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Energies 2014, 7, 6837-6855; doi:10.


ISSN 1996-1073

A New System to Estimate and Reduce Electrical Energy

Consumption of Domestic Hot Water in Spain
Alberto Gutierrez-Escolar 1,*, Ana Castillo-Martinez 1, Jose M. Gomez-Pulido 1,
Jose-Maria Gutierrez-Martinez 1 and Zlatko Stapic 2

Department of Computer Sciences, Polytechnic School, University of Alcala, Road Madrid-Barcelona,
Km 33.6, Alcala de Henares 28871, Spain; E-Mails: ana.castillo@uah.es (A.C.-M.);
jose.gomez@uah.es (J.M.G.-P.); josem.gutierrez@uah.es (J.-M.G.-M.)
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Pavlinska 2, Varazdin 42000,
Croatia; E-Mail: zlatko.stapic@foi.hr

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: alberto.gutierreze@uah.es;

Tel.: +34-9188-56651; Fax: +34-9188-56646.

External Editor: Stephen Treado

Received: 16 May 2014; in revised form: 7 October 2014 / Accepted: 17 October 2014 /
Published: 24 October 2014

Abstract: Energy consumption rose about 28% over the 2001 to 2011 period in the
Spanish residential sector. In this environment, domestic hot water (DHW) represents the
second highest energy demand. There are several methodologies to estimate DHW
consumption, but each methodology uses different inputs and some of them are based on
obsolete data. DHW energy consumption estimation is a key tool to plan modifications that
could enhance this consumption and we decided to update the methodologies. We studied
DHW consumption with data from 10 apartments in the same building during 18 months.
As a result of the study, we updated one chosen methodology, adapting it to the current
situation. One of the challenges to improve efficiency of DHW use is that most of people
are not aware of how it is consumed in their homes. To help this information to reach
consumers, we developed a website to allow users to estimate the final electrical energy
needed for DHW. The site uses three estimation methodologies and chooses the best fit
based on information given by the users. Finally, the application provides users with
recommendations and tips to reduce their DHW consumption while still maintaining the
desired comfort level.
Energies 2014, 7 6838

Keywords: estimation; methodology; residential buildings; water consumption

1. Introduction

Nowadays, energy consumption is rising every year in every country. This permanent increase will
not be sustainable in the long run, and energy saving has become an important environmental concern.
Spain is not different in this trend as it can be seen in Table 1. Industry is the only case of decrease in
final energy consumption, while the residential sector had one of the biggest rises, of about 28%.

Table 1. Final energy consumption by sector in Spain (Mtoe) [1].

Country Total Industry Transport Residential Services
Period 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011
Spain 83.50 86.53 27.13 21.18 34.32 36.04 12.61 16.22 7.05 9.54

In the case of Spanish residential buildings, energy consumption is divided as follows: space
heating 46%, domestic hot water 20%, appliances 16%, cooking 10% and lighting 7% [2]. Research
results shown in this paper are focused on Domestic Hot Water (DHW), which is the second most
important energy consumption, justifying efforts made to reduce it.
The average energy consumption of Spanish households is 10521 kWh per year [3]; which means
that energy consumption in DHW is 2104.2 kWh per year. However, not every single home consumes
the same amount of energy. If we compare consumption in houses with different weather conditions
like houses in the North Atlantic Area, with lower temperatures, and houses in the Mediterranean
Area, with higher, we can notice a huge difference in consumption. Data from the three main areas to
consider can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Annual average domestic hot water (DHW) energy consumption per house in
different regions from Spain [3].
Region Number of Provinces Annual Average Energy Consumption (kWh)
North Atlantic Area 6 2262.40
Mediterranean Area 18 1755.90
Continental Area 28 2286.50

Recent research made by Rodriguez-Hidalgo [4] shows that DHW consumption depends not only
on the geographical situation, but also on peoples habits, the time of year, and the purpose of the
building. Differences shown in Table 2 could be caused by inlet temperature of cold water or other
parameters. We made a review of variables affecting the amount of energy used to heat water in order
to find the reason for differences.
The first step is to try to understand factors influencing energy consumption and to observe existing
models. However, although several DHW consumption models exist, they are often outdated and most
fail to identify the influence of the number of occupants in the dwellings [5]. A good example of that is
the model developed by Gilbert [6] for Electric Power Research (EPRI). This model was based on data
Energies 2014, 7 6839

