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Try Out 4

Reading Section

I. Incomplete Dialogues

Questions 16 to 30, choose the most appropriate answer.

16. Kiki: "Where should we have lunch, Sita?"
Sita: "How about the new restaurant near the cinema?"
Kiki: ".... I heard that it is good enough."
A. Thats a good idea.
B. What a lunch we have now.
C. Thats terrible.
D. You should know better.
17. Caller: "May I speak to the Manager, please?"
Clerk: "Im sorry, Sir. Hes out of town today. ...?"
A. Would you like to leave a message?
B. Who do you want to speak to?
C. May I help you?
D. Should you go out with him?
18. Fifi: "I havent met Pras for long."
Umi: "Dont you know that he has moved? ..., but now he teaches at the new school."
A. He used to teach here.
B. He has moved to a new school.
C. I know that he has moved.
D. He still teaches here.
19. Dea: "Theres a good movie playing at Studio 21."
Gina: "Merah Putih? Ive been waiting for that film."
Dea: "Shall we go there this weekend?"
Gina: ".... Im always free on Saturdays and Sundays."
A. I dont like that kind of film.
B. That sounds great.
C. What about this weekend?
D. It hasnt played for a long time.
20. Roni: "Im attending my best friends wedding party in Surabaya tomorrow, Sir. ...?"
Manager: "Actually, you have a lot of assignments to finish, Roni."
Roni: "I will finish them today, Sir."
A. May I have a day off?
B. Could you finish my assignment?
C. Would you like to come with me?
D. Could you give the actual date of the wedding party?
21. Weni: "Im sorry, but Id like to return this blouse. I have the receipt here."
Assistant: "Whats the reason for the return?"
Weni: "...."
A. It comes in size S, M, and L.
B. I like the color very much.
C. It really suits me.
D. It doesnt suit very well.
22. Waiter: "Excuse me, Maam. ...?"
Fira: "Could I have some Gado-gado, please?"
Waiter: "Certainly. Anything to drink?"
A. What would you like to have?
B. Could you recommend your special food?
C. Could you provide the menu, please?
D. Where would you like to eat?
23. Lina: "...? Im leaving for Surabaya tonight and I cant pick you up as usual."
Atik: "Dont worry. Ill take the public transportation."
A. What will you do at work tomorrow?
B. When are you leaving for Surabaya?
C. Can you pick me up tomorrow?
D. How will you get to work tomorrow?
24. Ari: "Why do you look so upset? Whats bothering you?"
Maya: "Ive lost my flash disk."
Ari: ".... Do you remember where you last put it?"
A. What do you mean?
B. I dont want to bother you.
C. You can buy a new one.
D. Im sorry to hear that.
25. Tukul: "What would you do if you had a lot of money?"
Gayus: ".... I like traveling."
A. I would go around the world.
B. I will travel to Bali.
C. I would have visited many beautiful places.
D. I will be going wherever I like.
26. Traveler: "...?"
Pedestrian: "No, its just a five-minute walk from here. Its along this street."
A. Could you tell me where the post office is?
B. Is the post office far from here?
C. Where is the post office?
D. How long does it take to walk to the post office?
27. Reni: "Your managing director resigned yesterday, didnt he?"
Ida: "Yes. .... He never told anyone about his plans."
A. He will resign someday.
B. We knew he would resign.
C. Thats a good idea.
D. It was quite a surprise.
28. Receptionist: "...?"
Mrs. Siregar: "Double with bath. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a room with a
view over the valley."
A. How many rooms do you need?
B. Id like to make a reservation?
C. When are you going to stay at this hotel?
D. What kind of room would you like?
29. Vera: "Hasnt Cita arrived yet?"
Mei: ".... She called me just now and said that she was still on the way."
A. I think she will not come here today.
B. Lets cancel our meeting.
C. She will arrive soon.
D. She would like to find her way.
30. Rini: "May I borrow the Oxford dictionary? I have a translation work to do."
Librarian: "Let me see. .... What about Longman dictionary instead?"
Rini: "Thatll be fine. Thank you."
A. Im sorry, but it hasnt been returned.
B. Yes, its available.
C. Of course you can borrow it.
D. Could you return it on time, please?

31. The Plaza is (A) located at the southeast corner of New Yorks fabulous Central Park, (B)
where is not far to the best shopping along New Yorks famous Fifth Avenue. This 1907
hotel, with (C) its beautiful fountain, is a famous location in (D) many popular movies
and books.
A. locating
B. which
C. it
D. much
32. Budi: "The 8:00 (A) show for The Train is (B) sold out, (C) so I got tickets for High
Flyer. I hope thats OK."
Lusi: "Thats fine. People say that High Flyer is (D) more good than The Train."
A. showing
B. selling
C. because
D. better
33. Caller: "Hello? Id like (A) to speak to Mr. Anto, the manager, please."
Clerk: "Im sorry. Hes out for lunch. (B) Could you like to leave a message?"
Caller: "Yes. Please tell her Rosa (C) called. Ill (D) meet him at two this afternoon."
A. speaking
B. Would
C. calls
D. meeting
34. My cousin Andi and his son Dio are very (A) different. They (B) arent look the same.
Dio is very tall, but Andi isnt. They (C) dont like the (D) same music. Dio likes hip-hop,
but Andi likes jazz.
A. difference
B. don't
C. didn't
D. same as
35. Ully: My CD players not (A) working. Its driving me (B) crazy!
Joko: Im sorry (C) to hear that. If it were not a serious damage, maybe I (D) can fix it.
A. worked
B. crazily
C. hearing
D. could

Gardens by Hok
PO Box 687
1103 Lisbon, Portugal

September 8, 2010
Guy Williams
Landscape Design Magazine
Otto Heldringstraat 2:
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Dear Mr. Williams

Thank you for your sending the advertising information. We have decided not to place an ad in
the December issue, but we will consider placing one in the next issue in march.
We will be in touch. Again thank you for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Sov Hok
Landscape Architect

36. What is Sov Hoks business?

A. Designing skyscrapers
B. Selling advertising
C. Designing gardens
D. Marketing
37. Why did Mr. Hok write this letter?
A. To ask Mr. Williams for a subscription
B. To place an ad in December
C. To get a job
D. To say he wasnt interested in placing an ad now
38. How often does the magazine come out?
A. Weekly
B. Monthly
C. By-weekly
D. Quarterly


Feb 4-Feb 24: Mar 11-Apr 15: Apr 16-Apr 24: May 12-Jun 12:
Bonn, Germany Budapest, Hungary Hannover, Bath, England
International Jewelry International Germany International Computer
Trade Fair Furniture Fair Art and Antiques Exhibit
Mar 12-Mar 20: Fair
Milan, Italy Apr 14-Apr 21:
Automobile Show Basel,
Mar 15-Mar 18: Switzerland
Guangzhou, China European Watch
International Shoe Fair
Mar 20-Mar 25:
Moscow, Rusia
International Textile

39. What is this calendar list about?

A. Trade shows
B. Musical events
C. Sport competitions
D. A tour itinerary
40. Which event does NOT take place in Europe?
A. Automobile show
B. Art and Antiques Fair
C. International Shoe Fair
D. International Jewelry Trade Fair
41. If you were a buyer of a dress manufacturer, where should you go in March?
A. Budapest
B. Bonn
C. Moscow
D. Hannover

Amelia Earhart who was born at Atchison in 1897 was one of the first and is still probably the
most famous woman aviator in the world. She dropped out from Columbia University and
worked in California to earn money for flying lessons.

