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Read about the sphygmomanometer and the digital monitor and then mark the following
statements True (T) or False (F).

The sphygmomanometer
1. Has a mercury- filled glass column which is entirely safe to use ________
2. Has a cuff which is placed around the upper arm ________
3. Is a device which does not enter the body ________
4. Requires an external power source to operate it. ________
5. Measures all vital signs. ________

The digital monitor

6. Measures a range of patient observations. _______
7. Has an inflatable cuff which is usually placed around the upper arm. _______
8. Is manually operated. _______
9. Needs a stethoscope to listen to the sounds of blood owing through the artery. _______
10. Has a pulse oximeter lead that can be attached to the nail bed. _______

The sphygmomanometer, often abbreviated to sphyg is the most common device used for
measuring blood pressure. It consists of a hand bulb pump, an inflatable cuff and a glass
column containing mercury. The inflatable cuff is placed over the brachial artery above the
cubital fossa the front side of the elbow joint. A stethoscope is placed over the cubital fossa
so that the Korotkoff sounds-that is, the noises made by blood as it vibrates against the artery
walls-can be heard. The advantage of the sphygmomanometer is that it is non-invasive. It
does not require batteries or a power supply as it is completely manual. The disadvantages
include the risk of mercury contamination if the glass column breaks, and the possibility of
incorrect readings if blood pressure sounds are muffled or unclear.

The digital monitor is an all-in-one mobile device which measures blood pressure, pulse,
oxygen saturation and oral temperature. A rubber cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and
inflated. The unit automatically inflates and deflates the cuff until the correct reading is
displayed. The pulse is shown at the same time no stethoscope is required. A separate
oximeter lead is attached to a finger, making sure that the red sensor light is shining on the
side of the nail bed, and the oxygen saturation reading can be read on the LCD display.
Finally, a thermometry probe located at the back of the digital monitor can be used to take
the patients oral temperature. The temperature reading is shown on the LCD display after
four seconds
Match the types of pulse (18) with its location (ah).
1. Pedal A. In the elbow cavity on the inside of the arm

2. Popliteal B. At the wrist near the tumb

3. Brachial C. In front of the ear on the temples

4. Tibial D. Behind the knee when the leg is bent at an angle of 120 degree

5. Carotid E. Found in the groin

6. Temporal F. Found on the top of the foot

7. Femoral G. Found in the neck

8. Radial H. found behind the ankle

Match the medical terms (16) with their meanings (af).

1. Tachicardia A. Strenght of the pulse

2. Bradycardia B. A strong pulse

3. Thready C. A rapid pulse (greater than 100 beats per minute)

4. Bounding D. The regularity of a pulse

5. Rhythm E. A slow pulse (lower than 60 beats per minute)

6. Force F. a weak pulse

Complete the nurse information lea et about the pulse using the words in the box.
Force Beat Rate Bradycardia Slow Tachycardia Thready Rhythm Bounding Character

. . . . . THE PULSE . . . . .
When taking a patients pulse, the nurse is careful to note 1) _____________ and 2) ___________ . The
normal pulse rate for an adult is between 60 and 80 3) ____________ per minute. 4) ______________
refers to fast pulse rate, i.e. over 100 beats per minute. A 5) ___________ pulse rate, under 60 beats a
minute, is called 6) _______________ . It is also important to take note of the character of the pulse. In
other words, what is the pulse like ? Check the 7) _______________ of the pulse - that is whether the
pulse is regular or irregular. Finally, describe the strength or 8) _____________ of the pulse. A weak,
slow pulse is described as 9) _______________ , while a strong, fast pulse is described as 10)
______________ .
Read the article and discuss the following questions in pairs.

1. What is this treatment for ? ________________________________________________

2. How is the treatment administered ? _________________________________________
3. How does the treatment work ? _____________________________________________
4. Do you think there could be any disadvantages ? _______________________________
5. What are the benefits of this treatment ? ______________________________________

