Example Sway Stability

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Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 1 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Example: Sway stability

This example deals with design for global instability of frames, or sway
stability. The frame considered is a non-braced two-storey building frame..

A two-storey building is considered in this example according to the figure

below. The spacing between the frames in the building is s = 10 m.



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7,0 7,0

All connections are designed as rigid according to the figure below.

Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 2 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Frame data:
Outer columns HEA 200 S355
Second moment of area I y = 3692 104 mm4

Inner columns HEA 220 S355

Second moment of area I y = 5410 104 mm4

Upper beams IPE 400 S355

Second moment of area I y = 23130 104 mm4

Lower beams IPE 450 S355

Second moment of area I y = 33740 104 mm4

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The following loads are considered on the structure.

Permanent loads:
Slab gslab = 4,0 kN/m2
Floor finishes gffin = 0,8 kN/m2
Steel gs = 0,3 kN/m2
Partition walls gW = 0,5 kN/m2
Suspended ceiling gsc = 0,2 kN/m2
Installations gI = 0,2 kN/m2
Roof and insulation groof = 0,4 kN/m2

Live loads:
Indoor live load q = 2,5 kN/m2
Snow qsnow = 1,0 kN/m2
Wind, windward qwind1 = 0, 5 0, 75 = 0, 375 kN/m2
Wind, leeward qwind2 = 0, 5 0, 4 = 0, 2 kN/m2

Load factors:
Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

G = 1,35 (permanent loads) EN 1990

Q = 1,5 (variable loads)
0 = 0,7 (live load and snow load)
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 3 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Design loads:
The design loads are calculated with the wind load as the principal load. EN1990
q1 = ( G ( g roof + gslab + g s + g I + gsc ) + Q 0 qsnow ) s = 82,1 kN/m

q2 = ( G ( g ffin + g W + gslab + g s + g I + g sc ) + Q 0 q ) s =107,3kN/m (6.10)

qw1 = 1, 5 qwind1 s = 5,6 kN/m

qw 2 = 1, 5 qwind2 s = 3,0 kN/m

In the figure below the structure is shown with these design loads.

qw1 qw2
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Check if sway imperfections can be disregarded. EN 1993-1-1

H Ed 0,15 VEd 5.3.2 (4)B

H Ed = ( qw1 + qw 2 ) h = (5, 6 + 3, 0) 7 = 60,2 kN

VEd = ( q1 + q2 ) L = (82,1 + 107, 3) 14 = 2651,6 kN

H Ed = 60, 2 < 0,15 2651, 6 = 398 = 0,15 VEd

Sway imperfections have to be taken into account.
Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 4 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Calculate global initial sway imperfections. EN 1993-1-1

= 0 h m 5.3.2 (3)

0 =
h = where h is the height of the structure in m

m = 0, 5 1 +
where m is the number of columns in a row

1 2 1
= 0, 5 1 + = 3, 09 103
200 7, 0 3

Calculate the equivalent horizontal forces, H1 and H2, due to the sway EN 1993-1-1
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imperfections: 5.3.2 (7)



H1 + H2

H1 = q1 L = 3, 09 103 82,1 14 = 3,55 kN

H 2 = q2 L = 3, 09 103 107, 3 14 = 4,64 kN

Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 5 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Determine sensitivity to sway, cr:

There are several different ways to calculate the cr. One is to use the method See NCCI
given in EN 1993-1-1 5.2.1 (4)B described first below. Another is to perform SN001
a buckling analysis in a finite element package. This will also be described
and used below. The influence from sway can be neglected if the following
criterion is fulfilled.
F EN 1993-1-1
cr = cr 10
FEd 5.2.1 (3)

Check the sensitivity to sway for each storey: EN 1993-1-1

H Ed h 5.2.1
cr =
VEd H,Ed Eq. (5.2)

HEd is the horizontal force. In this example only the equivalent

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horizontal force is used. See NCCI

VEd is the total design vertical load on the structure on the bottom
of the storey.
H,Ed is the horizontal displacement at the top of the storey due to EN 1993-1-1
the applied horizontal loads. Figure 5.1
h is the storey height.

The displacements on each storey due to the applied equivalent horizontal

loads are calculated by means of a frame analysis software. The
displacements, H,Ed1 and H,Ed2, are shown in the figure below.



Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

H,Ed1 = 0,69 mm
H,Ed2 = 1,23 mm
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 6 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

Total vertical load on the two storeys:

VEd1 = q1 L = 82,1 14 = 1149,4 kN

VEd2 = q2 L = 107, 3 14 = 1502,2 kN

cr for the upper storey:

H1 h 3, 55 3500
cr = = =15,66 > 10
VEd1 H,Ed1 1149, 4 0, 69
cr for the lower storey:
H1 + H 2 h 3, 55 + 4, 64 3500
cr = = = 8,79 < 10
VEd1 + VEd2 H,Ed2 1149, 4 + 1502, 2 1, 23
The sway effects cannot be neglected for this frame.
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The second alternative is to use a finite element package for determining cr.
In this case only the vertical loads are considered as concentrated to the joints
of the frame according to the figure below.
VEd1o VEd1o

VEd2o VEd2o

From a buckling analysis the cr can be directly determined.

cr = 7,51 < 10
Hence, the sway effects cannot be neglected.
Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 7 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

As can be seen the different methods gives different results. The finite
element analysis should give the most correct results since the equation from
EN 1993-1-1 is a simplification. In this case it gives a conservative result
because the columns are uniform and the upper part has less load than the
lower part. However, for large cr values the difference in the contribution
from the sway on the frame is rather small. In this example the cr from the
finite element analysis will be used.

Determine if local bow imperfections have to be considered

Local bow imperfections should be considered if the following two conditions EN 1993-1-1
are met:
at least one moment resistant joint at one member end and
A fy
> 0, 5
N Ed
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NEd is the design value of the compression force and
A fy EN 1993-1-1
= is the in-plane non-dimensional slenderness calculated
N cr
for the member considered as hinged at its ends

The conditions can be reformulated as follows:

A fy A fy
> 0, 5
N cr N Ed

N Ed > 0, 25 N cr

For the columns the buckling loads assuming hinged ends are:
Outer columns, HEA 200
2 E I 2 210000 3692 104
N cr = = = 6247 kN
l2 35002
Inner columns, HEA 220
2 E I 2 210000 5410 104
N cr = =
Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

= 9153 kN
l2 35002
Example: Sway stability

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 8 of 9

Title Example: Sway stability

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005
Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005

The member that carries the highest normal force is the lower part of the outer
column and the middle column.
The normal force in the outer column, lower part, according to first order
NEd = 568 kN
N Ed = 568 kN < 1562 kN = 0, 25 N cr
The normal force in the inner column, lower part, according to first order
NEd =1533 kN
N Ed = 1533 kN < 2288 kN = 0, 25 N cr
Since this two members do not meet the condition then no other member will
and hence, the bow imperfections does not have to be considered.
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Select method of allowing for sway effects

The second order sway effects may be calculated according to first order EN 1993-1-1
theory if the horizontal loads, i.e. wind, and equivalent horizontal loads are 5.2.2(5)B &
increased by the factor: (6)B
1 1 cr
provided that cr 3, 0

In this case cr = 7,51 and hence, this method can be used.

The following loads will be considered in the first order analysis:

H1a q1
qw1a qw2a
9 10

2 4 6

7 8

1 3 5
Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The numbers are the member numbers.

E x a m p l e : S w a y s t a


CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX008a-EN-EU Sheet 9 of 9


Title Example: Sway stability


Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Jonas Gozzi Date April 2005

Checked by Bernt Johansson Date July 2005


Where the horizontal loads marked with a are increased by the factor

1 1
= = 1,15
1 1 cr 1 1 7, 51


H1a = 1,15 3, 55 = 4,08 kN


H 2a = 1,15 4, 64 = 5,34 kN

qw1a = 1,15 5, 6 = 6,44 kN/m


qw2a = 1,15 3, 0 = 3,45 kN/m


Member design forces for the frame:


In the table below the design forces for all members are shown. For shear

force and moment the two values corresponds to the two ends of the columns
and the beams. The first value for the columns is for the lower end and the
second is for the upper end and for the beams the first value is for the left end

and the second is for the right end.


Member NEd [kN] VEd [kN] MEd [kNm]


1 546,9 0,95 21,6 6,0 42,2


2 238,3 42,9 65,4 86,0 103,5


3 1533,1 26,9 26,9 48,4 45,8


4 668,4 9,6 9,6 16,3 17,3

5 570,9 50,8 38,7 67,5 89,1


6 242,7 72,0 59,9 114,0 116,8


7 16,0 308,6 442,1 128,2 595,4


8 33,3 422,5 328,2 533,3 203,2

9 69,5 238,3 336,4 103,5 446,8


10 59,9 332,0 242,7 429,5 116,8

Example: Sway stability

Example: Sway stability


Quality Record

RESOURCE TITLE Sway stability



Name Company Date

Created by Jonas Gozzi SBI 30/04/2005

Technical content checked by Bernt Johansson SBI 18/05/2005

Editorial content checked by

Technical content endorsed by the

following STEEL Partners:

1. UK G W Owens SCI 7/7/05

2. France A Bureau CTICM 17/8/05

3. Sweden A Olsson SBI 8/8/05

4. Germany C Muller RWTH 10/8/05

This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Access Steel Licence Agreement

5. Spain J Chica Labein 12/8/05

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Created on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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