collected before 1980 but buildings and their uses have evolved since this date. In addition, this model
has another huge drawback in the sample chosen, which was based only on data from single-family
houses. Another example is the ERD model (EnergiRDgivning) [7], which decomposes household
electricity consumption into different end uses (hot water, lighting, electric appliances and space
heating). In this case, data used to create the model was collected in 1990 and could be outdated.
The main goal of this work was to update data of existing methodologies through an analysis of
DHW consumption. The secondary goal was to create a website to allow households to estimate their
DHW energy consumption. This secondary goal was introduced taking into account that one of the
challenges to improve the efficiency of DHW use is that most of people are not aware of how DHW is
consumed and managed in their homes [8]. The site allows estimation using three different models
depending on the available information, giving citizens an evaluation of their consumption and
providing them with knowledge of how to reduce it.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The following section contains the analysis of
parameters used in methodologies, then methodologies are analyzed and updated in the next section.
The website and its contributions are described in the fourth section and, finally, results and
conclusions are shown.

2. Analysis of Relevant Factors for Methodologies

We started the analysis by making a systematic literature review to look for relevant factors and
we made the findings shown in this section.
One of the most important factors that must be taken into account before starting to develop the
study is the type of building. According to Ndoye [9], it is essential to know the type of building
because it affects other factors thus influencing in different ways. Furthermore, this research shows
that energy consumption may be considered dependent on the flow rate.
The research conducted by Bouchelle [10] showed that pipe insulation does not affect the energy
consumption. Aydinalp [11] developed a neural network to estimate DHW energy consumption,
assuring that the energy savings are insignificant in addition of insulation around hot water pipes.
In the research carried out by Yao [12] the equation used to estimate the DHW load (kWh per day)
does not take into account the floor area, but it includes heat capacity of water, density of water,
daily volume and difference of temperature between cold inlet water and DHW consumed.
After in-detail analysis of previous researches, the differences on the number and the kind of factors
used are identified and shown in Table 3.
Factors used in each research are significantly different with a small common part. Considering
these researches, the most relevant factors are: type of building, amount of DHW consumed
(equivalent to Flow rate but easier to obtain), cold inlet temperature and temperature of DHW.
However, in order to determine the definitive set of factors, we study further these factors and its
relations. We will study main factors which influence the electrical energy consumption for DHW.
Energies 2014, 7 6840

Table 3. Influential factors used in each research.

Influential Factors Ndoye [9] Bouchelle [10] Aydinalp [11] Yao [12]
Type of building Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flow rate (L/in) Yes No Yes No
Regional climate No No No Yes
DHW temperature Yes Yes Yes Yes
Heat tank losses Yes Yes Yes No
Time of the year No Yes No Yes
Solar water heaters No Yes No No
Pipe insulation No No No No
Occupancy No Yes No Yes
Household income No No Yes No
Dwelling ownership No No Yes No
Area of residence No No Yes No
Energy sources used No No Yes No
Number of water heaters No No Yes No
Age of system No No Yes No
Size of the water tank No No Yes No

2.1. Temperature Difference

Temperature difference could be an important factor and in order to make a thorough study of it, an
evaluation of two different magnitudes was required: cold inlet temperature and referenced temperature.
Unexpectedly, one of the software used to calculate the energy label of residential buildings in
Spain (CE3X) [13] uses constant value for the water inlet temperature. Table 4 shows the average
annual inlet temperatures in each climatic zone.

Table 4. Average annual inlet temperature of water regarding the climatic zone in Spain.
Climatic Zone Number of Provinces Water Inlet Temperature (C)
A3 5 15.50
A4 1 16.00
B3 6 14.58
B4 4 15.50
C1 6 12.75
C2 3 13.75
C3 1 13.25
C4 4 13.75
D1 4 10.90
D2 8 11.83
D3 6 13.00
E1 4 10.08

Data presented in Table 4 does not include the variation of temperature during the year, such
information is represented in Figure 1 that shows the variation of cold water inlet temperature through
different months of the year for the case of Seville (Spain) [14]. During the summer season,
Energies 2014, 7 6841

the ambient temperature is higher and the inlet temperature of cold water also increases. Other
research [15] verified the results obtained for Seville with inlet temperature of cold water.

Figure 1. Cold inlet temperature along the year in Seville (Spain).