In 1928, she became the first female passenger of transatlantic flight. She flew from new
Newfoundland to Burry port, Wales. In 1932, at the age of thirty four, she was the first woman to
fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone, from Harbor Grace, newfoundland, to Ireland. This success
was soon followed by a series of flights across the United States alone.

In 1935, she was the first woman who made a solo flight from Hawaii to California in both
directions. In 1937, she tried to fly around the world with Fred Noonan as her navigator. After
completing more than two-thirds of the trip, her twin engine Lockheed Electra vanished near
Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean, and no trace of Earheart or her plane was ever found.

42. What happened to Amelia in 1928?

A. She dropped out from Columbia University
B. She started working in California
C. She was the first passenger on transatlantic flight
D. She flew from Harbor Grace to Ireland
43. When did she fly alone for the first time?
A. In 1897
B. In 1928
C. In 1932
D. In 1935
44. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
A. Amelia Earheart graduated from Columbia University
B. She was accompanied by a navigator to fly around the world
C. She flew from Hawaii to California successfully
D. She could not finish her trip to fly around the world


Multinational company seeks sales manager for its office products division. Candidate must have
10 years experience in sales development and management in the field and the ability to motivate
and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and benefits package.
Qualified candidates should send their resumes to: The Daily news, Box 8552, 1627 Elm Street,
Adelaide, Australia

45. Which segment of business is looking for a sales manager?

A. The office product divisions
B. The personnel division
C. The multinational company
D. The overseas staff
46. What type of experience is required for the job?
A. Product Development
B. Ten years in office management
C. Expanding sales
D. Research in the field
47. Where should applicants send their resumes?
A. To the company
B. To the vice president of sales
C. To the division manager
D. To the newspaper

How to make Popcorn

Youll need
2 tablespoons popping corn
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons sugar

How to make it
o Pour the oil into a large saucepan and place it on the stove.
o Turn the heat to medium and cook for about 2 minutes.
o Add the corn to the pan and put the lid on.
o Turn the heat to high until you hear the corn begin to pop.
o Turn the heat to low and cook slowly until the popping stops. Shake the pan occasionally.
o Sprinkle sugar over the popcorn and stir.
o Turn the heat to high for less than one minute. Do not overcook or the sugar will burn.
o Pour the popcorn into a bowl and wait for it to cool before tasting.

48. Who will be most interested in reading the text?

A. People who sell cooking utensils.
B. People who like cooking.
C. People near a popcorn seller.
D. People on research about popcorn.
49. When should you sprinkle sugar over the popcorn?
A. After stirring the popcorn in the pan
B. Before the corn begins to pop
C. Before you serve it
D. After the corn stops to pop.
50. What should we not do according to the above text?
A. Heat the corn until it pops
B. Overcook the popcorn
C. Cook slowly until the popping stops
D. Add sugar and stir the popcorn

This is the end of the test.

Read more:


listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures

Questions: 1 to 4

For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape.
These statements will be spoken twice, but are NOT WRITTEN out in your test book, so you
must listen carefully. You must choose one statement (A), (B), (C), or (D) that best describes
the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Example: Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.

A. The girl is wearing a T-shirt.
B. The girl has curly hair.
C. The girl looks unhappy.
D. The girl is holding something.

Choice (D) The girl is holding something best describes what is seen in the picture.
Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.

Now lets begin with picture number 1.

1. 2.
3. 4.

Part II.

Questions: 5 to 8.


In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear Where can I pick up my tickets? You will also hear:
A. Thursday morning, if thats convenient.
B. At the Overseas Travel Desk.
C. I think its at nine oclock.

Choice (B) At the Overseas Travel Desk is the appropriate response to the question Where
can I pick up my tickets? Therefore you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now lets begin with question number 5.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III

Questions: 9 to 12

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations
twice. The conversations will NOT be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers are saying. In your test book, you will read a question about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer
to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet. Example: You will hear "Are you a student
here?" ~ "Yes, Sir." ~ "Where is the English class?" ~ "Next to the laboratory." You will read
"Where does the dialogue probably take place?"
A. At the hospital.
B. At the station.
C. At the market.
D. In a school.

Choice (D) In a school is the best answer to the question Where does the dialogue
probably take place? Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
9. Who will the man talk to next?
A. The hotel manager.
B. A designer.
C. An accountant.
D. The personnel manager.
10. How many times a year does the woman travel to Medan on business?
A. The hotel manager.
B. A designer.
C. An accountant.
D. The personnel manager.
11. What is the man reserving?
A. A conference site.
B. A table for breakfast.
C. A hotel room.
D. An early-morning taxi.
12. Why is the man taking a train?
A. Flying is shorter.
B. Its going to rain.
C. Jakarta is far away.
D. The train station is in the city.

Part IV

Questions: 13 to 15


In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. You will hear the talks twice. They will
NOT be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers
are saying. In your test book, you will read a question about each short talk. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on
your answer sheet.
13. What should the user do if the items do not come out clean?
A. Stack them on the cart.
B. Wash them by hand.
C. Put them through the machine again.
D. Contact customer service.
14. What happened to nearby office workers?
A. They were injured.
B. They were removed.
C. They were reported.
D. They were suspected.
15. Why was Flight 109 delayed?
A. The flight crew was stuck in traffic.
B. The plane had mechanical trouble.
C. The weather was bad.
D. The connecting flight was cancelled.
Read more:
Try Out 3

Reading Section

I. Incomplete Dialogues

Questions 16 to 30; choose the most appropriate answer

16. Dito: "Where would you like to put these plants, Nia?"
Nia: "How about over here by the window?"
Dito: ".... They need much light."
A. Thats good news.
B. What a surprise!
C. Youre right.
D. No, thanks.
17. Receptionist: "...?"
Guest: "Yes. I would like to meet the Headmaster.
Receptionist: "Wait a minute, please."
A. Would you meet the Headmaster tomorrow, Sir?
B. Who do you want to meet, Sir?
C. May I help you, Sir?
D. May I introduce you to the Headmaster?
18. Deni: "I cant find the pharmacy. It must have moved somewhere."
Sri: "Yes, .... But now its a barbershop."
A. There was a barbershop here.
B. Heres the pharmacy.
C. I know where the pharmacy is.
D. There used to be a pharmacy here.
19. Yuni: "Ive joined an English club. Would you like to join us in our next meeting this
Gina: ".... I have nothing to do on Saturdays and Sundays."
Yuni: "Great then. That way we can always practice our English."
A. Im very sorry but I cant come with you.
B. I think you should practice alone.
C. That sounds interesting.
D. How do you practice your English?
20. Ita: "Im sorry for being late, Sir. ...?"
Teacher: "Well, you often come late, Ita. Why are you late again now?"
Icha: "The traffic was busy and the bus was very slow."
A. Shall I come to your classroom?
B. Could you come earlier?
C. How long have I been late?
D. May I come in?
21. Aldo: "The soup is much too salty. ...."
Alya: "Im surprised. The food here is usually very good."
Aldo: "I know. Ive brought clients here many times."
A. Can you find it on the menu?
B. I think Ill send it back.
C. The waiter always serves the food.
D. I dont know that this is a good restaurant.
22. Ayu: "I cant decide what to eat. ...?"
Waiter: "Well, we have special Arabic chicken curry, Maam."
Ayu: "Alright. Ill have that with a plate of rice and a glass of orange juice, please."
A. Would you have anything to eat?
B. What do you recommend?
C. Could you take my order?
D. What would you like to eat?
23. Heri: "When will my laundry be ready?"
Assistant: "In an hour at the latest, Sir. You can wait in the waiting room.
Heri: "I dont think so. I have something to do. ...."
A. Ill make it ready soon.
B. Ill come back later.
C. Could you wait with me?
D. I sent my laundry here yesterday.
24. Sigit: "Our school will not allow us to bring mobile phones to school. What do you
Lodi: ".... We may need to communicate with our parents."
Sigit: "Yes, especially when we need our parents to pick us up."
A. I completely disagree.
B. I agree with it.
C. Thats very true.
D. I cant agree more.
25. Tukul: "How will you spend your vacation?"
Gayus: "Ill go to Bali. If I had a longer vacation, ...."
A. I would have gone around the world.
B. I will travel to Hawaii.
C. I would visit Hawaii as well.
D. I would spend my vacation at home.
26. Tomo: "Excuse me. ?"
Receptionist: "This way, Sir. Its along this corridor, next to the lift."
A. Where is the conference room?
B. Where can I find the lift?
C. Can you tell me where the lift is?
D. Which way should you take?
27. Wati: "Did you enjoy your trip?"
Ida: "Yes, thank you. ...."
A. The service of the airline was satisfying.
B. I will surely enjoy it.
C. I would like to take a trip.
D. Have a great time.
28. Aryapati: "Do you have any flights to Medan next Tuesday afternoon?"
Clerk: ".... Yes, there's a flight at 6:45 a.m. and one at 9:00 a.m."
Aryapati: "Thats fine. Ill take that."
A. How many flights do you need?
B. Just a moment, please.
C. When are you going to fly?
D. Do you want a plane ticket or a bus ticket?
29. Siti: "How long do you think the staff meeting will last?"
Silvi: "The schedule says it will last for two hours. ...."
Siti: "Lets finish on time. I have a lunch appointment at twelve."
A. Well probably finish at about eleven.
B. We have just finished.
C. What time would you like to finish?
D. Well finish it after work tomorrow.
30. Gita: "Can we use the conference room for a meeting tomorrow morning?"
Clerk: ".... Its free in the afternoon, though."
Gita: "OK. Well reschedule for tomorrow at 2 p.m."
A. Of course.
B. No, were full until tomorrow afternoon.
C. I guess there should be no problem with that.
D. No, its already been reserved.

