Advanced Java Notes From Famous Hyderabad Institute

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Advanced Java (Web Application Development)

J2EE specifically given for Business Applications, J2EE is a

Collection of technologies used to build enterprise applications.

Enterprise Application: Any computer application that is used to automate

the business process is known as enterprise application.

Application: is a collection of programs to automate the business

 Business Applications are of two types

1. Desktop Applications: Desktop Applications are stand alone (or)

non internet based applications. These applications are used only by
the employees of that business organization (Enterprise).

2. Web based applications: Web based Applications are internet based

applications, server side programming. Any Business Application that
can be accessible from web is known as a web application.

It offers the following benefits.

1. 24 * 7 business enabling.
2. Optimized automation (more turn over, more business).


Every enterprise application comprises of 4 types.

1. Client Tier.
2. Presentation Tier.
3. Business Tier.
4. Data Tier.

Tier: A logical partition of the related components of an application

(System) is known as tier. Or a deletion of an application is called tier.

Here we can develop each tier separately without having any

communication between them.
For example we can develop business tier without having the support
of presentation tier.
Tiers may be in one computer or a tier may separately contain in each

Client Tier (Layer): End user interacts with the application through the
client interface (Client Tier/Browser soft ware / cell phone).

 This tier offers user interface to the end users i.e. any internet
based web application is used by the end user with the help of
client-tier. Here browser is nothing but an application running in
the client-tier.

 In the client tier HTML and java script are executed. But in the
client machine no code is stored.

 Client tier is the mediator between the end user and presentation
tier. It takes the user requests and submits them to the presentation
tier. It also receives the output from the presentation tier and gives
to the end user.

Presentation Tier: presenting the output to the user (client) in

presentation tier you need to write java programs (JSP, SERVLETS) to
execute it and present the output to the end user.

In Enterprise Application (web enabled enterprise application) this tier

presents the results (required information) to the client-tier. JSPS and
SERVLETS are the technologies used in this tier. These technologies are
used to write server side programs that contact the data tier or business tier
to produce / get dynamic data.

Business Tier: In this tier enterprise applications business rules are

implemented EJB Technology is used here (for complex applications).

Data Tier: It is the data base server process any companys data is
stored mostly in the RDBMS.

 Sybase server
 SQL server
Note: SERVLETS, EJBS, JSPS make use of JDBC Technology to interact
with the data tier.

There fore JDBC is known as the service technology.

1.1Architecture of Enterprise Application

Presentation Business
Client Tier Tier
Servlets,jsp EJB

Data Tier

,Sybase server

Architectural Styles of Distributed Applications

1. 2_tier Architecture
2. 3_tier Architecture
3. n_tier Architecture

1.1.1Two_Tier Architecture: - In traditional 2_tier architecture the

processing load is given to the client PC While the server simply acts as a
traffic controller between the application and the data.

client server

PL/per L/B L Data

Here a system (application) is divided in to two tiers.

1. Client Tier: - It is responsible for maintaining the business logic
(BL), Persistent Logic, Presentation Logic.
2. Server Tier: - It is responsible for maintaining data.

Presentation Logic: set of operations which are used to set our

requirement. (Code which is used to presenting the view) Presentation Logic
is used to prepare a frame used to take input from the clients present the

View: it is responsible to take the requests from the client. and presenting the
response to the clients.

Business Logic: set of operations to meet functional requirements of a

business system (application).
Persistent Logic: set of operations are used to persist the data. (Using
JDBC we can persist the data).

Example of two tiered application

client DBserver


Draw backs:

client tier complexity is high

No proper division of work

Heavy weight application (memory , processing time, and

resource requirement increases) to execute Presentation Logic,
Persistent Logic ,Business Logic
Ex: But Mobile System doesnt contain persistence logic and
Business Logic at client side.
Makes the client application a heavy weight application
We need additional resources since the resources required for
presentation, business, and persistence logic has to be
accommodated in to the client side.
We use AWT, SWINGS concepts to develop an application we
can use it in any O.S (sun salaries, UNIX, Linux, window).
Here if each client is in a separate (different) O.S we need
separate JVM for every O.S so it is costlier.
Type-2 drivers:- these drivers translates the JDBC API calls
to vender specific APIS the Data Base will process the
requests and send results back through the API which will in
turn forward them back to the JDBC Driver. Nearly we have
300 drivers provided by different venders. This translation from
one API to another API will be held in client side (in JVM)
burden will become high.
Increase the cost of the application when we target application
to be used with the different JVM for each O.S)]
The Business Logic cant be reused means B.L cant be reused
by different types of clients.

Note: Go for Two-Tier Architecture if the systems are fixed.

Root cause:- Business Logic and Persistent Logic is embedded
with presentation Logic.

To solve the above problems we want to separate B.L and

persistence logic from the presentation logic and as a result of the
requirement 3-tier Architecture is designed.

client Middle server DBserver

Presentation Business Logic RDBMS

Logic Persistence Logic

1.1.2.Three Tier Architecture Is Divided In To Two Types

Traditional Three Tier Architecture

Web Based Architecture

Traditional Three Tier Architecture:

client Middle server DBserver

AWT RMI/Socket D.B

Takes the request from remote clients

connects to DB if necessary and process the
request and then sends a flag to the client

If we take employee Management system as an example input the

total emp details through the client side when we do this the middle ware is
(ready) intelligent to take the request and if required it connects to the D.B
get the data required. And process the request and sends a flag (it may be a
Boolean or an int) to the client side.
Here the client (developer) has to implement the partial business logic
to prepare the presentation content.

Draw Backs:

Complexity is increased compared with 2-tired architecture

because in 2-tier architecture there is no network
communication so there is no need for the network logic in 2-
tier architecture.
It is mostly costlier than 2-tier architecture
In traditional architecture partial Business Logic will be
implemented in client side.

Separate client s/w we need to install compared with web based

Architecture(there the client is browser no need to install any

Network Logic: it is a logic which is used to communicate with

middle ware server to understand the client requests.

Web Based Architecture:

To reach out the services to number of clients we need web based


client Middle server DBserver

Browser Business Logic RDBMS

Persistence Logic

It contains business logic and presentation logic

(used to prepare the presentation content) ready

In this case middle ware server takes additional responsibilities compare to

traditional 3-tier architecture.

Middle Tier (Middle Ware Server): Middle Tier has the additional
responsibility to prepare presentation content that can explain generic web
client about what to present and how to present




Here one client (browser) is able to communicate with more than one server
there is no need to install separate soft ware for separate servers. It is a
generic client it can communicate with any other app server.

In general Two possible out comes can occur from server to clients
Wrong (Exception)
But it is not in all the cases

What we can do
if the number of outcomes increases
if the same application(server) has to connect to the different
if different type of requests are sent to communicate with
different Data Base servers

The middle ware must be intelligent to handle above three problems

We can do it by separating persistent logic, Business Logic, Presentation
Logic etc in server (middle ware server).

1.1.3.N-Tier Architecture:

Here in N-tier architecture the middle ware server is divided into

multiple divisions (tiers).
In this case as the number of types of clients and the back-end data
store types increases complexity of middle ware application also increases.
And to simplify this we are recommended to divide this middle ware
into multiple tiers which provides the following benefits
Reusability: reusability of Persistent Logic, Presentation Logic,
Business Logic and the cost of development will be reduced.
Proper Responsibility division that can improve the productivity of
the application.

Future extension to the system can be easily added.

client Middle server Data base

Browser Http

Per Logic
Pre Logic

In the given above example we divide our middle tier into 3 divisions

Http  to receive http request

Presentation Logic to present the content to the web clients

Business Logic  to implement the business Logic

Persistent Logic to persist the data

When we develop a system following n-tier architecture model then first

of all we need to decide how many number of tiers our system should be
divided into and what should be the responsibility of each of these tiers.

2.RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system allows an object
running in one Java Virtual Machine (VM) to invoke methods on an object

running in another Java VM. RMI provides for remote communication

between programs written in the Java programming language.

An Overview of RMI Applications

RMI applications are often comprised of two separate programs: a

server and a client. A typical server application creates some remote objects,
makes references to them accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods
on these remote objects. A typical client application gets a remote reference
to one or more remote objects in the server and then invokes methods on
them. RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and the client
communicate and pass information back and forth. Such an application is
sometimes referred to as a distributed object application.

Distributed object applications need to

Locate remote objects: Applications can use one of two mechanisms

to obtain references to remote objects. An application can register its
remote objects with Rims simple naming facility, the rmiregistry, or
the application can pass and return remote object references as part of
its normal operation.
Communicate with remote objects: Details of communication between
remote objects are handled by RMI; to the programmer, remote
communication looks like a standard Java method invocation.
Load class byte codes for objects that are passed around: Because
RMI allows a caller to pass objects to remote objects, RMI provides
the necessary mechanisms for loading an object's code, as well as for
transmitting its data.

Advantages of Dynamic Code Loading

One of the central and unique features of RMI is its ability to download the
bytecodes (or simply code) of an object's class if the class is not defined in
the receiver's virtual machine. The types and the behavior of an object,
previously available only in a single virtual machine, can be transmitted to
another, possibly remote, virtual machine. RMI passes objects by their true
type, so the behavior of those objects is not changed when they are sent to
another virtual machine. This allows new types to be introduced into a

remote virtual machine, thus extending the behavior of an application

dynamically. The compute engine example in this chapter uses RMI's
capability to introduce new behavior to a distributed program.

Remote Interfaces, Objects, and Methods

Like any other application, a distributed application built using Java RMI is
made up of interfaces and classes. The interfaces define methods, and the
classes implement the methods defined in the interfaces and, perhaps, define
additional methods as well. In a distributed application some of the
implementations are assumed to reside in different virtual machines. Objects
that have methods that can be called across virtual machines are remote

An object becomes remote by implementing a remote interface, which has

the following characteristics.

A remote interface extends the interface java.rmi.Remote.

Each method of the interface declares java.rmi.RemoteException in its
throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.

RMI treats a remote object differently from a non remote object when the
object is passed from one virtual machine to another. Rather than making a
copy of the implementation object in the receiving virtual machine, RMI
passes a remote stub for a remote object. The stub acts as the local
representative, or proxy, for the remote object and basically is, to the caller,
the remote reference. The caller invokes a method on the local stub, which is
responsible for carrying out the method call on the remote object.

A stub for a remote object implements the same set of remote interfaces that
the remote object implements. This allows a stub to be cast to any of the
interfaces that the remote object implements. However, this also means that
only those methods defined in a remote interface are available to be called in
the receiving virtual machine.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI

When you use RMI to develop a distributed application, you follow these
general steps.

