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Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

DOI 10.1007/s11103-014-0241-6

Characterization ofArabidopsis Tubbylike proteins

andredundant function ofAtTLP3 andAtTLP9 inplant response
toABA andosmotic stress
YanBao WeiMengSong YanLiJin
ChunMeiJiang YangYang BeiLi WeiJieHuang
HuaLiu HongXiaZhang

Received: 3 June 2014 / Accepted: 15 August 2014 / Published online: 29 August 2014
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract Tubby and Tubby-like proteins (TLPs) play pathway like AtTLP9 during seed germination and early
essential roles in the development and function of mam- seedling growth.
mal neuronal cells. In addition to the conserved carboxyl
(C)-terminal Tubby domain, which is required for their Keywords Tubby Arabidopsis AtTLP ABA Stress
plasma membrane (PM) tethering, plant TLPs also possess
an amino (N)-terminal F-box domain to interact with spe-
cific Arabidopsis Skp1-like (ASK) proteins as functional Introduction
SCF-type E3 ligases. Here, we report the molecular charac-
terization of Arabidopsis TLPs (AtTLPs). -Glucuronidase Tubby gene was initially identified in mouse through map-
staining showed overlapped but distinct expression pat- based cloning. Mice with a mutated tubby gene develop
terns of AtTLPs in Arabidopsis. Yeast two-hybrid assays delayed-onset obesity, sensorineural hearing loss and reti-
further revealed that AtTLP1, AtTLP3, AtTLP6, AtTLP7, nal degeneration (Kleyn etal. 1996; Noben-Trauth etal.
AtTLP9, AtTLP10 and AtTLP11 all interacted with spe- 1996; Santagata etal. 2001). Tubby proteins perform
cific ASKs, but AtTLP2, AtTLP5 and AtTLP8 did not. their functions in signal transduction from heterotrimeric
Subcellular localization observations in both Arabidop- GTP-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor (San-
sis protoplasts and tobacco pollen tubes indicated that all tagata etal. 2001). Tubby-like proteins (TLPs), which are
GFP-AtTLP fusion proteins, except GFP-AtTLP8 which widely conserved across eukaryotic organisms including
lacks the conserved phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate the plant kingdom, are a class of proteins homologous to
binding sites, were targeted to the PM. Detailed studies on Tubby proteins (Mukhopadhyay and Jackson 2011). Both
AtTLP3 demonstrated that AtTLP3 is a PM-tethered PIP2 Tubby and Tubby-like proteins share a typical carboxyl
binding protein which functions redundantly with AtTLP9 (C)-terminal Tubby domain for their proper tethering to the
in abscisic acid (ABA)- and osmotic stress-mediated seed plasma membrane by binding specific phosphatidylinositol
germination. Our results suggest that AtTLPs possibly work 4,5-bisphosphates (Santagata etal. 2001). In rice (Oryza
in multiple physiological and developmental processes in sativa), fourteen OsTLP genes were predicted in the whole
Arabidopsis, and AtTLP3 is also involved in ABA signaling rice genome (Yang etal. 2008). Subsequent studies demon-
strated that the expression of all OsTLPs was inducible by
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, one of the most devastat-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this ing diseases of rice caused by bacterial blight (Kou etal.
article (doi:10.1007/s11103-014-0241-6) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
2009), and OsTLP2 could bind to the promoter region of a
disease-associated gene OsWRKY13 (Cai etal. 2008).
Y.Bao W.-M.Song Y.-L.Jin C.-M.Jiang Y.Yang B.Li Although the C-terminal Tubby domain of TLPs is
W.-J.Huang H.Liu H.-X.Zhang(*) highly conserved among eukaryotic organisms, the amino
National Key Laboratory ofPlant Molecular Genetics, Shanghai
(N)-terminal domains of plant TLPs differ to impart spe-
Institute ofPlant Physiology andEcology, Chinese Academy
ofSciences, 300 Fenglin Road, Shanghai200032, China cific functions to them (Mukhopadhyay and Jackson 2011).
e-mail: Unlike their homologs in animals, all plant TLPs are


