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Biorheology 41 (2004) 309313 309

IOS Press

Hydrostatic pressure-induced changes

in cellular protein synthesis
Mikko J. Lammi , Mika A. Elo, Reijo K. Sironen, Hannu M. Karjalainen, Kai Kaarniranta
and Heikki J. Helminen
Department of Anatomy, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland

Abstract. Hydrostatic pressure is a well-known effector of cellular protein synthesis. High continuous hydrostatic pressure
inhibits protein synthesis in general. It has been known for a long time that 30S ribosomal subunit is associated with the effects
of pressure on protein synthesis in prokaryotes, however, the mechanisms of action are still not completely understood. Our
new data suggest that synthesis of eukaryotic elongation factor-2 (eEF-2) is decreased under 30 MPa continuous hydrostatic
pressure. Thus, eEF-2 may have a role in the synthesis of pressure-regulated proteins in eukaryotic cells. The presence of
pressure-sensitive proteins indicate that hydrostatic pressure can induce very specific responses in stressed cells. Accumulation
of heat shock protein 70 and 90 beta occurs under high pressure, independent of the general inhibition of protein synthesis,
although this response appears clearly weaker than during heat stress.
Keywords: Hydrostatic pressure, translation, chondrocyte

1. Introduction

Cells of our body have to sense and withstand various mechanical stresses, such as shearing, compres-
sion, tension and osmotic pressure [1]. Hydrostatic pressure is present in various tissues and organs of
our body, the highest levels of the pressure occurring in articular cartilage during locomotion. In chon-
drocytic cells, numerous cellular events arise in response to cyclic or continuous hydrostatic pressure,
including effects on extracellular matrix production [29], modulation of Na+ /H+ exchange [10], trans-
membrane potentials [11] and cation transport [12], inhibition of shear stress-induced NO release [13]
and cAMP accumulation [14], alterations in actin cytoskeleton [15] and Golgi apparatus [16], and cel-
lular proliferation [17]. This review will summarize our present knowledge of the effects of hydrostatic
pressure on cellular protein synthesis.

2. General effects of hydrostatic pressure on protein synthesis

Protein synthesis is a complicated event that involves a large number of molecules acting together.
Control of mRNA translation is a key regulator of gene expression in eukaryotes [18], and it appears to
be exerted mainly at the stage of initiation. During this event, ribosomal 40S subunit binds to the 5 -end
of mRNA, the start codon is located and ribosomal 60S subunit joins the complex forming a functional
Address for correspondence: Mikko Lammi, Department of Anatomy, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio,
Finland. Tel.: +358 17 163 027; Telefax: +358 17 163 032; E-mail:

0006-355X/04/$17.00 2004 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
310 M.J. Lammi et al. / Hydrostatic pressure-induced changes in cellular protein synthesis