1. Design and implement the components of your distributed application.

2. Compile sources and generate stubs.
3. Make classes network accessible.
4. Start the application.

Design and Implement the Application Components

First, decide on your application architecture and determine which
components are local objects and which ones should be remotely accessible.
This step includes:

Defining the remote interfaces: A remote interface specifies the

methods that can be invoked remotely by a client. Clients program to
remote interfaces, not to the implementation classes of those
interfaces. Part of the design of such interfaces is the determination of
any local objects that will be used as parameters and return values for
these methods; if any of these interfaces or classes do not yet exist,
you need to define them as well.

import java.rmi.*;
public interface RemoteInf extends Remote
String getMessage () throwsRemoteException;

By extending the interface java.rmi.Remote, this interface marks itself as

one whose methods can be called from any virtual machine. Any object that
implements this interface becomes a remote object.

As a member of a remote interface, the getMessage () method is a remote

method. Therefore the method must be defined as being capable of throwing
a java.rmi.RemoteException. This exception is thrown by the RMI system
during a remote method call to indicate that either a communication failure
or a protocol error has occurred. A Remote Exception is a checked
exception, so any code making a call to a remote method needs to handle
this exception by either catching it or declaring it in its throws clause

Implementing the remote objects: Remote objects must implement one

or more remote interfaces. The remote object class may include
implementations of other interfaces (either local or remote) and other

methods (which are available only locally). If any local classes are to
be used as parameters or return values to any of these methods, they
must be implemented as well.

In general the implementation class of a remote interface should

at least

Declare the remote interfaces being implemented

Define the constructor for the remote object
Provide an implementation for each remote method in the remote

The server needs to create and to install the remote objects. This
setup procedure can be encapsulated in a main method in the
remote object implementation class itself, or it can be included in
another class entirely. The setup procedure should

Create and install a security manager

Create one or more instances of a remote object
Register at least one of the remote objects with the RMI remote object

The RemoteObj class implements the remote interface RemoteInf and

also includes the main method to bind the remote objects.

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class RemoteObj extends UnicastRemoteObject implements
public RemoteObj()throws RemoteException
public String getMessage()throwsRemoteException
Return "Hello "+new java.util.Date();
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)

RemoteInf ro=null;
ro=new RemoteObj();
String name = "msg";
Naming. rebind (name, ro);
System.out.println ("Object is ready......."+new java.util.Date

Declare the Remote Interfaces Being Implemented

The implementation class for the compute engine is declared as
Public class RemoteObj extends UnicastRemoteObject Implements

This declaration states that the class implements the RemoteInf remote
interface (and therefore defines a remote object)and extends the class

UnicastRemoteObject is a convenience class, defined in the RMI public API

that can be used as a super class for remote object implementations. The
super class UnicastRemoteObject supplies implementations for a number of
java.lang.Object methods (equals, hashCode, toString) so that they are
defined appropriately for remote objects. UnicastRemoteObject also
includes constructors and static methods used to export a remote object, that
is, make the remote object available to receive incoming calls from clients.

By extending UnicastRemoteObject, the RemoteObj class can be used to

create a simple remote object that supports unicast (point-to-point) remote
communication and that uses RMI's default sockets-based transport for

Define the Constructor

The RemoteObj class has a single constructor that takes no arguments. The
code for the constructor is
public RemoteObj() throws RemoteException {
This constructor simply calls the super class constructor, which is the no-
argument constructor of the UnicastRemoteObject class. Although the super
class constructor gets called even if omitted from the RemoteObj
constructor, we include it for clarity.

During construction, a UnicastRemoteObject is exported, meaning that it is

available to accept incoming requests by listening for incoming calls from

The no-argument constructor for the super class, UnicastRemoteObject,

declares the exception RemoteException in its throws clause, so the
RemoteObj constructor must also declare that it can throw
RemoteException. A RemoteException can occur during construction if the
attempt to export the object fails--due to, for example, communication
resources being unavailable or the appropriate stub class not being found.

Provide Implementations for Each Remote Method

The class for a remote object provides implementations for each of the
remote methods specified in the remote interfaces. The Compute interface
contains a single remote method, getMessage (), which is implemented as
public String getMessage() {
Return "Hello "+new java.util.Date ();

This method implements the protocol between the RemoteObj and its
clients. Clients can call the RemoteObjs getMessage (). The RemoteObj
executes the getMessage() and returns the result to the caller.

Implement the Server's main Method

The most involved method of the RemoteObj implementation is the main
method. The main method is used to start the RemoteObj and therefore
needs to do the necessary initialization and housekeeping to prepare the

server for accepting calls from clients. This method is not a remote method,
which means that it cannot be called from a different virtual machine. Since
the main method is declared static, the method is not associated with an
object at all but rather with the class RemoteObj.

Create and Install a Security Manager

The first thing that the main method does is to create and to install a security
manager, which protects access to system resources from untrusted
downloaded code running within the virtual machine. The security manager
determines whether downloaded code has access to the local file system or
can perform any other privileged operations.

All programs using RMI must install a security manager, or RMI will not
download classes (other than from the local class path) for objects received
as parameters, return values, or exceptions in remote method calls. This
restriction ensures that the operations performed by downloaded code go
through a set of security checks.

The ComputeEngine uses a security manager supplied as part of the RMI

system, the RMISecurityManager. This security manager enforces a similar
security policy as the typical security manager for applets; that is to say, it is
very conservative as to what access it allows. An RMI application could
define and use another SecurityManager class that gave more liberal access
to system resources or, in JDK 1.2, use a policy file that grants more

Here's the code that creates and installs the security manager:

if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)
System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());

Make the Remote Object Available to Clients

Next, the main method creates an instance of the RemoteObj. This is done
with the statement
RemoteInf ro = new RemoteObj();

As mentioned, this constructor calls the UnicastRemoteObject super class

constructor, which in turn exports the newly created object to the RMI
runtime. Once the export step is complete, the RemoteObj remote object is
ready to accept incoming calls from clients on an anonymous port, one
chosen by RMI or the underlying operating system. Note that the type of the
variable ro is RemoteInf, not RemoteObj. This declaration emphasizes that
the interface available to clients is the RemoteInf interface and its methods,
not the RemoteObj class and its methods.

Before a caller can invoke a method on a remote object, that caller must first
obtain a reference to the remote object. This can be done in the same way
that any other object reference is obtained in a program, such as getting it as
part of the return value of a method or as part of a data structure that
contains such a reference.

The system provides a particular remote object, the RMI registry, for finding
references to remote objects. The RMI registry is a simple remote object
name service that allows remote clients to get a reference to a remote object
by name. The registry is typically used only to locate the first remote object
an RMI client needs to use. That first remote object then provides support
for finding other objects.

The java.rmi.Naming interface is used as a front-end API for binding, or

registering, and looking up remote objects in the registry. Once a remote
object is registered with the RMI registry on the local host, callers on any
host can look up the remote object by name, obtain its reference, and then
invoke remote methods on the object..

The RemoteObj class creates a name for the object with the statement

String name = "msg";

name, that identifies the remote object in the registry. The code then needs to
add the name to the RMI registry running on the server. This is done later
(within the try block) with the statement

Naming. rebind(name, ro);

Calling the rebind method makes a remote call to the RMI registry on the
local host. This call can result in a RemoteException being generated, so the
exception needs to be handled. The RemoteObj class handles the exception
within the try/catch block. If the exception is not handled in this way,
RemoteException would have to be added to the throws clause (currently
nonexistent) of the main method.

Note the following about the arguments to the call to Naming.rebind.

The first parameter is a URL-formatted java.lang.String representing

the name of the remote object.
The RMI runtime substitutes a reference to the stub for the remote
object reference specified by the argument. Remote implementation
objects, such as instances of RemoteObj, never leave the VM where
they are created, so when a client performs a lookup in a server's
remote object registry, a reference to the stub is returned. As
discussed earlier, remote objects in such cases are passed by reference
rather than by value.
Note that for security reasons, an application can bind, unbind, or
rebind remote object references only with a registry running on the
same host. This restriction prevents a remote client from removing or
overwriting any of the entries in a server's registry. A lookup,
however, can be requested from any host, local or remote.

Once the server has registered with the local RMI registry, it prints out a
message indicating that it's ready to start handling calls and then the main
method exits. It is not necessary to have a thread wait to keep the server
alive. As long as there is a reference to the RemoteObj object in another
virtual machine, local or remote, the RemoteObj object will not be shut
down, or garbage collected. Because the program binds a reference to the
RemoteObj in the registry, it is reachable from a remote client, the registry
itself! The RMI system takes care of keeping the RemoteObj's process up.
The RemoteObj is available to accept calls and won't be reclaimed until its
binding is removed from the registry,

The final piece of code in the RemoteObj.main method deals with handling
any exception that might arise. The only exception that could be thrown in
the code is a RemoteException, thrown either by the constructor of the
RemoteObj class or by the call to the RMI registry to bind the object to the
name msg

Implementing the clients: Clients that use remote objects can be

implemented at any time after the remote interfaces are defined,
including after the remote objects has been deployed.

import java.rmi.*;


public class RemoteClient

public static void main(String args[])throws Exception

if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)

System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

RemoteInf ri=null;




Here we are obtaining the RemoteObj reference by calling lookup

method of the Naming class

Ex: RemoteInf ri=null;


lookup method takes a String argument i.e.. rmi means rmi protocol to
connect to the rmiregistry localhost means system where the rmiregistry
existed 1099 is the default port number of the rmiregistry and msg is the
binded object name

Compile Sources and Generate Stubs

This is a two-step process. In the first step you use the javac compiler to
compile the source files, which contain the implementation of the remote
interfaces and implementations, the server classes, and the client classes. In
the second step you use the rmic compiler to create stubs for the remote
objects. RMI uses a remote object's stub class as a proxy in clients so that
clients can communicate with a particular remote object.
Compile the source by giving below statement

Javac *.java
And generate stub class by compiling the class which implements
Rmic RemoteObj

The above statement creates a .class file called RemoteObj_Stub.class

Now we can run the program steps to run the java application:

Note: Before going to run RMI application you need to create

.java.policy file and give all permission
Creation of .java.policy file needs to follow the below steps
Type policy tool command in command prompt It will displays a
policy tool dialog box.

Then click AddPolicyEntry button it will displays a Policy Entry

dialog Box
Then click the Add Permission button it will displays a permission
dialog box in that choose all permission and then click OK button
then Done button and save it with the name .java.policy.

Then you can run your application by following below steps

1. start the rmiregistry by giving below command

start rmiregistry
2. run the RemoteObj class by giving below command
start java RemoteObj
3. run the client program by giving below command
java RemoteClient.