II. Error Recognition

Questions 31 to 35, choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below.

31. The Peninsula Hotel (A) where is located in New York City, is a place to see. Every room
(B) is high-tech with remote controls for (C) lighting, music, TV, and air conditioning. As
a matter of fact, the huge marble bathrooms may be the (D) most beautiful in New York
A. which
B. are
C. light
D. more
32. Ardi: "Im thinking about (A) getting a new monitor."
Eddo: "Oh, yeah? What kind?"
Ardi: "Everyone (B) says I (C) should get an LCD monitor."
Eddo: "Yes. Its more expensive but it saves (D) most energy."
A. to get
B. say
C. will
D. more
33. Customer: "Excuse me. Where (A) could I find toothpaste?"
Attendant: "Toothpaste? Its in aisle two."
Customer: "I know, but I (B) shouldnt find any."
Attendant: "Im sorry. (C) Let me get you some from the back."
Customer: "(D) Thank you very much."
A. would
B. couldn't
C. Let's
D. Thanks
34. Man: "(A) Tell me something about your family."
Woman: "Sure. What (B) do you want to know?"
Man: "Well, (C) could you have any brothers or sisters?"
Woman: "I (D) have two older brothers and a younger sister."
A. Telling
B. did
C. do
D. had
35. Roni: "This printers driving me (A) crazy!"
Agus: "What do you (B) mean?"
Roni: "Its not working again. It wont print."
Agus: "Oh, no. If we (C) didnt fix it (D) soon, well have to find another printer."
A. crazily
B. meaning
C. don't
D. sooner

III. Reading Comprehension

Questions 36 - 50 are based on a selection of reading materials. Choose the best answer A,
B, C, or D to each question.
Questions 36-38 refer to the following letter

Ardmore Express Box 6467 Miami, FL 33399

Mr. Joseph Sung
2249 Oak St.
Champaign, IL. 60602

Account Number: 2736-8273888-09

Dear Account Holder

Thank you for contacting us with regard to the charge on your Ardmore Express Gold Card
account. We have contacted Schroeders Department Store on your behalf and are awaiting a

If we find that the charge was made to your account in error, we will make a credit adjustment
within one business day.

We appreciate your patience as it may take six to eight weeks to complete the research needed to
resolve your claim. If we can be of any further assistance, please call (888) 555-9870 to speak
with a customer service representative.

S. Nagle
Customer Service Supervisor

36. What does the letter talk about?

A. A mistake in a credit card bill
B. A change to an account number
C. A complaint about customer service
D. A charge for a late payment
37. What is Mr. Sung asked to do?
A. Contact the department store
B. Wait six to eight weeks
C. Adjust his account balance
D. Pay his bill immediately
38. What is suggested by Mr. Nagle if Mr.Sung needs more help?
A. Sending an email to Mr. Nagle
B. Sending a fax to the customer service representative
C. Make a phone call to Mr. Nagle
D. Make a phone call to the customer service representative

Questions 39-41 refer to the following schedule (Click to see actual size).

39. For which employees are these training sessions primarily intended?
A. Receptionists
B. Supervisors
C. Maintenance Staff
D. Office Assistants
40. Which course is offered only in the evening?
A. Issues Management
B. Customer Service
C. Workplace Safety
D. Evaluating Employee
41. According to the information, when are refunds provided?
A. When cancellations are received a week in advance.
B. When the employees supervisor cancels on the day of the session.
C. When the instructor fails to attend the session.
D. When the weather causes the session to be canceled.

Questions 42-44 refer to the following text.

Lorraine Kulasingam has worked in the fashion industry as stylist for ten years, choosing the
clothing that models and movie stars wear for on-camera appearances. I am the one who decides
how the actors look, she says. I love it. Every day is different.

Although Lorraine routinely meets famous movie stars, there is a disadvantage to her job: she
often works 18-hour days, and she has to accommodate everyones schedule. Its pretty tiring,
she admits. But I wouldnt change careers for anything.

42. What is indicated about Ms. Kulasingams job?

A. She has recently changed her careers.
B. She often works very long days.
C. She gets tired of doing the same thing.
D. She recently received a promotion.
43. What does Ms. Kulasingam do in her job?
A. Hires models who appear in advertisement.
B. Selects clothing models and film stars.
C. Organizes filming of televisions program.
D. Takes picture for the fashion industry.
44. What could be considered a benefit of her position?
A. Meeting famous people.
B. Receiving free accommodation.
C. Being able to set her own work hours.
D. Being in management-level position.

Questions 45-47 refer to the following advertisement.


1. Female, attractive and representative appearance, age max. 30 years.
2. A degree from a reputable Secretarial academy with min. 5 years of experience.
3. Fluency in written and spoken English.
4. Computer literacy, excellent communication skills.

Please send your application attached with Curriculum Vitae & recent photograph within 5 days
of this advertisement to:
PO Box 1000 Jakarta 6824
45. What is being advertised?
A. An executive secretary
B. A job opening
C. A qualified representative
D. an immediate execution
46. You should send your resume by
A. mail
B. e-mail
C. telex
D. facsimile
47. Which of the following is NOT required?
A. work experience
B. English skill
C. ability to operate computer
D. experience in a reputable academy

Questions 48-50 refer to the following text.

How to Find Unusual Gifts

Giving gifts is a well-known way to show our attention toward somebody else. Moreover, giving
gifts may be important for certain special moments. Unusual or even weird gifts would leave a
sweet memory for us and the recipient. So, try these tips to find something unusual as your gifts.