472 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

featured with a conserved F-box domain at their N-terminal AtTLP9 during seed germination and early seedling devel-
parts (Lai etal. 2004, 2012). F-box proteins are the largest opment in Arabidopsis.
clade of E3 ligase in plants, and more than 700 members
have been predicted in the Arabidopsis genome (Hua and
Vierstra 2004). As the SCF-type (for SKIP1, Cullin1, and Materials andmethods
F-box) E3 ligase, F-box proteins combine the complex con-
sisting of CUL1 (Cullin1), ASKs (Arabidopsis Suppressor Plant growth condition andmutant isolation
of Kinetochore Proteins) and RBX1 (Ring-Box 1)/ROC1
(Regulator of Cullins 1) to promote the degradation of its Except for attlp3-7 which is in the WS ecotype back-
target proteins by 26S proteasomes, which is crucial for ground, all the accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana are
plant development and adaptation to environmental stresses Columbia-0 (Col-0) ecotype. Five-day-old seedlings
(Moon etal. 2004; Dreher and Callis 2007; Stone and grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium (Sigma-
Callis 2007). Aldrich) supplemented with 2% (w/v) sucrose and 0.8%
In Arabidopsis, a total of eleven TLPs (AtTLPs) have (w/v) agar were transplanted into soil and then grown
been identified and AtTLP9 was found to be involved in under 16h of light/8h of dark cycles in the green house at
ABA-mediated seed germination (Lai etal. 2004). attlp9 22C (light) or 20C (dark). To identify the T-DNA inser-
mutant plants exhibited abscisic acid (ABA)-insensitive tion in attlp1-1 (SALK_026655), attlp1-2 (GK-540D06),
phenotypes, whereas transgenic Arabidopsis plants over- attlp2-3 (SALK_122519), attlp3-3 (SALK_117348),
expressing AtTLP9 were hypersensitive to ABA. Yeast attlp3-7 (FLAG_462A07), attlp6-1 (SALK_019494),
two-hybrid assays revealed that AtTLP9 interacted with attlp7-2 (GK-729B04), attlp8-3 (GK-918A08), attlp10-
ASK1 (Lai etal. 2004). Further investigations showed that 3 (SALK_028746), attlp10-4 (GK-088B03), attlp11-
AtTLP9 also interacted with XERICO, an Arabidopsis 4 (SAIL_41_B07) and attlp11-7 (FLAG_441G06), the
RING-H2 protein, in yeast, and possibly conferred drought T-DNA border of these SALK, SAIL, FLAG and GABI-
resistance on transgenic plants overexpressing XERICO Kat lines were confirmed using the T-DNA left-border
gene through increasing ABA biosynthesis (Ko etal. 2006). primers LBa1, SAIL-LB1, FALG-LB4, pGABI-LB2,
However, unlike the animal Tubby proteins, AtTLP9 does pAC161-LB1 and the corresponding gene specific prim-
not have auto-activation activity as a transcriptional factor ers (Table S1). The T-DNA insertion in these mutants was
in yeast, suggesting the functional diversities of this protein investigated by genomic PCR to confirm the disruption of
family between animals and plants (Boggon etal. 1999; the endogenous gene. Homozygous mutants were identified
Lai etal. 2004). Recently, AtTLP3 was also reported to by RT-PCR to confirm the disruption of gene expression.
participate in stress signaling and root colonization by the ACTIN2 was employed as an internal control.
mutualist Piriformospora indica. Both H2O2 and osmotic
stress were able to trigger the release of AtTLP3 from the Plasmid construction andplant transformation
plasma membrane (Reitz etal. 2012, 2013).
Although the functions of Tubby and TLPs in animals To generate the ProAtTLP:GUS constructs, the 5-flank-
have been well studied, details of the molecular mecha- ing DNA of AtTLP coding regions was amplified with the
nism underlying their functions in plants are still largely AtTLP promoter specific primers (Table S1). An average
unknown. In this work, we performed molecular characteri- length of~2.3kb genomic sequence was chosen for each
zation of the Arabidopsis Tubby-like protein family genes. vector construction. The amplified PCR fragments were
Using TLP-promoter--glucuronidase (GUS) reporters digested with BamHI and SalI, and cloned into the same
and GFP-AtTLP fusion protein vectors, we examined their sites in the p1381Z vector for sequence confirmation. The
expression pattern in Arabidopsis and subcellular localiza- constructs were then separately transformed into wild type
tion in Arabidopsis protoplasts and in tobacco pollen tubes Arabidopsis (Col-0 ecotype) plants, as described previously
and leaves. Interaction of AtTLPs with different ASKs was (Clough and Bent 1998).
also investigated to verify which AtTLP acts as a func-
tional E3 ligase. Our examinations revealed that AtTLPs Histochemical analysis
have versatile expression patterns and different interaction
activity with specific ASK proteins. We also examined the For histochemical analysis, five-day-old seedlings and dif-
germination of attlp3, attlp9 and attlp3attlp9 knock-out ferent tissues from 6-week-old plants were collected and
mutants in response to ABA and osmotic stress. All these stained with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- indolyl-d-glucuronide
mutants were insensitive to high concentrations of ABA for 24h. They were then incubated in 75% ethanol to
and mannitol. Our results suggest that AtTLPs may play remove chlorophyll as described previously (Jefferson etal.
different roles, and AtTLP3 has a redundant function with 1987).

Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483 473

Seed germination sites. After sequence confirmation, the construct was intro-
duced into E. coli strain BL21 (DE3), BL21 (Rosetta) or
Seeds of wild-type Col-0 and each mutant line grown under BL21 (Coden plus), respectively. GST-AtTLP3 protein
the same conditions were collected at the same time. For was induced by 0.1mM IPTG at 18C for 3days (Fig.
each comparison, seeds were sown on the same plate con- S3). Purification of GST-AtTLP3 was performed with Glu-
taining MS medium supplemented with or without differ- tathione Sepharose 4B beads (GE Healthcare) following
ent concentrations of ABA or mannitol as indicated. Plates the manufactures manuals.
were stratified at 4C for 3days and transferred to 22C For the in vitro PIP2 binding assay, PIP strips (P-6001;
with 16h/light and 8h/dark cycles in a growth chamber Echelon Biosciences) were pre-blocked in TBS-T buffer
for 7days. The effect of ABA or mannitol on germina- (10mM TrisHCl, pH 8.0, 150mM NaCl, and 0.1%
tion greening is defined as that cotyledons have obviously Tween 20) containing 1% fatty acid free milk for 1h at
expanded and turned green. 25C, then GST or the recombinant GST-AtTLP3 pro-
tein was added to a final concentration of 10mg/ml. The
Southern blotting analysis strips were incubated for another 2h, washed three times
with TBS-T buffer, incubated in TBS-T buffer with 1:1,000
The number of T-DNA insertions was tested by South- mouse anti-GST antibody (Kangwei biotechnology, Shang-
ern blotting analysis as described previously (Wang etal. hai, China) for 45min, and washed three times with fresh
2013). Briefly, genomic DNA (10g) isolated from TBS-T buffer. The signals were detected with the gel imag-
45-day-old Col-0 and mutant plants were digested with ing and documentation system (Tannon-4200, Shanghai,
EcoRI, BamHI or PstI, electrophoresed on 0.8% agarose China) according to the ECL Plus immunoblot method.
gels, and transferred onto Hybond N+ nylon membranes
with a Whatman Biometra Vacuum-Blot System. The BiFC assay
hybridization probe was amplified with the SALK-line
specific primers (F: AATCATGGTCATAGCTGTTT CCT BiFC experiments were performed as described previously
and R: TCATCTATGTTACTAGATCGGGCC) (Cheng (Luo etal. 2012). Briefly, the coding regions of AtTP3 or
etal. 2011). Probe labeling and Southern blotting analy- AtTLP9 were fused in frame with the N-terminal fragment
ses were conducted with a DIG DNA Labeling and Detec- of YFP to generate p35S:AtTLP3-YN or p35S:AtTLP9-
tion Kit1 (Roche, Germany) following the manufacturers YN. ASK1 was fused with the C-terminal fragment of YFP
instructions. to generate p35S:ASK1-YC. The resultant constructs were
introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101
Subcellular localization andcolocalizaion analysis and infiltrated into the leaves of N. benthamiana. After
2days, the epidermis of infiltrated leaves was examined for
To determine the subcellular localization of AtTLPs, all YFP signals under a Zeiss 510META confocal laser scan-
AtTLP genes were inserted into the vector pRTL2-GFP ning microscope at a wavelength of 514nm.
with GFP at the N-terminal of each AtTLP, driven by con-
stitutive 35S promoter. The resultant GFP-AtTLP fusion Yeasttwohybrid
proteins were transiently transformed, or co-transformed
with mRFP-PH (mRFFP-PLC1 PH) into Arabidopsis For yeast-two-hybrid assay, the coding regions of AtTLPs
protoplasts (Yoo etal. 2007). For detailed co-localizaion were amplified with the corresponding gene specific prim-
analysis, the corresponding GFP-AtTLP was co-trans- ers (Table S1), and introduced into pGBKT7 bait plasmid
formed with mRFP-PH into tobacco pollen tubes. Equal to produce a fusion protein with the GAL4 DNA binding
amount of GFP-AtTLP and mRFP-PH plasmid was used domain. Except for ASK1, all the other ASKs were ampli-
for co-transformation. Fluorescence was analyzed for fied from the plasmids generously provided by Schumann
GFP and RFP expression using a confocal microscope at etal. (2011), and inserted into pGADT7 prey plasmid
wavelength 488 and 559nm for excitation, and 509 and containing the GAL4 activation domain. Different combi-
608nm for emission (Olympus FluoView1000, confocal nations of these two kinds of plasmids were transformed
microscope). into yeast strain AH109 by the lithium chloride-polyethyl-
eneglycol method according to the manufacturers manual
In vitro PIP2 binding assay (Clontech, Shanghai, China). Transformants were selected
on SD/-Leu/-Trp plates at 30C, and interactions were
For GST-ATLP3 proein purification, cDNA of AtTLP3 tested on SD plates lacking Adenine and Histine (SD/-Leu/-
gene was inserted into pEGX-4T1 via the EcoR I and Sal I Trp/-His/-Ade), as described previously (Bao etal. 2014).