3. Working with Databases (JDBC)

Java has an API for working with databases, and this technology is
known as JDBC. JDBC provides the developer with tools that allow clients
to connect to databases, and send commands to the database. These
commands are written in the Structured Query Language. However, JDBC
can be used with any kind of data base. That is because JDBC abstracts
common database functions into a set of common classes and methods.
Database-specific code is contained in a code library, commonly called a
driver library. If there is a driver library for a database, you can use the
JDBC API to send commands to the database and extract data from the

Connect to Database:
The first step in being able to work with a database is to connect to
that database. Its a process thats analogous to a web browser making a
connection to a web server. The browser makes a connection to a server,
sends a specially formatted message to the server, and receives a response

back from the server. When working with a database, your code will use the
JDBC API to get a connection to a database server, send a specially
formatted message to the server, and receive a response back from the
server. The JDBC API is an abstraction, and it uses a database-specific code
library to communicate with a particular database. When making a database
connection, your code does not need to open any sockets, or use any classes
of the package to make a connection to the database. All the
connection details are handled primarily by a class in the database-specific
library. This class is known as driver. Your code simply tells a class known
as the DriverManager that it needs a connection, and the DriverManager
works with the driver to create a connection to the database that your code
can use.

JDBC provides a database-neutral set of classes and interfaces that
can be used by your Java class. The database-specific code is included in a
driver library that is developed by the database vendor or third parties. The
primary advantage of using a driver library is that your code can use the
same JDBC API to talk to many different databases simply by changing the
library used by your code. Also, by using a driver library, your code is
simpler to develop, debug, and maintain, since the lower-level networking
details are handled by the driver.

Driver Types:
The JDBC specification identifies four types of drivers that can be
used to communicate with data bases.

Type 1 Driver:
This driver provides a mapping between JDBC and some other data
access API. The other data access API then calls a native API library to
complete the communication to the database. Since native APIs are platform
specific, this type of driver is generally less portable.

Client y OD Nati Data
Appli pe BC- ve Base
cation -1 API API


This driver comes as a standard part of the Java SDK. Like JDBC, ODBC is
an API for talking to databases.

Type 2 Driver:
This type of driver is similar to the Type 1 driver because it communicates
to the database through a native API and bypasses the additional data access
layer, this type of driver tends to be more efficient than Type 1. Like a Type
1 driver, it is dependent upon the existence of the native API library.

Client T
Appli y Nati Data
cation pe ve Base
-2 API

Type 3 Driver:
This type of driver sends database calls to a middleware component running
on another server. This communication uses a database-independent net
protocol. The middleware server then communicates with the database using
a database-specific protocol. The middle ware server translates the JDBC
call received from the client into a database call.

Client T Middle
Appli y ware- Data
cation pe server Base

Type 4 driver:
The type 4 driver, also commonly known as a thin driver, is completely
written in Java. It communicates directly with a database using the
databases native protocol. Since it is written completely in Java without any
platform-specific code, it can be directly used on any platform with a Java
virtual machine. The driver translates JDBC directly into the databases
native protocol without the use of ODBC or native C APIs. Thus, the thin
driver makes an excellent choice for distributed database applications. If you
are developing a client application that must communicate with a database,
and the client could be installed on various platforms (Windows, UNIX,
Mac), then you would almost certainly use a Type 4 driver. Using a Type 4
driver, you could deploy the same client code (including the driver) to each
platform and the client would work without any other modifications.

Client T
Appli y Data
cation pe Base

Choosing a Driver:
In general you will want to choose either a Type 2 or a Type 4 driver
for your web application. Type 1 and Type3 drivers add a communication
layer between the JDBC driver and the database, so they tend to be less
efficient. The difference between a Type 2 and a Type 4 driver depends on
whether you need to support a single platform or multiple platforms. If you
must support multiple platforms, and native libraries do not exist for all
platforms, then you will have to use a Type 4 driver. If a native library exists

for all platforms. Then there is no great difference between a Type 2 and
Type 4 driver.

3.2The DriverManager Class:

The DriverManager class is responsible for managing the JDBC drivers
available to an application. The other important job of the driver manager is
to hand out connections to client code. When you need a connection to a
database, you hand the driver Manager a URL, and the driver manager
returns a connection to you. To do this, the driver manager maintains a
reference to an instance of each driver class that is available. When you ask
for a connection, it polls each driver to determine if the driver can handle the
URL. As soon as it finds a driver that can handle the URL, it asks the driver
for a connection, and returns that connection to you.

For all this to work, two things to need to happen:

The driver manager needs to know which drivers are available.

You need to provide a valid URL to the DriverManager class.

Loading a Driver:
Before the driver manager can provide connections, a driver class must be
loaded by your application and registered with the driver manager. There are
various ways to accomplish this:

You can load and register the class dynamically using

You can let the system load and register the class automatically using
a system property

Using Class.forName ():

This technique uses the method forName (String) from java.lang.Class.

Calling forName (String) instructs the JVM to find, load, and link the class
file identified by the String parameter. As part of initialization, the driver
class will register itself with the driver manager. Thus your code does not
need to create an instance of the class, nor does it need to call the

registerDriver (Driver) method. The JVM creates the instance for you, and
the driver itself does the registration.

Using System Property:

The other way to load the driver is to put the driver name into the
jdbc.drivers system property. When any code calls one of the methods of the
driver manager, the driver manager looks for the jdbc.drivers property. If it
finds this property, it attempts to load each driver listed in the property. You
can specify multiple drivers in the jdbc.drivers property.


System.setProperty (jdbc.drivers,sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver);


System.setProperty (jdbc.drivers,oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver);

Once we have loaded our driver, the next step is to create a connection to the

Getting a Connection:

To get a connection you need to interact with the driver manager. The driver
manager acts as a factory for Connection objects. The method used to get a
Connection object is getConnection () and there are three overloaded forms
of this method:

getConnection (String url)

getConnection (String url, String username, String password)
getConnection (String url, Properties prop)

Common to each of the methods is the url parameter. Just as with an HTTP
URL, the JDBC URL provides a means to identify a resource (the database)
that the client wishes to connect to.

The URL for each database will vary depending on the database and the
driver. However, all URLs will have the general form
jdbc:<subprotocol>:<subname>, with the <subprotocol> usually
identifying the vendor and <subname> identifying the database and
providing additional information needed to make the connection.

Ex: Jdbc:odbc:oradsn

The subprotocol is odbc and the subname is oradsn

Releasing Connections:
After open the connection our responsibility is close the connection
The Connection class has a method for releasing the connections.

Public void close () throws SQLException

The correct way to use close () is to put it inside the finally block of a
trycatchfinally exception handler. Thus, you are ensured that close ()
will be called no matter what happens with the JDBC code. And since close
() also throws an SQLException, it needs to be inside a trycatch block as

Setting the Login Timeout:

In some situations our application appeared to lock up because the
code was waiting for a connection that never became available. It waited and
it waitedand it would have waited forever if we let it.
There is a way to dell the driver manager to wait only a certain
amount of time for a connection. To do this, the DriverManager class
provides the following method:

Public static void setLoginTimeout (int)

The int parameter indicates the number of seconds that the driver
manager should wait for a connection. If the driver does not return a
connection in that amount of time, then the manager throws a

3.4 SQLException:

Almost all JDBC methods declare that they throw SQLExceptions. In

most respects, SQLExceptions are the same as the other exception objects
that you encounter in your Java code. Your methods that use JDBC code
will either need to handle these exceptions in trycatchfinally blocks, or
declare that they throw SQLExceptions.
However, SQLExceptions are different from other exceptions in that
they can be chained. What this means is that the SQLException you catch in
your code, may contain a reference to another SQLException, which in turn
may contain a reference to another SQLException, and son on, and son on.
Its a linked list of exceptions. The SQLException class adds a method for
dealing with chained exceptions:

public SQLException getNextException()

Another difference is that the SQLException can contain additional

information about the error that occurred inside the database. Databases have
their own error codes that identify the problem that occurred. These error
codes are returned inside the SQLException Object, and you can get the
error code with a call to this method

public int getErrorCode()

Here is a small snippet of code showing these two methods:

} catch (SQLException e)
While (e!=null)
System.out.println(The Error code is +e.getErrorCode());

3.5 DataBaseMetaData:

Below statement returns an object that contains data about the database. This
object is an instance of DatabaseMetaData. From the DatabaseMetaData
object, we were able to get the name and version of both the database and
the driver:

DatabaseMetaData dbmd=conn.getMetaData();

System.out.println (dbnamd is: \t+dbmd.getDatabaseProductName ());

System.out.println (db `version is: \t+dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion
System.out.println (db driver name: \t+dbmd.getDriverName ());
System.out.println (db DriverVersion: \t+dbmd.getDriverVersion);

The DatabaseMetaData object contains many other methods that return

information about the database.

3.6 Statements
already we saw how to get a connection to a database. However, the
connection does not provide any methods that allow us to do anything to the
database. To actually create, retrieve, update, or delete data from the
database, we need the Statement class.Statement objects are your primary
interface to the tables in a database. We will look at using statements to
insert new rows into a table, update a row in a table, and delete a row from a

To create Statement objects we have to use the following methods existed in

the Connection Interface:

Connection Method Description

Public Statement createStatement () Creates a Statement object. If the
statement is used for a query, the
result set returned by the
executeQuery () method is a non-
updateable, non-scrollable resultset.
Public Statement The two parameters determine
createStatement(int, int) whether the resultset returned by the
excuteQuery () method is updatable

or scrollable.
Public Statement The two parameters determine
createStatement(int, int, int) whether the resultset returned by the
excuteQuery () method is updatable
or scrollable. And The third
parameter determines holdability

Once you have a statement object, you use it to send SQL to the database
with one of three four methods.

Statement methods Description

Public int executeUpdate(String) Used to any execute SQL that is not
a query. Those will primarily be
create, insert, update, and delete SQL
Public ResultSet Used for querying (get details of)
executeQuery(String) database tables
Public int[] executeBatch() Used for sending multiple SQL
commands in a single operation.
Public boolean execute(String) Used for executing unknown SQL or
SQL that could return either ints or

executeUpdate (String): It is used to execute a single SQL command. The

String parameter is the SQL that you want to execute in the database. It can
be any SQL except for a query. The return value of the method is the
number of rows affected by the SQL. This value can range from 0 to the
number of rows in the database table. The number of rows returned by
various types of SQL commands is shown below:

SQL type Number of rows affected

INSERT 1.n where n is any number
DELETE 0.n where n is the no of rows in
the table
UPDATE o.n where n is the no of rows in
the table

Batch Updates:

One way to improve the performance of your JDBC application is to

execute a number of SQL commands in a batch. With batch execution, you
add any number of SQL commands to the statement. The statement holds
these SQL commands in memory until you tell it that you are ready for the
database to execute the SQL. When you call executeBatch (), the statement
sends the entire batch o SQL in one network communication. In addition to
the executeBatch () method listed above, two other methods are needed for
batch execution.
Statement method Description
Public void addBatch(String) Adds a SQL command to the current
batch of commands for the Statement
Public void clearBatch () Makes the set of commands in the
current batch empty

Releasing Statements:

Just as with Connection objects, it is equally important to release Statement

objects when you are finished with them. This does not mean that you must
immediately release the statement after executing an SQL command you
can use the same Statement object to execute multiple SQL commands.
However, when you no longer need the statement to execute SQL, you
should release it.

