electrolyte
at one of the air-inlet channels. Possible reasons were again cracks due to tensile stresses caused by Ni re-oxidation and
thermal gradients or non-ideal sealant paths, i.e. 90 angles. volume change when forming a porous NiO structure
Finally, in Fig. 3d a plane from a cassette-type stack to be used [33,34,36]. This fine-structured electrolyte cracking network is
for auxiliary power units in mobile applications is presented, typically a visible proof of re-oxidation. In Fig. 5c a cell defect
which was severely thermo-cycled. Sealant cracks are visible is shown which caused cell cracking and subsequently re-
in the region where cold air entered the stack; i.e. a region oxidation, finally leading to stack failure.
with major thermal differences. The results confirm that se- Optical microscopy is also used for post-test analysis of
vere temperature gradients within stacks induce large local cut, ground and polished samples, requiring analysis of
tensile stresses that lead to sealant cracking [7]. structures with a dimension of at least ~10 mm, i.e. contact
areas, microstructures, geometrical aspects such as toler-
Optical microscopy ances, distances etc. and overview pictures as guidance for
further SEM/EDX characterization. The technique was also
Optical microscopy is used, in addition to the detection of partially successful to analyse the behaviour of silver based
surface-related changes or irregularities during dissection, brazes [8,43] in lightweight planar SOFCs (design see Ref. [8]),
also for characterizing contact zones or to obtain an overview

Fig. 3 e Photographs of stack planes after applying the colour intrusion method and plane-by-plane dismantling; a) plane of
a F20 design stack (for design see Refs. [6,7]) with massive leakages; b) plane from the same stack as in a) but without any
leakage; c) F20 design stack plane showing leakage in one air inlet channel; d) cassette-type stack plane with leakage near
the air inlet channels. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
11404 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

Fig. 4 e Characterization of areas of special interest during stack dissection by optical microscopy; a) stack overview photo,
b) higher magnification of marked rectangle in a), c) optical microscopy photography from the rear side of the colour-
changed zone showing unwanted interaction between cathode and glass-ceramic sealant. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 5 e Left: top view photograph of the anode side from a re-oxidized stack, being visible by the green colour of the re-
oxidized Ni and the gas stream in the gas-out manifold in a); b) typical cracking structure of the electrolyte after anodic re-
oxidation (top view from the cathode side); c) optical microscopy top photograph of a cell defect (view from cathode side).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

revealing sealant micro-pores that terminated stack opera- the stack was embedded completely and then cut in the direc-
tion [48]. tion transverse to the channel to characterize the contact
Fig. 6a and b give some other examples of cross-sections. zones. It can be seen that the contacts are not ideally, but have a
The overview of three repeating units of one embedded stack convex structure, related to the contact layer wet powder
in Fig. 6a permitted to measure directly the anodic and cathodic spraying process, i.e. the thicker the contact layer the more it
distances and sealant thickness, therefore being an easy, but tends to form this lens-like structure.
destructive technology to verify stack assembling quality. The This embedding, cutting, polishing and subsequent
cross-section of an unusual stack is shown in Fig. 6b. In this characterizing by optical microscopy can also be used to
stack with five repeating units the cathodic contact area was compare contacting, tolerances and dimensions in a real
deliberately modified. Normally, contact on the cathode side is stack to the blueprint as shown in Fig. 6c, which represents
ensured by a channelled structure. An additional perovskite an optical photograph of a cassette-type light-weight stack
contact layer material ensures contacting between the inter- (for design see Ref. [8]). In this picture, various on-line
connect channel and the cathode. The contact area was delib- measurement locations were devised in order to charac-
erately reduced by milling some of the channels. In this stack, terize the distances after stack assembly and testing and to
the contact area of two planes was kept in the typical geometric verify thicknesses and width of the contact layer applied by
arrangement and the others were reduced. The reason for a dispenser system. Hence, a measurement system within a
reducing the channel size only by milling was to limit effects optical microscope can be used as a quality assurance sys-
onto the gas stream, i.e. avoiding a change two parameters at tem with optional automatization; however, it is a destruc-
the same time (contact area and pressure drop). After testing, tive method.
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Fig. 6 e a) optical microscopy photograph showing a part repeating units in one embedded stack (cross-section parallel to
gas channels), b) optical microscopy photograph showing five repeating units of one embedded stack (cross-section
perpendicular to gas channels), upper cell interconnect contact area reduced by 25%, middle cell reduced by 67%, c) cross-
section of two repeating units of a cassette-type stack.