Look for gifts wherever you find yourself, especially when you were on a trip. From a bazaar in
Bandung to a tag sale in Berlin. Use the Internet. Follow links until you find what you want.
Track down items such as rare prints, out-of-print books or antiques in the auction. Give a
welcome service. A massage, costume makeovers, a day at the spa, or romantic dinner will be a
nice welcome gift.

Combine one or two things for a spectacular effect. The picture frame that you bought in Bali
might provide the perfect background for showing off the portrait of the recipient.

Come to a handicrafts store and talk to the people that make unique pieces. Visit art supply
stores, craft shops, art galleries and factory stores for ideas.

48. The word well-known in the first line has the similar meaning with ....
A. Great
B. Weird
C. Special
D. Famous
49. The following are suggestions given from the text above, EXCEPT.
A. Browse the internet to search a special gift.
B. Match one or two things for spectacular effect.
C. Visit some museums to get some ideas.
D. Come to a handicraft shops and have a talk to the people there.
50. What are the welcome services which can be given?
A. A massage, costume makeovers, a day at the spa, and romantic dinner.
B. A message, hair makeovers, a day at the spa, and romantic dinner.
C. A massage, costume make over, two days at the spa, and romantic dinner.
D. A message, costume makeovers, a day at the spa, and romantic dinner.

This is the end of the test.

Read more:

Try Out 2

Reading Section

I. Incomplete Dialogues

Questions 16 to 30; choose the most appropriate answer

16. Liza: "Im not feeling very well."

Danny: "You should see the doctor soon."
Liza: ".... My dad will take me to the doctor this evening."
A. Well, Im not sure.

B. Youre right.

C. No, I cant.

D. Thats very kind of you.

17. Ani: "This is Ani speaking. Can I help you?"

Caller: "Can I speak to Ms. Diah, please?"
Ani: "Sorry, .... Any messages?"

A. Just a moment, please.

B. Call her again later.

C. Shes out now.

D. Thank you for calling.

18. Hanna: "Why didnt you come to English class yesterday?"

Ryan: "...."
Hanna: "You should have a doctors letter for permission."

A. I was sick.

B. I am sick.

C. I would be sick.

D. I have been sick.

19. Sam: "Dyta, are you free next Sunday? We will have a little reunion with our
Junior High School friends in Bamboo Cafe."
Dyta: "Sure, .... What time will it be?"
Sam: "8 a.m. Make sure you wont be late."

A. Im supposed to do something else.

B. I dont think so.

C. I have a lot of work to do.

D. Id love to.

20. Shanty: "Danu, .... I need to go to Surabaya to attend my cousins wedding party."
Danu: "Sure. Im not going anywhere tomorrow but dont forget to fill up the tank."
Shanty: "Dont worry. Thank you very much. I appreciate it."

A. Would you like to go with me tomorrow?

B. Will it be possible for me to borrow your car tomorrow?

C. Do you mind if I go with you tomorrow?

D. Will you accompany me tomorrow?

21. Carla: ".... Ill have a test tomorrow. Im trying to study now."
Sisca: "Im really sorry. Ill turn it down right away."

A. Could you turn the radio down?

B. Would you turn the radio up?

C. I think youd better study now.

D. Can you help me?

22. Dewi: "You look so pale. Are you okay?"

Marni: "Ive got a stomachache. I havent had breakfast. There have been so many things to do
this morning."
Dewi: "Its almost lunch time. Pay more attention to your health. ...."

A. You have to finish your job now.

B. You ought to tell your boss to eat.

C. You should get something to eat.

D. Youd better find another job

23. Maya: "Lucky, I need my book for next weeks presentation."

Lucky: "Oh, I have finished it, but I dont bring it now. .... Is that OK?"
Maya: "No problem. See you tomorrow."

A. Im still reading it.

B. I will finish it soon.

C. I also need it to do my homework.

D. Ill give it back at school tomorrow.

24. Brian: "Im in a rush. I only have 15 minutes to prepare or Ill miss the train."
Wildan: "You should have packed them all the day before."
Brian: "I had too many things to do yesterday. If I had had more time, ...."

A. I would have prepared everything earlier.

B. I would have been ready by now.

C. I would take you with me.

D. I would like you to help me.

25. Dona: "I think we should contribute a minimum of five thousand rupiahs to
the flood victims."
Amir: "..... They absolutely need our help."
Dona: "Great. Ill tell the others."

A. I agree with you in principle but dont you think its too much.

B. I couldnt agree more.

C. I think other people will help them.

D. Im afraid I dont agree with you.

26. Daniel: "How can I get to the nearest BCA bank?"

Man: ".... You will find it easily."

Daniel: "I hope so. Thank you."

A. Just go ahead and turn left. Its on your left.

B. Its next to the bookshop .

C. Its behind the library.

D. Sorry, I dont live here.

27. Keane: "I always wake up at 4.30 am."

Saras: ".... I wake up at 5 oclock in the morning."

A. I wake up at the same time.

B. I wake up earlier than you.

C. Its a bit too early for me.

D. You wake up later than me.

28. Receptionist: "Good morning. Can I help you, sir?"

Gandi: ....
Receptionist: "Im really sorry but all rooms have already been reserved."

A. I want to reserve a single room for tonight.

B. Would you like to book a room?

C. I need your help.

D. Shall we reserve a room for tonight?

29. Dea: "Risya told me that her refrigerator is broken."

Rinda: ".... He is a mechanic."
Dea: "I think youre right."

A. She should search for a repairman.

B. Her father might be able to repair it.

C. Oh, poor her. She must be very sad.

D. She could fix it herself.

30. Teacher: "We will have a long holiday next week. Where are you planning to go?"
Beni: ".... Im so excited."
Salsa: "I will go to Jakarta visiting my sister. Its going to be a lot of fun."

A. I went to Jogjakarta with my family.

B. I attend a summer camp in Batu.

C. I have gone to Bali by bus.

D. I am going to visit Jatim Park 2.

II. Error Recognition

Questions 31 to 35: choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below.

31. Silvia: "Look at (A) these two shirts. Which one do you think suits me (B) more good?"
Gerard: "I think (C) the blue one will look great on you."
Silvia: "Hmm, I think youre right. Ill (D) take this one."
A. those

B. better
C. the blue ones

D. be taking

32. Some television programs often (A) broadcast violence (B) whose can cause bad effects for
children. Thats why parents (C) should accompany their children (D) when watching TV.

A. broadcasting

B. which

C. should be accompanied

D. during

33. Secretary: "Heres the report that you (A) asked yesterday."
Manager: "Ok, thank you. I need it for (B) todays meeting."
Secretary: "Is there anything else I (C) would do, sir?"
Manager: "Yes, please (D) tell Mr. Budi to submit his report right away."

A. ask

B. todays meetings

C. could

D. be told

34. Riri and Rara are identical (A) twin. They love (B) wearing the same clothes. Their friends are
often (C) confused about which one is who. Fortunately, Riri has just had her haircut. So, the one
with (D) shorter haircut must be her.

A. twins

B. worn

C. confusing

D. shortest

35. Dadang: "Do you (A) plan to go to your home town (B) in the next vacation?"
Tya: "Well, I dont know. The ticket fares (C) are very expensive today."
Dadang: "I (D) will drive if I were you."

A. planning

B. on

C. were

D. would
36. Riska: "San, why (A) didnt you come to my party last week?"
Sandy: "Well, actually I was (B) on the way to the party but suddenly a car hit me."
Riska: "Oh. Im really (C) happy to hear that. Were you OK?"
Sandy: "I was fine but my car was (D) damaged. I had it repaired three days ago."