Cold inlet temperature (C)



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Another relevant factor is the reference temperature of DHW. This temperature influences the
growth of Legionellae bacteria, which survives at temperatures below 20 C but is unlikely to multiply.
When the temperature rises above 50 C, legionellae has little likelihood of survival, and at 60 C the
majority dies. Therefore, maintaining the temperature below 20 C and above 50 C is the main
method of controlling legionellae in DHW [16]. However, if we analyze some European standards, we
realize that the reference temperature is always 60 C. Standards establish the temperature of 60 C to
be sure that there is no risk of legionellae for tenants in residential buildings. However, there is another
problem when water is stored at 60 C, the risk of DHW scalds for the elderly. Adults may show
partial thickness burns in 30 s at a temperature of 55 C, or in 5 s at 60 C, or in 1 s at 65 C. This issue
was studied in the research conducted by Stone [17] who showed noteworthy results from UK, because
in some houses, temperatures reached up to 74.8 C.
Recommendations of the Technical Building Code (CTE, Codigo Tcnico de la Edificacin) [18]
establish that the DHW consumption per capita should be 22 liters per day in apartment houses, and
30 liters per day in the case of detached houses. Portugals standard [19] determines an average
consumption of 40 liters per capita per day (LPCD). The standard from the UK known as BS6700 [20],
recommends that DHW consumption of a dwellings should be between 35 liters and 45 liters per
bedroom, respectively. To transfer the information into the Spanish scenario, UK bedrooms should be
translated into tenants. According to CTE [18], which establishes the connection between tenants and
bedrooms of houses, the quantity of DHW use per capita is similar to the Spanish standard. Table 5
shows an approximation between the consumption per user of those recommendations. It could be
observed that standards share the same reference temperature; however, while Spain and the UK
propose similar consumption values, Portuguese values are much higher.
Energies 2014, 7 6842

Table 5. Amount of DHW (LPCD) using different standards.

Standard 1 Tenant 2 Tenants 3 Tenants 4 Tenants
Spanish CTE (60 C) 2230 4460 6690 88120
United Kingdom Standard (60 C) 2330 4760 7090 105135
Portuguese Standard (60 C) 40 80 120 160

2.2. Water Distribution

In addition, it was considered interesting to study the water distribution in order to understand better
where the DHW is consumed. The first step was to know the average water consumption. Thanks to
the survey made by the National Statistical Office (INE) [21], information was obtained about water
consumption in all autonomous Spanish communities. The Spanish average consumption in 2012 was
142 LPCD. The highest average water consumptions were in Castille and Leon, Ceuta and Melilla,
while the lowest average water consumptions were in homes from Basque Country and La Rioja.
After analyzing the previous study, it was considered appropriate to check the previous values and
to obtain more detailed data. To validate the data of total water consumption, it was decided to carry
out a survey where the information was collected through a webpage [22]. To fill out the
questionnaire, survey respondents were asked about the main characteristics of the house, such as the
size, number of tenants, province, water billings, and so on. The houses evaluated are located in the
Community of Madrid. Table 6 shows the average water consumption collected by the survey and the
deviation with respect to the INE values that, in the case of the Community of Madrid, is 141 LPCD.
As can be seen in Table 6, the average deviation produced by these data is only 5.3%, an acceptable
deviation to validate the survey and extract the rest of data of the survey respondents.

Table 6. Comparison between survey and National Statistical Office (INE) data.
Survey House Water Consumption (LPCD) Deviation with Respect to the INE Value
House 1 115.0 18.3%
House 2 169.3 +20.1%
House 3 170.8 +21.1%
House 4 132.3 6.1%
House 5 188.8 +33.9%
House 6 98.6 30.0%
House 7 105.2 25.3%
House 8 87.6 37.8%
Average 133.4 5.3%

The next step is to study the variation of consumption throughout the year. Figure 2 shows some
examples of the variation of water consumption per tenant.
As can be seen in Figure 2, water consumption remains almost constant during the different months,
except in summer, which is the holiday period. Furthermore, the most impacting issue is the large
differences in total water consumption per tenant. This situation was detected also by Sauri [23] who
studied the water consumption of 40 neighborhoods of Barcelona and reported on important
differences within regions. Some municipalities consume more than 400 LPCD, while others consume
Energies 2014, 7 6843

only 110 LPCD. One work conducted by the Institute of Geography of the University of Alicante [24]
ran a detailed study of some coastal neighborhoods and obtained results showing that housing holding
up to four members reached values ranging from 140 to 180 LPCD.

