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Mrs. Amy Scroggins 2017-18

Respect: Students will treat their 3-ring binder
peers, the instructor, the classroom, loose leaf paper
and the equipment with respect. writing utensils
Responsible: Students will arrive in
class and be seated before the bell
Your Grade:
50% Tests
Ready: Students will come to class 30% Lab Work
prepared and keep an organized 10% Practice
notebook. 10% Final Exam
Each student is expected to follow
the school's code of conduct. (No cell 10%
phone usage - No food - Tech. Policy) Final
Consequences: Practice
Seat Change
Conference 50% Tests
Removal 30% Lab Work
Parent Contact

Positive Consequences:
Ticket for Drawing
Parent Contact
Music We will use technology during class.
You may use your assigned
Chromebook to access the required

Biology - Mrs. Scroggins

Sign, Date, and Return Other Side
Notebooks: You will organize your notebook by unit
following the class Table of Contents. All work will go
into your notebook. This becomes your textbook.
Expect me to occasionally grade your notebook and

Academic Honesty: I expect you to have integrity.

Plagiarism and cheating will result in a 0.

Practice / Homework: Homework is practice. Not completing homework will negatively affect
your understanding of the material. Late assignments are accepted, but will be recorded as late
and will not be as beneficial to you. I expect you to make mistakes and this is the perfect place
to make mistakes! Extra Credit is rarely available to the entire class. The amount of extra credit
given will not be significant enough to offset poor performance on labs and tests.

Test Retakes: Students may retake unit tests. Prior to retaking a test, the student must submit
all unit work and a completed retake form. Test retakes must occur within two weeks of the
original test date. Retakes are available during Advisory or tutoring.

Late Work / Makeup Policy: Plan to make up labs during tutoring or

Advisory. Labs must be made up within two weeks. Late work is accepted
until the final unit test retake date. Students are responsible for his/her own
makeup work. If you know you will be gone, get your work.

Lab Safety: All students will complete a lab safety unit, quiz and form prior to being
allowed to participate in lab activities. A guardian must sign the lab safety form.
FIND ME HERE: All websites are not personal and are strictly for professional use.

@eldobiology EXTRA HELP:

Tuesdays & Thursdays After School
from 2:54-3:45
(or by appointment) EMAIL:

I have read through this Biology syllabus, and I understand my responsibilities for the course.

Student Signature ________________________________ Date ___________

Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Date __________

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