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Life Cycle of a Star, 2015 Star life cycles are more or less known to cosmologists and astronomers today. Stars are born in large explosions, most live their historical lives as the centre of a planetary system and then, decaying in un- believable nuclear explosions, they slowly burn up and become increasingly unstable until they im- plode, causing a magnificent event that fills the night sky — the supernova — and finally become black holes. Nevertheless, some theoretical astrophysicists believe that a black hole is not only the remains ofa star that has disappeared, but also a passage that can lead us to another world The work Life Cycle of a Star follows changes in the method and form of visual representations of the red star, the international symbol of Communist movements, in the second Yugoslavia, and with special reference to the League of Communists and its symbols during the period from liberation to the country's implosion at the extraordinary 14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. From the very beginnings when star as very recognisable and severe in its form to the last congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia when this symbol was literally being blown away. Pirate Jenny (2010) Mural Pirate Jenny takes the song of the same name from Brecht’s The Threepenny Opera and translates its references to radical feminism, the class struggle and revolutionary terror, into visual language, The lof the mural, previously a powerfol tool for propaganda, is at is opposite end of the spectrum to her form works and asks about the potential to mobilise society. OHD HEN Wii 11!) IN IKE EIGHT rippRY SURE 6 PNG WERE THe SHDOASS FAIL i WEYL LOOK thsi AND PUT Hit ty | AND THEY'LL ASK On Solidarity (2005 - ongoing) In 1977 a group of Chilean expatriate artists organized into artistic bri- gade Ramona Para did a wall painting on the outer wall of the Stu- dents Cultural Centre in Belgrade. Painting which they did with the help of the local students was titled Solidarity of the People of Yugoslavia with the Peoples of the Latin America In the following years this mural slowly fell into disrepair. | just had this vague recollection as a kid passing, during the 80s, by this wall of huge half erased faces looking at me. In 2005 | decided to try to restore the mural. | gained access to the Students Cultural Centre archives but unfortunately while there was extensive documentation on the event there was no complete shot of the mural. Nevertheless, with the help of several colleagues, | reconstructed as much as was possible and also have posted small plaque on the wall commemorat- ing the original event as well declaring our intention to “refresh” the mural. Since then | have discovered new materials, video documentation of the original 1977 action and reports and texts written by Students’ Cul- tural Centre staffers. | am now exhibiting this documentation and trying to piece together missing details by searching for documents, witnesses and original participants. Le aCe) Sere eRe ela coke Cee eee Aer een Pee RUE CMe anu RC ric oe eee Mea ne Be ee ee eae ae Ear naa Chere etme ney vee freer ieee ees peat nye cd Tener hc oe s of the flural painted in the gallery space. igi ions ih th Bi eae sie colin eeell Wales) Tor Met R Ue unos Oa foe ac Cae without fully realizingjitg) ec = MCN ene eo Fata cia irs ee i ie fetea Seren igi Ld Ata useful/meaningful in the future of societ Sete eS eS ing objects and meanings, URN eae ki Still life (2013-ongoing) Series of stil life paintings featuring hospital meals painted on a daily newspapers. Since | am mother of two quite small kids, three years old one and nine months old one, by necessity | have spent some time recently as a guest of a local Belgrade matemity ward and had an opportunity to document and then paint meals that | have received there. All meals are painted on a daily newspapers juxtaposing "big" politics and daily "meals" politics in a hospital This project is now kept in a form of a diary recording experiencies form maternity wards in Serbia ee ego UA) oh

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