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Black List Journals



OTHERS (6 or more)

Herewith 466 Journals are presented, all of which normally publish the received manuscripts with no
peer reviewing, just in front of money and as a fruitful business far from scientific approach. The
mentioned Journals have been discovered as supported by serious efforts and experiences; however,
there must be more Journals to be added up. Therefore, further journals will be gradually added to the
current inventory in order to boost the knowledge and capabilities of graduate students as well as
faculties. Finally, you are advised to consult with IAU Research Deputy Office or the compiler (IJEST
Journal) when choosing between the due Journals.

*The listed Journals on their covers are addressed in USA or Canada to earn more financial


True Address:
ANSInet; Asian Network for Scientific Information
433, St. 5, Sarfaraz Colony, Fowara Chowk, G.P.O. Box 8, Faisalabad-38090, Pakistan.

(37 Journals)
Asian Journal of Algebra
Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Asian Journal of Crop Science
Asian Journal of Epidemiology
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Asian Journal of Scientific Research
Asian Journal of Textile
Current Research in Bacteriology
Information Technology Journal
International Journal of Botany
International Journal of Meat Science
International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System
International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders
International Journal of Pharmacology
International Journal of Poultry Science
International Journal of Thermal and Fluid Sciences
Journal of Agronomy
Journal of Applied Sciences
Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Biological Sciences
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Journal of Food Resource Science
Journal of Medical Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
Plant Pathology Journal
Research Journal of Immunology
Research Journal of Mutagenesis
Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance
Trends in Agricultural Economics
Trends in Bioinformatics
Trends in Molecular Sciences


(16 Journals)

Asian Journal of Agricultural Research

Asian Journal of Animal Sciences
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
Asian Journal of Biological Sciences
Asian Journal of Biotechnology
Asian Journal of Dermatology
Asian Journal of Developmental Biology
Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering
Asian Journal of Materials Science
Asian Journal of Nematology
Asian Journal of Rural Development
Current Research in Chemistry
Current Research in Dairy Sciences
International Journal of Chemical Technology
International Journal of Plant Pathology
Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Science Publications, Vailis Gate, Hgts Drive, P.O.Box 879, New York, 12584, USA.

( 26 Journals)

American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
American Journal of Applied Sciences
American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
American Journal of Bioinformatics
American Journal of Biostatistics
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
American Journal of Environmental Sciences
American Journal of Geoscience
American Journal of Immunology
American Journal of Infectious Diseases
American Journal of Microbiology
American Journal of Nanotechnology
American Journal of Neuroscience
American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
American Journal of Space Science
American Journal of Virology
American Medical Journal
Current Research in Dentistry
Current Research in Psychology
Energy Research Journal
International Journal of Research in Nursing
Journal of Computer Science
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Journal of Social Sciences
OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Physics International


Biological Department, Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, P.O. Box 20, Jordan.

(15 Journals)

Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB)

Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology
Journal of Applied Sciences Research
American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (AEJSA)
Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (EJAEM)
Advances in Medical and Dental Sciences (AMDS)
Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences(ANAS)
Global Journal of Medicinal Plant Research (GJMPR)
Global Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management (GJBSM)
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Research Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Research Journal of Social Sciences
Research Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology
Global Journal of Plant Ecophysiology (GJPE)


(35 Journals)

Agricultural Journal
Asian Journal of Information Technology
Botany Research Journal
Environmental Research Journal
International Business Management
International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering
International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences
International Journal of Soft Computing
International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application
International Journal of Tropical Medicine
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Journal of Aquaculture Feed Science and Nutrition
Journal of Economics Theory
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Journal of Fisheries International
Journal of Food Technology
Journal of Mobile Communication
Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics
Journal of Molecular Genetics
Online Journal of Earth Sciences
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences
Plant Sciences Research
Research Journal of Agronomy
Research Journal of Animal Sciences
Research Journal of Applied Sciences
Research Journal of Biological Sciences
Research Journal of Dairy Sciences
Research Journal of Medical Sciences
Research Journal of Pharmacology
Research Journal of Poultry Sciences
Research Journal of Soil and Water Management
Surgery Journal
The Cardiology
The Social Sciences
Veterinary Research

International Digital Organization for Scientific Information

(93 Journals)