This mean s that when the Statement object goes out of scope or is otherwise
no longer reachable, it is eligible for garbage collection; when the object is
garbage collected, its resources will be released.

3.7 ResultSets:
When you perform a query of a table in a database, the results of the query
are returned in a ResultSet object. The ResultSet object allows you to scroll
through each row of the results, and read the data from each column in the

Moving Through the Results

The ResultSet interface defines a number of methods that can be used for
moving through the results returned. Here again are the three methods that
create Statement objects:

public Statement createStatement()

public Statement createStatement(int,int)
public Statement createStatement(int,int,int)

When you use the first method to create a Statement object, the ResultSet
object that is returned by executeQuery () is a no Scrollable ResultSet, or
one that is of type forward only. This means that you can only move from
the first row to the last row, and cannot scroll backwards through the results.
The only methods for moving through the ResultSet object that can be used

Public Boolean next ()

Assuming no problems with the SQL commands, the executeQuery ()

method will always return a non-null ResultSet. When the executeQuery ()
method returns the ResultSet, the cursor is positioned prior to the first row of
data. To get to the first row of data, you must call the next () method. Each
time you need to get the following row of data, you call next () again. The
next () method returns a Boolean value. If there is another row of data, the
cursor is positioned after the last row and the next () method returns false. If
there are no more rows of data, the cursor is positioned after the last row and
the next () method returns false. If there are no results at all in the resultset,
then next () will return false the first time it is called.

Now, lets take a look at the other two forms of createStatement (). These
two forms have method parameters, and the first parameter sets the type.
The type refers to whether you can move backwards through the resultset.
The second parameter defines whether you can update the table through the

For the first parameter, you can pass one of these three arguments:



The first two values create a scrollable resultset, a resultset through which
you can move forwards or backwards. If changes occur to the database while
you are going through a ResultSet, TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE means
you will see those changes; TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE means you
will not see the changes. The third value creates a non-scrollable resultset.
With a scrollable resultset, you can use these methods for moving the cursor.

Boolean next () boolean previous () boolean first

Boolean last () void afterLast () void beforeFirst ()
Boolean absolute (int) boolean relative (int) boolean
isFirst ()
Boolean isBeforeFirst () boolean isLast() boolean isAfterLast()

Int getRow () void moveToInsertRow () void

moveToCurrentRow ()

Reading Data from the ResultSet:

The resultset also contains a number of methods for reading the data
in a query result. These methods allow you to reference the column by
number or by name, and to retrieve just about any data type. Here are two of
the methods:

Double getDouble(int)
Double getDouble(String)

These methods allow you to read a double from the ResultSet. The first
method gets a double from the column with the index given by the int
parameter. The second method gets the double from the column with the
name given by the String parameter. There are getXXX () methods for every
Java primitive, and for several objects.

Some of the methods are:

Float getFloat(int index) int getInt(int index)
long getLong(int index) short getShort(int index)

String getString(int index) Time getTime(int index)

Date getDate(int index) double getDouble(int index)
Boolean getBoolean(int index) byte getByte(int index)

Like the above we have many methods..

Note: in ResultSet column numbering and row numbering begins at 1 not 0

Working with Null Values: For primitives and for Booleans, the JDBC
driver cannot return a null. When the column data for the return type,. For
all the methods that return an object, getDate () for example, the methods
return a Java null for SQL NULL. All of the getXXX() numeric methods,
getFloat () for example return the value 0 for SQL NULL. The getBoolean
() method return false for SQL NULL. If you call getFloat (), and the return
value is 0, how do you know if the column value is really 0 or NULL? The
ResultSet instance provides a method that can give you this information.
Here is its signature:

Public Boolean wasNull()

It does not take a column number or a column name. it provides its answer
based on the most recently read column.

Note: when you want to pass arguments to a createStatement () method you

will need to consult your database and driver documentation to see if the
driver supports scrollable resultsets. In some cases, some dabases does
support a scrollable resultset, but only if the resultset is not updateable, in
such cases we have to send argument to the createStatement method is

Updateable ResultSets: The second parameter in the createStatement (int,

int) and createStatement (int, int, int) methods determines whether you can
update the database through the resultset. Prior o JDBC2.0, resultsets could
only be used to select data move forward through the data, and read the data
in each column. To update the data, you needed to execute another SQL
command through a statement object.

JDBC2.0 intorduced the ability to update the data in the table directly
through the resultset, so as you move through the data, you can call methods

that insert, update, or delete the data. Here are some methods you would

Void updateRow Void cancelRowUpdates()

Void moveToInsertRow() Void moveToCurrentRow()
Void insertRow () Void deleteRow ()
Void updateBoolean (int, Boolean) Void updateBoolean(String,Boolean)
Void updateByte(int, byte) Void updateByte(String, byte)
Void updateDate(int,Date) Void updateDate(String, Date)
Void updateDouble(int, double) Void updateDouble(String, double)
Void updateFloat(int,float) Void updateFloat(String , float)
Void updateInt(int, itn) Void updateInt(String, int)
Void updateLong(int,long) Void updateLong(String,long)
Void updateNull(int) Void updateNull(String)
Void updateString(int,String) Void updateString(String,String)

If, before you call updateRow(), you may decide that you dont want to
update the row, you can call cancelRowUpdates().

You can also insert a new row of data through the resultset. This is
accomplished by moving to a special row in the resultset; this row is known
as the insert row. You can move to the insert row by calling
rs.moveToInsertRow () here rs is the ResultSet.

When you move to the insert row, the resultset remembers the position you
were at; this remembered position is know as the current row. Then, you
update each column with the appropriate value using the updateXXX()
methods. When you are finished entering data for the new row, you can call
rs.insertRow(); you can cancel an insert by calling moveToCurrentRow ()
before you call insertRow().

Finally, you can delete a row from the table and the result set by calling

Holdable ResultSets:

When you execute another SQL command with a statement, any open
resultsets are closed. Also, when commit () is called with a JDBC2.0 or 1.0
driver, the resultset is closed. JDBC 3.0 adds a new ResultSet object feature

called holdability, which refers to whether or not a resultset is closed when a

new SQL command is executed by a statement or when commit () called.
JDBC 3.0 gives you the capability to keep the resultset open.

Two class constants were added to the ResultSet interface to provide

parameters for the createStatement () method:

 ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT:- This specifies that

the ResultSet object should not be closed when changes are
 ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT:- The driver can
close resultset object when changes are committed.

A new createStatement () method was added to the Connection class to

support this feature:

createStatement (int resultSetType,int, int resutlSetConcurrency, int


3.8 Prepared Statements:

Creating PreparedStatement object is similar to creating a Statement object.

One difference is that with a prepared statement, you need to tell the
database what SQL you intend to execute. You pass the SQL in the creation,
rather than in the execute method. The methods to create a
PreparedStatement object are as follows.
Method Description
PreparedStatement(String sql) Creates a prepared statement object
for the given SQL. If the it returns a
resultset, the resultset has a type
forward only, is not updateable, and
is not Holdable.
PreparedStatement(String sql,int If it returns a resultset, the resultset
resultSetType,int has the given resultset type and
resultSetConcurrency) concurrency, and is not Holdable.
prepareStatement (String sql, int JDBC 3.0 create a prepared
resultSetType,int statement for the given SQL. If the
resultSetConcurrency,int prepared statement returns a
resultSetHoldability) resultset, the resultset has the given

resultset type, concurrency, and


In the above, resultSetType refers to whether a resultset is scrollable.

resultSetConcurrency is the ability to update a resultset. resultSetHoldability
refers to whether a resultset is closed when changes are committed.

The first statement in each method is a SQL string. The SQL string can have
placeholders (variables) that represent data that will be set at a later time.
The place holder is represented by the question mark symbol (?)

Ex: insert into COUNTRIES values (?,?,?)

When the SQL in the prepared statement is sent to the database, the database
compiles the SQL Before you execute a prepared statement, you must set the
placeholders with data. The driver sends the data to the database when the
prepared statement is executed. Then, the database sets the variables with the
data, and executes the SQL.

Note: Most databases keep previously executed SQL in a cache. If you send
a SQL command that matches one in the cache, the databases reuses the
SQL from cache because it has already been compiled and optimized. This
improves performance. To reuse a command, the SQL command you send
must match one in the cache exactly.

After creating the PreparedStatement object, but before the SQL command
can be executed, the placeholders in the command must be set. The
PreparedStatement interface defines various methods for doing this. You can
also use the PreparedStatement object for setting null values in a table. And
also you can perform batch updating with a prepared statement.

If you do not set all the parameters before executing the SQL, the driver will
throw a SQLException

3.9 CallableStatements:
To run stored procedures of database we need to use the CallableStatement.
JDBC code can call stored procedures using a CallableStatement object. A

CallableStatement object is created in much the same way as the

PreparedStatement object, by calling a method of the Connection object.

Connection interface methods for creating a CallableStatement object:

Methods Description
prepareCall(String sql) the ResultSet has a type of forward-
only, is not updateable, and is not
prepareCall(String sql,int The ResultSet has the given
resultSetType,int ResultSet type and concurrency and
resutlSetConcurrencyu) is not Holdable
prepareCall(String sql,int The ResultSet has the given
resultSetType,int ResultSet type and concurrency and
resultSetConcurrency,int Holdable

Common between all the forms is the SQL keyword call that appears before
the procedure name, and the curly braces that surround the SQL. This
signals the driver that the SQL is not an ordinary SQL statement and that the
SQL must be converted into thee correct form for calling a procedure in the
target database.

The SQL string look like this

 {call procedure_name}
 {call procedure_name(?,?)}
 {?=call function_name(?)}

//String sql={call procedure_name};
//String sql={call procedure_name(?,?)};
String sql={?=call function_name(?)};
CallableStatement cs=conn.prepareCall (sql);

4. Java Servlets
After JDBC, Servlets were the second J2EE technology invented.
Servlet is a j2ee component. Used to Create Server-side Web applications. It
has the ability to take the request from client process it and sends the
response to the clients. They run inside a Servlet container that
communicates with the user's Web browser by exchanging HTTP request
and response objects. Servlet container can run stand alone or a s a
component of a web server or a j2ee server.
Servlet are designed to be extensions to servers, and to extend the
capabilities of servers. Servlets were originally intended to be able to extend
any servers such as FTP server, or an SMTP (e-mail) server. However in
practice, only servlets that respond to HTTP requests have been widely

The Servlet Container Process each Servlets request in a

separate thread , maintains user sessions, creates response objects and
sends them back to the client. Servlets are easily portable to any application
server or Servlet engine- it comes down to copying a web-application
archive to the right disk directory

4.1Servlet Structure and life cycle methods:

To create a Servlet for a web application we'll have to derive our class
from the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class, which in turn is derived from
the javax.servlet.GenericServlet class.

