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Daniel Fagerlie (425) 367-3148

Programming Experience
Project Light Dimmer
Implemented an embedded real-time system using function pointers in a queue-like main loop.
This was to simulate multitasking without the overhead of register swapping.

Lumber Stacker
Programmed and wired the logic controller for a production line lumber stacker using the ladder
logic language. This was a week long project where I went from not knowing what a PLC was, to
designing and implementing the UI and making the system recognize and handle board feed errors.

Data Converter
Developed an Excel VBA program to read in HTML code from a Smart Scope and convert it to
the final spreadsheet report. This saved my department a lot of man hours from doing the conversions
by hand.

Class Projects
Descriptions upon request.

Internship during the summer of 2017 and contribute as a member to a programming project.

Languages Java, C, Scheme, VBA, C++, HTML
IDEs NetBeans, Android Studio
Tools cvs, git, BASH scripting

Western Washington University Bachelors in Computer Science, expected winter 2018.
Everett Community College GPA 3.93
Green River College GPA 3.87

Work History
Carlisle IT August 2014 to August 2016
Montec Services Inc October 2013 to March 2014
Smith St. Mill August 2008 to September 2013

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