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1. Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfangus Thoephilius Mozart.

2. Physically Mozart was very handsome and he used to look after his appearence
with trendy clothes. He had a regular and neat face, with good expression of
his eyes and he always made a good impression to new people.
3. His character was really good, always with sweet disposition for all, and with a
good sense of humour, but this humour when I grew up turned a little bit
strange ( he used to joke too much). In general, he was a lovely person .
4. Mozart was a prodigy since he was born, so his father, Leopold Mozart, and his
sister ,Nannerl (who was a good pianist too) were traveling around Europe,
because his father wanted to show his talent. Of course, he composed too. But,
it was hard because the trips were long (months or years) and if yo had to play
concerts all days, for a child, I think that it could be too much. But he grew up
envolded in music.
5. No he did'nt, of course. A normal childhood, for me, means grow up with other
children (genius or not) , devoloping our skills and learning by ourselves. The
problem is that people treated Mozart like an adult when he was too young.
6. Mozart didn't save money. He wasted a lot, buying things, clothes, meals...He
didn't know how to administrate it, and he dead with nothing.
7. He said this words when he was in Viena , with 35 years old. He was talking
with his sister before its death.
8. The real miracle is thath Mozart's music and works were better and better
while he was growing up. The music express that he had matured a lot and his
music had improved by the pass of the time.
9. We could mention for example two operas, very famous; Don giovani and
The magic flute. Both had a different plot, and very special characters,
Mozart knew how to give the perfect them and music for each one of them, so
you can recognised when you listen their music.
10.The film is based on the last years of Mozart's life, specially talks about the
relationship between Mozart and Sallieri, the freemasonry...

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