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Alchemy & Chapter 1: Basics of Alchemy... Alchemy at its d20 Basic How Alchemy Can Be Learned and Taught The Essentials Alchemical Processes Alchemists’ Activities Chapter 2: "Saragun’s Alcheminary” Tors Vhurinness The Castle Grounds i The Staff and Faculty 1 Real World Alchemy i Syllabus Alchemicus The Black Alchemist The White Alchemist The Red Alchemist PC Students of Alchemy Chapter 3: Basics of Herbalism. Herbalism at its 420 Basic The Essentials Whats the Difference? Growing Herbs Harvesting Herbs Preserving Herbs Creating Herbal Concoctions Chapter 4: Tarasta’s School of Herbalism .. “The Campus. m4 Creation Times B Lead Desigocr Steven Schend Additional Design ‘Charles W. Plemons Il, Daniel M. Perez, Joha D. Frenzel Jon Keene, Kevin Ruesch, and Michael Thibaul Lend Editor Aaron Rosenberg Creative Director Jim Butter Art Director Todd Morasch "geminal pst Herbalists Table of Contents The Staff and Facull 3 Learning the Craft 26 PC Students of Herbalism 2% The Ta Crisis C Tarastan Apothecary Chapter 5: Herbal Cataloj Herbal Definitions Herbal Template The Herbs Chapter 6: Knowledge & Development New Feats in Alchemy & Herbalism What if 1koow about....2 Who Makes What? ‘atalog Herbala y Alchemica Herbalist Catalog Te Herbal Rest Toxins & Poisons 7 Catalog of Wonders 39 Appendix One: Monsters. Alchemunculus Erlmantle. Kin o' the Green (Template) Appendix Two: The Feats Table. Additional Artwork Ginger Kubic and Kevin Wasden Typesetter Jonh Gilets Plagtesters Horst Barry Chap mn. Cynthia Hahn Dan Patt, Daniel Wiederecht, Dazren Goddard, Dave Walsh, David Brown, David Shearer, Debbie Brown mn McNaughton, Dwayne Vey, Gary MacPherson, 9 Moss, Greg Klberger. Greg, Tucker, Jenny Rar Jim (Kippo) Kelly, Jou Ruesch, Josh Hubbel, Keith Polster, Kelly Lamont, Kevin Ruesch, Lawrence J Ramitez, Mark Plt Michal (Dolf) Szule, Olivia M Woodward, Paul Connolly Ramona Hubbell, Randall Wert, Rob (The Weasel Rob Brine, Robert N. Emerson, Russell (Berserker ‘Shane Wyatt, Shawn “Duke” Duguet, Skeeter G Steve C ‘Steven Creech, Tim Hatied Troy Elis Chapter 1: Basies of Alchemy Basics of Alehemy Alchemy at its 420 Basic . ‘ - eo Chapter 14 The Gonerie Alchemist This work assumes that general alchemist. with a few ranks in alchemy —i # self pone ofthis book —to show how far chymical knowlege reaches Sha what specialists and those commited to the alchemical Ste-ras opposed to mere dabblerscan really do. ‘While itis possible to add a few bits of alchemical knowledge to any character and allow them the basics mentioned above. alchemy is more than simple knowledge. Alchemy leads ta greater understanding of the world and the universe and all ife and matter within i I's.a way of life fully embraced and made a life's work and focus. That's how the prestige classes in Chapter 2 approach alchemy ~it's not just another thing fora wianrd or ranger to Tear so much as. fnew philesopiny and perspective on life. “oviously, thisapproach i problematic froma game play perspective ‘The other player characters can't simply il Proc while Argus fakes six years to immerse himself in Stadies at Saragun's Alcheminary. That's unreasonable for an Sdventure game. What this book presents is every facet of Sichemy arn herbalism, in alternating chopters) so thatthe CMtand players can either build acharacter who uses the Basis ‘reat one who embraces every aspect of alchemy possible. ITyoo've gota character who dabbles i alchemy (ading ranks tery few loves or 30) he probably knows the names of some Famous alchemists (he. the creators of the named items in Chapter 7 oF Hsted within the glossary of Appendix One) though whether he's familar with thet theories and studies s (questionable Those are the only difference between an alchemist built strictly from the core books (ke. the core Alchemy skill) and ‘ne developed with this book—the level of detail and the ‘Sptions for role-playing Just remember —if t's inthis book, hens an eae i but there no guarantee that they know Ait the details and minutia and knowledge available unless fledged prestigeslass characters in their felt of they’te study How Alchemy Can Be Learned and Taught Alchemists nour world learned by tril and error. ef-Aenching, from books, and perhaps some overlap with the burgeoning sciences of theie days, Alchemy can be learned that way in D20 ‘rorlds as weil simply by taking 2 rank or three in Alchemy wtith no farther study of additional feats. Thats one way to earn the hermetic arts haphazard and incomplete though it than be (and such characters can only work with the limited [DCsand substances noted inthe core books). 