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Kate Collins Middle Accountability Be eeu) Accreditation Denied ‘A school is rated Accreditation Deried ifit fails to meot the requirements for full or partial accreditation forfour consecutive years. Any school denied accreditation must provide parents and other interested parties the following: written notice of the schcot's accreditation rating, a copy of the school division's proposed corrective action plan describing the steps to be taken to aise achievementto state standards, including a timeline for implementation; and an opportunity to comment on the corrective action lan prior to its adaption Bre ecu) English Pacont 1M Accreditation Benchmarlll 1-Year Averagdll 3-Vear Average Assessments ‘Student Achievement by Proficiency Level READING Reading Performance: All Students 20182018 2018-2018 2016-2017 I School - Advancedll School - Profcienl™l Dvision - Advanceill Division - Proficienill State - Advancedll State - Protcien Paicent 8 seseg WRITING Writing Performance: All Students 2182018 2018-2018 2016-2017 I School - Advancedll School - Profcienl™l Dvision - Advanceill Division - Proficenll Stale - Advancedll State - Protcien Parco 8 8 8 MATH Math Performance: All Students i i h 2182018 2018-2018 2016-2017 I School - Advancedll School - Profcienl™l Dvision - Advanceill Division - Proficenll State - Advancedll State - Protcien Percent 8 8 SCIENCE Science Performance: All Students 2182018 2018-2018 2016-2017 I School - Advancedll School - Profcienl™l Dvision - Advanceill Division - Proficenll State - Advancedll State - Protcien Percent 8 8 8

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