Introduction To Photography

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Course Title: Introduction to PHOTOGRAPHY

Department: Visual Art
Prerequisite: None
Expectation: Quality Producer
Primary Course Materials:
USB flash-drive 8GB-16 or more
DIGITAL CAMERAS OR A CELL PHONE with camera capabilities
5 ring- Binder

I movie
Course Requirements

1. Regular attendance and participation in class discussions

2. Completion of all assignments as required TURNED IN ON TIME.

3. Appropriate Cooperative Behavior



Learning Outcomes
Upon Completion of this course, students will:
Make informed choices about composition when photographing and editing digital images.
Develop knowledge in design concepts for Digital Media.
Develop an understanding and knowledge in Digital Media.
Make informed choices about appropriate technologies for use in a variety of photographic
Analyze and discuss ideas in works of art.
Create original works of art with increasing skill that reflect their feelings and point of view.
Describe the relationship involving the art maker, the process, the product and the viewer.
Demonstrate proper camera and digital processing techniques in production of a work of art

Common Goals:
Thinking and Communicating
1) Read information critically to develop understanding of concepts, topics and issues.
2) Write clearly, factually, persuasively and creatively .
3) Speak clearly, factually, persuasively and creatively.
4) Use computers and other technologies to obtain, organize and communicate information and
to solve problems.
Gain and Apply Knowledge in and across the Disciplines
1) Gain and Apply Knowledge in:
c. Science and Technology
d. Social Studies, History and Geography
e. Visual and Performing Art

Topics include camera and lens operation, memory cards, file formats, exposure, white balance,
composition, lighting, creativity, image editing software and output. Course requires a digital
In this course we will explore digital photography in relation to fine art. Students will be given
assigned lectures, writings and a semester project. Students will be asked to produce art work and
will be asked to participate in class discussion to better understand composition, story telling
characteristics of electronic media as it pertains to art and art making. Emphasis will be placed on
the students' development of an understanding of the evolution of photography , art, and electronic
imaging as well as art history in a way which will help them to produce thoughtful works of art.
Students will be introduced to the basic technology necessary for the production of their art work,
as well as learning about the visual arts, how to look at and critique photography, photographic
vocabulary, using tools such as framing, composition, "rule of thirds", light, texture, pattern, lines,
symmetry, depth of field, distance, perspective, culture, space, balance, color and black and white
photography. Students will be introduced to many works by well known photographers. Students
will be expected to demonstrate an ability to use the tools competently in the production of their art
work. The production and analysis of expressive and thoughtful art work is the main objective of
this course.
Content Outline:
UNIT 1: History of Photography:

1. Origins/History of Photography
2. Genres of Photography
3. What is Fine Art? SECOND SEMESTER
4. Critique of Photography
5. Careers Unit 1: Intro lighting-Day light
1. Soft box
2. Silver light
UNIT 2 : Technology 3. Direct sun light

Controlling the camera UNIT 2: Studio Lighting

a. Camera body 1. Backgrounds
b. lenses 2. Still light
c. Photoshop 3. Strobe lights
d. Composition
e. Principles and Elements
of Design UNIT 3: Portraiture
f. Rule of Thirds 1. Emotion
2. Commercial
UNIT 3: Documentary Photography 3. Product Shot
a. Working alone
b. Narratives
c. Perseverence UNIT 4 : Create Environment
d. Editing 1. Gregory Crewdson mentor
e. Art History 2. Shoot scene
f. Critique

