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Things to Accomplish (in order):

1. Pre-test (business vocabulary and understanding of business)

2. Bens Loose Tooth story and accompanying worksheet, with Mr. Jakes additional questions
3. PPT about business vocabulary, with pictures
a. Important vocabulary for project:
i. Business, location, slogans, deals / discounts, advertise, logo, profits, losses,
charity, product development, market research, Core Values, Quality
Standards, Mission Statement, product, price, cost, ingredients, recipe,
1. Will include a worksheet with definitions in English and Chinese with
sample sentences
4. Your Tooth Pulling Business worksheet, plus a presentation of the ideas expressed on the
5. Explanation/presentation of what our project will be (by Mr. Jake)
a. Will include Mr. Jakes Lemonade Stand Project commercial and a list of what we will
i. List: Name our business, create a logo and a slogan, make posters (in art
class), make PPT (in IT class), make presentations (to other classes and student
body), make a blog, make a podcast, write (Mission Statement, Core Values,
Quality Standards)
ii. Any ideas they have about the project
6. Brainstorm name and slogan (talk about what is important to them with this project)
7. Create logo (individually) have a public vote on the designs explain why you want to
vote for each
8. Start our blog (what we anticipate / fears / excitement) handwrite first before posting
a. Post pictures, slogan, logo
9. Discuss money: How will we pay for the product? Where will the money come from?
a. Learn about the cost of lemons, sugar, and/or lemonade powder in China
10. Discuss charities: learn about some charities in Guiyang, greater Guizhou area, or other areas
in China
a. Orphanage in town, animal rescue, etc.
11. Post blog about money and hypothetical charities on blog + any new feelings
12. Write Mission Statement / Core Values / Quality Standards split into teams (ADD TO BLOG)
13. Public Speaker (Guest Speaker to be announced)
a. Students will write questions for the speaker beforehand
b. Speaker (someone who has run their own business) will give a 10-20 minute
presentation, including questions
i. Ask about successes, failures, what they would do differently in the future,
what they wish they had done differently
1. Blog: Post pictures from visit, questions asked, and a short video
14. Product development = MAKE LEMONADE!
a. Start with a small portion practice math (fractions) = how to increase portion size
for a larger audience
b. Get pics, write recipe and ingredients post to blog
c. Discuss Market Research: Who should we ask to try the product and give us advice?
Which grades?
15. Prepare for Market Research: Write a short presentation. Ask classes if they would like to
16. Make product for Market Research (enough for two or three whole classes from elementary,
middle, and high school)
a. MAKE SURE we have the logo and slogan to show other classes
17. Present to classes: Get advice / opinions on what they like and dont like about the product
a. Blog: Post pics and advice / opinions
18. Reflection through podcast: Interview students about progress so far.
a. Opinions about advice given, changes that need to be made, etc. Post podcast to
19. Make posters in art class (include logo, Mission Statement, Core Values, Quality Standards,
20. Watch demo videos of commercials (from various types of businesses), gather ideas
21. Write script for commercial and discuss options post to blog
22. Shoot commercials (Mr. Derek or Mr. Joe can edit it?)
23. Watch completed commercial and discuss (eat popcorn)
a. Post it to the blog + post reflections and script to blog
24. Gather up paperwork for PPT make it in IT class with the IT teacher (How many classes will
they need to complete it? Can it be posted to blog?)
a. It will be short and include: logo slogan, pictures, name of product, event invite (with
date and time)
b. Will be presented at Flag Raising! unfortunately we will only be able to invite a few
classes because of lack of lemonade (announce those classes at Flag Raising after
talking to their teachers)
25. Prepare for our launch: Make product, finish up last minute things, gather (signs, tables, etc.)
talk to some teachers beforehand to make sure the students come Personal invitations will
be dropped off to classes? How many classes?
a. Will take place during lunch in the gym or outside (or maybe a specified time when
Mr. Jake has the class)
b. Have comment cards
c. Blog: post pics, comments, etc.
26. Write reflections on project (or possibly make a video with each student OR both) successes
failures, how to improve in the future, what we wish we had done differently
a. Write and discuss (post to blog)
27. Post-test (same as pre-test)

*Cross-curricular: math, art, IT

*Technology: blog, podcast, PPT, video-making

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