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ROUND 1 Online Test

Ques 1: An element is represented by feet and inch and its height is equivalent to 12*feet + inches.
In array of such elements, find the max height.

Ques 2: A string is such that it consist of binary digits or characters A, B or C (represent

operations). A represents AND, B represents OR and C represents XOR. What will be the output
of the string.
Sample input : 1A0B0C1A1

Ques 3: A binary tree is modified such that each node also contains Parent Node in addition to left
child and right child. Given a node, you have to find the next node in in-order traversal of the node.
Note: Recursion wasnt working in this case.

ROUND 2 Group Flier

Given two character arrays, check whether one array is rotated version of another or not. Boundary
Cases were focussed. You are not allowed to modify the array or use string operations. Complexity
was supposed to be O(n^2).

ROUND 3 First Technical Interview

1. Flatten the tree to doubly linked list such that pointer to left node points to predecessor of node in
in-order traversal and right node points to successor of node in in-order traversal.
2. Find the majority element (appears more than n/2 times) in array. No extra storage space to be
used or do it one scan of array.

ROUND 4 Second Technical Interview

There is a class which consist of Name, Contact, Email. If two objects have at least one of the fields
common, there are considered same. Print all same contacts.
Hint: It was a graph question, figured it out in the end.

ROUND 5 HR Interview
Discussed about one of my projects.
Ques : Code base 64 encoding. He explained me what it is and then I was to code it.

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