UNIT 4: Book
a. Documentary
Photography Book

Class participation/discussion

Completion of projects /
assignments on time! No late

Presentations/ critique

Art History Reading/Writing


Exhibition/contest participation- 1
per semester

Technology quizzes

Vocabulary quizzes

Careers in Animation Assignment

Grading Scale

1. COMPETENCIES: Graphic Arts grading uses a competency

based educational approach by moving control of learning from
the instructor to the learner. A competency is simply a
statement of learning outcomes for a skill or a body of
knowledge. When students demonstrate a competency, they
are demonstrating their ability to do something. They are
showing the outcome of the learning process. Lots of the
things that people do in their lives can be defined as different
competencies job skills, living skills, etc. Mastery levels are
determined by course project rubrics (see Appendix A&B).
Students must meet the criteria and demonstrate the
competencies for each project.
2) Attendance: You are expected to be here on time
and for every class. It would be hard for me to catch you up for
hands on time that you had missed; you should be here for the
entire class session. Not being here will affect your grade in this
course because its a hand on class. Important information will
often be covered in the beginning of class, and
announcements, discussions and problems will frequently be
addressed during work sessions and at the end of the period.
Stopping work 15min or more before the bell, will also affect
your grade.
2) ADVANCED Learner Grade Level 100-
90(A+A-)Did research, designed, planned, and completed
projects on time; applied academic skills; evaluated work and
made adjustments; did quality work; needed little help from the
teacher; sought and found resources independently;
demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 93% or higher;
produced a quality portfolio.
3) PROFICIENT Learner Grade Level 89-
80(B+B-)Did research, designed and planned; needed some
help from the teacher; did quality work with a few flaws; needed
feedback from the teacher to realize work did not meet
standards; redid work to meet standards; demonstrated
knowledge with a grade of 85% or higher; produced a better-
than average portfolio.
4) BASIC LearnerGrade Level 79-70(C+C-)Needed
help to research, design and plan or had to be given a plan;
relied a great deal on the teacher; had to be given procedures
for performing tasks; required significant help to produce a
quality product; needed help to evaluate a product; final product
stall did not meet standards; demonstrated knowledge with a
grade of 74% or higher; produced an average portfolio.
5) BELOW BASIC LearnerGrade Level 69-
60(D+D-)Required a great deal of help in completing research,
designing, planning and completing projects was unable to
evaluate projects; required step-by-step instruction;
competencies not mastered; demonstrated knowledge with a
grade of 66% or higher; produced a poor or partial portfolio.
6) FAR BELOW BASICGrade Level 59-0(F)Did not
complete projects; if projects were completed, they were of
such low quality that they did not pass; failed to document
procedures; did not show criteria for determining quality; scored
65% or lower; produced a poor portfolio or none at all.
a) Resources: Materials needed for this Class: USB
flash drive 8 GB or more
1) Many assignments in this class will be graded at the
students computer or will be printed out and placed in a folder.
If a student is absent, it is the students responsibility to talk to
the teacher what he/she had missed. Also, if the student is not
able to make up assignments during class time, the student
needs to be prepared to spend time after school and make up
any missing assignments.
2) All projects are due on the due date. Each day the
project is late, 10 points will be taken off and after 3 days a 0
will have to be given. Being on time with projects is the
students responsibility.
3) Extra Help: Mrs. Herrera is available 1 hr after
school Thursday, unless attending a meeting, and during lunch
and prep period or any other time by appointment
Class Rules

1. Arrive to class on time, Begin dispatch.

2. All class work is due by the due date. NO LATE WORK!
3. Raise your hand to ask questions.
4. Stay in your seat unless required for class project or you ask for
5. ASK FOR PERMISSION and use a HALL PASS to use
7. BE A GOOD TEAMMATE. Do your work and let others do the
9. No personal grooming: hair, makeup, cologne etc, in class.
10. Respect all classroom materials, you are responsible for
all computers, cameras, lenses and hard drives.

Class Themes
Review getting to Know Your Mac:
2. Mac log in
3. Making your own folders
4. The dock
5. Mac OS X
3) Using flash drives
4) Store files on your mac documents
5) Using Shard documents
6) Transfer a file from your flash drive to other
7) Naming, organizing files
8) C. Design Principles
9) a. Identify methods used to achieve emphasis
10) b. Identify types of balance
11) d. Identify methods used to achieve rhythm
12) D. Elements of Design
13) a. Line.
14) b. Shape
15) c. Space
16) d. Value
17) e. Color
18) f. Texture
19) 6. Careers:
20) 1. Write a resume using technical skill
21) 2. Prepare a personal portfolio
22) 3. Reserch a job

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