Generic Servlet
Service ()
Init ()
Destroy ()
Http Servlet
doGet ()
DoPost ()


The servlet engine invokes methods such as init, service, and

destroy. Application programmers can also create so-called listener objects,
which are objects that are notified when some important events occur.

init (): The servlet container calls the init() method exactly ones
after instantiating the servlet. this method is called when the servlet is
initially loaded by the container. or It may happen during the application
server's startup, or when the servlet is being requested for the first time. This
method is a good place to write code that creates non-user-specific
resources, namely the creation of object pools.

This method init() is overloaded and one of its versions receives the
object ServletConfig as an argument. This object provides the method get
InitParameter() to find the values of the configuration parameters, if any.

service(): The service() method is called on the Servlets ancestor

time the servlet receives a user's request. at this point the servlet container
passes an instance of the class SerrvletRequest, which contains the client's
data, to the servlet. The service() method creates the object
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse and passes them as parameters
to the doGet() or doPost() of the descendent class.

destroy(): The method destroy() is called by the servlet container to

notify that it's about to be removed form service. This method will be called
only once, and developers should use it to program clean up of any

Explanation with an Example:

When you use an online store or bank or when you search form
some information on the internet, your request is usually processed on the
server side. Only limited no of operations, such as simple calculations and
input validation, are performed on the client's machine using java applets
and JavaScript.

However Java applets have security restrictions and depend on the

version of the web browser's JVM(for example, some of the Java classes or
methods may no be available in older versions of JVM). Also if a web
browser has to download large java programs, the site's response time will
substantially increase. That's why the better choice is to keep only light
weight HTML pages(a thin client) on the client's machine, While the major
processing should be done by the programs running on the server. The server
computers could be more powerful than the client computers.

The server software supporting the HTTP protocol has to run on the
server side. This web server will listen for the user's requests, usually on
default port. If the web server receives a simple request for a static HTML
page, it can handle this request without any additional software.

The server also needs to run a servlet engine(or an application

server that has a servlet container that is a component that supports the
lifecycle of servlet). If a user requests some information that should be
retrieved programmatically from a database or any other resource. We'll use
java Servlets that will accommodate the request, build an output HTML
page dynamically, and pass that page over to the user with the help of the
web server. When the user's Web browser displays the received page it does
not know if that page was a static HTML page or a fresh one right from the
oven (servlet engine).

Even thought HTML is just a markup language, it has some

basic elements and GUI components, such as buttons, text fields, check
boxes, and drop down lists that allow users to enter data, make some
selections, and submit requests to a remote server.

For Ex: the HTML <FORM> tag enables users to

enter and submit data from a web page.

Note: all GUI controls should be placed between the

<FORM> and </FORM> tags.

A <FORM> tag has important attributes such as action and method.

The action attribute contains the uniform resource locator(URL) of the

server program to which the browser should send the user's input. The
method attribute tells the browser how to send the data; this attribute is
usually either Get or Post, as shown in the following ex.
<form action="http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/MyServlet"
You can create a text field as follows:


<body bgcolor=black >
<form action="http://localhost:8888/servlets-examples/MyServlet"
<font color=green SIZE=5>Login_Id Form</font>
<table border=2>
<td><font color=red SIZE=5>Enter Login_Id</td><td><input type=text
<td><font color=red SIZE=5>PassWord:</td><td><input type=password
<input type=submit value="ClickMe">

Writing the Servlet:

Let's write the login servlet shown below that will be invoked
by login.html. This servlet checks the user's ID and, if it is correct, greets the
user otherwise it displays an error message. To stay focus on servlet coding
techniques we'll just compare the id and pwd with "padma" and "gsjm".

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
res)throws ServletException, IOException
res. setContentType("text/html");
PrintWriter out=res. getWriter();
String id=req. getParameter("id");
String pwd=req.getParameter("pwd");

"+id+" Welcome to our organization");
"+id+" You are Not Valid User......");

When the doGet () method of MyServlet is being called by the container, it

receives references to the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
First the code calls the method setContentType () of the
HttpServletResponse object to specify the output type text/html. Then it gets
the reference to the Servlets output stream of type PrintWriter. The method
of the Print Writers sends the text output to the user.

The servlet gets the parameters supplied by the user's browser fro the
request object. It can do this with the help of such methods as getParameter
(), getParameterValues () and getParameterNames ().

After applying some business rules, the servlet forms the content of
the output page and sends it to the output stream PrintWriter.

At this point the servlet has to be compiled as any other java class and

Deploying Servlets:
A web application is a collection of
Servlets, HTML pages, classes and other resources that make up a complete
application on a web server.

J2EE defines a standard way to

deploy web application. It suggests that all components of a web application
should be packaged in the web application archive (WAR) the file with the
extension .war, which has the same format as .jar files.

A web application could be deployed

either independently in the .war file, or it could be included in the Enterprise
Application Archive(.ear file) along with other application components, such
as Enterprise JavaBeans etc..

Servlet is the interface belongs to javax.servlet.*; package

Public interface Servlet

This interface defines methods that all Servlets must implement

A servlet is a small Java program that runs within a Web server. Servlets
receive and respond to requests from Web clients, usually across HTTP, the
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

To implement this interface, you can write a generic servlet that extends
javax.servlet.GenericServlet or an HTTP Servlet that extends

This interface defines methods to initialize a servlet, to service requests, and

to remove a servlet from the server. - These are known as life cycle methods
and are called in the following sequence:

1. The servlet is constructed, and then initialized with the init method.
2. Any calls from clients to the service method are handled.
3. The servlet is taken out of service, then destroyed with the destroy
method, then garbage collected and finalized.

In addition to the life-cycle methods, this interface provides the

getServletConfig method, which the servlet can use to get any startup
information, and the getServletInfo method, which allows the servlet to
return basic information about itself, such as author, version, and copyright.

Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is
being taken out of service.

Returns a ServletConfig object, which contains initialization and
startup parameters for this servlet.

Returns information about the servlet, such as author, version, and

Init(ServletConfig config)
Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is
being placed into service.


Defines a generic, protocol-independent servlet. To write an HTTP

servlet for use on the Web, extend HttpServlet instead.

GenericServlet makes writing Servlets easier. It provides simple versions of

the lifecycle methods init and destroys and of the methods in the
ServletConfig interface. GenericServlet also implements the log method,
declared in the ServletContext interface.

To write a generic servlet, you need only override the abstract service

Deployment Descriptors:
Weve seen several examples of deployment descriptors for our
web applications contained in a file called web.xml. However, weve
postponed a full coverage of deployment descriptors until now. Now we can
take a deeper look at the deployment descriptor.

Because the deployment descriptor is contained in an XML file,

it must conform to the XML standard. This means it should start with the
XML declaration (<?xml version=1.0>) and a DOCTYPE declaration, as
shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<! DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"




The root element of deployment descriptor is the <web-app> element. The

servlet 2.3 specification defines these sub elements that can be used within
the <web-app> element.

The <context-param> Element the <context-param> element allows

you to define context parameters. These parameters specify values that are
available to the entire web application context. The element is used like this.







The deployment descriptor can contain zero or more of these

elements. Each web component that has access to the servlet context can
access these parameters by name.

Note: because the web.xml file is in text format, you can only pass
parameters to the application as strings.

The <servlet> Element the <servlet> element is the primary element

for describing the Servlets in your web application. The <servlet> element
can have the following sub-elements:

1. <servlet-name>
2. <display-name>
3. <description>
4. <servlet-class>
5. <jsp-file>
6. <init-param>
7. <load-on-startup>

Only required sub-elements are <servlet-name> and one of the sub-elements

called <servlet-class> or <jsp-file>. The <servlet-name> sub-element defines
a user friendly name that can be used for the resource. The <servlet-class> or
<jsp-file> sub-elements define the fully qualified name of the servlet class or
JSP file.






The <servlet-name> sub-element used to create name for the servlet and we
can use this name to invoke Login servlet in the descriptor (web.xml file)

The <servlet-class> sub-element told the servlet container that all requests for
Login should be handled by the login.Login class.

The other elements of servlet that you will often used are <load-on-startup>
and <init-param>


The <load-on-startup> element, if used, contains a positive integer value that

specifies that the servlet should be loaded when the server is started. The
relative order of servlet loading is determined by the value; servlets with
lower values are loaded before servlets with higher values; servlets with the
same value are loaded in an arbitrary order. If the element is not present, the
servlet is loaded when the first request for the servlet is made.

The <init-param> element is similar to the <context-param> element. The

deference is that <init-param> defines parameters that are only to the given





The <servlet-mapping> Element

This element is used to define mappings from a particular request URI to a

given servlet name.





This told tomcat that if it received any URI that matched the pattern /Login, it
should pass the request to the servlet with the name Login

Loading and Instantiation:

In this stage of the life cycle, the servlet class is loaded from the class
path and instantiated. The method that realizes this stage is the servlet
constructor. However, unlike the other stages, you do not need to explicitly
provide the method for this stage.

How does the servlet container know which servlets to load? it knows
by reading the deployment descriptors from a well-known location. For
example, for tomcat, that location is the webapps directory. Each
subdirectory under webapps is a web application. Within each subdirectory
that uses servlets will be a WEB-INF directory that contains a web.xml file.
The servlet container reads each web.xml file, and loads the servlet classes
identified in the deployment descriptor. Then it instantiates each servlet by
calling its no-argument constructor

Since the servlet container dynamically loads and instantiates servlets,

it does not know about any constructors you create that might take
parameters. Thus, it can only call the no-argument constructor and it is
useless for you to specify any constructor other than one that takes no
arguments. Since the java compiler provides this constructor automatically
when you do not supply a constructor, there is no need for you to write any
constructor at all in your servlet. This is why your servlet class does not need
to define an explicit constructor.

If you do not provide a constructor, how does your servlet initialize

itself? This is handled in the next phase of the lifecycle, servlet

After the servlet is loaded and instantiated, the servlet must be
initialized. This occurs when the container calls the init (ServletConfig). If
your servlet does not need to perform any initialization, the servlet does not
need to implement this method. The method is provided for you by the
Generic Servlet class. The init () method allows the servlet to read
initialization parameters or configuration data, initialize external resources
such as database connections, and perform other one-time activities. Generic
Servlet provides two overloaded forms of the method.

Public void init () throws ServletException

Public void init (ServletConfig) throws ServletException

As I mentioned above, the deployment descriptor can define parameters that

apply to the servlet through the <init-param> element. The servlet container
reads these parameters from the web.xml file and stores them as name-value
pairs in a ServletConfig object. Because the Servlet interface only defines init
(ServletConfig), this is the method the container must call. Generic Servlet
implements this method to store the ServletConfig reference, and then call
the parameter less init (() method that it defines. Therefore, to perform
initialization, your servlet only needs to implement the parameter less init ()
method. If you implement init (), your init () will be called by
GenericServlet; and because the ServletConfig reference is already stored,
your init () method will have access to all the initialization parameters stored
in it.

