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Mrs. McDonald
Civics is a required course for graduation. Civics will help students acquire and learn to use the
skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will prepare them to be competent and responsible citizens
throughout their lives. This course will focus on the role of government in history, organization
and operation of local, state, and national government. Students will study the U.S. Constitution
with particular emphasis on the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Additionally,
students will study current and controversial issues, service learning, and simulations of the
democratic process.

Grades will be calculated on a point basis. Each assignment, quiz, project, or test is worth a
specific number of points. Your grade is based upon a percentage of those points.

Grading Scale
59-00=No Graduation

I follow the student handbook for behavior issues Below are a few reminders
3rd Tardy to class = detention Phone = 1st time warning, then
Repeatedly not Prepared = detention detention
Disrespectfulness = detention Flagrant disrespect = Sent to office
Foul language/gestures = detention Cheating = Sent to office
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class unless otherwise specified. LATE work will
not be accepted for full credit. If you are absent please check Google Classroom and the folder
for the work you missed, please do not interrupt class to get your missing work. Any student
with an unexcused absence will receive a 0" for all missed work.

Class Rules:
Respect me Dress Appropriately--Any shirt with a
Respect your classmates shoulder strap width of less than 1 is
Respect yourself unacceptable. Tank tops must not
Do your best!!! reveal any undergarments and must
have enclosed sides. Bare backs,
plunging necklines (cleavage), and bare
midriffs are unacceptable.
Contact information: Twitter: @nmcdonaldchs

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