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Four Questions for Expository Writers

"The writing of exposition begins . . . in an understanding of the broad purposeto be

achieved. It begins, like all composition, in the writer's head. Even before he sharpens his
pencil, the expository writer must ask himself four questions:
1. What specific point do I intend to make?
2. Is it worth making?
3. For whom am I writing?
4. How can I best convey my point to my readers?

good grammar and correct spelling will save him . . .. Deciding upon reader
"Once the writer has determined what point he intends to make, his composition is
already half organized, if not completely planned. The writer has already saved himself
himself and his reader in the thickets and bypaths of his subject. With his reader in mind
(Thomas S. Kane and Leonard J. Peters, Writing Prose: Techniques and Purposes.
Oxford University Press, 1993)

The Far Side of Exposition: Info-Dumps and Expository Lumps

"Info-Dump. Large chunk of indigestible expository matter intended to explain the
background situation. Info-dumps can be covert, as in fake newspaper or 'Encyclopedia
and lectures. Info-dumps are also known as 'expository lumps.' The use of brief, deft, is
worked unobtrusively into the story's basic structure, this is known as 'heinleining.'"
(Bruce Sterling, "A Workshop Lexicon." Paragons: Twelve Master Science

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