Application in Dynamic of Structures

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Project No: Project Name: ‘Dynamic of Structures: de Job Titles RC GB bill i Seetions Builder | Cales by: Hussein Rida Checked by Bir Eng. Hosein Rd Sheet of Date: September 2008, e@ Single Degree of Freedom Systems. 37°. Free vibration. System Forced vibrabion system Ty Unclumped system. Damped systew Yadampesl. system Damped. Systern AcE quction 08 motion « Ast + Free vibration undamped systen: (e=e) [ mip Ru ce An2: Free vibration damped System 1 MU +eUe kaso 434. Forced vibroction undawged System: mu 4 Ke PO) . Forced vibration chumpedl . system + MU CU Kb = POE) Be Mathematical. moolel : +e wey x nee m |= Pee) undamped.. system clamped. system peud je PCED Shear. Story. Freme. . r Hee dgme.cb adorns mu: Inertia force Dynamic Propeties: Cus Damping. Focce m: Lomped mass KU: Eldgte . force Ke shrFfness C+ Damping Fee): dynamic Load. Cirevlel tregvency a ve Zz Pervect, Project No Ll ———— Reinforced Concrete Sections Builder | Cakes by: Hussein Rida | Checked by: By: Eng: Hasse Rida Sheet: oF Date: September - 2008 &€ Free vibration Undampecl system 3 Le=43 be ude) im ee eee m x z Equetion 08, motion: me 4 kus assume: Gam) haw bso =p fucbd< A cswut 4 wt. Tnitiok conditions: at: tzo We) = Uy VO) = uy $ es UO she Ancoswe) 4B Sina)» Ub = -Aw.sinwt + Bw. coswt WW)2 Uys Aw. g 4 pwd => Project Not Hussein Rida Checked I ———— By Eig: Musnin Bid of Date: September - 2008 Ut). A cswt + Bonwt Az W B= vow E™ wt P “Equation of mations Uy, coswit + Saas 4 ¢4F ia ve ; a sinws He 3 cose Yew F F Ue) = $ [sina. cosut 4 cose.sin wt J OR ER aba Ps manimum. alynaimic oi splacemote RES Builder Project No Dynamic of Structures HusseinRida | checked by: of Date: September - 2008 e€ Forced vibration unclamped system 5>2 Reinforced Concrete Seetions Bullier dy Eng. Hussein Bile Pet)= Po. sinGt i m K « Epuation of motion: mu + Kh = fe. sin Bt ey wii s By sine 4 Response to harmonic Loading. fp ) Fevisd 08 harmonic Lead Sreguency of harmonic. heat em > Uz Ue +.Up U: Generel . Solution Uc. complementary Solution Up. Particular Solvtion lu, 2 A ws wt 4.6. smut] Ups ae sinet ---O ad. os Bt ot Cw). Sint a Cw 7) @ Ch-p?) .anwe +(e) 2. Bt ee + (S:n iat fe) RCS Builder Reinforced Conerete Sections Builder | Calcs by : Hussein Rida Checked by: By: Eog. Husteia Rise Sheet: of Date: September 2008 >(a= fe : kK I-p? Cie Te . sat Pee Tp U = U4 Up Ait) = A. cos wt + Besinwt 4 Bo 1 smet Fe Er. system starting from rest. condition i: tee: i Va) =0 U@)=0 Ubjro= Ly Bd + B Lg ie pe Wit) =-Aw-sinuil Bo. asat + % 1 a 7 -F UG)= -AW. b 4 Bwr t+ Bs. >. vce, FP smut Fe, Ke pe we Transient Respense Steady-Stalt Response Peeps ind eee Ue) = 2 —- Cain Wt ~ £. sin wt) by negle cting the term of tronsient. vespense ep Utd: fe, t. anaes ke 1p aE i i ml eo Lerolectn hy i Vj) [eroiect namex Dynamic of Structures Tob Tiler Reinforced Concrete Secttons Builder it Checked by: Bp! Eng, Hsia Ride Date: September -2000 2 Pynamic Respense Rocio: (Rd) uu) = 2 LL . smBt 1- p> Usage K S000 [wea fer 160) 3-Zeo%)-4} + 2 $-2.63~2o0n of +o = > = BIE 08 4 185017, 0? 