A. dont

B. in the way

C. sorry

D. damaging

III. Reading Comprehension

Questions 37 - 50 are based on a selection of reading materials. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D
to each question.

Questions 37-38 refer to the following letter

THE WIEMARS SHOP - Jl. Citandui 98 Bandung. Tel. & Fax: (022) 5238234

December 12, 2011

Mr. Hardian Susetya
Bamboo Art & Handycraft
Jl. Adi Sutjipto 23

Dear Sir,
We are interested in becoming a distributor for your products. Would you please send your latest
catalogues and brochures?
We have a handycraft shop and would like to add your products into our sales offerings. Our annual
report is enclosed.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Sahnaz Herawati

37. What does the Wiemars Shop sell?

A. Handycraft products

B. Cakes

C. Grocery
D. Electronic

38. What does Sahnaz ask Mr. Hardian to do?

A. To be the distributor for the products.

B. Send the latest catalogues and brochures.

C. Add products into the sales offerings.

D. Enclose the annual report.

39. ... would like to add your products into...

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. The Wiemars Shop

B. Sahnaz Herawati

C. Director

D. Mr. Hardian Susetya

Questions 40-42 refer to the following schedule.

40. What kind of information does the table give?

A. International flight schedule of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

B. International flight departure of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

C. Domestic flight schedule of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

D. Regular flight schedule of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

41. Which statement is not true based on the table?

A. You can only fly to Yogyakarta with Garuda Indonesia.

B. You can choose one of two airlines to go to Surabaya.

C. You can choose one of two airlines to go to Padang.

D. You can fly to cities in Borneo with Sriwijaya Air.

42. What is the synonym of the word departed?

A. Came

B. Started

C. Left

D. Arrived

Questions 43-45 refer to the following text.

How to Make Meatballs

What you need for the ingredients

1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)

2 eggs

300 grams of tapioca-flour

4-8 cloves of garlic

1 red onion

1 teaspoon of white pepper

2 teaspoons of salt

The steps to make meatballs

These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs, just meatball, the soup is made separately.
First of all,mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
Second step, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.

After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft
and smooth./li>

Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.

Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface the
meatball are ready to serve.

43. Which of the statement is true according to the text?

A. Mix all the ingredients at once in a mixer.

B. Soften the mixture before rolling it into small meatballs.

C. Add boiled water after mixing all the ingredients.

D. Serve the meatball after you make it into small size.

44. These words have the closest meaning to minced, EXCEPT...

A. Torn

B. Chopped

C. Cut

D. Sliced

45. When they float up to the surface ....

The underlined word refers to ....

A. Mixture

B. Water

C. Meatballs

D. Ingredients

Questions 46-48 refer to the following text.

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in Tottenham, England in 1988. She started singing when she was only
four. She moved to several cities during her childhood, including Brighton at the age of nine, Brixton at
the age of eleven, and finally West Norwood which is the subject of her first single Hometown Glory.
She went to BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technology and graduated in 2006. It was the beginning
of her career. She made her rule in 2008 after releasing her single Chasing Pavements.She received
many awards and even got a signed deal with Columbia Records and XL Recordings to break into the US.

46. What is the text about?

A. The award nomination of the best singer in British.

B. The successful story of a British singer.

C. The steps to get an International contract deal.

D. The happiness of a British singer.

47. Where did she get the inspiration for her first record?

A. Tottenham

B. Brighton

C. Brixton

D. West Norwood

48. The synonym of the word award is...

A. Reward

B. Punishment

C. Contribution

D. Approve

Questions 48-50 refer to the following text.

PT. Rajawali Anugerah Resources


Job Descriptions:

1. Administration and support services.

2. Handle information check request.

3. Perform database search

4. Analyze search result.

5. Communicate and interact with engagement team

1. University degree min D3, preferably with minimum 5 years working experiences in relevant
2. Fluent in English speaking and writing.

3. Good computer skill familiar with Microsoft office and computer search engine.

4. Must be analytical, detailed and systematic.

5. Good communication and interpersonal skill.

6. Quick learner and interested in back office job.

7. Diligence, attentive and responsible.

8. Ability to work independently and manage multiple task assignments.

If you are interested, please send your CV and photo to:

with the email subject DCCS ADM

49. What is the text about?

A. Job description

B. Curriculum vitae

C. Aplication letter

D. Job vacancy

50. What is not required in the vacancy above?

A. Having experiences in administration.

B. Having good English skill.

C. Having S1 degree in administration

D. Having good communication and interpersonal skill.

This is the end of the test.

Read more:


Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape. These
statements will be spoken twice, but are NOT WRITTEN out in your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one statement (A), (B), (C), or (D) that best describes the picture. Then, on
your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Example: Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.

A. The girl is wearing a T-shirt.

B. The girl has curly hair.

C. The girl looks unhappy.

D. The girl is holding something.

Choice (D) The girl is holding something best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you
should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Now lets begin with picture number 1.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Part II.

Questions: 5 to 8.
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses,
also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your
test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose
the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question. You will hear Where can I pick up my tickets?
You will also hear "(A)Thursday morning, if thats convenient. (B) At the Overseas Travel Desk. (C) I think
its at nine oclock."
Choice (B) At the Overseas Travel Desk is the appropriate response to the question Where can I
pick up my tickets? Therefore you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Now lets begin with question number 5.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III

Questions: 9 to 12
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations followed by a question. You will hear
them twice. The conversations and the questions will NOT be printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. In your test book, you will read four answers
to each question. You have to choose the best answer, and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear "Are you a student here?" ~ "Yes, Sir." ~ "Where is the English class?" ~ "Next to the
Question "Where does the dialogue probably take place?
You will read:

A. At the hospital.
B. At the station.

C. At the market.

D. In a school.

Choice (D) In a school is the best answer to the question Where does the dialogue probably take
place? Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
9. A. Shes going to work on Sunday morning
B. Shes going to stop working.
C. Shes going to work late.
D. Shes going to know about the deadline.
10. A. She gets a better job.
B. Its very interesting.
C. She will quit in a few months.
D. She doesnt like it very much.

11. A. A hotel room.

B. A land in Singapore.
C. A ticket to Singapore.
D. Available food.

12. A. A fitting room

B. A bigger size.
C. A return ticket.
D. A reasonable price.
Part IV

Questions: 13 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks, each followed by a question. You will hear them
twice. They will NOT be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying. In your test book, you will read four answers to each question. You have to choose
the best answer, and mark it on your answer sheet.

13. A. Look through the catalogue.

B. Fill out the order form.
C. Give the item number.
D. Give them the page number.
14. A. Say hello.
B. Ask his name.
C. Have him sign the book.
D. Call the person he is visiting.

15. A. Send a resume

B. Go to the hotel.
C. Write a letter.
D. Make a phone call.

This is the end of the listening section.

Read more:


Try Out 1

Reading Section
I. Incomplete Dialogue

Questions 16 to 30: Choose the most appropriate answer to complete each dialogue.

16. Dio: "My computer was infected by a new virus last week."
Lia: "Oh. How did it happen?"
Dio: "I copied some files from my friends flash disk before scanning it."
Lia: "You shouldnt have been as careless as that. ...."
Dio: "I know. Thanks for your advice."
A. You should buy a new flash disk.

B. You didnt scan the flash disk.

C. You should scan flash disks before opening them.

D. Theres no use in scanning your friends flash disk.

17. Operator: "Good morning. May I help you?"

Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?"
Operator: "...?"
Man: "This is Tim from the shipping company."

