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What is the Purpose of Communication ?

Khaled Mahmud
Assistant Professor
Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka

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Traditional Approach to Marketing Communications

Purpose of Communication
Develop brand awareness Sales
Publicity promotion
Increase category demand Point of
Change customer belief or attitude
Enhance purchase actions Media Packaging
Encourage repeat purchases Special Adver-
Build customer traffic events tising Direct
Enhance firm image response
Increase market share
Increase sales relations
Reinforce purchase decisions Interactive
Direct marketing
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Contemporary IMC Approach

Factors Affecting the
Sales Direct
Promotional Mix
Packaging Nature of Product
promotion response

Stage in PLC
Point of
purchase Adver- Target Market Factors
tising relations
Publicity Factors Type of Buying Decision
Interactive Choice of Promotion Funds
marketing Direct
Special Promotional Mix
events Push or Pull Strategy

Product Life Cycle and the WHAT NEEDS TO BE INTEGRATED ?

Promotional Mix
Maturity Customers
Sales ($)

Decline Business
Introduction Growth
Employees partners

Time Corporate mission

Light Heavy use of Advertising, Ads decrease. AD/PR
Advertising, advertising, PR, Brand Sales Promotion, decrease
pre- PR for loyalty Personal Selling Limited Databases
Sales Corporate Corporate
introduction awareness; Personal Reminder & culture
Promotion, learning
Publicity sales Selling for Persuasive
promotion distribution Selling for
for trial distribution


WHY IMC? The Head to Heart

Decision-making Continuum
Most of the added value that comes from an effective brand
strategy and accumulates as brand equity is driven by IMC.

IMC builds the relationships that build brands

9 10

Three Approaches to Persuasion:

Making a Brand Decision Hierarchy-of-Effects-

Persuasion is the act of creating changes in beliefs,

attitudes, and behaviors.
A classic persuasion model is AIDA.

A = Attention
I = Interest
D = Desire
A = Action
11 12


Think Feel/Do Model Persuading People

Marketing communication is a type of intervention in

a customers brand decision process.

The intervention works only if the planner truly

understands the customers relationship to the

From an IMC perspective, communication that helps

customers and responds to them in a personal way is
much more persuasive than communication that
tries to manipulate them.
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IMC Planning
Cascading Objectives and Strategies
How Planning Works?

Three critical tasks in planning:

Setting measurable objectives
Deciding on strategies
Choosing tactics

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The Zero-based Planning Process

Selecting the most relevant MC mix to help
Zero-based planning determines objectives and strategies
based on current brand or marketplace conditions, starting achieve objectives
from the beginning to make a plan, rather than what has Objective: Increase belief of brand claims by 15% publicity
always been done. Objective: Increase trial by 25% sales promotion
There are eight steps in this process.
Step 1: Analyze SWOT
The hard part of planning:
Step 2: Analyzing targets and relationships
Deciding how best to mix the various MC functions for
Step 3: Determining MC objectives maximum efficiency and impact
Step 4: Developing Strategies and Rationales
Step 5: Budgeting
A major problem One IMC tool dominates simply out of
Step 6: Timing and Scheduling tradition i.e. Mass media advertising
Step 7: Test Marketing MC Mixes
Step 8: Evaluating Effectiveness
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IMC Budgeting Strategy

Creating of seeing the big idea
Provides a single focus to all MC efforts Companies use a combination of methods to
Frutika- determine how much MC money they will need,
Gives direction to both message design and delivery such as:
Must be reflected in the executions Percentage-of-sales: sales forecast and an
Must be carefully managed, otherwise a variety of unrelated arbitrary % of that forecast
ideas may be produced Objective and task: what tasks need to be done
There should be a fit between brands and offers and estimate the cost of each task
Identifying the best media mix Share-of-category spending: should be fairly close
Media and message strategies are different to its market share
Media strategy needs to be developed at the same time as the Return on investment (ROI): by doing marginal
message strategy analysis
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IMC Timing Strategy The Message