25102 x 44 20 + oe 2700 1844 ~-p= 0/016.809 og 004 Bolh ¥ v 4 WE = 000.0, = N/0646 432 = 00/6535 ty = 2680816. ‘ 4 Wy 23,3264 vad/Sec (y= \0, 0426. vad/see Wz = 16,0649 radsec 7 4 The $s = 3889 Sec Toe Re 6257 Sec cat 39M. See 2 Determination of maximum. response acceleration: OBc-94 response spectia function Eao3-4 aso Sg Gve03 4 e 25-Ca cons Ty = BL = ort Sec a Co. Te 29,275 = 08. Sec. we TS a5 +981 = 1,558. m/sec® on $869. 275 —> Says fea Taz 06254715 —p Sag = i +981 = 4 F085 m/sec? ae Se T3=0139i X13. #> To Sag =. FECA. = 5X0) 3X99) = F35 45 mt /sec~ bas Hussein Rida Kaa @ Project No Bu ‘Conerete Sections Butter | Cales bi ‘Checked by: By: Eng: Havoc Ride Sheet: Date: October-2008 © Determination oF made. shapes: Le & mode. shape C4) + = 0001844 > Whe Wy 0648 Ck-uP mil {Bh -foh wv 10894. -12006 ° Set -|Ze0e 22340 12000 Re ° = 'Z000 15787\ |B, 0 oo go 8 10 B94.x(1) — 2000 Cai). 4 ©C&g) 20. ~p 4), = 0 9078 ° ~ 32000 CO,2) 4+ IS FBFC4,3) 20 phys = % 6900. v 1 4 fa . saves | 96906 9048 6300 toes mode shape C2)+ X22 0.016809. —» WF 2409 85.35 ee Lic wh.) fB f= fog 1 191465 —1Z000 ° 12449) ° ~I2000 884, 9F ata | | ex zo 271596 ° nacre... 21907 L dye © ~0/882, '91465. Ct) ~ 12000 Chaz) =o ~» $a2= 0/1596 © \Ze0e (27) ~ 2040/71 (32) <0 9 bgz-2.— 07 BBZ0 {2} = ede. Shape (2) 1596 0 8820 t By: Hussein Rida KEA RES Builder = Reinforced Conerete Setions Butaer | Cakes by: Hussein Rida | Checked byt Eyring Hescin Ride shee Date: _Octaber 2000 Lp* mode shape 3): 3 =. 0450l4.. > WZ = 258, 0816 [- wm -§85f = fo = 13 808,16 -\2000 ° dg-1 ° 12000 ~MF12,25 -\Z000 tog--[ =) 0 ° ~ Zoos -33 616; $33 ° 13.08/16 Ct) ~ 12000153 = 0 > bag 2 —115e% © ~ soe +a 4 - 33616, 33- ag <0 ~> dyq = + 0/4108 +t : 7 +4 {Sf = 41507 oy 4108 W507F $27 4108 © Conclusion..0§. Pynamic.. Properties. matrices: eae lSepace) W008 1200-1200. 0 me |: Soo | 5 Zev 2horo 12000 28. an © -nr2000 18000 & $3 1 T 4 B= | opas 1596 ~ve| 2, 6900 0/8820 4108 W0648 38264 48889 ts gW&= were 3 Ts | sseef 258,0B16 16,0649 39 By: Hussein Rida K 8A a) CC ———— Reinforced Concrete Seetions Builder | Calesby: Husseinrida | Checkedby? By: Eng. Hasse Bid sheet Date: October 2000, He. Determination of medol excitation. veetors i : Le Gm. {ip.< a whee: n= number 0% mede shapes. in for. mede shape cn): i‘ bn eg, meet, mode C4) + Ly = WoxXt) + 180 lo, 9078) 4.200 (0/69) = 3th IF BHAT mede (2)1 Lz 510204) + 150 Co/1596)+ Zeo (-4 882) = suis he | “sot node (3): 13 =. loold) + 150 C-LIS0#). 4 200 Corhie8) = 9/55 556 se Determination of generalized modal mass matric: + ~My oo n Mic Sim. & = 0 Maen en |= ween 60 My ” Mn = 2 mz. of ni number of mede shape a mode 62).:. Mg = 10061)" + 150 Coy 1896) %+ 200(~0/882) = 259,4 | mode (4) 1. Myz 1o0c1)® 4 1500, 3098). 200C/ 6% 318,84 318, 84 Me [ee mode C8) 1 M3x 190C1)* + 150 -\1509)%4 200 C0,4108\*= 332/34 332/34 te Modal farticipating mass ratios for mode on”: mpmr, = Ltn eee Is ma arm Zi. = 00 41504200 = 460 mpmren mpmrcnels. = SsnbreF 3684. 