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Advanced Solid Mechanics

Assignment - 9: Bending of Curved Beams

1. There are two beams - a straight beam and a curved beam - each of
which is subjected to a pure bending moment, M. Assuming that both
the beams are homogeneous and has a square cross section with side
0.3m and are made of the same material, which is linear elastic and
isotropic, compute the ratio of the maximum tensile stresses experi-
enced in the straight and curved beams. Also, find the ratio of the
maximum compressive stresses experienced in the straight and curved
beams. Assume, the curved beam forms a part of a circle, with the ini-
tial radius of curvature of the center line of the bar, being o . Obtain
the value of the ratios as a function of o and determine the critical
rhoco below which the stresses would differ by more than 10 percent.

2. A curved beam with a circular center line has the T-section as shown
in figure 1. This beam is subjected to pure bending in its plane of
symmetry. Find the tensile and compressive stresses in the extreme
fibers. Assume, b1 = 100 mm, b2 = 20 mm, the radius of curvature of
the innermost fiber, r1 = 80 mm, the outermost fiber, r2 = 180 mm
and r3 = 100 mm.

3. A curved beam with a circular center line has the circular sections as
shown in figure 2. Find the stress distribution across this section if the
curved beam is subjected to a pure bending moment, M . Assume that
the initial curvature of the center line of the beam is o .


r2 b1


Figure 1: T section. Figure for problem 2


Figure 2: Circular section. Figure for problem 3

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