474 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

Fig.1Histochemical staining of AtTLP-promoter: GUS activity b Flowers (Bar 1mm). c Siliques (Bar 5mm). d Rosette leaves
in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Different tissues from 6-week-old (Bar 5mm). e Five-day-old seedlings (Bar 2mm). f Root tips (Bar
transgenic plants were used for GUS staining, except for root tip 0.05mm)
which were from 5-day-old seedlings. a Inflorescences (Bar 5mm).

Results ProAtTLP:GUS (Fig.1). This is consistent with the previ-

ous report that AtTLP4 might be a pseudogene (Lai etal.
AtTLPs exhibit overlapped butdistinct expression patterns 2004). In the flowers of most transgenic plants, GUS was
predominantly expressed in the petals (Fig.1a, b). With
In Arabidopsis, all AtTLPs contain a conserved C-terminal exception of AtTLP2 and AtTLP6, GUS expression was
Tubby domain, and except AtTLP8, an N-terminal F-box also observed in stigmas (Fig.1b) and broadly expressed
domain. RT-PCR analyses have shown that AtTLP family in the siliques (Fig.1c). Interestingly, AtTLP3, AtTLP9
genes were widely expressed in different tissues such as and AtTLP11 share very high amino acid similarities
roots and flowers (Lai etal. 2004). Therefore, the function (Fig. 2a, b), and strong GUS expression was observed in
of these genes may be highly redundant, unless their expres- the leaves of transgenic plants expressing ProAtTLP3:GUS,
sion patterns are different. To dissect the possible functions ProAtTLP9:GUS or ProAtTLP11:GUS (Fig.1d). During
of these genes, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants early seedling development (5-day-old seedlings), GUS
expressing AtTLP promoter-driven GUS reporter transgene. was preferentially expressed in cotyledons and hypoco-
The histochemical activity of -glucuronidase (GUS) in tyl nodes (Fig.1e). In roots, strong GUS staining was
transgenic plants was investigated. Such examinations observed in the elongation zones and root tips of transgenic
revealed rather distinct expression patterns of AtTLP genes. plants harboring ProAtTLP1:GUS and ProAtTLP10:GUS,
Although no ProAtTLP4:GUS expression was observed in and in the root stele of those harboring ProAtTLP3:GUS
any tested tissues of transgenic plants, GUS was expressed and ProAtTLP11:GUS. Moreover, specific GUS stain-
in various tissues of transgenic plants expressing all other ing was also observed in the root tips of transgenic plants

Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483 475

Fig.2Phylogenetic and alignment analyses of Arabidopsis AtTLP ber of amino acid substitutions per site. b Amino acid alignment of
proteins. a Phylogenetic analysis of Arabidopsis AtTLPs and their Arabidopsis AtTLPs. Residues are highlighted in black and dark gray
homologs in Human and Mouse. Proteins are named according to according to the conservation level. The locations of F-box domain
their gene names, and black dots indicate the Tubby proteins from and Tubby domain are indicated with single solid lines in red and
human and mouse which are used as an outgroup. Phylogenetic tree black above the sequences, respectively. Red boxes and triangles
was constructed using MEGA and 1,000 replicates. The numbers indicate the two evolutionarily conserved PIP2 binding sites which
above the branches refer to the bootstrap value of the neighbor- are required for the plasma membrane tethering of Tubby proteins.
joining phylogenetic tree. The length of the branches is proportional Sequences of Arabidopsis TLPs are also listed in Data Set S1
to the amino acid variation rates. The scale bar indicates the num-

harboring ProAtTLP7:GUS and in the meristems of those AtTLPs interact withspecific ASK proteins
expressing ProAtTLP8:GUS, but not in plants expressing
ProAtTLP2:GUS, ProAtTLP5:GUS, ProAtTLP6:GUS or Although the deduced amino acid sequence and structural
AtTLP9 (Fig.1f). analyses have suggested that all plant TLP proteins contain


476 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

Fig.3Yeast-two-hybrid and
subcellular localization analy-
ses. a Interactions of AtTLPs
and ASKs of Arabidoopsis. BD
(pGBK-T7) fusions of AtTLP
were tested with AD (pGADT7)
fusions of ASKs. Symbols of
grey and white blocks indicate
positive and negative inter-
actions, respectively. Three
independent clones were tested
for each combination. Images
for the interactions were also
shown in Fig. S1. b Subcel-
lular localization of AtTLPs.
GFP-AtTLP or GFP alone were
transiently expressed in Arabi-
dopsis protoplasts, incubated in
dark for 12h and observed with
a confocal microscope. Bar

a conserved N-terminal F-box domain for ASK protein examined. AtTLP1, AtTLP3, AtTLP6, AtTLP7, AtTLP9,
binding, and AtTLP9 interacted with ASK1, the subunit of AtTLP10 and AtTLP11 all interacted with specific ASK
SCF-type complex, as a putative functional SCF-type E3 proteins, suggesting that they may work as functional SCF-
ligase (Lai etal. 2004), experimental evidence for interac- type E3 ligase in Arabidopsis (Fig.3a, Fig. S1).
tion of AtTLPs and ASK family members is still limited.
To determine whether AtTLPs interact with specific ASKs, AtTLPs are localized tothe plasma membrane
we fused each of the ten AtTLPs with BD (pGBKT7) and
each of the seventeen ASKs with AD (pGADT7), and intro- Previously, it was reported that the mouse Tubby protein
duced each combination from the two protein families into was targeted to plasma membrane through binding to spe-
yeast strain AH109. Interaction of AtTLPs and ASKs was cific phosphoinositides like PtdIns(4,5)P2 (Santagata etal.

Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483 477

Fig.4AtTLP3 is a plasma membrane localized PIP2 binding pro- PI(4,5)P2 marker mRFP-PLC1-PH are Co-localized to the plasma
tein. a Schematic diagram of the protein structure of AtTLP3. The membrane. Bar 10m. c Schematic diagram of the PIP strip indi-
amino (N)-terminal F-box domain and carboxyl-terminal Tubby cating where the phospholipids are located. d and e PIP binding of
domain are shown in red and yellow, respectively. AtTLP3NT (amino GST and GST-AtTLP3 proteins. f GFP-AtTLP3NT, GFP-AtTLP3CT,
acids from 1 to 110) and AtTLP3CT (amino acids from 111 to 406) GFP-AtTLP3m, or GFP alone were transient expressed Arabidopsis
are depicted. AtTLP3m (K187A, R189A) indicates the point muta- protoplasts. Bar 10m
tion of the two conserved PIP2 binding sites. b GFP-AtTLP3 and

2001). A recent study also showed that Arabidopsis AtTLP3 AtTLP3 is targeted tothe plasma membrane viaPIP2
was targeted to the plasma membrane by transient expres- binding inthe Tubby domain
sion of GFP fusion in the leaf epidermal cells of Arabidopsis
(Reitz etal. 2012). Since subcellular localization is crucial It has been well documented that mammalian TLPs were
for the functional analyses of most proteins, we examined tethered to the plasma membrane (PM) via Phosphati-
the subcellular localization of AtTLPs in Arabidopsis pro- dylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding in the C-ter-
toplasts. GFP-tagged AtTLPs were transiently expressed minal Tubby domain (Boggon etal. 1999; Santagata etal.
in mesophyll protoplasts isolated from Arabidopsis rosette 2001). A recent study also revealed that phospholipase C
leaves. Confocal imaging showed that with exception of triggered the release of AtTLP3 from the PM, indicating
GFP-AtTLP8, which lacks the conserved PIP2 binding sites a conserved mechanism for mammalian Tubby and TLP3
(Fig.2b, indicated with two triangles), fluorescence signals (Reitz etal. 2012). To understand whether the PIP2 binding
of all other GFP-AtTLP fusion proteins precisely coincided activity is indeed conserved in plant TLPs, we performed
with the plasma membrane, unlike the ubiquitous distribu- detailed study with AtTLP3, a PM-localized ortholog of
tion of free GFP (Figs.3b, 4b). Slight localization of GFP- mammalian Tubby protein (Fig.4a, b). As a first step, we
AtTLP5 in the cytosol was also observed. purified Arabidopsis AtTLP3 protein (Fig. S3) and tested
To further confirm the PM localization of these AtTLPs, its PIP2 binding activity in vitro. AtTLP3 was able to bind
we co-expressed each GFP-AtTLPs with monomeric red PtdIns(3,4)P2, PtdIns(3,5)P2 and PtdIns(4,5)P2 (Fig.4c,
fluorescent protein (mRFP)-pleckstrin homology (mRFP- e). Co-localization of GFP-AtTLP3 with mRFP-PLC1-PH
PLC1-PH), a specific PI(4,5)P2 binding marker, in the further confirmed the PIP2 binding activity of AtTLP3 in
pollen tubes of tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana), where vivo (Fig.4b).
PtdIns(4,5)P2 is apically accumulated at the pollen tube Another representative property of plant TLPs is the
tips. Again, except GFP-AtTLP8, which was ubiquitously amino-terminal F-box domain (Fig.4a). To further elu-
spread, all GFP-AtTLP proteins coincided with the distri- cidate whether the F-box domain also contribute to its
bution of mRFP-PLC1-PH on the plasma membrane (Fig. PM-tethering, we constructed two fusion proteins, GFP-
S2). These observations suggest that AtTLP proteins are AtTLP3NT (amino acids 1-110 containing the F-box
anchored to the plasma membrane, probably by binding to domain) and GFP-AtTLP3CT (amino acids 111-406 con-
specific phosphoinositides. taining the Tubby domain), and transiently expressed each