If you do decide to implement init(ServletConfig) in your servlet, the

method in your servlet must call the super class init(ServletConfig)

Public void init (ServletConfig config) throws ServletException

Super. init (config);

//remainder of init () method

Note: if you implement init (ServletConfig) without calling suerp.init

(ServletConfig), the ServletConfig object wont be saved, and neither your
servlet nor its parent classes will be able to access the ServletConfig object
during the remainder of the servlet lifecycle.

Note: if your code encounters a problem during init (), you should throw a
ServletExcception, or its subclass UnavailableException. This tells the
container that there was a problem with initialization and that it should not
use the servlet for any requests.

Note: Tomcat, for example, will return an HTTP 500 error to the client
if init () throws a ServletException when it is called as a result of a client
request. Subsequent client requests will receive an HTTP 404 (resource
unavailable) error.

4.2What is a Filter?
Like a servlet, a filter object is instantiated and managed by the container
and follows a lifecycle that is similar to that of a servlet. As we shall see
later in this chapter, a filter has four stages: instantiate, initialize, filter, and
destroy. These stages are similar to a servlets instantiate, initialize, service,
and destroy.

Filters also follow a deployment process close to that of servlets. In fact the
API of a filter is very similar to that of the servlet interface a filter also
operates on HTTP requests to produce and manipulate further HTTP
requests and responses. So, how is a filter different from a servlet? In order
to see the difference, let us consider how filters participate in the HTTP
request-response process:

Web resource
[Static: html,
Filter-1 Filter-2 Filter-3 images etc...]

In this figure, there is a chain of three filters participating in the request-

response process. Each filter (from left to right in this figure) can manipulate
the request and response or implement some logic (including updating the
HTTP session or the servlet context), and request the container to invoke the
next filter (if any) in the filter chain. Ultimately, after invoking the last filter,
the container processes the actual web resource. Alternatively, any filter in
this chain can choose to abort the processing, and report an error in the
HTTP response. The arrows between the filters and between the third filter
and the web resource are the javax.servlet.ServletRequest and
javax.servlet.ServletResponse objects.

In this process, after each filter is processed, the control is transferred to the
following filter in the chain. Similarly, after the web resource has been
processed, the container returns the thread of execution back to the last filter.
This step continues till the control is handed back to the first filter. In this
manner, each filter gets an opportunity to participate both before and after
invoking the web resource.

Lets now to take a look at some of the possibilities that filter offer:

Validate HTTP requests

Each filter has access to the HTTP request object and therefore can
validate the contents of HTTP requests. IF A REQUEST IS INVALID
(that is, it contains invalid parameters, required parameters are
missing, or values of the supplied parameters are invalid), the filter
can abort processing and report HTTP errors to the container. In this
way, we can avoid implementing any validation logic within servlets
or JSP pages; we can also extend this idea to preprocess HTTP request
Authorize HTTP requests
Provide custom HTTP environment for servlets and JSP pages.
(Provide additional behavior).

A servlet is equivalent to a web resource except that it is dynamic. A filter,

on the other hand, is not a resource that the container serves. Instead, the
container invokes a filter while processing a request to serve a resource. In
this way, filters give us an opportunity to participate in the process of

serving any web resource. Not e that in the previous figure, the web resource
could be any standard resource a static resource such as an HTML file, an
image, a class file for an applet, and so on, or a dynamic resource such as a
servlet or a JSP page.

Filters can be used in any web application, including those containing

completely static content.

Comparing the filter with request Dispatcher:

The request dispatcher API is mean for servlets and JSP pages to
forward the processing to another web resource, or include the contents of
another web resource. However, forward and include can only happen from
servlets or JSPs which themselves are first classed as web resources. We
cant use this API to control what happens before the request reaches a
servlet or JSP. On the other hand, a filter is invoked before the request
reaches a servlet, a JSP or in fact, any other resource.
We cannot use the request dispatcher API to intervene in the invocation of
non-servlet or JSP resources, such as a static file. A filter, however, can be
used to do so.

The Need for Session Tracking:

HTTP is a stateless protocol: each time a client retrieves a Web page, it

opens a separate connection to the Web server, and the server does not
automatically maintain contextual information about a client. Even with
servers that support persistent (keep-alive) HTTP connections and keep a
socket open for multiple client requests that occur close together in time,
there is no built-in support for maintaining contextual information.
This lack of context causes a number of difficulties.

For example, when clients at an on-line store add an item to their

shopping carts, how does the server know whats already in them? Similarly,
when clients decide to proceed

to checkout, how can the server determine which previously created

shopping carts are theirs?
HTTP is a stateless protocol. A client opens a connection and requests
some resource or information The server responds with the requested
resource (if available), or sends an HTTP error status. After closing the
connection, the server does not remember any information about the client.
So, the server considers the next request form the same client as a fresh
request, with no relation to the previous request, This is what makes HTTP
a stateless protocol

A protocol is state full if the response to a given request may depend not
only on the current request, but also on the outcome of previous requests.

Session: The server should be able to identify that a series of requests

from a single client form a single session.
State: The server should be able to remember information related to
previous requests and other business decisions that are made for requests.

Approches To SessionTracking:
There are essentially four approaches to session tracking:
1. URL rewriting :
2. Hidden form fields
3. Cookies
4. Session tracking support of cookies

Although the above four approaches differ in implementation details, all

these are based on one simple trick- that is to exchange some form of token
between the client and the server

URL Rewriting: In this approach, the token is embedded in each URL. In

each dynamically generated page the server embeds an extra query
parameter, or extra path information. in each URL IN THE page. When the
client submits requests using such URLs, the token is retransmitted to the
servlet. This approach is called URL rewriting.

Hidden Form Fields: This approach is similar to URL rewriting> instead

of rewriting each URL, the server embeds hidden fields in each form. When

the client submits a form, the additional fields will also be sent in the
request. The server can use these parameters to establish and maintain a

Cookies were invented by Netscape, and are one of the most refined forms
of token that clients and servers can exchange. Unlike URL rewriting or
using hidden form fields, cookies
Can be exchanged in request and response headers, and therefore do not
involve manipulating the generated response to contain a token.


1. C:\Program Files\Apache SoftwareFoundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\servlets-


2. Set classpath=%classpath%;C:\Program Files\Apache Software

Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\common\lib\servlt-api.jar;

3. C:\Program Files\Apache SoftwareFoundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\servlets-


4. open web.xml file in WEB-INF folder

5. update web.xml file by adding below code




6 start the tomcat web server.

7 Open the web browser
8 Check whether server is started or not by giving url as
a. http://localhost:8080

9 invoke the servlet by giving url as

10 http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/MyServlet

import javax.servlet.*;
public class GenServlet extends GenericServlet
String inf;
public void init(ServletConfig config)throws ServletException
public void service(ServletRequest req,ServletResponse res)throws

PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
out.println("<body bgcolor=black text=red>");
out.println("Gen Servlet "+new java.util.Date());
public void destroy()





Jsp (Java Server Pages) makes you to separate the dynamic part of
your pages from the static HTML pages.

I.e. we can write dynamic parts (in jsp code ) in HTML page using special
tags most which starts with <% and end with %> .

Jsp pages are components in a web, or J2EE, application that consists of

HTML with java code added to the HTML. You might ask, Whats so
different about that? Ive been putting JavaScript into my HTML for years.
The difference is that JavaScript runs on the client, whereas the code in a
JSP runs on the server. JavaScript can only affect the particular page in
which it is embedded; code in a JSP can access data across the entire web

Introduction to Jsp

As components in a j2ee application, JSP pages run on a server and

respond to requests from clients. These clients are usually users accessing
the web application through a web browser. The protocol used by clients to

call the HTML and JSP pages in our j2ee application is HTTP, the same
protocol used by browsers to get HTML pages from a web server.

Developing JSP Pages:


firstly of course, we need to write the JSP page. At some point, this page is
translated and compiled into a java class. This can happen before the page is
loaded to a server, or it can happen at the time the client makes a request.
The page executes inside a jsp container. A container is a piece of software
that loads and manages j2ee components, in this case JSP pages.
We can divide this process into three steps:
 Creation: The developer creates a JSP source file that contains
HTML and embedded java code.
 Deployment: The JSP IS INSTALLED INTO a server. This can be
a full J2EE server or a standalone JSP server.
 Translation and Compilation: The JSP container translates the
HTML and Java code into a java code source file. This file is then
compiled into a java class that is executed by the server. The class
file created from the JSP is known as the JSP page implementation

Note: Note that this last step can actually occur at various times. Even
though it is listed last here you can translate and compile the JSP prior to
deployment, and deploy the class file directly. Compiling first allows us to
catch and fix syntax errors in our code prior to deployment. Alternatively,
the JSP container can compile the JSP when it is deployed to the server.
Finally, the usual process is that when the first request is made for the JSP,
the server translates and compiles the JSP. This is known as translation at
request time.

Basic JSP Lifecycle

Once compilation is complete, the JSP lifecycle has these phases:

1. Loading and instantiation: The server finds the java class for the
JSP page and loads it into the Virtual Machine. After the class is
loaded, the JVM creates one or more instances of the page. This can

occur right after loading, or it can occur when the first request is
2. Initialization: The JSP page is initialized. If you need to execute
code during initialization, you can add a method to the page that will
be called during initialization.
3. Request Processing: The page responds to a request. After
performing its processing a response is returned to the client. The
response consists solely of HTML tags or other data; none of the java
code is sent to the client.
4. End of Life: The server stops sending requests to the JSP. After
all current requests are finished processing, any instances of the class
are released. If you need to execute and perform any cleanup actions,
you can implement a method that will be called before the class
instance is released.

Web Server

Request Request Request

JSP page
Response class
Client Response Response


When a client sends a request for a JSP, the web server gives the request to
the JSP container, and the JSP container determines which JSP page
implementation class should handle the request. The JSP container then calls
a method of the JSP page implementation class that processes the request
and returns a response through the container and web server to the client.

The first time a JSP is loaded by the JSP container (also called the JSP
engine), the servlet code necessary to implement the JSP tags is
automatically generated, compiled, and loaded into the servlet container.

This occurs at translation time. It is important to note that this occurs only
the first time a JSP page is requested. There will be a slow response the first
time a JSP page is accessed, but subsequent requests the previously
compiled servlet simply processes the requests. This occurs at run time.

If we modify the source code for the JSP, it is automatically recompiled and
reloaded the next time that page is requested. A lot of work is happening
behind the scenes, and you, the developer, are receiving the payoff, in the
form of authoring convenience. (The servlet engine will usually manage this
by making the generated servlet class expose a timestamp. Before each
request, this timestamp can be compared with the file systems modification
timestamp on the JSP file. Recompilation will be necessary only if the JSP
files timestamp is later than the classs timestamp.)

Translation unit: the JSP page and dependent files are together known as a
translation unit.