New Heat Technology Help Asthma Patients

A new technology that uses radio waves to burn off overgrown muscle in the airways of asthma
sufferers helps them breathe better, have fewer symptoms and use less medication, researchers report.
The technique, called bronchial thermoplasty, is now being tested in a larger trial that could lead to its
approval by the US Food and Drug Administration.
With thermoplasty, doctors snake wires that can emit radio waves into the lungs. These radio
waves emit heat that can burn off some smooth muscle in the airways. The basic idea behind
thermoplasty is that smooth muscle sits around the airway, and when it contracts, it makes the airway
narrower. When the amount of muscle is reduced, and it is triggered to contract, there is nothing to
The trial included 112 people with moderate to severe asthma. Half underwent three sessions of
thermoplasty; the other half had their usual drug treatment. One year later, air flow was much better in
patients receiving thermoplasty 39 liters per minute compared to 8.5 liters per minute for those
getting standard treatment.
The thermoplasty group also reported an average of 40 symptom-free days, compared to 17 for
the others, with fewer asthma symptoms and less medication used. The therapy may also produce
other beneficial effects besides just giving air more space to move in. Living muscle cells produce
chemicals and biological signals that increase inflammation. It may also change some of the dynamics
of connective tissue in the airway. Thermoplasty ultimately may be especially useful for asthma
sufferers whose problem is severe enough to bring them to the emergency room.

Now read the information about the Bair Hugger, below, to check your ideas.
Complete the next extract about the Bair Hugger using words from the box below.
Warmed Hypothermia Blanket Perioperative


Look at the two pictures. Try to guess whether these statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. The device is used to test the blood pressure of the arteries in the neck. ________
2. The device is used to help patients who have difficulty swallowing. ________
3. The electrodes are put over the shoulder muscles. ________
4. The electrodes are placed on either side of the neck. ________

Now read the text about VitalStim to answer these questions.

Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

1. What is the name of the muscles in the mouth and throat that help in the swallowing process ? _______
2. What does the patient have to do while wearing the device ? ________
3. Who has used the device ? ________
4. What are some of the benefits of the device ? ________

VitalStim is a small device which is palsied over the oropharyngeal muscles to help the muscles in the
mouth and neck to work efficiently. These muscles are important in the swallowing process. The device
is easy to use. Electrodes are placed on the throat and/or the face stimulate the muscles of swallowing.
Patients eat and perform various therapeutic exercises during the 45 to 60 minute sessions. VitalStim
strengthens the muscles used for swallowing but it is important that patients continue tu use those
muscles every time they eat or drink.

VitalStim therapy has beeb used by Speech and Languages Therapist (SLTs) in the USA since 2003 with
good results. The SLTs report that patients are able to swallow more easily and also report the number
of patients requiring tube feeding has decreased. This has meant that patients are discharged from
rehabilitation and can return home faster.
Match the benefits of the device 15 with the word or phrase that describes them ae.

1. The device can be carried around easily A. Comfortable

2. The device is not difficult to use B. Fewer tube feeds

3. The therapy is not unpleasant C. Less hospitalization

4. Decreases need for tube feeding D. Portable

5. More rapid discharge from rehab E. User friendly

Put the sentences below in order. In pairs, role-play the dialogue between a nurse and a patient who
has swallowing problems. The nurse should explain how VitalStim Therapy helps the patient to
swallow more easily.

Your neck muscles will become stronger with this therapy.

The electrodes will stimulate the muscles which help you swallow.
Shell put two electrodes on each side of your neck
The Speech and Language Therapist is going to start the VitalStim Therapy soon. You must remember
to keep using the muscles in your neck every time you eat or drink
The Speech and Language Therapist will give you some exercises to do while the electrodes are in
Its to help you swallow better so you can eat and drink more easily.
Its a very small device with four electrodes.


Mrs Lim is a frail 80 year-old who has been admitted for the investigation of cardiac
problems. Dr Khalil has recently reviewed Mrs Lims medications.

Read the conversation between Gina, the Ward Nurse and Dr Khalil, a Senior House Of cer and
answer the following questions.
1. Why did the nurse phone the doctor ? _________________________________________
2. What was the problem ? _____________________________________________
3. Why was the nurses response to the problem correct ? _________________________________
Read the article and answer the following questions.

1. Why is Mike undertaking rehab ? ___________________________________

2. What is Mikes current health condition ? ____________________________
3. What was the role of the robot ? ____________________________________
4. How has his physical condition improved through rehab ? _______________________________
5. How does the patient score points in the video game ? __________________________________
6. Is this considered mainstream therapy ? _____________________________
Read the text about DermaClose RC below. In pairs, answer the following questions.
1. What exactly is DermaClose RC ? ________________________
2. How does it work ? ____________________________
3. What happens at the end of the process ? _______________________________
4. What are the three advantages of the device ? ___________________________

Complete the description of DermaClose RC. Use the words from the box below.

Moderate Stitched Applied Wide Thread Stretch

Match the term in 1-6 with their meaning A-F

1. Wound A. Stitch which is used to sew a wound together

2. Suture B. The outside part of a wound

3. Clips C. Long term

4. Wound edge D. Break or injury in the skin

5. Acute E. Metal device used to close a wound

6. Chronic F. Short and severe injury

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