Figure 2. Variation of water consumption per tenant throughout the year.

liters per capital per day

(total water)

100 Apartment 1
80 Apartment 2
Apartment 3
20 Apartment 4

The next step in this study was to establish the water distribution. The research carried out by the
Water Technology Institute of the Polytechnic University of Valencia [25] studied a sample composed
of 64 building apartments without gardens, located in four different villages on the east coast of Spain
where the measurements were performed during 807 days. The water distribution obtained in this
study is the following: faucets (38.6%), toilets (22.2%), showers (19.9%), clothes washers (9.7%),
leaks (8.9%) and dishwashers (0.6%). These percentages represent the consumption of cold water and
DHW. Thus, if we take into account that most of the DHW is used in the showers and in
the faucets, because toilets only consume cold water, the biggest savings of energy will be made by
replacing them [26].

2.3. Domestic Hot Water Bills

To continue the study we decide to collect more detailed data and we select 10 apartments of the
same building in Alcala de Henares (Spain) where we collect data during eighteen months. We focused
on these households because they have solar thermal power equipment with an exclusive meter for
DHW consumption. Therefore, we can draw the data about the amount of DHW through their DHW
bills. Figure 3 shows the amount of DHW in one house during eighteen months.
By observing these data, we can conclude that DHW does not remain constant along the year,
noticing that the same month in different years the consumption is completely different. For example,
the consumption in March 2013 was 31.8 while in March 2014 was 21.5 LPCD. If we pay attention to
the outdoor average temperature, we can appreciate that in March 2013 this temperature was 8.3 C
and in March 2014 was 10.1 C. Outdoor temperature may influence in the increment of DHW
consumption. This issue was also studied by Parker [27], who demonstrated that DHW consumption is
not totally dominated by weather conditions, but is sensitive to temperature conditions. This is why
colder air temperatures lead to greater DHW consumption use because tenants take longer showers to
warm up and use more amounts within the mix to achieve the preferred temperature. The tendency
rises from summer to autumn and from autumn to winter. If we analyze the data in detail, we can see
Energies 2014, 7 6844

that the amount of DHW consumed in winter may be even four times higher than during summer.
The average amount of DHW consumption was 25.7 LPCD. The month with the highest consumption
was January with 43.1 LPCD, and the month with the lowest consumption was July with 9.7 LPCD. If
we check this information with a Mediterranean country (Greece) where the weather conditions are
very similar to Spain, we can see that both researches show similar results. This research was carried
out by Papakostas [28] who showed that the majority of the families consume between 25 and
35 LPCD, and the season with lowest consumption was summer.

Figure 3. DHW consumption (LPCD) in one apartment.

DHW consumption (LPCD)
10 Outdoor average temperature C


We can also pull out the data about energy consumption in order to check the benefit of this sort of
installation. Figure 4 shows the energy consumption (kWh) per month in the same apartment
showed previously.

Figure 4. Energy consumption (kWh) in the same apartment.





Energy consumption (kWh)

By observing these data, if the residential buildings have this sort of renewable energy, tenants
could save on energy in their DHW bills up to six months per year. Hence the installation of solar
thermal allows tenants to dramatically decrease the electrical energy bill.
Connecting the data of both figures (Figures 3 and 4), we can see that there are several months with
21 LPCP (March 2014, November 2013 and May 2013) while the electrical energy consumption is
Energies 2014, 7 6845

completely different; 47 kWh in March 2014, 237 kWh November 2013 and 0 kWh in May 2013.
This is why the energy generated by solar thermal power equipment depends on weather conditions.
If we analyze the normalizing of electrical energy consumption per DHW consumption, Table 7 shows
the result.

Table 7. Normalizing electrical energy consumption per DHW consumption.

DHW Consumption Electrical Energy Normalizing
(LPCD) Consumption (kWh) (kWh/LPCD)
March 2014 21 47 2.23
February 2014 36 678 18.83
January 2014 26 711 27.34
December 2013 22 349 15.86
November 2013 21 237 11.28
October 2013 20 0 0
September 2013 26 0 0
August 2013 11 0 0
July 2013 10 0 0
June 2013 25 0 0
May 2013 21 0 0
April 2013 40 346 8.65
March 2013 31 762 24.58
February 2013 36 623 17.30
January 2013 43 1039 24.16
December 2012 31 729 23.51
November 2012 19 314 16.52
October 2012 17 117 6.88

We can observe that our sample is not lineal. The results in March 2014, November 2013 and
May 2013 are completely different. On the other hand, the research done by UK Government [29]
showed a lineal normalizing. This is why the sample was done with 112 houses without solar thermal
power equipment. The electrical energy consumption in both cases depends on DHW consumption but
if the residential buildings have solar thermal power, this normalizing is not lineal.