478 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

Fig.5Osmotic-stress triggers
the release of AtTLP3 from the
plasma membrane. Arabidopsis
protoplasts were transformed
with GFP-AtTLP3 plasmid
and incubated in dark at 23C
for 12h. Protoplasts were then
treated with 0.4M mannitol
or 0.3M NaCl for 1h, or with
20mM H2O2 for 0.5h. Bar

of them in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts. Deletion of was clearly targeted to the PM. However, upon treat-
the C-terminal Tubby domain aborted the PM localization ment with 0.4M mannitol, 0.3M NaCl or 20mM H2O2,
of GFP-AtTLP3NT, on the other hand, removing of the GFP-AtTLP3 was completely released into the cytosol
N-terminal F-box domain did not change the PM targeting (Fig.5), while the control protein AtNSR3 (AT1G72220)
of GFP-AtTLP3CT, suggesting that the C-terminal Tubby was not (Fig. S8). These observations imply that AtTLP3
domain of AtTLP3 is required and sufficient to confer PM may also play a role in the response to osmotic stress in
localization (Fig.4f). To identify the exact PM targeting Arabidopsis.
determinants of AtTLP3, we replaced the conserved PIP2
binding sites K187 (Lysine187) and R189 (Arginine189) AtTLP3 knockout mutants are insensitive toABA
with Alanine (A) (Figs.2b, 4a), and transiently expressed duringseed germination
the mutated fusion protein AtTLP3m-GFP in Arabidop-
sis mesophyll protoplasts. Mutation of the PIP2 binding Phylogenic analyses have shown that AtTLP3 share very
sites disturbed the PM tethering of AtTLP3m-GFP protein highly homology with AtTLP9 (Fig.2a, b). To identify the
(Fig.4f). Therefore, PIP2 binding of the C-terminal Tubby biological function of AtTLP3, three T-DNA insertion lines
domain is crucial for the PM tethering of AtTLP3. attlp3-1, attlp3-3, attlp3-7 of AtTLP3 were characterized
(Fig.6a, Fig. S4). The attlp3 mutants contained a T-DNA
Abiotic stress triggers the detachment ofAtTLP3 fromPM insertion in the first extron of AtTLP3 (Fig.6a). Homozy-
gous attlp3 mutants were isolated. The attlp3 mutant lacked
A recent study has exhibited that abiotic stresses such detectable level of transcripts for AtTLP3 (Fig. S4b). When
as NaCl and mannitol were able to translocate the GFP- grown on normal MS medium, attlp3 plants did not show
tagged AtTLP3 Tubby domain (GFP-CT-AtTLP31-115) any visible phenotypic changes. Seed germination and sub-
from PM into the cytosol and nucleoplasm (Reitz etal. sequent seedling growth of attlp3 were similar to the wild
2012). To understand whether the whole AtTLP3 protein type (Fig.6b, c). However, attlp3 mutants were insensitive
is also removable from PM, we examined the movement to ABA treatment compared to wild type. Germination in
of GFP-AtTLP fusion protein in Arabidopsis mesophyll the wild type was significantly inhibited by high concen-
protoplasts upon treatments with 0.4M mannitol, 0.3M trations of ABA, but the inhibition in attlp3 seeds was less
NaCl or 20mM H2O2. Similar results were observed in severe (Fig.6b, c). At 0.5M ABA, more than 83% of
our experiments. Under normal condition, GFP-AtTLP3 attlp3-1 and 70% of attlp3-7 seeds germinated, whereas

Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483 479

Fig.6attlp3 mutants are insensitive to high concentration of ABA. with different concentrations of ABA. After 3days at 4C, the plates
a Schematic diagram of the T-DNA insertion sites in AtLTP3. Exons were transferred to a growth chamber and cultured for 7days before
and introns are depicted to scale with boxes and lines, respectively. the photographs were taken. c Statistical analysis of seed germi-
The coding and un-coding regions of the gene are shown as black or nation greening ratio of Col-0, attlp3-1, WS and attlp3-7 in (b). At
gray boxes. The positions of T-DNA are indicated with triangles. b least 100 seeds of each genotype were counted at each time. Values
Seed germination of attlp3-1 (Colubia-0 ecotype, Col-0), attlp3-7 are meanSD. n=3 independent experiments. Asterisks indicate
(Wassilewskija ecotype, WS) and their indicated wild-type Arabidop- significant differences from the corresponding control values at
sis plants. Seeds were sown on MS plates or MS plates supplemented *0.01<P<0.05 and **P<0.01 using the Students t test

less than 65% of Col-0 and 19% of WS wild type seeds attlp33atltp91 double mutant plants are more tolerant
germinated, respectively. The germination difference was toABA andosmotic stress duringseed germination
also significant at 0.75M ABA: more than 45% of attlp3-
1 and 37% of attlp3-7 seeds germinated, whereas less than Previously, AtTLP9 knocked out mutants was found to be
24% of Col-0 and 18% of WS wild type seeds germinated, ABA insensitive (Lai etal. 2004). Based on the facts that
respectively. The germination rate of attlp3-1 and attlp3-7 AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 share very high homology and attlp3
on 1M ABA were 35% and 27%, and their correspond- mutants showed similar response to ABA treatment as
ing wild type were 24% and 8% (Fig.6c). Therefore, attlp9, we postulated that both AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 may
AtTLP3 appears to act as a positive regulator in ABA-medi- have redundant function in Arabidopsis (Figs.2a, b, 6b, c).
ated inhibition of seed germination. To verify this hypothesis, attlp3attlp9 double mutant was


