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Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 1



Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 2


In the video show many difficulties and several factors that prevent Colombia from being

A rich country like japan, china, united states, switzerland, etc. Paying attention to compare us

with two other countries (Switzerland and Japan) where they show how the countries are

developing but do not have, so to speak, the resources that Colombia has but they are not

exploited. This video makes us know a little about how this Colombia economically and draw

conclusions About how the country is evolving.


En el video se muestran muchas dificultades y varios factores que impiden que Colombia sea

Un pas rico como lo es Japn, china, estados unidos, suiza etc. prestando atencin nos

comparan con otros dos pases (suiza y Japn) donde se muestran cmo se estn desarrollando

los pases pero no poseen por as decirlo los recursos que Colombia tiene pero no son

aprovechados. Este video nos hace conocer un poco de cmo esta Colombia econmicamente

y a sacar conclusiones Sobre cmo es hiendo evolucionando el pas.

Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 3

Because Colombia is poor?

Watching this video, we present a series of comparisons between some countries highlighted

by their evolution in the professional and personal. Paying attention in the comparisons that

make us aware we can realize that Colombia is a very rich country in general in general has a

great biodiversity, more than three thousand species, have the soil and climate suitable to

cultivate, has emeralds precious metals, large We stopped, etc. Colombia is not poor, what

makes us poor is that we are born with a mentality and a thought that is not disciplined to

advance and take advantage of every resource we have, as for example is not the same export

gold to export a gold chain. At the moment when we change our thinking and become a little

more disciplined and responsible Colombia Hill stop being a poor country and will have a great

political, economic and technological development at the moment that happens this Colombia

will be at the Height of many other countries that are world power.

As we have already mentioned the big problem is that Colombians are undisciplined,

improvisers, as there is no discipline therefore we do not take responsibility, if we do things

wrong, we look for who to leave that responsibility or who to blame.

How do countries become world powers?

In the case of Switzerland, most of its economy is based on the services sector, and its incomes

are dependent on foreign investment, although they also work in the industrial sector.

Japan on the other hand, focuses on manufacturing and technology, which includes vehicles

and electronics, in fact, Japan is considered avant-garde in terms of new technologies.

In the countries of Japan, Switzerland and some others, we realize how excellent is their

education system, the discipline and responsibility of the majority of its inhabitants is

admirable, and that is something to imitate.

Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 4

But in Colombia is totally the opposite is a country where corruption, poverty and banditry are

shown and it is said that being one of the countries with the best resources and a great diversity

but we do not take advantage of it and it is among the countries With more holidays in the

world in conclusion that were not necessary because you lose work and even according to paid


When the mentality of people inclines to morality and values, it is when corruption and lack of

ethics will be diminished and even eradicated, which in turn will bring prosperity and progress.
Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 5


Colombia possesses great resources and great diversity as it is: its species, its paramos,

its climate, emeralds, precious metals and the most beautiful women.

Colombia is poor because people do not want to change their mentality always tend to

be mediocre and this is given by looking responsible for the things they have done


Switzerland and Japan are great world powers and this is due to the practice. Dedication

and mentality for them the most important thing is not the money if not to learn new

knowledge that can help to the country or through technological advances, education,


In Colombia the raw material is exported so that it is transformed into other countries

and for Colombia to be a developed and rich country we need to export finished

products like for example it is not the same exporting gold to export a gold chain, it is

not the same to export cloth To export clothing.

Primeras 2-3 palabras del ttulo 6

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