<%@ import=java.util.Date %>

Ther current time is <%= new Date() %>

The Nuts and Bolts:

There are three categories of JSP tags:
Directives :these affect the overall structure of the servlet that results
from translation, but produce no output themselves
Scripting Elements: these let us insert Java code into the JSP page(and
hence into the resulting servlet).
Actions : These are special tags available to affect the runtime
behavior of the JSP page. JSP supplies some standard actions, such as
<jsp:useBean>, which well cover later and we can write our own
tags, these custom actions are usually referred to as tag extensions or
custom tags.

JSP Directives:

JSP directives are used to set global values such as class declarations,
methods to be implemented, output content type, and so on, and do not
produce any output to the client. Directives have scope for the entire JSP
page; in other words, a directive affects the whole JSP page, but only that
page. Directives begin with <%@ and end with %>, and the general syntax
<%@ directivename attribute=value attribute=value %>

There are three main directives that can be used in a JSP:

1. The page directive

2. The include directive
3. The taglib directive

The page, include and taglib directives have these forms:


Page <%@ pge attributes %> < attributes />
Include <%@ include attributes %> <jsp:directive.include attributes />
Taglib <%@ taglib attributes %> <jsp:directive.taglib attributes />

You can down load complete list of attributes and their meanings in the JSP
specification from

See some attributes belongs to page directives below

Attribute Description
page Import To import packages into JSP page
Example: import=java.util.*,java.sql.*
Session The valid values are true or false. The
default value is true. If true, the page
participates in a session; otherwise not.
isThreadSafe If true the container can use the JSP for
multiple concurrent request threads. The
default value is true.
errorPage Path (url) of the web page that should be

sent to the clinet if an error occurred.

isErrorPage Whether the current page is an error page.
The default value is false.
cntentType Used to set the mime type the default value
is text/html for JSP-style JSP tags and
text/xml for XML style JSP tags.
include file Value is file name to be included at the
current position in the file. File can be any
HTML or JSP page
taglib uri Uri of the tag library directive (TLD)
prefix The prefix identifies a tag library

When u use include directive in JSP page the file is included when the page
is translated into its Java form.

Scripting elements:


Declaration <%! <jsp:declaration>declaration</jsp:declaration>
Scriptlet <% Scriptlet <jsp:scriptlet>Scriptlet code</jsp:scriptlet>
code %>
Expression <%= <jsp:expression>expression</jsp:expression>
expression %>


A declaration is used to declare, and optionally define, a Java vaiable

or a method. For example to declare a Vector in your JSP, you would use
one of these forms:

<%! Vector v=new Vector(); %>

<jsp:declaration>Vector v=new Vector()</jsp:declaration>

Any variable you declare within a declaration element becomes an instance

variable of the JSP page implementation class, and thus is global to the
entire page.

You can also declare and define methods within a declaration element:

<%! public int countTokens(String s)

StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
return st.countTokens();


<jsp:declaration> public int countTokens(String s)

StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
return st.countTokens();

Variables or methods in a declaration element can be called by any other

code in the page.

Scriptlets contain Java code statements. The code in the scriptlet
appears in the translated JSP, but not in the output to the client.

For example , to repeat the phrase Hello, World! ten times in the output
page, you could use this scriptlet.

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
Hellow, Wold!

Everything between scriptlet markers (<% and %>) is script code;

everything outside the markers is template data, which is sent to the client as
written. Notice that in the above example the Java code block does not need
to begin and end within the same scriptlet element. This allows you
complete freedom to mix Java code and HTML elements as needed within
the page.

Since scriptlets can contain Java statements, the following is a legal


Vector v=new Vector();
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _


Scriptlets cannot be used to diine a method; only declarations can be used
for that.
Variables declared in a declaration are instance variables of the JSP page
implemented class. But variables declared in a scriptlet are local to a method
in the JSP page implementation class.

Expressions are used to output the value of a Java expression to the
client. For example

The number of tokens in this statement is <%= countTokens(The numbe4r

of tokens in this statement is n) %>

Would result in the text The number of tokens in this statement is 9. Being
displatyed in the browser Here is the same expression using XML style:

countTokens(The number of tokens in this statement is n)

You can use standard HTML comments within the JSP and those
comments will appear in the page received by the client browser.

HTML comments:
<!-- this comment will appear in the clients browser -->
You also include JSP-specific comments that use this syntax:

<%-- this comment will not appear in the clients browser --%>

JSP comment will not appear in th page output to the client.

Template data:
Everything that is not a directive, declaration, scriptlet, expression, or
JSP comment (usually all the HTML and text in the page) is termed
template data.
Implicit objects:
request : HTTP request
response: HTTP request
out :Output Stream
session :HTTP session
config : to obtain JSP specific init parameters.
exception: exception object it only available with in error pages. It is the
reference to the java.lang.Throwable object that caused the server to call
the erro page.
application: this object represents the web application environment.
Used to get context parameters (application level configuration


Objects that are created as part of a JSP have a certain scope,a or

lifetime. That scope varies with the object. In some cases, such as the
implicit objects, the scope is set and cannot be changed. With other object
(JavaBeans for example), you can set the scope of the object. Valid scopes
are page, request, session, and application.

page: With page scope, the object is only accessible within the page
in which it is defined. (Objects with page scope are thread-safe)
request: With request scope, Object is available within the page in
which it is created, and within pages to which the request is forwarded
or included. (Objects with request scope are thread-safe)
session: Objects with session scope are available to all application
components that participate in the clients session. (Objects with
session scope are not thread-safe)
application: Objects that are created with application scope are
available to the entire application for the life of the application.
(Objects with application scope are not thread-safe)



<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<%= new Date() %>


<%-- This is my first JSP page --%>

<%@ page language="Java" import="java.math.*,java.util.*"
session="false" buffer="12kb" autoFlush="true" info="my page directive
jsp" errorPage="error.jsp" isErrorPage="false" isThreadSafe="true"
contentType="text/html" %>
<center><h3>Arithmetic Operations</h3>
<%! int a=10,b=20,sum; %>





<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<title>First Jsp Page</title>
<body background="back.gif" text=red>
<%-- out.prinln(new Date()); --%>
Todays date is<%= new Date() %>


<%@ page language="Java" import="java.math.*,java.util.*"

session="false" buffer="12kb" autoFlush="true" info="my page directive
jsp" errorPage="error.jsp" isErrorPage="false" isThreadSafe="true"
contentType="text/html" %>
<body background="back.gif" text=red>
<%! int a[]=new int[5];int a1,b,sum; %>
<center>Start Of The JSP page<hr>
<%! int sum(int a,int b)
{ return a+b; }
<center>Todays date is<%= new Date() %><br>
sum of 10,20= <%= sum(10,20) %><br>

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
out.println("Element in the Array<br>");
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
End Of The JSP Page<hr>




<body background="back.gif" text=red>
<center><b><font size=5>
<marquee behavior=alternate>Login Page
<form action="http://localhost:8888/login/login.jsp">
User Name:<input type=text name="uname"><br>
Password:<input type=password name="pwd"><br>
<input type=submit value="Login">
<input type=reset>


<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<body background="back.gif" text=blue>

<%! String name,value; %>
Enumeration names=request.getParameterNames();





<body background="back.gif" text=red>
<center><b><font size=5>
<marquee behavior=alternate>Enter Emp Details
<form action="http://localhost:8888/emp/emp.jsp">
<table bordercolor=green>
<td>Eno:</td><td><input type=text name="eno"></td>

<td>Ename:</td><td><input type=text name="ename"></td>

<td>Desig:</td><td><input type=text name="desig"></td>
<td>Sal:</td><td><input type=text name="sal"></td>
<td><input type=submit value="insert"></td><td><input


<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>

<body background="back.gif" text=maroon>
<h2>Error Page</h2><hr></center>
<%= exception %>


<%@ page import="java.sql.*" errorPage="error.jsp" %>

<%! Connection con;
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
PreparedStatement pstmt;
int count;
void close(Connection con)throws Exception

Connection open(String uname,String pwd)throws Exception

return con;


<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<body background="back.gif" text=blue>
<%@ include file="conn.jsp" %>
<%! String eno,ename,desig,sal; %>
out.println("Not Connected......");
pstmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into empDet values(?,?,?,?)");
int i=pstmt.executeUpdate();
out.println(i+" Row Inserted......");



<%! int a=10,b=20; %>
<%! int getSum()
return a+b;
int getDifference()
return a-b;
int getProduct()
return a*b;
int getDivision()
return a/b;
<font face="Georgia" color= "blue" size=4>
A is<%=a%><br>
B is<%=b%><br>
<font color= "green" size=4>
<%="Arithmetic Operations"%><br>
<font color= "maroon" size=4>
sum is <%=getSum() %><br>
Difference is <%=getDifference() %><br>
Product is <%getProduct() %><br>
Division is <%getDivision() %><br>



<b><center>This is First Page</b>


<h2><center>This is Second Page</center></h2>


<h2><center>This is Third Page</center></h2>




<%@ page language="Java" %>

<%! int count=0; %>
<jsp:forward page="/one.jsp"/>

<%}else if(count==2){%>
<jsp:forward page="/second.jsp"/>
<%}else if(count==3){%>
<jsp:forward page="/third.jsp"/>
<%}else{ %>

<jsp:forward page="error.jsp"/>

JSP Tag Extensions

Lets consider the <jsp:forward> standard action that is provided by

the JSP specification. This tag dispatches the current request to another JSP
page within the current web application. It can be invoked with the
following syntax:

<jsp:forward page=next.jsp>

We can also add additional parameters to the request before

forwarding it, by using a version of <jsp:forward> that has one or more
<jsp:param> tags nested within it:

<jsp:forward page=next.jsp>
<jsp:param name=image value=house.gif >

Tag extensions allow a vast range of new functionality to be added to JSP

pages and they can be invoked in an intuitive way, similar to the standard
actions. For example, we could create a tag named <wrox:forward>, specify
what attributes and sub-tags (if any) it requires, and implement it so that it
performs a custom action before forwarding the current request to a new JSP
page. Not only can such tags be added simply be added into a JSP page, they
encourage the separation of code and presentation, because the call is
decoupled from the class that implements the functionality associated with
the tag.

The key concept of tag extensions are:

Tag Name
A JSP tag is uniquely identified in a page by a combination of a prefix
(in this case jsp), and suffix(in this case forward), separated by a

colon. The prefix identifies a tag library (analogous to an XML

namespace) and the suffix identifies a particular tag in that library.
Tags may have attributes (which use XML attribute syntax). Our
<jsp:forward> tag has one attribute (page), while the <jsp:param> tag
has two (name and value). Attributes can be required or optional.
Tag extensions can detect nesting at run time and cooperate. A tag
directly enclosing another tag is the parent of the tag it encloses. In
our example, the <jsp:forward> tag is the parent of the <jsp:param>
tag. Any tag enclosing another tag, directly or more distantly, is an
ancestor of the enclosed tag.
Body Content:
The body content is anything between the start and end elements in a
JSP tag, excluding sub tags. A tag extension can access and
manipulate its body content.

