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Professor Einhern,

I am contacting you on behalf of The London

University of Cairo. It has come to our attention, that the
lost tomb of the last Pharaoh is all but uncovered. It
would be of great interest, to myself, and the University, if
we were able to locate the Pharoahs tomb, catalogue, and
collect, several of the artifacts that are sure to be found
inside his final resting place. I know we are not the only
party interested in receiving such treasures, however I
can assure you, that our purpose is to collect, and study
the pieces, before sending them off to the London Museum.
Any artifacts you find will be greatly appreciated,
however our main goal, are the last Pharaohs burial items.
Our University would be happy to provide any and all
funding you require for this trip, as well as assist you in
any further endeavors while in the area.

Dean Bradbury
Mister McGillis,

I am writing you on behalf of my employer, who wishes to

remain nameless, but none the less wishes to provide you, with near
infinite budget and support, on your upcoming visit to Cairo. We
understand you have a desire to acquire both fame, and fortune,
and help rebuild your name in the archeological community. Which is
why my employer feels you would be well motivated to find the
entrance to the Pharaoh's tomb quickly, and efficiently. Any
artifacts you procure along the way, my employer would be more
than happy to purchase from you. His personal collection rivals
even the most Esteemed Museums, and i can assure you, it will be
well cared for. We look forward to a mutually beneficial business
venture with you.

Westley Welch
Leftenant OKeefe,

I am contacting you, on behalf of my employer, Dr. Johannes

Kelpler, a collector of trinkets, and oddities, student of the
occult, and also the benefactor who has paid your gambling debts,
as well as your bail. We know that since the end of the WAR, you
have spent your days wasting away inSide a bottle, fighting in back
alleys, gambling, and petty crimes. You seek adventure do you not?
You miss the days where your temper served a greater, noble
purpose. We can provide you with that purpose Leftenant. We have
reason to believe, The cult of Karnak, may be performing a ritual to
unleash a great terror upon this world. Your reputation during the
great war has reached far and wide, and we wish to offer you an
opportunity for a fresh start. Serve a greater purpose Leftenant
OKeefe, and help us save the world.

Frank Dranis
Mrs. Frankfurt,,

I am writing you on behalf of my employer, who wishes to remain silent, but

none the less wishes to provide you with a unique opportunity just outside Cairo. We
understand you have a desire to locate the lost treasures of Egypt, and that is why I
am writing you. It appears the burial chamber of the Last King of Cairo is all but
found. Should you be the first to open these long sealed doors, We would ask only a
small token from inside, and in exchange, will fund your entire trip. This small town
is ancient, and nearly untouched by Archaeologists, or TombRaiders alike, and should
provide you with more than enough trinkets along the way to bring you wealth, fame,
fortune, or whatever it is you seek in these lost sands.

Devon Westford
Professor Heubert,

Your work in the subject of Egyptology is unrivaled in the academic world, and
it is because of this, I wish to fund another Survey and Excavation in a very specific
area just outside of Cairo. My contacts in the area have informed me, that the local
tomb raiders have a fairly good idea of where to find the entrance to the Last King
of Cairo's burial chamber. I do not need to tell you how tragic it would be, should
these artifacts be lost to the black market or private collectors. I urge you to please,
make haste to the Cairo, where I will have my friend Markus meet you. From there
he will take you to the excavation area. Please catalogue any artifacts you find in the
area, and i would be ecstatic if you were able to provide your cartographic map of the
inside of his burial chamber. Please take this check as an advance, and buy your
airline ticket with haste. I look forward to showcasing another of your magnificent
exhibits at our museum.

Bradford Walter Fairhouse
Captain Haddock,

I am to understand you are to make port just south of

Damietta, Egypt. I wish to hire you and your crew for a
unique task just outside Cairo. I trust that, as with our
previous jobs together, that i can count on your discretion in
the matter. My sources in the underground, have let slip,
that a ritual is to take place in a small town outside Cairo.
A ritual that will wake a long sleeping monster. This
ritual can not be completed. I urge you and your men to
find the cult of Karnak, stop their rituals, and if necessary,
kill them.I will reward you greatly for stopping the
ritual, and will double your normal fee, if you are able to
bring me one of the Karnak worshipers alive for
questioning.I will have my contact meet you at the port,
and provide you, and your men with transportation, and
equipment. Should you need anything from us, you only need
to ask.

The Watchers
The Great Ace Ludwig

It has been many years since you were my wingman over the grey skies of Europe, and i
find myself, recalling those mornings quite fondly. The great duels of gentlemen and their flying
machines. Life has been bland for me since the Great War has ended, and only recently, i have
found myself back in the skies again. My employer has purchased me a beautiful
Armstrong-Withworth, and i need a co-pilot and compatriot on my latest task. We will be flying
into Cairo and searching for a group of rabble-rousers who intend to sacrifice a woman of some
importance in order to complete their twisted ritual. My employer has provided us with both intel,
and equipment both of which i will share with you upon our arrival in Egypt. Upon our arrival, we
must make great haste, as i understand it, the ritual is time sensitive, and we mustn't Dally.
I look forward to the adventures and dangers we will face, it will be just like old times my

Your Friend
Franz Peter

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