Laser or white light triangulation or surface roughness (mm range) can be measured. There are
various reasons for different bending behaviour such as cell
The warpage of a component, its deflection, layer thicknesses thickness, substrate manufacturing process, but also oxide
and surface roughness as well as distances and heights can be layers on the interconnects (see also [50,51]).
assessed by laser or white-light topography. It also can be used
for example after dissection to characterize geometrical Scanning electron microscopy and electron-dispersive X-ray
changes of interconnects, which might be induced by me- analysis
chanical loads and creep effects. To minimize plane warpage
effects caused by the dissection procedure, the stack might also SEM is typically used on cut, embedded, ground and polished
be topographically measured as a whole stack or stack parts, specimens extracted from cell, sealant and/or interconnects,
before and after stack testing. Two examples of a cassette-type but can also be applied to fractured surfaces. Using SEM/EDX
stack plane with different sealed cells before stack assembly (possible only for polished samples) mostly microstructures,
have been presented in Ref. [47]. The topography is typically layer thicknesses, materials interactions and formation of, for
carried out using laser head with automatic x-y-table, which example, foreign phases are characterized (see Fig. 7), where
works according to the laser triangulation method [49]. With EDX permits insight into chemical compositions and inter-
different sensors, either sample warpage (up to the mm range) diffusional effects. Four examples from different post-test
11406 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

Fig. 7 e SEM cross-sectional images of various stack zones after stack testing; a) interdiffusion between Crofer22APU
interconnect and metallic Ni mesh; b) sealing situation between interconnect, cell and sealant; c) cathodic contact zone
interconnect and cell; d) microstructural changes within LSM cathode after interaction with volatile chromium species.

SEM analysis are given in Fig. 7. First, Fig. 7a shows the phase (MnCrO3 or Cr2O3) is formed leading to cathode
interaction between the metallic interconnect material and coarsening [13,25,26].
contacting Ni-mesh on the anode side after more than If local materials analysis or concentration profiles are
17,000 h of stack operation [52], with obvious interdiffusion of required, EDX analysis can be carried out as spot, line or area
iron and chromium from interconnect and nickel. Due to Ni analysis. In some cases, also wavelength-dispersive X-ray
diffusion into the original ferritic Crofer22APU, it becomes analysis (WDX) is an option (e.g. to verify whether a phase
austenitic. The austenitic phase is typically more brittle, consists of minimal amounts of Cr, or whether the Cr-Ka1 line
which might lead to the risk to loss contact during stack overlaps with the La-Lb2 line from the cathode). In fact, the
thermo-cycling. interaction with volatile chromium species is regarded as a
The sealing situation on the cathode side is presented in major cause of SOFC stack degradation [25e28]. The reaction
Fig. 7b. Two sealing zones can be seen: one is the cell sealing between the volatile Cr species, mostly CrO2(OH)2 and the
to interconnect and the other one is the sealing of inter- cathode depends, from a materials point of view, on the
connect to metallic frame, which is bearing the cell. The cathode type. In the case of LSM-based cathodes, the Cr reacts
sealant microstructure is very homogeneous and it bonds at the interface between cathode and electrolyte forming
well to all interfaces. The contact situation on the cathode chromia or a CreMn-spinel. In the case of the LSCF
side between interconnect channel and cathode is high- (LaeSreCoeFe) type cathodes, the reaction is different. While
lighted in Fig. 7c. The contact layer, which is applied by wet between Cr and LSM two main interactions are the chemical
powder spraying, covers all channel areas (bottom, top and formation of chromia and the reduction reaction of Cr-VI to
flanks) and is on the top side quite homogeneous and flat, Cr-III at the triple phase boundaries and the subsequent re-
ensuring good contact. Finally, the microstructural change action with Mn from the LSM, the chemical reaction between
within the cathode, at the boundary to the electrolyte, is Cr and LSCF is presumably not based on a reduction reaction.
presented in Fig. 7d. This microstructural change is a result The volatile Cr species reacts with Sr from the LSCF in a gas
of interaction of the lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM) phase or gas/solid SrO interaction. During this reaction, stable
cathode material with volatile chromium species. A foreign SrCrO4 is formed; however, the new phase does not
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1 11407