A. Who do you want to meet, Sir?

B. May I know who is calling, please?

C. Who do you want to speak to?

D. How do I know your name?

18. Pram: "Do you still remember when we went to the city park in the rain?"
Tini: "Oh, how would I forget that? ... and we soon got soaking wet walking in the rain."

A. We brought an umbrella

B. We would bring an umbrella

C. We have no umbrella with us

D. We had no umbrella with us

19. Yuli: "My younger brother is going to have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. ...?"
Lina: "Well, I dont think I can. I have to go to Jakarta this weekend."
Yuni: "Its OK. Never mind."

A. Would you like to come?

B. May I ask you about it?

C. What are you doing on Saturday?

D. How would you go to Jakarta?

20. Heru: "Im going to a party, Dad. ?"
Father: "Im sorry. You havent got a drivers license, have you?"

A. Shall I use your car?

B. May I use your car?

C. Will I use your car?

D. Must I use your car?

21. Customer: "Excuse me. I bought this shirt yesterday. But when I tried it on, ...."
Shopkeeper: "No problem at all. We will replace it with a larger size. May I see the receipt, Sir?"

A. It was too big

B. It was too small

C. It looked great

D. It was big enough for me

22. Ria: "Have you decided what to order?"

Della : "No, I havent made up my mind. Anything to suggest?"
Ria: "...."
Della: "Good idea. I need something to quench my thirst."

A. Can we have soft drink?

B. Why dont we have some soup?

C. What about having fried chicken?

D. How about some pizza?

23. Joko: "Id like to book a room, please."

Hotel Clerk : "Certainly, Sir. ...."
Joko: "On Saturday, January 14th."
A. When would you like to stay?

B. When will you be available?

C. Would you like a single or a double?

D. How long are you going to stay?

24. Onny: "I just dont understand why people smoke cigarettes."
Pika: "Neither do I. Smoking ruins our health."
Onny: "Yes. Its also a waste of money. They will be able to save much money if ...."

A. they stopped smoking

B. they will stop smoking

C. they had stopped smoking

D. they stop smoking

25. Lusi: "Nine people were killed in a car accident last night. How awful."
Widya: ".... I wish people would drive carefully."

A. They deserved it.

B. It sounds like a good idea.

C. Thats too bad.

D. Im happy to hear that.

26. Man: "Excuse me. ... to the post office, please?"

Woman: "Walk along this street and turn left at the first junction. Then, turn right at the first
crossroad. Its on your right."

A. How far is it

B. Could you tell me the way

C. How long does it take to go

D. Where can I go

27. Helmi: "Do you often take public transportation to work?"

Rika: "No. But when I was in high school, ...."

A. I used to take a bus everyday

B. I will take a bus everyday

C. I take a bus everyday

D. I was going to take a bus everyday

28. Receptionist: "Good morning. May I help you?"

Caller: "... a table for two for tomorrow night."
Receptionist: "Certainly, Sir. May I have your name, please?"

A. I want to buy

B. Id like you to reserve a table

C. Id like to book a table

D. I want you to book a table

29. Rima: "... for her to forgive me?"
Edo: "If you ask for an apology, I am sure she will forgive you."
Rima: "I hope so."

A. Will she give possibility

B. Is she sure

C. Is it certainly

D. Will it be possible

30. Teddy: "Whats your plan after graduating from Vocational school?"
Ruli: "If my parents have enough money, ... at the tourism college."

A. I am continuing my study

B. I will continue my study

C. I would continue my study

D. I will have continued my study

II. Error Recognition

Questions 31 to 36: Choose the most appropriate answer to correct the errors in the
sentences below.

31. Sita: "Look! Those leather bags (A) are beautiful. Which one do you (B) like best?"
Umi: "The brown and the black one are beautiful. But the brown one has (C) better quality
leather than the black one."
Sita: "I agree with you. But its (D) most expensive than the black one."
A. were

B. like better

C. the best quality

D. more expensive

32. Andi: "Do you know the woman (A) whom is sitting next to Ms. Hera?"
Cita: "(B) The one with glasses and long hair? (C) Is she the new English teacher?"
Andi: "Yes, she is. She (D) has just moved from Surabaya."

A. who

B. The ones

C. Was she

D. had just moved

33. Operator: "Good morning. (A) May I help you?"
Caller: "Good morning. (B) Should I get the number for PT. Langgeng Jaya?"
Operator: "Im sorry, Sir. We dont have a (C) listing (D) under that name."

A. Can I

B. May I

C. listings

D. on

34. Cameroon is a West African country of ten million people (A) which has been very successful in
growing food for (B) it people, unlike many other West African countries. Since 1971, it has (C)
doubled its output of major foodstuffs

(D) such

as maize and potatoes.

A. which have been

B. its people

C. double

D. so as

35. Kiki: "(A) Why were you late this morning?"

Ima: "Im sorry. My motorcycle (B) wouldnt start, so I (C) had to go by public transportation."
Kiki: "If you had arrived earlier, you (D) would meet the new supervisor."

E. Why are

F. wont start

G. have to

H. would have met

36. Wati: "I (A) heard some bad news about you several weeks ago. (B) Was it true?"
Rini: "Yes, my laptop (C) was stolen while I was sleeping in my boarding room."
Wati: "Oh, I am (D) glad to hear that."

I. hear

J. Is it

K. is stolen

L. sorry
Reading Comprehension

Questions 37 50: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.

Questions 37-39 refer to the following letter

From: John Howard []

To: J. Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
Sub: Elena Kuzikov, Ukrainian engineer

Dr. Elena Kuzikov will be visiting our company on Monday, March 12th. I would like you to prepare a
program for her. She will arrive in the morning before noon. Please start with lunch in the cafeteria and
then show her your department. Like you, she has done research on the effects of earthquakes on bridge

37. Who will be the visitors guide?

A. J. Wilson

B. Elena Kuzikov

C. John Howard

D. A company visitor

38. When will she arrive?

A. Before 12:00

B. At noon

C. After lunch

D. In the evening

39. What is her chief area of interest?

A. Designing bridges

B. Eating lunch

C. Touring the department

D. Visiting

Questions 40-41 refer to the following schedule.

40. What event is scheduled for the fourth week of the month?
A. Secretarys Day

B. A company picnic

C. Founders Day

D. A board meeting

41. How often is the trade show held?

A. Daily

B. Weekly

C. Monthly

D. Yearly

Questions 42-44 refer to the following text.

In 1807, Noah Webster began his greatest work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. In
preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other
languages, and seven more years to the writing itself.

Published in two volumes in 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the
recognized authority for usage in the United States. Websters purpose in writing it was to demonstrate
that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciations, and spellings from those
of British English. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms: develop instead of develope;
plow instead of plough; jail instead of gaol; theater and center instead of theatre and centre; color and
honor instead of colour and honour.

42. When was An American Dictionary of the English Language published?

A. 1807

B. 1809

C. 1817

D. 1828

43. How long did it take Webster to finish the work?

A. 7 years

B. 10 years

C. 17 years

D. 21 years

44. According the the text, which one of the following spellings would Webster have approved in his

A. Develope

B. Color

C. Theatre

D. Honour

Questions 45-47 refer to the following information.

Safety Information of AKARI Color Television

General Safety

a. Do not expose the TV set to rain or moisture

b. Do not remove the rear cover

Save installation
a. Do not install the TV in hot, humid, or excessively dusty places.
b. Do not block or cover the ventilation openings. For ventilation, leave a space of at lest 10 cm all
around the set.

c. Do not install the TV where it may be exposed to mechanical vibrations.