Coordinating the timing between marketing, production,
and sales is important. Everything communicates
Time and coordination go together, and are critical Brand messages:
elements of integration.
All the messages customers and other stakeholders receive
There is no magic formula for timing MC programs
from and about a brand.
Combination of content elements words, sounds,
Since MC causes and effects are constantly changing and are illustrations, actions, symbols, or objects
different for each category, the only way to know whether
How they are applied and arranged is the structure of the
or not something will work is to try it.
Test the level of media spending: How much spending is too
much? How much is too little?
A campaign is evaluated based on how well it met its
Research is done to determine is there is a change in
awareness or perception

The IMC Message Typology

The Four Sources of Brand Messages
Planned Messages
Product Planned
Planned messages are the marketing
communication messages delivered by
Brand advertising, sales promotion, personal
sales, merchandising materials, press
releases, events, sponsorships, packaging,
Service Unplanned and annual reports, to name a few.


Product Messages Product Performance

Although product design is important, product performance is even
The second type of message is the produce message; more important when it comes to sending brand messages. As most
these include all messages sent by a products design, marketers know, how well a product performs or how well a service is
performance, pricing, and distribution. delivered, relative to expectations, is a major determinant of whether
or not customers become repeat buyers.

Product Design Pricing and Distribution

The brand messages sent by price and distribution are often not
The design of a product can send powerful messages. recognized for their importance in a brands overall communication.
Operating on the principle that if it looks good, it must Theres a big perceived difference, for example, between cosmetics
be good, companies in the auto industry have always sold at New Market and those sold at One Stop Mall.
maintained a staff of industrial designers to style cars.

Service Messages Unplanned Messages

Service messages come from contact with service Unplanned messages include brand- or company- related
representatives, receptionists, secretaries, delivery people, news stories, gossip, rumors, actions of special interest
and all other representatives of a company. Service messages groups, comments by the trade and by competitors, findings
are usually personal, real-time interfaces between a company by government agencies or research institutions, and word
and a customer- and this is what makes them especially of mouth.
Employee Messages
Measuring Services
Employees are an important communication source, and their views
SERVQUAL Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, are highly credible to people they know, as well as to reporters who
Assurance, Empathy interview them, particularly in a crisis situation.


News Media
For most companies, the most critical unplanned messages come from IMC planners focus their attention on two types of
the news media. Such messages often reach a relatively large audience consistency:
and are seen as having especially high credibility. One-voice, one-look
Most elementary level of consistency
Disasters and Crises Same appearance and feel in all MC functions
Another type of unplanned message handled by public relations is All the media message reinforce one another
generated by company-related disasters. The crisis, disaster, or Strategic consistency
emergency is the most unwanted of unplanned messages, but crises Core values: Corporate mission, culture
are also a fact of life. Brand identity and position: Product/service performance
Brand image and personality: Creative strategy and executions


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Brand Message Execution The Creative Concept

The Big O
A creative idea is big when it:
To be effective marketing communication should be relevant,
original, and it should strike with impact. Attracts the attention of the targeted audiences.
Brand messages that encourage consumers to respond contain Is relevant to the brands selling proposition.
originality The Big O. Is memorable.
Two sets of decisions regarding brand message execution must be Is conceptually strong enough to be executed in a number of
made: ways by a variety of marketing communication functions.
What elements to use? Can last for years.
How to structure these elements?

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Message Formats Writing for Electronic Media

The 12 most common message formats are:
1. New announcement
2. Inherent drama To be heard, radio copy must be catchy and
3. Testimonial/endorsement
4. Talking head Radio copy and other audio copy must also be clearer
5. Lifestyle
than any other kind of copy, because listeners cant
refer back, as in print.
6. Problem/solution
7. Demonstration
Video copywriters can use a variety of tools to visually
attract attention and explain certain ideas.
8. Picture caption
9. Jingle
10. Humor One of the most challenging aspects of writing for
11. Animation/cartoons
broadcast media in making the script fit in the time
12. Special effects
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Writing Publicity Messages Package Design

Unlike advertising, companies have less control A package is more than just a physical container
over publicity messages. for a product.
The most widely used PR tool is the news release. It is the last ad a customer sees before making a
Many publications run feature articles, which may purchase decision.
be written by a PR person. Many package front panels are designed with
promotional flags.