precipitate at the interface cathode/electrolyte, but at the top X-ray diffraction (XRD)
of the cathode surface.
The fact that the reaction between Cr and Sr is favourably a X-ray diffraction is used after stack dissection and sample
gas phase reaction was supported by the post-test findings of cutting to characterize the crystal structure of the various
one particular stack. It had LSCF-based cathodes and was materials. Additionally, their changes due to interactions,
thermo-cycled a number of times. SEM surface micrographs of segregation, incorporation of additional elements, thus
the zone between cathode/contact layer area and gas channel forming foreign phases or decompositions, can be assessed.
in Fig. 8 reveal a multitude of SrCrO4 needles in this area, The cathode surface of a stack with LaeSreFe-cobaltite
where the air stream is hindered. Higher magnifications of the cathode, which has experienced long-term operation has
needles revealed a layered microstructure being typical of been analysed via X-ray analysis in Refs. [47], revealing three
evaporationecondensation reactions, i.e. with every thermo- crystallographic phases: copper, from the copper strip used
cycle SrCrO4 precipitates during the cooling preferentially at for covering the areas not to be analysed; the orthorhombic
the surface of the already existing needles. These micrographs perovskite of the cathode material and as a third phase,
also indicated that the Sr-chromate needles formed primarily monoclinic SrCrO4. Comparison of the two diffractograms
at mud-cracks of the cathode surface. These cracks originate presented in Ref. [47] (at bar and channel) reveals that the Sr-
from the drying step of the screen printing paste. The needles chromate reflections are more pronounced in the area
show some kind of outward growth from the cracks into the beneath the channel bar. Here the secondary Sr chromate
gas phase space. EDX dot analysis confirmed the formation of phase is formed between the Sr from cathode and volatile Cr
SrCrO4 (only qualitatively). These basic findings that the species. The foreign phase amount at the cathode surface
foreign phase formation occurs preferentially on the cath- beneath the gas channel is significantly lower, indicating that
odes surface is supported by various other authors [14,53], but the reaction between Sr and Cr species is preferentially a gas
a recent work also confirms the formation of the same SrCrO4 phase reaction and that both gas phases are removed from the
phase also at the cathode/electrolyte interface [54]. However, stack by the air stream [27], while the SrCrO4 precipitates
the overall interplay between volatile Cr-species and SOFC within the porous interface of the contact area, where the air
cathodes is not completely understood. stream is limited. Hence the non-destructive technique XRD

Fig. 8 e SEM micrographs of the LSCF cathode surface of a thermo-cycled stack showing SrCrO4 formation in the
intermediate zone between contact area and air channel.
11408 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