Safe Operation
a. Do not operate the TV set on anything other than a 220-240 V AC, 50 Hz supply.
b. Do not operate the TV if any liquid or solid objects fall in through the ventilation slots. Have it
checked immediately.

c. For environmental and safety reasons, it is recommended that the TV set is not left in standby
mode not in use. Switch off at the main power.

d. Do not disconnect the TV oy pulling on the power cable, disconnected by removing the main

45. The safety information should be done to. . .

A. Protect safety procedures indicated on TV.

B. Operate in an extremely high voltages.

C. Prevent fire or electric shock.

D. Service the personal only.

46. What is the aim of the text?

A. To explain how to service Akari TV.

B. To explain safety manufacture of Akari TV.

C. To explain safe operation of Akari color TV.

D. To explain how to install Akari TV.

47. For environmental and safety reasons, it is recommended that the TV set ....
What is the synonym of the word recommended above?

A. Neglected

B. Proposed

C. Suggested

D. Avoided

Questions 48-50 refer to the following advertisement.

48. What is being advertised?
A. Cars

B. A car dealer

C. A luxury specification

D. A car manufacturer

49. The advertisement contains the following information, except.

A. The prices of the cars.

B. Contact information.

C. The cars country of origin.

D. Car specifications

50. What is meant by No frills price in the above advertisement?

A. The car price is expensive.

B. The car price is reasonable.

C. The car price is not worth it.

D. The car price is valuable.

This is the end of the test.

Read more:


. Adjective Clause Using Subject Pronouns: Who, Which, That

Adjective Clause / Relative Clause with Subject Pronouns: "Who", "Which", "That"

Without adjective clause / relative clause Using adjective clause / relative clause

I will introduce you to a friend who runs a

I will introduce you to a friend. He runs a successful successful business.
business. I will introduce you to a friend that runs a
successful business.

The book which has raised controversy is about

The book is about religion. It has raised religion.
controversy. The book that has raised controversy is about


"Who", "which", atau "that" adalah subyek dalam adjective clause.

"Who" digunakan untuk mengganti subyek berupa orang.

"Which" digunakan untuk mengganti subyek berupa benda.

"That" digunakan untuk mengganti subyek berupa orang maupun benda, dan lebih umum
dipakai daripada "which". Akan tetapi, "that" hanya bisa digunakan pada defining relative clause
saja. (Baca Menggabungkan Kalimat Menggunakan Adjective Clause (Relative Clause).

2. Adjective Clause Using Object Pronouns: Who(m), Which, That

Adjective Clause / Relative Clause with Object Pronouns: "Who(m)", "Which", "That"
Without adjective clause / relative clause Using adjective clause / relative clause

I will introduce you to a friend (who(m)) you have

I will introduce you to a friend. You have never met never met before.
him before. I will introduce you to a friend (that) you have
never met before.

The book (which) I bought in Gramedia bookstore

The book is about religion. I bought it in Gramedia last week is about religion.
bookstore last week. The book (that) I bought in Gramedia bookstore
last week is about religion.

The song to which I am listening was very popular

in 1990's.
The song was very popular in 1990's. I am listening The song (which) I am listening to was very popular
to it. in 1990's.
The song (that) I am listening to was very popular
in 1990's.


"Whom" digunakan untuk mengganti obyek berupa orang, umumnya digunakan dalam bahasa
Inggris formal. Untuk bahasa Inggris informal dan percakapan, "who" lebih sering dipakai
menggantikan "whom".
"Which" digunakan untuk mengganti obyek berupa benda.

"That" digunakan untuk mengganti obyek berupa orang maupun benda, dan lebih umum dipakai
daripada "which". Akan tetapi, "that" hanya bisa digunakan pada defining relative clause saja.
(Baca Menggabungkan Kalimat Menggunakan Adjective Clause (Relative Clause).

Pada bahasa Inggris percakapan (lisan), "who", "which", atau "that" seringkali dihilangkan.

3. Adjective Clause Using Whose

Adjective Clause / Relative Clause with "Whose"

Without adjective clause / relative clause Using adjective clause / relative clause

I will introduce you to a friend. His interest is I will introduce you to a friend whose interest is
learning English. learning English.
The old lady has a painting whose value is
The old lady has a painting. Its value is inestimable.


Dalam adjective clause atau relative clause, "whose" digunakan untuk menunjukkan milik,
menggantikan "his", "her", "its", atau "their".
Sebagaimana "his", "her", "its", dan "their", "Whose" selalu diikuti kata benda.

"Whose" tidak bisa dihilangkan.

4. Adjective Clause Using Where

Adjective Clause / Relative Clause with "Where"

Without adjective clause / relative clause Using adjective clause / relative clause

I will take you to the restaurant where I usually

have lunch.
I will take you to the restaurant. I usually have I will take you to the restaurant at which I usually
lunch there (at the restaurant). have lunch.
I will take you to the restaurant (which) I usually
have lunch at.

The old lady has sold the house where she has
lived for more than twenty years.
The old lady has sold the house. She has lived The old lady has sold the house in which she has
there (in the house) for more than twenty years. lived for more than twenty years.
The old lady has sold the house (which) she has
lived in for more than twenty years.


"Where" dalam adjective clause atau relative clause digunakan untuk menjelaskan tempat.
Jika "where" digunakan, preposition pada keterangan tempat (seperti in, from, to, at, on, under,
above) tidak diperlukan dalam adjective clause. Sebaliknya, jika "where" tidak digunakan,
preposition harus ada. (lihat contoh ke-2 dan ke-3 dalam tabel di atas)

5. Adjective Clause Using When

Adjective Clause / Relative Clause with "When"

Without adjective clause / relative clause Using adjective clause / relative clause

We will never forget the day when my wife gave

birth to my first son.
We will never forget the day. My wife gave birth to We will never forget the day on which my wife gave
my first son then (on that day). birth to my first son.
We will never forget the day (that) my wife gave
birth to my first son.

August is the month when the weather gets very

August is the month. The weather gets very windy August is the month in which the weather gets
then (in August). very windy.
August is the month (that) the weather gets very


"When" dalam adjective clause atau relative clause digunakan untuk menjelaskan waktu.
Jika "when" digunakan, preposition pada keterangan waktu (seperti in, on, at) tidak diperlukan
dalam adjective clause. Sebaliknya, jika "where" tidak digunakan, preposition ada. (lihat contoh
ke-2 dan ke-3 dalam tabel di atas)

Read more:


Tips singkat membuat adjective clause atau relative clause

1. "Who" digunakan jika adjective clause atau relative clause membicarakan seseorang, bukan
o The doctor who is examining the patient is a heart specialist.

o I am going to tell you a story about a man who risked his own life to help another..

2. "That" atau "which" digunakan jika adjective clause atau relative clause membicarakan benda,
bukan seseorang.

o The book that I borrowed from the local library two days ago was about the theories of
o My son enjoyed reading the storybook that I bought him last month.

3. "That" lebih umum digunakan daripada "which". Akan tetapi, non-defining relative clause hanya
boleh menggunakan "which".

o She lived in a house that / which overlooked the beach.

o He told us about his new job, which he enjoyed very much. (that is not possible)

4. "Whose" digunakan untuk mengganti kata ganti milik "his", "her", "their".

o A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. (her husband is dead)

o Do you still remember the boy whose book you borrowed?

5. "Whom" digunakan untuk menggantikan kata ganti orang jika posisinya adalah sebagai obyek
pada relative clause. Dalam bahasa Inggris lisan, "whom" seringkali digantikan oleh "who",
"that", atau dihilangkan sama sekali.

o Do you know the man (whom) we met in the hotel lobby this morning?

o The student (whom) the teacher sent out was caught cheating during a test.