Packaging also provides the link between MC

messages and the product on the shelf.
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Online Design Examples of Online Banners

Online images are primarily dominated by words
although it is changing as technology improves.
Understanding how viewers will navigate through the
site is part of what complicates online design.
A route that represents a typical viewers pattern of
information processing has to be mapped.
Various options can be accessed through hyperlinks.
Another element of Web design is the banner.

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Media Overview Media Classifications

In IMC, media menu refers to all the communication vehicles Way to classify media include:
available to the consumer as well as the marketer.
How brands choose to connect with prospects and customers Level of inclusiveness
can influence a brands image. Audience orientation
Media is plural referring to all carriers of data and
Medium is singular and refers to one media type. Most mass media guarantee only the opportunity
There are four basic types of media: for a large audience to be exposed to a brand.
Print Communication vehicles are specific publications,
networks, channels, stations, and programs that
make up a medium.
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Print Media Newspapers

Print media include: Strengths:
Newspapers Newspapers are able to reach a mass, local audience.
Magazines Readers are above average in education and income.
Directories Newspapers are tangible, and readers can read and re-read
messages at their own pace.
Mail brochures Most subscribers have an emotional involvement with their
Mail daily newspaper.
Packaging Daily newspapers provide marketers with flexibility and short
lead time.
All other forms, which are produced by printing and
are relatively permanent
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Newspapers Magazines
Weaknesses: Magazines are classified by:
Average life of one day.
Frequency of publication
Printed on low-quality porous paper. Type of audience
Clutter. How they are distributed
High cost for ads taking up a half page or more.
High percentage of media waste.

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Magazines Magazines
Strengths: Weaknesses:
Audience selectivity Relatively limited reach of a brands target audience
Tangible Long lead time
High quality reproduction Lack of frequency
Strong reader involvement Costly
More permanent than newspapers
Ability to do a split-run

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Directories Broadcast Media

A directory is both a reference and an advertising Broadcast media include radio and television.
medium. Broadcast media differs from print in that people
The most widely known is the Yellow Pages. often do other things while listening or
Yellow Pages advertising is often the primary or viewing, so messages are fleeting.
only form of advertising used by many small, Broadcast commercials are more intrusive than
local retailers. print ads.
A weakness of the Yellow Pages is that they are
printed only once a year.
53 54

Radio Radio
Strengths: Weaknesses:
Theatre of the mind high level of involvement No visuals
Selectivity Messages are fleeting
Short lead time Radio is often used as background entertainment
Difficult to determine what percent of brand messages
are actually heard

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Television Television
Strengths: Weaknesses:
Dynamic able to carry sound and moving visuals High production cost
Often considered the prestige medium for marketing Clutter
communication Long lead times
Mass coverage

57 58

Outdoor Advertising Outdoor Advertising

Strengths: Weaknesses:
Frequency Passing exposure
Reach Wear out
Accessibility Negative perception
Attracts people with certain commonalities

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The Internet The Internet

The Internets most important characteristics include: The Internet offers several communication features:
1) Shifts power from companies to customers.
2) Is accessible to the majority of the population.
Chat rooms
3) Provides an extensive range of information.
4) Allows for unsurpassed speed and coverage.
Communication and searching for information are currently the
5) Reduces the cost of selling and acquisition. dominant uses of the Internet.

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Mail Mail
Strengths: Limitations:
Addressable High cost per message
Measurable results Long lead time
Highly selective Clutter, junk mail perception
Demands attention

63 64


Telemarketing Telemarketing
Strengths: Limitations:
Personalized Costly
Real-time interaction Ugly image
Attention-getting Intrusive
Measurable results

65 66

E-mail E-mail
Strengths: Limitations:
Addressable Clutter (spam)
Can be personalized Limited creative options
Extremely low cost
Can be interactive

67 68


Top Channel Reach (National)

TV Viewership Pattern (National)