9758% G1. 9%,58% 2 @ 2, 36 %o mpmeenz2) = [65d 12544] /450 = 236% | 1. mob % mpmr Cne3) = £ (9786)"/ a32,0% 1/480 = o106 Yo Za 0% ok By: Hussem Rida K&A © Builder einforced Concrete Sections Builder Colcs by: Hussein Rida | checked by: By Ene Bisse ite sheets of Date: October-2008 #e. Modal displacement: Une. by. MO, San. 0 ae mode ca): \ e165. Us.s coo. See aI oe 2 ar | Ne gb9o \ 884 NWe64 eA Ly mode (2): ’ ~ 2) 0094 Ua =f 91596 | BAKE, 7035 {see 5 0892) 75941 S90855: 90083 lL» mode 63) 1 2,000 82; Use )-1507 7 28S, 738% = ) pon 94 el 38087 288,086 | os oyn 34 Re. Maximum. Story. osplacemert As. yer. .SRSS methed, 7 Umar 2/202 = |. U2, Us a ¥G/168)%. (01009494 loro008D™ 216526 Uanx = ieealitcnere tetera (opNBo)* + (-0, 0018)" + (-0, 000.94) ei5ool meter 2 ¥ @04)*+ (e0088)%+ Co, 00034) OMW4302, By: Hyssem Rida KA Project No, Project Name: Dynamic of Structures WY) Fron ‘Concrete Sections Bullder. ‘By: Eng. Hussela Ri Sheet: of Res Builder a #e Modal Story elastic. force: Fame &- sy for mode ni. the. elastic force at evel 2” given by: Ly = i poe 2S mi Dye ha Sa, mede cd): mec ost tee ale Fy = toon ABU 58 = 182,837 ew Fay = 160%, 9078 K OL. = 248,969 xn 252/35 Kv. ‘B= 200% 0/690 Xo medec: B ede cay. SL Fuze too xi x C6246/289,4)x4, 4035. = 95,118 KY 2-22, 78 kav Aaya 150Koi596 x op 2 $37 = 200% (882) % 6 = MOE FER KV mode Cad: fis= toed). .6)56/33739) DUNbZ Ke. fog =. 150, C-VIS0%) + % 3-36 52%. KV Page Ze0-Co,4/08)- % = (7,387 KV em e26a% 256 21/162 248,969 2275 36/527. 16s 252,215 are 17,387 mode C4) modec2) mode (3) KGA By: Hussein Rida Reinforced Concrete Sections Builder | Calesby: HusseinRide | Checked by Ri © nailing Gs ere ES Builder = By: Eng. Hussey Ride heat: of Date: October-2008 Ke Medal Btery Sheowr + a Story shear of, Level J given bys Ny < Zz te En 9518 12937 z 2y162 421806 WH 889 18/865. S54 121 44,899 wore mode 4) wmode ¢2) mede¢3) 182,037 9518 +2162 Ws J 43,806) S Vg ca S N32 4-15, 365 684/12) 449,899 4022 #e Maximum ster? shear as per SRSS method: ieee (Z-4"- iy? ee Vinax = § £31,806)" 4 C09, 8694. 6 gaefl (= (44s, ans [cea4ian® + (49, 899% C2) 0225] 685, 941 95 [us2,85%%, c-95,116)"4 211628 ie 20%, 183 “n 207/183 eo 4G, B73 WV 685, 941. WV = mont = By: Hussein Rida UK GA) mae Res ‘Bul Ider Project Name Dynamic of Sacre a) P| ae wey) ‘Reinforced Concrete Sections Builder | Cales by : Hussein Rida] Checked by = an Seeeei rier taser Baber oooe Ke modal Story eveturnina mament + Story- evertuming, moment at. Level (4) given by: >, » (abet Mie ECHR 4 ao eC hy- hy) By bin > Feary wi 85 hg) L 92857 9518 > 21 162 Bm 246069 2B FL 368 a 6%, 262315, ion res yaar ain 1 548,51 285,36 a £3,486 1845.94 ! £39.02 435) 38%6,292 489,24 281454 mM, Mog. Mog Ke maximum story- overturning. moment as per SRES metheds ‘S [05 46,5103 e288, 364%, oo 62,546 2} [1945929 6639,00F4 nse] =. (1951,596( katm os 103856, 20034 C489, 3045 (03,4641 3926,968 By: Wusem Rida _Giegad ®

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