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August 10, 2017

Kenyatta J. Johnson
Councilman, 2nd District
City Hall, Room 580
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Kelley Yemen
Director of Complete Streets
Office of Transportation Infrastructure Systems
City of Philadelphia
1401 JFK Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Dear Councilman Johnson and Ms. Yemen:

I am writing to convey our disappointment that the protected bike lane proposed pilot for
Lombard, 27th and South did not garner support in the July 21st letter from Councilman
Johnson to Ms. Yemen. Given that the project cannot move forward as proposed, the Bicycle
Coalition of Greater Philadelphia offers the following alternative proposal for those three streets.
In spite of the opposition expressed by some near neighbors that led to the Councilman's non-
support of the project as proposed, considerable support was expressed for increased safety for
all users on those streets. We know that at least 212 persons wrote comments to both of your
offices in favor of the proposed pilot; 87 of which were in District 2. We also know that SOSNA
has voted in support of the project on South Street, per their announcement earlier this week.
Taking into account both the level of support for increased safety on the corridor, to and from
the South Street Bridge-which is the most biked bridge in the Commonwealth-and the desire of
the near neighbors to preserve their ability to load/unload for 20 minutes in the bike lane where
No Parking is the curbside regulation, this proposal would increase safety for bicyclists and
pedestrians, minimizing inconvenience for Lombard Street residents who currently enjoy
unloading and loading privileges.

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphias alternative proposal:

Lombard Street Traffic Calming Measures:

Change curbside regulation to No Stopping During Peak Hours Only
Install two new loading zones on the south side of the street on each block to
relieve parking pressure on the buffered bike lane
Install three raised crosswalks at 24th, 25th, and Taney Streets
Designate a school bus loading and unloading location off Lombard St.
Time traffic signals for 20 mph
Use green paint at 22nd and Lombard to create a visual cue to motorists that the
buffered bike lane is commencing
Add signage to remind motorists about the buffered bike lane

1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1107 Philadelphia, PA 19102 P:215-242-9253 x 306 F:267-909-8726

27th Street Protected Bike Lane:

Install lane separators such as Tuff Curb to separate the bike lane
Maintain a regular sweeping schedule to remove debris and gravel that collects
inside the bike lane at the bottom of the curve
Install a mountable corner island at the corner of 27th and South to slow down
motor vehicles turning onto the South Street Bridge
Install elephants feet markings at the intersection of 27th and South and
enhanced with green paint to guide cyclists crossing over to Schuylkill Ave.

South Street Protected Bike Lane (between 27th and 21st Streets):
Install delineator posts in the buffer and change the parking regulation from No
Parking to No Stopping
Upgrade the visibility of the bike box at 22nd St by adding green paint around the
perimeter of the bike box.
Time traffic signals for 20 mph traffic between 27th and 21st Streets
Install a raised crosswalk at 25th & South

We hope you will consider this proposal. Should you have any questions and would like to
discuss further, please let me know.


Sarah Clark Stuart

Executive Director

Cc: Michael Carroll, Office of Transportation & Infrastructure

1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1107 Philadelphia, PA 19102 P:215-242-9253 x 306 F:267-909-8726

Rendering of mountable curb and elephant feet

Example of Tuff Curb and posts proposed for 27th Street

1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1107 Philadelphia, PA 19102 P:215-242-9253 x 306 F:267-909-8726

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