3. Methodologies

There are a few methodologies commonly used for the estimation of the DHW demand [30].
The system developed allows users to obtain the estimation of electrical energy by applying
three methodologies.
For the first methodology it was considered appropriated to use the estimation of the electrical energy
consumption following the procedure collected in the document made by the Spanish Institute for
Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE, Instituto para la Diversificacin y Ahorro de la Energ a) [31]
which tries to obtain the energy demand based on the number of tenants. This method establishes
573 kWh per capita for detached houses and 420 kWh per capita for apartments. To obtain the
previous data, it was estimated the water consumption per user following the standard UNE
Energies 2014, 7 6846

(Una Norma Espaola) 94002:2005 [14]. Other variables considered were cold inlet temperature
(15 C) and delivered temperature (60 C).
For the second methodology, the system needs the specification of the kind of residential building
(apartment or detached), the province and the household area. The data used in this option is based on
two studies [32,33] made by the University of Seville. This option takes into account more specific
parameters than the previous one. However, it is not able to estimate the consumption per month only
annual consumption is offered. Table 8 shows the coefficients to estimate it in some provinces.

Table 8. Coefficients to estimate electrical energy consumption (kWh/m2 per year).

Residential Building
Apartment Detached
Albacete 13.1 17.9
Alicante 12.3 16.8
Almeria 12.1 16.6
Avila 13.7 18.7

In the last methodology, more parameters are needed as, for example, the cold inlet temperature.
It was taken into account the equation included in the normative UNE 94002:2005 [14]. This option
allows obtaining the electrical energy consumption per month using the following Formula:
DDHW (kWh) per month = Dmonth QDHW Cp (Tref Tcw) (1)
Dmonth: number of days in the month;
: density of water (kg/L);
Cp: specific heat of water (kWh/kg C);
Tref: reference temperature (C);
Tcw: cold inlet temperature (C);
QDHW: DHW at reference temperature (LPCD).

Once equations are defined, values used in the system must be defined. If users do not know some
parameters, the application has to assume them like amount of DHW. Table 9 shows the amount of
DHW per person per day considered.

Table 9. Amount of DHW considered in the third option.

Domestic Hot Water (LPCD)
Apartment Houses Detached Houses
Autumn 21 30
Winter 22 32
Spring 23 33
Summer 19 29

The best way to check the correctness of these methodologies of calculation is by confronting it
with the information of SECH-SPAHOUSEC project [3] which is the result of a survey on one
Energies 2014, 7 6847

hundred properties, thirty three per each climate zone. In this project, Spain was divided into three
areas: North Atlantic, Continental and Mediterranean.
The main benefit of our methodologies is that they are able to estimate this consumption in each
province, while the previous projects gave only the average consumption in each climatic zone. To be
coherent with the confrontation, the assumptions considered in the different methodologies are: the
number of tenants is three [34] and the average area of residential buildings in the case in North
Atlantic is 93.7 m2, in Continental zone is 103.5 m2 and in Mediterranean zone is 103.8 m2 [3].
Figures 57 show the output of the three options for each province comparing them with the average of
each these climate zones in SECHSPAHOUSEC study.

Figure 5. Average energy consumption in kWh per house in a year (North Atlantic).

Electrical energy consumption (kWh)





Guipzcoa A Corua Lugo Asturias Pontevedra Vizcaya

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Sech-Spahousec

Figure 6. Average energy consumption kWh per house in a year (Continental).

Electrical energy consumption (kWh)















Ciudad Real

La Rioja

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Sech-Spahousec

Energies 2014, 7 6848

Figure 7. Average energy consumption per house in a year (Mediterranean).

Electrical energy consumption (kWh)








Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Sech-Spahousec

Analyzing the data of these Figures, we can notice that Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de
Gran Canarias are the provinces with the lowest consumption while Burgos and Soria are the provinces
with the highest consumption. Therefore, geographical situation influence is an important factor
because it bears upon the cold inlet temperature.
If the results of the confrontation are analyzed deeply it is possible to observe differences on the
accuracy of the predicted electrical energy consumption. Table 10 shows the deviation of each
methodology divided by climatic zone.