Academic Journal of Cancer Research

Academic Journal of Animal Diseases
Academic Journal of Entomology
Academic Journal of Nutrition (AJN)
Academic Journal of Oral and Dental Medicine
Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
Acta Parasitologica Globalis
Acta Science, Technology and Management
Advances in Biological Research
African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences
Agricultural Economics & Marketing Journal
Agricultural Engineering Research Journal
American-Eurasian Journal of Agronomy
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
American-Eurasian Journal of Crop Protection
American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research
American-Eurasian Journal of Soil Sciences
American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Applied Journal of Hygiene (AJH)
Applied Biosciences (AB)
Asian Journal of Business Management Studies
Botany Research International
Formerly known as American-Eurasian Journal of Botany
British Journal of Poultry Sciences
Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences
European Journal of Applied Sciences
European Journal of Biological Sciences
Global Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry
Global Journal of Environmental Research
Global Journal of Molecular Sciences
Global Journal of Pharmacology
Global Veterinaria
Humanity and Social Sciences Journal
International Journal of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology
International Journal of Agribusiness Management
International Journal of Basic and Applied Virology
International Journal of Clinical Pathology
International Journal of Genetics

International Journal of Microbiological Research
International Journal of Nuts and Related Sciences
International Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
International Journal of Physics
International Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment
International Journal of Planetary & Space Research International
Journal of Water Resources & Arid Environments
Journal of Animal Production Sciences
Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Journal of Forestry and Environment
Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants
Journal of Industrial Technologies and Sustainable Environment
Journal of Oceanography and Marine Environmental System
Journal of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Journal of Reproduction and Infertility
Journal of Statistics and Biometry
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Statistics
Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International
Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
Plant Pathology International
Plant Physiology Research
Research Journal of Earth Sciences
Research Journal of Zoonosis
Studies in Nonlinear Sciences
World Applied Sciences Journal
World Engineering & Applied Sciences Journal
World Information Technology Journal
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences
World Journal of Alternative Medicine
World Journal of Chemistry
World Journal of Computer Sciences
World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences
World Journal of Environmental Pollution
World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences
World Journal of Fungal and Plant Biology
World Journal of Immunology
World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
World Journal of Management Studies
World Journal of Medical Sciences
World Journal of Nano Science & Technology
World Journal of Natural Products Research
World Journal of Nursing Sciences
World Journal of Sport Sciences
World Journal of Zoology

(14 Journals)

Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Asian Journal of Business Management
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences
British Journal of Dairy Sciences
British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences
Current Research Journal of Economic Theory
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences
International Journal of Animal and veterinary Advances
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
Research Journal of Information Technology
Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics


244, 5th. Ave., No. 2218, NY 10001, New York, USA

Fax: 888-777-8532


American Journal of Food Technology

American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology
American Journal of Plant Physiology
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research
Asian Journal of Algebra
Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Asian Journal of Animal Sciences
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
Asian Journal of Biochemistry
Asian Journal of Biological Sciences
Asian Journal of Biotechnology
Asian Journal of Cell Biology
Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Asian Journal of Crop Science
Asian Journal of Dermatology
Asian Journal of Developmental Biology
Asian Journal of Earth Sciences
Asian Journal of Epidemiology
Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering
Asian Journal of Information Management
Asian Journal of Marketing
Asian Journal of Materials Science
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics
Asian Journal of Nematology
Asian Journal of Plant Pathology
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Asian Journal of Poultry Science
Asian Journal of Rural Development
Asian Journal of Scientific Research
Asian Journal of Textile
Current Research in Bacteriology
Current Research in Chemistry
Current Research in Dairy Sciences
Current Research in Neuroscience
Current Research in Tuberculosis

European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine
Information Technology Journal
International Journal of Agricultural Research
International Journal of Biological Chemistry
International Journal of Botany
International Journal of Cancer Research
International Journal of Chemical Technology
International Journal of Dairy Science
International Journal of Meat Science
International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders
International Journal of Pharmacology
International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
International Journal of Plant Pathology
International Journal of Poultry Science
International Journal of Soil Science
International Journal of Virology
International Journal of Zoological Research
Journal of Agronomy
Journal of Applied Sciences
Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Biological Sciences
Journal of Entomology
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
Journal of Medical Sciences
Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Journal of Plant Sciences
Journal of Software Engineering
Kidney Research Journal
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
Plant Pathology Journal
Research Journal of Agricultural Research
Research Journal of Allergy
Research Journal of Botany
Research Journal of Business Management
Research Journal of Cardiology
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology
Research Journal of Forestry
Research Journal of Immunology
Research Journal of Information Technology
Research Journal of Medicinal Plant
Research Journal of Microbiology