confirms the SEM findings (cf. Section Scanning electron cathodes and that there is little difference in the amount of Cr
microscopy and electron-dispersive X-ray analysis), but can for stack operation times of 1900 h and more than 17,000 h.
also be used before or alternatively to SEM characterization if These results triggered further R&D in the field of Cr-related
the intact state of the sample is still necessary (but the mea- degradation [30,32], aiding a better understanding of the
surement accuracy of XRD is far lower than that of SEM). basic interactions, chemical/electrochemical reactions, de-
Other interesting aspects for X-ray diffraction studies are, pendencies on temperature, time, current density, Cr partial
for example, deterioration of the 8YSZ electrolyte (8 mol% pressure and impact on cell/stack performance.
yttria-stabilized zirconia) from a cubic to monoclinic/tetra-
hedral [39] structure after long-term operation or austenite Long-term testing
formation in the interconnect by Ni diffusion [46].
Topics that received special consideration are post-test anal-
Wet chemical analysis ysis result and their relationship to degradation phenomena
under steady state operation in the case of long-term testing.
Wet chemical analysis can be used for example to quantify Chromium poisoning is believed to be one influential param-
amounts of incorporated foreign elements into anode or eter and has received significant attention in Julich, hence, as
cathode structure. However, the method is destructive, it outlined above, post-test analysis and methodological im-
does not permit a local resolution (i.e. only whether but not provements concentrated strongly on this aspect [25,52,56].
where the foreign element is in cathode, phase boundary or Within the framework of post-test investigation on the
current collector) and finally, sample preconditioning is degradation phenomena of long-term operated stacks
necessary, which complicates the analysis process. It needs detailed analyses have been carried out for stacks operated
to be determined which acid leaching works, which acid/acid 17,000 h at 700  C with an average degradation rate of 10 mV
mixture dissolves all the material and whether other com- per 1000 h at 500 mA cm2 [11] and about 19,000 h at 800  C
ponents that should not be dissolved are also entering the (with additional protective layer) with 4 mV per 1000 h at
solution, e.g. if the cathode material is dissolved Ni may also 500 mA cm2 [39]. In addition to the differences in operation
be partly dissolved. In fact, recent publications also push temperature it should be noted that the stack operated at
forward the wet chemical analysis of e.g. LSCF-cathodes for 700  C had an LSCF cathode with GDC (gadolinia-doped ceria)
distinguishing between surface enriched SrO und bulk LSCF diffusion barrier and a protective slurry coating on the inter-
[55]. Hence, this technique might also be used in future for connect and the one operated at 800  C had an LSM cathode
differentiating between various phases within SOFC and an atmospheric plasma sprayed coating. Whilst the stack
electrodes. operated at 700  C was shut down after progressive degrada-
One major aspect leading to wet chemical analysis in the tion, the stack operated at 800  C was shut down after failure
past was the assessment of chromium incorporated into the of one cell.
cathode during stack operation with metallic interconnects In summary, parts of the stack operated at 700  C, that
[29]. Typically cell parts with typical dimensions of 1 cm2 were received detailed post-test analysis, indicated only small
extracted by laser cutting and the cathode was subsequently changes and interactions [11]. The cell microstructure
removed by leaching in perchloric acid [30,32]. Hence, the appeared to be slightly changed. Two findings appeared play a
perovskite itself and formed foreign phases such as chromia role with respect to long-term stack stability. Local dot-like
or CreMn-spinel were completely dissolved with almost no Y iron oxide formation may cause eventually short circuiting if
or Zr from the electrolyte and only small amounts of nickel the oxide bridges the sealing gap after even longer operating
from the anode. By taking the starting cathode composition as times and it was suggested that the progressive degradation
a reference and considering a specific sample area, the might be a result of strontium chromate formation.
amount of incorporated foreign elements can be calculated For the stack operated at 800  C no significant Cr contents
per square centimetre or with respect to stoichiometry. An could be found in the cathode thus verifying that the MCF
additional comparison with SEM micrographs (or XRD) from (manganese-cobalt-iron-oxide) layer applied by APS (atmo-
the same sample can give twofold information: first, amount spheric plasma spraying) is an efficient Cr barrier [28]. How-
from the wet chemical analysis and, secondly, macro- or ever, Mn diffusion into 8YSZ led to local accumulation at the
micro-local resolution of the detection of Cr within cathode, grain boundaries, which appeared to induce a decrease in
current collector or other cell or contact layers, hence, conductivity and a mechanical weakening and eventual
combining optical and elemental analysis. micro-cracking at the grain boundaries followed by
An overview of Cr incorporation results into cathodes from continuing crack growth [39]. The growth of these cracks
stacks operated for different times and operational condi- eventually resulted in the fracture of one cell, burning of fuel
tions, which permitted to draw some conclusions with respect gas and stack failure.
to the interaction of chromium species with SOFC cathodes From the results of both stacks, it can be concluded that the
has been presented in Ref. [47]. This work indicates that, first, targeted operation times of SOFC stacks can become realistic
there is an obvious time dependency, but additionally there by combining an LSCF cathode with an APS protective coating,
seems to be some saturation effect (in particular at a current which is realized in a currently ongoing stack test [6]. Because
density of 0.5 A/cm2). After approximately 3000 h of operation all stack tests have been performed with pure hydrogen (gas
there appears to be no additional Cr incorporation anymore purity better than 99.9%) nothing can be stated with respect to
into the cathode. Another result that can be deduced from this the effect of impurities within the fuel gas, especially sulfur
work is that LSCF cathodes incorporate more Cr than LSM compounds.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1 11409