Table 10. Deviation between the different options and Sech-Spahousec.

Climatic Zone Option 1 Option 2 Option3
North Atlantic 25% 26% 16%
Continental 25% 19% 18%
Mediterranean 3% 1% +2%
Average 18% 14% 11%

As it can be seen, the first option is the most inaccurate among the three options. The main problem
with this option is that it keeps constant the cold inlet temperature and therefore it does not take into
account the differences on temperature caused by weather conditions nor the season of the year. As a
result, the output is the same for all Spanish cities. The second option estimates the consumption
better, because the number of factors considered is higher than the first option. The most accurate
methodology is the third option. Therefore, the higher the number of factors considered in the
methodology, the less deviation in the output.
Energies 2014, 7 6849

4. Estimation Web Tool for Householders

To make these methodologies accessible to citizens, a website has been developed in order to allow
users to easily estimate the electrical energy consumption with an intuitive interface. The aim of this
new tool is to improve the awareness about the amount of energy used in DHW at home.
Due to the difficulty of some of the parameters of the methodologies used, the system provides
three different levels of evaluation: basic, normal and complete. The main difference among them is
the amount of information required to make the estimation, and the accuracy of the results. In the basic
mode, only the kind of building and the number of tenants are required, while in the complete mode
more information is required like the province, number of tenants, kind of building and the amount of
DHW. As a result, the program gives the amount of electrical energy consumption of DHW. Each
evaluation level will use a different methodology to make calculations.
Once known the consumption, the application offers small tips which can help to reduce it. To ease
the visualization of these recommendations, they are differenced by rooms. Users can check the
information about how save DHW in the bathroom or kitchen just placing the pointer on the appliance
or device. Figure 8 shows the interface where it displays a range of different tips.

Figure 8. Piece of advice to reduce the energy consumption in DHW.

Energies 2014, 7 6850

To help understanding of the website application and the selection of parameters and
methodologies, a flow chart is provided in Figure 9, showing the behavior of the system.

Figure 9. Flow chart.


Top-down 1 Bottom-down 2

Top-down 2

Insert Parameters 1 Insert Parameters 2 Insert Parameters 3

Kind of Kind of Number of Kind of
of Province Area Province DHW
building building tenants building

Methodology 1 Methodology 2 Methodology 3


No Do you want to save



Bathroom Kitchen
Recommendations Where? Recommendations

The last section of the flow chart shows the specialized recommendations for the kitchen and
bathroom proposed by the program. The process to obtain this recommendations is showed in the
following subsection.

4.1. Selection of Recommendations

The purpose of this section is to give users some technical advice to understand that devices and
habits are able to reduce their DHW and energy consumption. According to Lutz [8] several
technologies are available to enhance the system; saving energy and DHW consumption by reducing
losses or by passively recovering heat from wastewater streams and other sources. Energy savings from
some individual technologies are reported to be as much as 30 percent. Table 11 shows the percentage of
residential buildings which have adopted some steps to reduce DHW consumption in Spain.
Energies 2014, 7 6851

Table 11. Percentage of residential buildings which have adopted steps to reduce DHW
consumption (2008) [35].
Step Taken Percent Incorporation
Reusing water 22.90%
Wait to fill up the dishwasher/washing machine 81.90%
Decrease the flow of the faucets 30.80%

It is noteworthy that no step is made with 100% incorporation. In addition, the incorporation
percentage is not equally distributed in autonomous communities [36]. The percentage of reusing
water is lower in communities with a high rate of rainwater. The Spanish Government should
incorporate a full awareness program on water sensitive urban design.
There are two options to reduce the electrical energy consumption [37]: The first option is to use
DHW more efficiently, so you need less of it without sacrificing comfort, and the second option needs
that tenants invest money. Table 12 shows the recommendations of the first option.

Table 12. Recommendations to save energy and water.

