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A Toucan pedestrian crossing:

Has black and white lines on the road

Has sensors that detects pedestrians on the crossing
Is activated by pressing a button
Allows cyclists and pedestrians to cross

What does an amber light mean on a traffic light?

Stop if you can
Get ready to go
Go if crossing is clear
Speed up

What is the national speed limit on a single carriageway?


The nearest that you can park to a junction is?

10 metres
12 metres
14 metres
16 metres

The lane in the middle of a motorway is used for?

The fastest cars
Cars that are directed in that lane
Emergency vehicles

You are about to join a dual carriageway. You should:

Join the dual carriageway and expect other vehicles to slow down for you
Give way to other vehicles on the dual carraigeway
Drive along the hard shoulder until it is safe to join
Speed up

What does a flashing amber light mean on a pelican crossing?

Go, as long as no one is wanting to cross
Go, as long as no one is crossing

What is the overall stopping distance at 30mph?

23 metres
33 metres
40 metres
44 metres

When traffic lights aren't working who has priority?

Traffic on the major road
Traffic going straight ahead
Traffic turning left

When driving in snow it is best to keep in as high a gear as possible. Why is this?
To leave a lower gear available in case of wheelspin
To help prevent wheelspin
So that wheelspin does not cause your engine to run too fast
To help you slow down quickly when you brake

Which pedestrian crossing has a flashing amber light as part of its traffic lights sequence?
Puffin crossing
Toucan crossing
Pegasus crossing
Pelican crossing

The driver behind dazzles you with their lights, you should:
Brake sharply to allow more space between you and the car behind
Adjust your mirror down so that you can't see the car behind
Set your mirror to anti-dazzle
Turn your rear fog light on to signal to the driver behind

At a Puffin crossing, what follows green?

Steady Amber
Flashing amber
Steady Red
Flashing red

The driver in front may have forgotton to cancel the right indicator. You should:
Wave at the driver out of the side window
Overtake carefully
Flash your headlights
Stay behind and not overtake

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