10-11 am

7-8 am

8-9 am

9-10 am

12-1 pm

10-11 pm

1-2 pm

2-3 pm

3-4 pm

4-5 pm

5-6 pm

6-7 pm

7-8 pm

8-9 pm

9-10 pm

12-1 am


Islamic TV
ATN Bangla



Ekushey TV

Diganta TV

Desh TV


Boishakhi TV

Bangla Vision

Channel i
Viewership %

TV viewership nationally is dominant at evening hours. (2012)

BTV (terrestrial) is the highest reach government channel with 65% reach
69 followed by ATN/Channel I (C&S) stations which are around 40%. (2012) 70

Top Newspaper Profile

Newspaper Name Profile
Modern, enthusiastic, aimed at young adults, special pages for different segments. A
Media Scheduling
complete package for all. News credibility is very high

2nd from top, news coverage is more than anyone, modern look 185,000

Three commonly used scheduling strategies are

Newspaper pioneer, good reporting section, strong sports section, strongest classified section 190,000
Struggling after the accident, modern look, couldnt maximize the hype of the beginning 160,000
Doing good among the new comers, high news credibility, covers news of all type, popular 160,000
in middle-class households
Continuous scheduling
Present among the top 5, started as a low cost newspaper, sometimes questioned about news
Recent hype in the market, presented as the cheapest newspaper, most of the readers are 400,000
floating, circulation varies.

Modern and premium look, caters different segments, targeted toward upper class urban 50,000

Source: (BITOPI 2012) No Syndicated audit

data available 71 72


Examples of Media Plan Questions

Media Scheduling Strategies That Must Be Answered

73 74

10 Principles of IMC 10 Principles of IMC

First Principle of IMC: Everything communicates Sixth Principle of IMC: Stakeholders overlap.
Everything in the marketing mix can send a message
Everything a brand does, and sometimes what it doesnt do, Seventh Principle of IMC: All contact points deliver brand
can send a message. messages.

Second Principle of IMC: A brand is a unified version (the Eighth Principle of IMC: Strategic consistency drives
art) and complex system (the science) synergy.

Third Principle of IMC: Brand relationships drive brand Ninth Principle of IMC: You cant be integrated externally if
value you r not integrated internally.

Fourth Principle of IMC: Integration equals integrity. Tenth Principle of IMC: Integration happens when what
your brand says matches what it does and what others say
Fifth Principle of IMC: People automatically integrates about it.
brand messages and experiences. 75 76


Based on the above print advertisement explain the following:

If the above communication is given as billboard, posters or print Target audience of the print advertisement.
advertisement, what will you term the campaign product Basic massage of the print advertisement.
advertisement or corporate advertisement or public relations?
77 Effectiveness of the advertisement as per your observation 78

What is Social media?

Social Media is
Consumer generated media It is media that is
designed to be shared, sharing means that it is
easy to comment on, that it is easy to send, there
are no/minimal costs associated with viewing the
media and last but not least it is always available.
Social media enables people to share information
with friends and colleges using the Internet

79 80
photo credit: dbarefoot


Social Networking Social Networking

Social Networking is the use of communities
to engage with others: Facebook, MySpace, Friendship Sharing Community
LinkedIn, Twitter. Social Networking sites often
include social media tools to facilitate the Keeping in Photos Causes
Touch Links Beliefs
interaction and conversation
Developing Interests Advocacy

81 82

The Asian Market

Key digital strategies: Act & Convert

Effective Keyword Design Effectiveness Content Efficiencies


Category & Product Efficient PPC Effective Promote

Page Efficiencies Advertising Post



Key digital strategies: Engage Key digital strategies: Engage


photos break
up the visual
spacing of
your timeline

Dont Forget to put Cover Photo For Your

85 86

Key digital strategies: Engage Key digital strategies: Engage


More Like and

indicates high

Provide Polls. This give your fans the freedom

on commenting! 88


Key digital strategies: Engage Key digital strategies: Engage


Comment Rate more than doubles!

89 90

Key digital strategies: Engage Key digital strategies: Engage


In Bangladesh, highest
engagement ratio of a post
happen if uploaded around
9 pm!!

Less than 80 character is best 91 92


Bring Simplicity in All




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