It is always better to shower than bathe.
Save energy by turning off the shower while you apply soap or shampoo.
Fill up the dishwasher before using, and use a middle-sized load only when it is an emergency.
Dishwasher If the dishes are washed by hand, do not do it with the water running. Use a stack to wash and
another to rinse. If you have two sinks, use a bowl [38].
Front-loading washing machines are often viewed as being more water efficient, due to the fact
they spin on a horizontal axis and, subsequently, require less water for a load of washing. These
machines, however, generally take twice the amount of time for a single washing cycle than a
Washing top loader. New and more efficient top loaders on the market employ a variety of sensors and
Machines cycles that minimize water usage for the amount of washing loaded into the machine [39].
Use the washing machine at full load whenever possible [40].
Most of the cost of operating washing machines is for heating the water. However, some
detergents are now specifically formulated to dissolve in cold water [37].
Faucet Turn the hot water down or off while you shave or wash dishes. [37]

These apparently insignificant tips can have significant results when practiced routinely. According
to the research did by Laitala [41] who measured energy and water consumption of different washing
machines. Her results showed that washing at 30 C used 0.37 kWh, at 40 C used 0.526 kWh and at
60 C used 0.895 kWh. This means that washing at 30 C used 29.6% less than washing at 40 C and
58.7% less than washing at 60 C. If we assume that the number of cycles is 165 per year in Spain [42]
and we consider temperatures of Table 13, the final energy consumption would be 74.96 kWh per year.

Table 13. Water temperature in Washing Machines in 2008 (Spain) [35].

Number of Tenants 1 2 3 4 or More
Temperature > 40 C 1.7% 2.1% 1.6% 2.2%
30 C < T < 40 C 21.1% 22.8% 22.2% 23.9%
Temperature < 30 C 60.8% 57.7% 56.2% 52.7%
Depends on dirty 16.4% 17.5% 20.0% 21.2%
Energies 2014, 7 6852

In the second option, users need to spend money to obtain energy savings, drawing on the research
by Washlstrom [43]. In this research 65 flats in Gothenburg (Sweden) were measured where electrical
energy consumption of DHW [44] is very similar to many Spanish cities. Results shows that 26% cold
water and 28% DHW could be saved when modern taps were installed, thermostatic mixers in the
bath/shower and single-lever mixer in the basin and kitchen. Single-lever mixers may save 51% cold
water and 38% DHW. Changing to thermostatic mixers and a single-lever mixer with eco-effect, with
all installation costs included, will give a payback time of 2.4 years. To change to a single-lever mixer
gives a payback time of 1.3 years if it is used by two persons and without any installation costs.
Corresponding payback time for the single-lever basin mixer or a thermostatic mixer in the
bath/shower is less than 1.9 years. Jensen [26] studied the amount of energy saving where it is possible
to achieve it by changing to an energy-labelled tap or shower. In the case of an apartment, energy
savings for DHW is in the range of 216 to 616 kWh/ (person, year) and for the case of detached the
range is 147 to 420 kWh/(person, year), these amounts of energy depend on the energy-labelled of the
new device.
Considering all these results, the application was created to offer simplified recommendations to
users including most of these results.

5. Conclusions

The main result of the presented work is the confirmation of feasibility for methodologies used to
predict the amount of electrical energy used in DHW. Through the analysis of factors, and the evaluation
of methodologies, it was possible to update one methodology with new considerations as the tendency.
In addition, some conclusions about factors arose in the study that offer results more detailed than
previous studies. One of the most relevant indicates that in residential buildings with renewable
energy, the electrical energy does not depend linearly of DHW consumption.
In addition, after analyzing the different options obtained to estimate the electrical energy
consumption, the methodology used by current normative UNE 94002:2005 [14] should resolve two
important aspects: first, it does not take into account the effects of the tendency because the amount of
DHW consumption is considered constant along the year and second, it should incorporate the
electrical energy saving of thermal solar power.
In addition, we would like to remark that autonomies with a high rate of rain do not take advantages
of reusing water. From our point of view, it would be a good idea and an improvement if the Spanish
Government incorporates a full awareness program on water sensitive urban design.
Finally, the application development within the website shows the feasibility of offering these
complex methodologies with an easy to use interface making their result more widely spread.


Authors want to thank the effort and support from FERROVIAL Company to the Department of
Computer Sciences in the Ciudad2020 project. Moreover, we are grateful to the tenants of the
apartment buildings and the participants of the survey, without their support this research would not
have been possible. Finally, we are immensely grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments on the earlier versions of this manuscript.
Energies 2014, 7 6853

Author Contributions

Alberto Gutierrez-Escolar and Zlatko Stapic have contributed developing ideas and combining
the methodologies into a website. Ana Castillo Martinez and Jose-Maria Gutierrez-Martinez have
developed both websites. Jose M. Gomez-Pulido has obtained the data. All the authors are involved in
preparing the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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