Yuma PVT 02012017 A05

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PALO VERDE VALLeY TIMES, Wednesday, February 1, 2017 A5

One eighth-graders determination inspires a school

By Cathyleen Rice from the schools, in- Harlow said. Theres
Times Reporter cluding blankets, gift going to be freshmen
cards, bikes and skate- from three different

ave you ever boards. schools coming togeth-
felt it was your One class gave a lot, er, so I dont know yet.
duty to right and parents brought in But ten years from
the wrongs toys that we were able now, when I look back
and possibly change the to pick up from the of- on this day, I would do
inevitable because of a fice, Harlow said. it all over again. But the
friend? Enjoying her holidays only thing Ill change
If you have, did you with her dad who is is having more time,
take action immedi- very proud and happy days to collect and more
ately? What was the at what she wanted to money. Im still a kid
outcome? do, Harlow received her and dont have a lot
Stifled by these same number one choice for of money, but I like to
questions just months Christmas, spending think about people, and
ago, Amber Harlow an time with family and of I would like to give back
eighth-grade student at course, getting a new to the homeless people
Ruth Brown Elemen- cell phone. here.
tary School decided, With her 8th grade It was one kids deter-
although shes a kid, commencement just mination to give back.
something had to be around the corner, Har- Although it started
done to save her friends low is mentally prepar- out small, the down-
Christmas. Photo Courtesy of Jill Madsen ing for high school and ward snowball effect
Troubled by the All the gifts collected at Ruth Brown Elementary, because eighth-grader Amber Harlow finding a way to make allowed it to grow into
thought that one of her thought it was a good idea to make someones Christmas special. a difference on an even something more than
closest friends wouldnt
be able to celebrate they had gift specifica- ful, and were so proud Its amazing thing to larger scale. she couldve imagine.
Christmas last year, tions and all they told of you for making a lot see how many people Im unsure about So as the first ques-
Harlow began planning me was the gifts had to of kids smile. can bring change, Har- how high school is tion alluded to, what are
and executing her ideas. be unopened and un- As a quiet, reserved low mentioned. going to go and I dont you doing to make the
My friends mom got wrapped, Harlow said. student, Harlow re- Receiving help from know if Ill be able to do world brighter place to
put in the hospital three Starting the collection ceived the Student of the students and par- something like this, live?
weeks before Christ- from Nov. 10 to Dec. the Month Award and ents of Ruth Brown,
mas, Harlow said. So 17, Harlows endeavor Perfect Attendance at Harlow said she was
I knew they wouldnt would reach the Inter- the informal ceremony. able to collect 76 toys
have a Christmas. My national Brotherhood of
thought at that time Electrical Workers who
was, itll be nice to give would surprise her and
them a Christmas. all the adults engrossed
And not just thinking in bringing back Christ-
about her friend only, mas for the hapless
Harlow started a school children.
wide collection that The men of the
went a long way, not electrical company
only helping one family, were able to donate
but many. four truck loads of toys
I started wanting to to the fire station on
help those who was go- behalf of Amber, 8th
ing to experience their grade teacher Jill Mad-
first Christmas with sen said at the Awards
less or experience their Day assembly held at
first Christmas with- Ruth Brown on Jan. 26.
out, Harlow said. It felt really good
Getting her teachers seeing all the toys they
involved to widen her donated, Harlow said.
resources, they agreed It almost made us cry.
it was a good idea. Honoring Harlow in
The next step Har- front of her peers at the
low took was going to program held since the
the principal who also students return from
backed her efforts. winter break, Madsen
The next thing I did said, Amber deserves
was walked to the fire all the praise for mak-
station and asked if ing Christmas wonder-

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