Research Journal of Mutagenesis
Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Research Journal of Parasitology
Research Journal of Physics
Research Journal of Phytochemistry
Research Journal of Radiology
Research Journal of Seed Science
Research Journal of Soil Biology
Research Journal of Toxins
Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Space Research Journal
The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance
Trends in Agricultural Economics
Trends in Applied Sciences Research
Trends in Bioinformatics
Trends in Horticultural Research
Trends in Medical Research
Trends in Molecular Sciences
Advances in Biological Research
American-Eurasian J of Agricultural & Environmental Sci
American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research
Global Journal of Biotechnology
Global Journal of Environmental Research
Global Journal of Molecular Sciences
Global Journal of Pharmacology
Middle East Journal of Scientific Research ISSN:
American-Eurasian J of Agricultural & Environmental Sci.
American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research
Global Journal of Biotechnology
Global Journal of Molecular Sciences
World Journal of Zoology
Humanity and Social Sciences Journal
World Information Technology Journal
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences
World Journal of Dairy & Food Science
World Applied Sciences Journal
World Journal of Chemistry
World Journal of Medical Sciences


(104 Journals)

Social Sciences

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
Journal of Economics and International Finance
Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism
African Journal of Business Management
Journal of Accounting and Taxation
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research
African Journal of Marketing Management

Biological Sciences

Journal of Cell and Animal Biology

African Journal of Biotechnology
International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews
African Journal of Microbiology Research
African Journal of Biochemistry Research
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
African Journal of Food Science
African Journal of Plant Science
Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment
Journal of Entomology and Nematology
Journal of Bacteriology Research
Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis
Journal of General and Molecular Virology
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
Journal of Biophysics and Structural Biology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology Research
Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research
International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Journal of Brewing and Distilling
Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research
Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering
Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials
International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research

Agricultural Sciences

Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry
International Journal of Livestock Production
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics
Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Journal of Cereals and Oilseeds
Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management
Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research

Physical Sciences

African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research

African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
Journal of Geology and Mining Research
Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Journal of Internet and Information Systems
Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science
Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels


Journal of Engineering and Technology Research

International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Journal of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology
International Journal of Computer Engineering Research
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research
Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Arts and Education

Educational Research and Reviews

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
Philosophical Papers and Reviews
International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies
International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
African Journal of History and Culture
International Journal of Library and Information Science
Journal of Media and Communication Studies
International Journal of English and Literature

Journal of African Studies and Development
Journal of Fine and Studio Art
Journal of Languages and Culture
Journal of Music and Dance
International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management

Legal Studies

Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution

Other Journals

International NGO Journal

Scientific Research and Essays
International Journal of Peace and Development Studies

Medical Sciences

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

Journal of Medicinal Plant Research
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene
International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences
Clinical Reviews and Opinions
International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
Journal of AIDS and HIV Research
Journal of Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology
Journal of Cell Biology and Genetics
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research
Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research
Journal of Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine
Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity
Journal of Medical Genetics and Genomics
Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis
Journal of Metabolomics and Systems Biology
Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health
Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
Medical Case Studies
Medical Practice and Reviews
Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB)

Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences (JASS)


International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Indian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST)
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment


Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

(IF Journals):

Asian Journal of Chemistry (Indian Journal)

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

African Journal of Biotechnology

Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (With 1,300,000 payment): Egypt

Archives des sciences (With 450.00 $ payment): IF = 0.474 : SWITZERLAND

Texas Journal of Science (With 500.00 $ payment) : IF = 0.113: USA (Closed)!

Indian Veterinary Journal

Applied Mathematics and Computation

Pakistan Journal of Botany

Acta Crystallograghica Section E-Structure

International Journal of Molecular Science

Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science

International Journal of Electrochemistrty

Asian Journal of Earthscience

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences


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