480 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

Fig.7attlp3-3attlp9-1 double mutant is more resistant to ABA and

mannitol than attlp3-3 and attlp9-1. a Schematic diagram indicating
the sowing positions of Col-0, attlp3-3, attlp9-1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1
seeds on the plates. Germination of Col-0, attlp3-3, attlp9-1 and
attlp3-3attlp9-1 seeds on MS-0 (b), MS supplemented with 0.75M
ABA (c) or 330mM mannitol (d). Seeds were stratified at 4C for
3days and transferred to a growth chamber. Photographs were taken
7days after the transfer

generated. Among the three attlp3 mutants and two attlp9

mutants we have identified, both attlp3-3 and attlp9-1 con-
tained a single copy of T-DNA insertion, as confirmed by
Southern blotting analysis (Fig. S4a). Therefore, attlp3at- Fig.8Statistical analysis of seed germination of Col-0, attlp3-3,
tlp9 double mutant was identified in the F2 populations attlp9-1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1. a, b Seeds of Col-0, attlp3-3, attlp9-
derived from a cross between attlp3-3 and attlp9-1 single 1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1 were tested on MS media supplemented with
mutants. The attlp3-3attlp9-1 double mutant lacked detect- different concentrations of ABA or mannitol. Seeds were stratified
at 4C for 3days and cultured in a growth chamber for 7days. At
able level of transcripts for both AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 (Fig. least 100 seeds were counted at each time. Values are meanSD.
S4b). n=3 independent experiments. Asterisks indicate significant differ-
The germination rates of wild type (Col-0), attlp3-3, ences from the corresponding control values at *0.01<P<0.05 and
attlp9-1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1 seeds on MS media sup- **P<0.01 using the Students t test
plemented with different concentrations of ABA were
compared. Both single and double mutant seeds exhib-
ited insensitivity to ABA as compared with the wild At 0.5M ABA, more than 46% of attlp3-3, 58% of
type seeds. In addition, mutant seeds and seedlings were attlp9-1 and 65% of attlp3-3attlp9-1 seeds germinated,
also resistant to osmotic stress. As shown in Figs.7 and but the germination frequency for wild type seeds was
8, germination of wild type seeds was similar to that of less than 34%. The germination difference was even more
mutant seeds when sown on normal MS medium with- significant at 0.75M ABA: more than 25% of attlp3-3,
out ABA or mannitol (Fig.7a, b, 8a, b). However, when 33% of attlp9-1 and 53% of attlp3-3attlp9-1 seeds ger-
high concentration of ABA or mannitol was added to the minated, whereas less than 8% of wild type seeds ger-
MS medium, germination of wild type seeds was signifi- minated (Fig.8a). Similarly, germination frequency of
cantly inhibited compared to the mutant seeds (Figs.7c, wild type, attlp3-3, attlp9-1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1 was 47,
d, Fig.8a, b). 45, 73 and 82%, respectively, on the medium containing

Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483 481

330mM mannitol, and 17, 16, 33 and 69% on the medium C-termini (Fig.2a, b), and most of them are specifically
containing 375mM mannitol (Fig.8b). The germination associated with the PM in Arabidopsis cells (Fig.3). To
frequency of attlp3-3, attlp9-1 and attlp3-3attlp9-1 in the understand whether plant TLPs also have a conserved PIP2
ABA or mannitol medium was different. The difference binding activity for their PM targeting, we purified AtTLP3
of germination frequency between wild type and attlp3- protein and tested its PIP2 binding activity. AtTLP3 pref-
3attlp9-1 double mutant was larger than that between wild erentially bound PI(3,4)P2 and PI(4,5)P2 (Fig.4e), and
type and attlp3-3 or attlp9-1 single mutant (Fig.8a, b). All consistent with the earlier study using Arabidopsis leaf
these results imply that AtTLP3 function redundantly with cells (Reitz etal. 2012), the two conserved PIP2 binding
AtTLP9 during seed germination and early seedling growth sites K187 and R189 in the Tubby domain of AtTLP3 were
in Arabidopsis. critical for its accurate PM-tethering (Fig.4a, f). Notably,
AtTLP8 did not share the evolutionarily conserved PIP2
binding sites with other AtTLP proteins (Fig.2b, indicated
Discussion by two triangles), and consequently, it lost the PM tether-
ing ability and showed nucleic and cytosolic localization in
The function of AtTLP9 in ABA-mediated seed germina- Arabidopsis protoplast (Fig.3).
tion in Arabidopsis, and the interaction of AtTLP9 with It has been long suggested that in mammal, the N-termi-
ASK1 and XERICO in yeast have been studied (Lai etal. nal transactivation domain endows TLPs the ability to act
2004; Ko etal. 2006). Recently, the roles of AtTLP3 in as functional transcriptional factors (Boggon etal. 1999).
stress signaling and root colonization have also been However, the N-terminal domains of plant TLPs are diver-
reported (Reitz etal. 2012, 2013). However, the possi- sified and evolved into an F-box domain, one of the rep-
ble functions of other AtTLP members are still unknown. resentative features of SCF-type E3 liagase. Actually, all
Microarray data have shown that the expression patterns AtTLPs did not show any auto-activation activity in our
of AtTLPs are overlapped but distinct (Fig. S7). As a first tests (Fig.3a, Fig. S1), implying the functional diversity of
step to investigate the exact expression patterns of AtTLPs TLPs between plants and animals. To further address the
in different tissues, we generated ProAtTLP:GUS trans- question that whether AtTLPs function as ubiquitin ligase,
genic Arabidopsis plants and examined the possible tran- we constructed an interaction map between AtTLPs and
scriptional levels of AtTLP genes in different tissues and ASKs. Through yeast-two hybrid assays, we found that
organs. Consistent with the reported RT-PCR analyses, AtTLP1, AtTLP3, AtTLP6, AtTLP7, AtTLP9, AtTLP10
GUS expression was undetectable in any tissues and organs and AtTLP11 all interacted with their corresponding ASK
of transgenic plants harboring ProAtTLP4:GUS, suggest- partners, whereas AtTLP2, AtTLP5 and AtTLP8 did not
ing that AtTLP4 is indeed a putative pseudogene (Lai etal. interact with any of the 17 tested ASK proteins (Fig.3a,
2004). And except AtTLP4, all the other members showed Fig. S1), with some slight difference from the previous
overlapped but distinct expression patterns (Fig.1). For report (Lai and Shaw 2012). Notably, ASK11 specifically
examples, both ProAtTLP1:GUS and ProAtTLP10:GUS interacted with AtTLP6 only, suggesting that AtTLP6 may
transgenic plants showed same GUS expression in flow- function differently from other AtTLPs. We also performed
ers, siliques and roots (Fig.1ac, f), but different expres- BiFC assay to see the interaction of AtTLPs and ASK1 in
sion in rosette leaves (Fig.1d). Similarly, ProAtTLP3:GUS, vivo. AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 were chosen as the representa-
ProAtTLP9:GUS and ProAtTLP11:GUS transgenic plants tives of AtTLPs to be transiently expressed as a fusion
showed same GUS expression in flowers, siliques, rosette protein (AtTLP3-YN or AtTLP9-YN) in N. benthamiana.
leaves and cotyledons (Fig.1ae), but totally different Both of the fusion proteins interacted with ASK1-YC in
expression in roots (Fig.1f). Since differential expression vivo (Fig. S5). Therefore, both AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 could
in various tissues and cell types of the same organs may function as SCF-type E3 ligase to recruit their target pro-
suggest tissue and cell-specific functions of genes, these teins to 26S proteasome for the subsequent degradation of
observations suggest that despite the high sequence homol- their target proteins. Future experiments such as yeast two-
ogy of them, AtTLPs could play different roles in multiple hybridization and co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) will be
pathways during plant growth and development. helpful to identify their possible target protein(s), and to
In addition to the expression pattern, the subcellular fully understand their precise functions in plants.
localization of certain protein may also reflect its spa- As mentioned previously, AtTLP9 is involved in ABA
tial function(s). Therefore, we determined the subcellular signaling (Lai etal. 2004), and abiotic stresses such as
localization of AtTLPs. For mammal TLPs, the conserved mannitol, NaCl and H2O2 could release the PM-tethered
C-terminal Tubby domain is required for PIP2 binding AtTLP3 to the nuclei and cytosol (Reitz etal. 2012). Simi-
to achieve their PM-localization (Santagata etal. 2001). lar results were also observed in our experiments with
AtTLPs also contain a conserved Tubby domain at their Arabidopsis protoplasts (Fig.5). Therefore, AtTLP3 could


482 Plant Mol Biol (2014) 86:471483

be a new component in the abiotic stress signaling path- Crops 2013ZX08001003-007, 2013ZX08004002-006; and the Strate-
way. Based on the high homology of AtTLP3 and AtTLP9 gic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Fig.2), we analyzed their physiological roles in atltp3-3,
atltp9-1 and atltp3-3atltp9-1 double mutants. The pheno- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
typic response of atltp9-1 to ABA treatments was largely of interest.
shared by atltp3-3 and atltp3-3atltp9-1 mutants (Fig.6).
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