6. "Where" digunakan jika relative clause membicarakan suatu tempat.

o The house where we lived before moving here was quite old.

o The beach where human skeletons were found is closed for public.

7. "When" digunakan jika relative clause membicarakan waktu.

o Do you still remember the day when we first met?

o September is the month when mango trees start to bear fruit.

Exercise: Combine the sentences using adjective clause or relative clause

1. The village has changed a lot. I grew up there.

2. I ran into an old friend on Facebook. I haven't seen her for twenty years.

3. The movie was boring. I saw it last week.

4. I am reading a blog post. It talks about adjective clauses.

5. The man is my teacher. He wrote the article.

6. Saturday is the day. We are going to have a picnic to the beach on that day.

7. We visited my uncle. His house is at the foot of a mountain.

8. I will explain my absence to my teacher. I missed his class.

9. The foreigner came from UK. I had conversation with him on a bus.
10. The TV program was good. I watched it last night.

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Strategies in TOEIC Test - Part 1; Analyzing Pictures

1. Make Assumptions

When you listen to the TOEIC test Part 1, you often have to make assumptions based on what
you see in the picture. You have to determine which of the four statements is true or might be

Problem: Solution:

More than one answers may Listen carefully to the whole sentence and choose the answer
seem true. that best matches the picture.

Look at the following picture and learn how you can make assumptions from it.

What is the person (probably) doing?

Possible answers:
The passenger is looking out the window.
He is holding a book.
The man is sitting next to the window.
The man is smiling.
The man is traveling.
Where is it? What can you infer about the place?
The man is on the bus.
The man is on a train.
The window is open.

Now listen and choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D which matches the above

2. Identify People

You often have to identify the people you see in a picture. You may identify them by number,
gender, location, description, activity, or occupation.

Problem: Solution:

The people may be incorrectly Determine the number, gender, location, description, activity,
identified. and occupation of the people as best as you can.

Look at the following picture and learn how to identify people.

Who are they? What are they doing? Where?

Possible answers:
There are four people at the table.
There are two men and two women at the table.
The people are in a restaurant.
The guests are sitting at a table.
The customers are going to order their meal.
The waitress is standing next to the table.

What are they wearing?

Possible answer:
The waiter is wearing an apron.

Now listen and choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D which matches the above

3. Identify Things

You often have to identify things in a picture. You should try to name everything you see.
However, you are not required to know words or terms specific to one particular occupation.
Instead, you should know the general word or term of the things in the picture.

Problem: Solution:

You may not know the words needed to Use the context of the picture to help you identify
identify the things in the picture. the things.

Look at the following picture and learn how to identify things.

What and where is it?

Possible answers:
The ship is mooring in the harbor.
The tanker is docking.
The ship is loading.
The ship is being refueled.
The ship is at the dock.
Related words: Ship, tanker, cargoship, cargo, gas, dock, moor, anchor, harbor, port, load,
unload, refuel, fuel.

Now listen and choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D which matches the above

4. Identify Actions

You often have to identify the actions in a picture, i.e. what the people are doing. You should try
to analyze the time sequence of the actions.

Problem: Solution:

You may not understand what is Use the context of the picture to help you make assumptions
happening in the picture. about what happened before, during, and after the action.

Look at the following picture and learn how to identify things.

What are the persons doing? Who and where

are they?
Possible answers:
The people are going to board the plane.
They are going to travel by plane.
The family is waiting to board the plane.
The man and the woman are looking at the girl.
The man is standing behind the girl.
They will go through the boarding pass.
They are standing in a queue.

Now listen and choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D which matches the above
See more listening exercises.

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Do you understand what these sentences imply?

Do you know what they mean?

o "If you had lef earlier, you would have caught the train." or
o "You will make yourself ill if you eat all those chocolates."

They are called conditional sentences. A conditional sentence consists of two clauses; the if-clause, and
the main clause. The if-clause can come first or second. When it comes first, we usually put a comma
between the two clauses.

There are 4 (four) types of conditional sentences, including mixed conditional.

1. Conditional Sentence Type 1

The if-clause is in the present tense, the main clause uses will and the infinitive, or simple

Conditional Sentence Type 1


Simple present True in the present or possible in

Simple present you succeed. future
Type 1
If you work hard, Simple future Its possible to happen in the
you will succeed. future

When do we use conditional sentence type 1?

a. We use conditional sentence type 1 to talk about possible situations in the present or
o If you leave earlier, you will not be late.

o If you open the windows, the room will get some fresh air.
b. We often use conditional type 1 to talk about facts or processes:

o If you heat water to 100 degrees, it will boil.

o If we stare into the sun, we will hurt our eyes.


Other modal verbs can also be used in place of will and would.

o If it rains like this all day, the river might flood. (might = will possibly)
o If it rains like this all day, the river could flood. (could = will be able to)

2. Conditional Sentence Type 2

The if-clause is in the simple past or the past continuous tense, the main clause uses would and
the infinitive, or would be and the present participle (Verb-ing).

Conditional Sentence Type 2


would + simple form

Simple past Untrue in the present
you would succeed.
If you worked hard, Fact: You dont work hard, so you
would be + present
Type 2 Past continuous dont succeed
If it were not raining Fact:Its raining now, so Im not
I would be going out for a
now, going out for a walk.

When do we use conditional sentence type 2?

Conditional sentence type 2 is used to talk about actions or situations that are not taking place in
the present or future, but we can imagine the probable result.

o If we didnt live in a big city, we would not have to breathe polluted air everyday. (In
truth, we live in a big city)
o If he were here, I would tell him about my plan.
(In fact, he isnt here)


Were is used for both singular and plural subjects.

The use of type 2 conditional in If I were you, I would is a common form of
2. Conditional Sentence Type 3

The if-clause is in the past perfect or the past perfect continuous tense, the main clause uses
would have and past participle (Verb 3), or would have been and present participle (Verb-ing).

Conditional Sentence Type 3


Past perfect
would have + past
If you had worked Untrue in the past
hard, Fact: You didnt work hard, so you
you would have succeeded.
Past perfect didnt succeed.
Type 3 would have been + present
continuous Fact: It was raining yesterday
If it had not been afternoon. I was not going out for
I would have been going
raining yesterday a walk.
out for a walk.

When do we use conditional sentence type 3?

Conditional sentence type 3 is used to talk about actions or situations that did not take or were
not taking place in the past, but we can imagine the probable result.

o If you had come to the party last night, you would have met my cousin. (In truth, you
didnt come to the party last night)
o If he had not been late this morning, his teacher would not have punished him. (In truth,
he was late)

2. Mixed Conditional Sentence

Mixed conditional sentence is a combination of conditional sentence type 2 and conditional

sentence type 3.

Mixed Conditional Sentence


Mixed Simple past would have + past Untrue in the present or future.
Type If I were a bird, participle Fact: I am not a bird, so I didnt
Past perfect I would have flown to your fly to your place.
place last night. Untrue in the past.
If you had worked
would + simple form Fact: You didnt work hard. Now,
you would succeed. you dont succeed.

When do we use mixed conditional sentence?

Mixed conditional sentence is used to talk about actions or situations that did not take or were
not taking place in the past, but we can imagine the probable result in the present, or actions or
situations that do not take place in the present, but we can imagine the probable result in the

o If you lived near the factory, you would have heard the sound of the explosion. (In truth,
you dont live near the factory. Therefore, you didn't hear the sound of the explosion.)
o If he had not been late this morning, he would be permitted to join the test. (In truth, he
was late. Therefore, he is not permitted to join the test.)

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