The Number Thirty: Testing and Trials

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The Number Thirty

This is a number that is associated with sorrow or fasting. It represents

affliction as Aaron was mourned for 30 days (Numbers 20:29) as was Moses
(Deuteronomy 34:8), and Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
(Matthew 27:3-5).

The Number Forty

This number is clearly a number that is associated with testing and trials.
For example,
it rained 40 days and 40 nights during the flood (Genesis 7:4),
Israel wandered for 40 years in the Wilderness for their disobedience and
unbelief (Numbers 14:33),
Moses went up into the clouds on Mount Sinai and was there 40 days and 40
nights, and
most importantly, Jesus was in the Wilderness for the great temptation and
fasted 40 days and 40 nights before He was tempted of Satan (Matthew 4:2).
You see many applications of the number 40 in the Bible but it is almost
always associated with severe trials and a time of testing.

The Number Fifty

This number is significant to the Jews. It is the year of Jubilee when liberty
was proclaimed to those who were indebted to others, for those who had
been forced to sell themselves into slavery for their inability to pay their
debts, and when land and property was returned to their original owners
(Leviticus 25:10). The Feast of Pentecost was also celebrated on the 50th
day after Passover (Leviticus 23:15-16) and was the day that the church of
Jesus Christ was founded (Acts 2). It is significant that it was 50 days after
Jesus Christs resurrection that the Holy Spirit came to those in the church
for the first time. Prior to this the Holy Spirit, like in the Old Testament,
was with certain people, but at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit could actually
dwell within the believers.

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