Scripting Variables:
Tags can define variables that can be used within the JSP page in tag
body content or (depending on the scope of the variables) after the tag
has been closed. The <jsp: useBean> standard action is an example of
a tag that defines a scripting variable available throughout the
remainder of the JSP.

A Simple Tag:

Before we look at the tag extension API and the supporting

infrastructure in detail, lets implement a simple tag. The simplest
case is a tag without attributes or body content, which outputs some
HTML. And we will also add some dynamic content to prove that the
tag is working and doing something.

Well call our simple tag hello, and heres how we might use it in a
JSP page. The first line is a declaration used to import the tag library,
which we will discuss in detail later:

<%@ taglib uri=/hello prefix=examples %>

To implement the tag we need to define a tag handler (a Java class

implementing the tags functionality), and provide a tag library
descriptor. We can then import the tag library into any JSP page that
requires it.

The tag handler class must react to callbacks from the JSP engine
when it encounters tags in JSP pages at run time. The most important
of these callbacks are doStartTag (), which is called when the opening
of the tag is encountered, and doEndTag (), which is called when the
closing tag is encountered. The implementation of HelloTag is very
simple, as most of the work of implementing the custom tag is done
by the TagSupport superclass provided by the JSP API.

The TagSupport superclass is a convenience class provided in the tag

extension API. It already implements the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag

The doStartTag () method returns a value indicating whether or not to

evaluate any body content this tag may have. The legal return vales
are EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE (meaning to evaluate the tags body
content and any sub-tags) and SKIP_BODY (meaning tag contents
will be ignored):

The doEndTag () method will be called when the JSP engine

encounters the end of a tag implemented by this class. It returns a
value indication whether or not the engine should evaluate the
remainder of the JSP page. The legal turn values are EVAL_PAGE
(the usual case), and SKIP_PAGE.

The tag library descriptor, which well name hello.tld, maps the tag to
the tag handler class and defines the way JSP pages may interact with
the HelloTag class:

The tags suffix when used in any JSP must be hello, and its prefix is
example when imported into this JSP page. So to use the tag in a JSP
we should use <examples: hello>

Anatomy of a Tag Extension:

The minimal requirement to implement a tag extension is a tag

handler class and a tag library descriptor.

A tag handler is a JavaBean that implements one of three interfaces

defined in the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package: Tag, IterationTag, and
BodyTag. These interfaces define the lifecycle events relevant to a tag
and most importantly, the calls that the class implementing the tag
will receive when the JSP engine encounters the opening and closing

A tag library descriptor of TLD, which is an XML document that

contains information about one or more tag extensions.

An additional class may also be specified in the TLD that performs

custom validations of tag attributes. Of course, the classes
implementing a tag may use any number of helper classes, which will
also need to be packaged with the tag so that it is a complete
deployable unit.

Before tags can be used in a JSP, the taglib directive must be used to
import a tag library and associate the tags it contains with a prefix.

Tag Handlers:

When the JSP engine encounters a tag extension in a JSP page

at translation time, it parses the tag library descriptor to find the
required tag handler class, and generates code to obtain, and interact
with, the tag handler. The interface implemented by the tag handler
defines callbacks that the servlet (created from the JSP page) will
make to the tag handler instance at run time.

For performance reasons, JSP engines will not necessarily

instantiate a new tag handler every time a tag is encountered in a JSP
page. Instead, they may maintain a pool of tag instances, which can be
reused where possible. When a tag is encountered in a JSP page, the
JSP engine will try to find a Tag instance that is not being used,
initialize it, use it, and finally free it (but not destroy it), leaving it

available for further use. The programmer has no control over any
pooling that may occur.

Note: the JSP engine will not use an instance of a tag handler to
handle a tag unless it is free. After all invocations of the tag handler are
completed, the container will invoke the tag handlers release () method.
This will free any remaining resources and prepare the tag handler for
garbage collection. Many tags do not need to implement the release ()
method and can simply rely on the empty default implementation inherited
from the abstract super classes provided by the tag extension API.

The javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag interface

The Tag interface defines a simple interaction between the JSP engine and
the tag handler, which is sufficient for tags that dont need to manipulate
their body content or evaluate it repeatedly. Its core methods are the calls
received when the JSP engine encounters the tags opening and closing tags:
doStartTag () and doEndTag(). Before we look at the method contracts in
more detail, a sequence diagram helps to visualize the calls made to the tag
handler by the compiled servlet. Assume that the container already has a tag
handler instances available, and is in the default state:
Lets look at the messages in more detail:
The container initializes the tag handler by setting the tag handlers
pageContext property, which the tag handler can use to access
information available to the JSP page using it.
The container sets the tag handlers parent property. (The parent will
be set to null if the tag is not enclosed in another tag.)
Any tag attributes defined by the developer will be set. This is a
mapping from the XML attributes of the tag to the corresponding
properties of the tag handler bean. For example, in the case of a tag
invoked like this : <mytags:test name=john age=43 />, the
container will attempt to call the setName() and setAge() methods on
the tag handler. The container will attempt to convert each attribute to
the type of the corresponding bean property: for example, the string
43 would be converted to an int in this case. If the type conversion
fails, and exception will be thrown and must be handled by the calling
JSP page.
The container calls the tag handlers doStartTag() method and then the
doEndTag() method.

This message may not occur after all tag invocations. The container
calls the release () method. Tag handlers differ from page beans in
that their lifecycle is entirely independent of that of the JSP pages that
use them. Tag handlers must support repeated use before destruction,
possibly in a number of JSP pages. The implementation of the release
() method must ensure that any resources required during the tags
execution are freed. The JSP specification states that release () is
guaranteed to be called before the tag handler is eligible for garbage

int StartTag() throws JspException

This is called after the tag has been initialized, when the JSP engine
encounters the opening of a tag at run time. Its return value should be one
of two constants defined in the Tag interface: EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE,
which instructs thee JSP engine to evaluate both the tags body and any
child tags it has, or SKIP_BODY, which instructs the JSP engine to
ignore the body. This method can throw a JspException, (as will most of
the methods in the tag handler API WHEN AN ERROR CONDITION IS
DEPEND ON THE jsp page using the tag. Most JSP pages will use an
error page, so an exception thrown in a tag will typically abort the
rendering of the page.

int doEndTag()throws JspException

There are also a number of methods that relate to tag nesting, initialization
and reuse:
Tag getParent()
void setParent()

void setPageContext (PageContext pc) : setPageContext () is an initialization

method that makes the PageContext of the JSP available to the tag

void release()
release () is a call to the tag handler to release any resources, perhaps to
close a JSBC connection.
The javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag Interface: the IterationTag interface
has been added in JSP 1.2, and extends that Tag interface. It provides a
single new method that allows the tag to repeat the evaluation of the tag
body content:

int doAfterBody() throws JspException

doAfterBody () is called each time the tags body has been processed (where
doEndTag (() would have been cvalled in the case of an implementation of
the Tag interface). The valid return values of doAfterBody () are
EVAL_BODY_AGAIN and SKIP_BODY. A return value of
EVAL_BODY_AGAIN directs the JSP engine to evaluate the tags body
and any child tags again, resulting in at lease one more call to this method. A
return value of SKIP_BODY causes the processing ofbody content to
terminate, which can be used to conditionally loop through the tag content.

In JSP 1.1, it was necessary to use the BodyTag interface to perform

iteration. The introduction of the much simpler IterationTag interface is
good news, as the BodyTag interface introduces unnecessary complexity
i9nt the case of simple looping constructs.

Steps to create and use custom tags

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat


set the class path before compile the
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
Perform a server side action; uses 3 mandatory attributes
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat


write a file that uses this custom tag

In jsp-examples folder u write hello.jsp

Advanced JSP Topics:

1. Expression Language
2. Custom action
3. JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library)

Expression Language is developed to simplify expressions in a JSP. It

provides a way to use run-time expressions outside JSP scripting elements.
We can use EL expressions in scriptless JSP pages. Scriptless JSP pages are
those pages that, for whatever reason, are not allowed to use JSP
declarations, scriptlets, or scripting expressions.


Most of the usual operators available in Java are available in

Expression Language:

Arithmetic +,-,*,/,div,%,mod
Relational == and eq
!= and ne
< and lt
>and gt
<= and le
>=and ge
Logical && and and
|| and or
! and not
Other (),empty,[],.

Implicit objects: EL expressions also have implicit objects available to them.

Many of these implicit objects are the same implicit objects that are
available in JSP scriptlets and expressions.

The javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext object for the page. Can be used to
accesss the JSP implicit objects such as request, reaponse, session,out,etc.
for example, ${pageContext.request} evaluates to the request object for the
<jsp:useBean id=questions scope=page class=ch04.Questions>
<jsp:setProperty name=questions property=topic />



<%@ page import="java.util.*,*;" session="true" %>

${ 2*(4+3) }<br>
<jsp:useBean id="sm" class="smarket.SuperMarket"scope="page">
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="item" value="Rice" />
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="qty" value="50" />
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="price" value="1500" />

<h2> values of the bean </h2>



<%-- ${empty name} it checks whether name is empty or not --%>

<%! int a=20; %>
<% Vector vec=new Vector();

${empty someName}

<% session.setAttribute("address","vij"); %><br>



<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c_rt" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<head><title>JSTL EXAMPLE</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#716302 text=black>
<jsp:useBean id="sm" class="smarket.SuperMarket"scope="request">
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="item" value="Rice" />
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="qty" value="50" />
<jsp:setProperty name="sm" property="price" value="1500" />

<!-- get the properties of the bean -->

<h2>get the properties of the bean </h2>
<font face="Georgia" color="#wertty" size=3>
Item:<c_rt:out value="${sm.item}" /><br>
Quantity:<c_rt:out value="${sm.qty}" /><br>
price:<c_rt:out value="${sm.price}" /><br>

<!-- set the properties of the bean -->

<h2>set the properties of the bean </h2>

<c_rt:set target="${sm}" property="item" value="britania" />

<c_rt:set target="${sm}" property="qty" value="1" />
<c_rt:set target="${sm}" property="price" value="25" />
Item:<c_rt:out value="${sm.item}" /><br>
Quantity:<c_rt:out value="${sm.qty}" /><br>
Price:<c_rt:out value="${sm.price}" /><br>
<h2>if test</h2>
<c_rt:if test="${sm.item=='britania'}">
Yes it is Britania

<!-- for loop example -->

<h2>for loop example</h2>
<c_rt:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" step="2">
<c_rt:out value="${i}" />

<h2>Formating numbers</h2>
result in<fmt:formatNumber value="23.456" type="number"/><br>
result in<fmt:formatNumber value="23.456" type="currency"/><br>
result in<fmt:formatNumber value=".23456" type="percent"/><br>
result in<fmt:formatNumber value="23.456" type="currency"

Note: PLACE THE c.tld AND fmt.tld FILES in TLDS directory AND





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