Lessons learned from post-test stack dissection and analysis limited by relative low resolution); non-destructive
SOFC stack tests are complex, time- and material-consuming - atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy for
but an absolute necessity for the progress of the technology. higher magnification of surface structures, roughness (also
Although, from single cell tests a lot of information with micro-roughness), and small defects; destructive method
respect to mimicking stack testing behaviour can be obtained, - chemical analysis techniques in z-direction (depth) such as
e.g. basic material interactions, interdiffusions, material LIBS (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy), GDOS (glow
coarsening, poisoning, the stack environment has additional discharge optical emission spectroscopy), SIMS (secondary
special boundary conditions, for example: geometrical re- ion mass spectroscopy), SNMS (secondary neutron mass
lationships, real anodic and cathodic contacting, air and fuel spectroscopy), LEIS (low-energy ion scattering), XPS (X-ray
gas streams, degree of gas utilization and pressure differences photoelectron spectroscopy) ; mostly destructive due to
between stack and environment or between anode and cath- sample size.
ode. Hence, some complex interactions, problems, events and
operational results only appear in stack testing. Thus careful
QA before stack assembling, a careful recording of stack as- Conclusions
sembly and procedure, testing and stack post-test analysis are
indispensable to understand SOFC operational behaviour and Modern analytical methods are being increasingly utilized to
degradation. In this respect, post-test analysis, which is characterize SOFC stacks after operation. Besides non-
interlinked and overlaps with all other aspects, is one of the destructive analysis technologies such as tomography,
keys to enhance lifetime and minimize stack degradation and topography measurement and thermography, a wide variety
thus to minimize the gap from R&D to SOFC market entry. of destructive methods can and, hence, have been applied.
In many cases no correlations were found between the Typically, post-test characterization has to reply upon more
electrochemical events and the post-test analysis. However, than one analytical method since each has advantages and
for a number of events, degradation phenomena and in- limitations, e.g.: only numerical information such as the
teractions, a careful, reproducible and scientific post-test amount of elements or thickness can be obtained, but no in-
analysis was able to answer question. Examples are the formation with respect to the (micro)structure or location;
interaction of volatile chromium species with various cathode structural information but no elemental information or
materials, the influences of design, air steam, current density microstructural, elemental but no crystallographic informa-
etc. can only be assessed using stack testing. Many of the re- tion and so forth. Hence, in most cases it is necessary to
sults obtained so far were observed first time within a stack combine different analytical methods and, after careful
and subsequently single cell tests could be adopted to un- interpretation of individual result, conclusions can be drawn
derstand the basic reaction mechanisms and dependencies. concerning degradation effects, materials incompatibilities,
Another example are the interactions of metallic inter- necessary quality assurance efforts or differences between
connect material with some glass-ceramics, resulting in short- real and envisaged tolerances.
circuiting after rather short stack operation times [52], which Before analytical methods can be selected to individually
was not found in single cell tests since here the sealing is characterize the stack components, a basic decision must be
typically realized with gold or silver wires and not glass- made with respect to embedding or not. Fig. 1b is a flow chart
ceramics. In subsequent basic R&D the origin of the severe of these decision chains. In future, it can be expected that not
interaction was found, reactions due to small amounts of Al only post-test analysis will become more and more important,
and Si in the metal and Pb in the glass and the formation of an but also in-situ characterizations during stack operation. In
outward-growing conductive phase, and could then be avoi- addition to classical measurement of temperature at various
ded. A third example is the lens-like structure of the contact stack positions also optical technologies might be applied,
material on channel bars. If only 50% of the channel bar con- assessing stack settling, warpages, creep deformation etc.
tacts the cathode, the real current density is rather different Additionally, outlet gases are to be analysed, high-
from the one applied and calculated. Optimizing channel bar temperature leak testing can be applied and acoustic emis-
structure and coating process led to better more even contact sion tests to analyse cracking, depending on, for example,
zones. Most of these findings and associated improvements thermo-cycling.
would not have been realized without post-test characterized. In the last decade the post-test analysis became an
Besides the widely used tools discussed above, a few ex- important basis for stack improvement and development of
amples of other techniques are given in the following, but this new stack designs. This permitted the operation of SOFC
list does not claim to be exhaustive: stacks for long times and particularly low degradation rates
[2,6], which required the improvements triggered by the post-
- transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including focused ion operation inspection. Advanced methods were implemented
beam (FIB) for high-resolution investigations concerning and methodologies were developed, that have been published
particle sizes and structures, chemical and crystallo- in a number of separate works [11,35,47]. Particular aspects
graphic analysis', detection of foreign phases or inclusions that received a lot of attention and led to detailed advanced
etc.; destructive method, studies to understand underlying mechanisms and techno-
- computer tomography to characterize sealing regions, in logical aspects were the interaction of glass-ceramic sealants
particular porosities or geometrical situations (currently with metallic interconnect material [10], Cr interaction with
cathode materials [25,29,30,32], formation of pores in silver
11410 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 1 3 9 9 e1 1 4 1 1

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