ribosome that enters the elongation stage of translation [19]. In eukaryotes, more than 10 soluble ini-
tiation factors participate in the formation of the mRNA recognition and preinitiation complexes [20],
which enable unwinding and scanning of mRNA secondary structure to find a correct initiator AUG
codon [21]. When the translation initiator codon is found, eukaryotic initiation factor-2A (eIF-2A) hy-
drolyses its bound GTP, and the preinitiation factors will dissociate from the small subunit of ribosome
allowing the elongation of the polypeptide chain to begin.
Phosphorylation events of various eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) are involved in the initiation
stage. Phosphorylation of eIF-2A frequently occurs under stressful conditions reducing the translation
rates [22]. Activity of eIF-2B is altered in response to viral infection, hormones, nutrients, growth fac-
tors and certain stresses, and it may be regulated directly by its own phosphorylation [23]. eIF-4E also
plays an important role by binding the 5 -cap structure, and it serves to recruit other initiation complex
components to the 5 -end of mRNA [24]. Phosphorylation of eIF-4E is increased by variety of condi-
tions, including exposures of insulin and growth factors [25]. On the other hand, eukaryotic elongation
factor (eEF-2) is inactivated by its phosphorylation during stimuli that, e.g., increase cellular energy
demand or reduce its supply [26]. This protein functions in protein translation facilitating the movement
of peptidyl-tRNA from ribosome A site to the P site [26].
The effects of hydrostatic pressure on translational step of protein synthesis were investigated already
in 1960s, mainly in bacterial cells [2729] and later in bacterial cell-free systems [30]. In cell-free
E. coli preparations, a progressive inhibition of protein synthesis was observed starting at approximately
20 MPa that was instantaneously reversible after release of the pressure [31]. Then, the protein syn-
thesis proceeded at a rate similar to that in the non-pressurised control [31]. Studies on whole-cell
preparations of E. coli has shown that 67 MPa hydrostatic pressure totally inhibited protein synthesis
at elongation stage [32]. The response of reticulocyte system was basically similar to prokaryotic sys-
tems, although minor differences existed [33]. The response of bacterial protein synthesis to hydrostatic
pressure has been associated with the structure of 30S ribosomal subunit [34,35], while it did not affect
amino acid permeability, aminoacyl-tRNA formation [32], transpeptidation, initiation [31] or ribosome
stability [36].
In our own recent studies, cell cultures of immortalized human chondrocytes [37] and HeLa cells
were labelled for 12 hours with 35 S-methionine and 35 S-cysteine during 30 MPa hydrostatic pressuri-
sation, and the cellular proteins were separated with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (manuscript
submitted). The pressure inhibited total protein synthesis by approximately 3040%, suggesting that the
translation machinery was markedly affected by the application of continuous high hydrostatic pressure.
Radiography of two-dimensional gels showed a number of proteins whose relative synthesis level was
altered. The protein spots that changed consistently in both cell types were chosen for mass spectro-
metric identification. One of the down-regulated proteins could be identified as eEF-2. In Western blot,
a decrease in its amount was observed, while no change in the mRNA level of eEF-2 was evident after
pressurisation. It is known that phosphorylation of eEF-2 prevents its participation in the translocation of
ribosome along mRNA, however, we could not observe increased phosphorylation. It is possible that the
main regulatory mechanism of protein synthesis in pressurised cells acts on inititation factors similarly
to heat stress [38], however, elongation stage may be an additional regulator.

3. Hydrostatic pressure-sensitive proteins

Pressure treatment can result in certain specific responses in the protein expression of chondrocytic
cells. Aggrecan, biglycan, decorin and type II collagen are the most studied molecules in chondro-
M.J. Lammi et al. / Hydrostatic pressure-induced changes in cellular protein synthesis 311

cytic cells. The investigations have mainly shown that intermittent loading at physiological level and
frequencies stimulate the synthesis, while overloading has an inhibitory effect [24,9,39,40]. Mechan-
ical compression and hydrostatic loading had similar frequency-dependent stimulation of proteogly-
can synthesis in tissue explants, while monolayer cultures required longer loading period to be stimu-
lated [39,41].
High continuous hydrostatic pressure increases especially the accumulation of heat shock protein 70
in the pressurised cells [4245]. The synthesis of heat shock protein 90 beta was also induced in im-
mortalised human chondrocytes and HeLa cells, while the alpha form remained at the control level [44,
46]. It is noteworthy that in bovine primary chondrocytes no heat shock protein response was detected,
while, e.g., primary fibroblast and synovial cells responded strongly under pressure [47]. Although the
mechanism behind this barotolerance is not known [48], the result may be interpreted to indicate that the
loading history of the cells may affect their barotolerance. Interestingly, barotolerance of bacteria differs
in various strains, and appears to be associated with the structure of 30S ribosomal subunit [34].
The effects of hydrostatic pressure on various proteins have been mainly investigated at mRNA level.
High pressure induces the expression of interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and decreases trans-
forming growth factor-beta mRNA levels [42,49]. In intervertebral disc, a physiological level of hydro-
static pressure had an anabolic influence on the tissue, while pressure levels of 3 MPa or higher caused
a catabolic effect [50]. Recently, a cDNA array data showed that intermittent and static 5 MPa pressure
had differential effects in chondrosarcoma cells [51]. High hydrostatic pressure revealed other specific
cDNA array changes, of which the decreased mRNA and protein level of Id-1 and -3 proteins are inter-
esting [52], since they are capable of directing cellular differentiation.

4. Messenger RNA stabilisation by high continuous hydrostatic pressure

High continuous pressure promotes an interesting cell biological phenomenon by increasing hsp70
mRNA stability, without any detectable induction of the actual gene activity [43]. High pressure may
have selective effect on mRNA stability. It has been previously reported that histone mRNA levels were
reduced partly because of suppression of transcription (one third) and partly due to loss of mRNA sta-
bility (two thirds) [53]. A recent cDNA study confirmed that sensitivity of mRNA stabilisation varies
among the different transcripts [54]. Thus, high hydrostatic pressure may turn out an useful tool when
the mechanisms of mRNA stabilisation are investigated.


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