1a alchemy brut it's barely scratching the surface ofthe art's potential. I's Aichesny as a hobby MN more effective method is to find a mentor —another ‘who will train you in the alchemical arts. (This Sometimes eccurs among wizards, who beseech the local Uichemist to teach them some mysteries in exchange for feciprocal information or magics) While this stil reflects the ‘pte usc of the Alchemy skill an its tanks, having. teacher todieect and correct) one's stdien ands some focus to learning ichemy. Also, assuming the mentor has the feats, the stulent Slchemist can gain directed knowledge on specific substances and materials by learning some ol the alchemical orherba item Creation feats, The student is, however, limited to the feats known by the teacher "A third way, and one discussed at length in Chapter 2, is to find « schoul where alchemy is taught. Learning alchemy from a varity of other alchemists isthe most comprehensive trethod. The learning is orpaniaed to indoctrinate the student to life as much as a future trade {or nubstil lo one’s wizardry) Wt also provides the broadest (Stances for alchemists to focus their stuties on a path toward cidcrstanding some great universal and material secrets, tehether they choose to embrace the paths toward immortality Wr those toward perfection of matter. Only this thd method roves acexs fo the major works and pAllosophies that ead Bethe Create Greater Alchana feat and its products—the Five Stones and the Elixir of Life ach into alchemy a8 an approac ‘Most campaigns wil use alchemists in the background — NPC Experts stho know their way around an alchemical la. For the most part this is the standard sort of alchemist in Sainpalgat a nonadventuring thinker who creates spell Components and various and sundry creations for use by ttdventures and monarchs alike Tool a the limitations and strictures of the NPC Expert class to determine just how powerful an alchemist you'll be Sle to generate for your games. Unlike the generic skilldriven Slchemist Experts can and may adopt the alchemical Hem Creation feate within this book, provided their skills and lies meet the prerequisites. ‘As noted above, being a professional alchemist is mo commitment, and it requires that you have # mento teacher fora feast part of your education. The main distinc bbetoeen professionals and amateurs isthe knowledge of alchemical em Creation feats ‘OF course, any PC wh chooses to take the prenequis skill ranks in Alchemy can acquire the new Item Creation feat, However, it unlikely they'l choose to do so, given all the highly specialized and useful adventuring-type feats they an takcinstead That’swhy a PC with a profession as an alchemist fea rare thing, unless we've sceing a retired adventurer. Alchemy as a Catling Finally, those who truly see alchemy on the grander scale—as ' philosophy and «calling to another i nd all the study and knowledge it entails. These folk can be highly neused NPC Experts with few skills ouside of alchemical training, but more likely they're characters using. one of the theee alchemist prestige classes Stull, aeceptng the call of the Hermetic Arts a tough decison for many adventurers “The eiucation ofa true and folly-educatedakhemist co only froma dedicated schoo! of alchemy and a commitmnent to the arts through the adoption of ane of the prestige classes This ra viable and powerful option by which you can expand your Pes powers and abilities, but i is time-consuming and Totty, sine the experiences (and XP) have to come from Certain amount of laboratory work and experimentation, not (guing off adventuring, Afterall, savinga kingdom is admirable, Et docen't help vou gain the understanding of immortality the spirits of all matter, or how to hurdle that last step to creating a Mystics Stone Attitude and Role-Playing Just like it can among magic-users, the existence of {pecialization muaddies the waters a bit for those notin the how. Kel the warsior might consider Praan an alchemist being able to identify a potion, but Praan is considered a halt witted ol salesman by ame ofhisneighborsin the Akhemists Guild In short the stratification of knowledge leads to a similar stratification and vocal stigmatization based on the level of Tt happens in magec alchemical knowledge one bi Speclalist wizards touting their superiority of spell SBemmon mages. and mages doing the same to sorcerers ‘Alchemists con act similarly, sneering at those who dabble i> ‘lchemy while they’ve learned the secrets of unguents and toxins Likewise. a Black Alchemist can show off his Philosopher's Stone and show them all that he's superior for having unlocked the great arcana ofall alchemist, ‘This is the part that we most often forget In our roleplaying schoo! rivalries and the judgements based on ‘deat ‘There should be an elitisn among those who know far more about alchemy than those who've just learned the bhsie skills and how to make tindertwig It also allows you ae aDM tohave internal argumentsamong equals snd NPCS. thei differing philowophies as Black and White Alchemists Sparking feucs and wors that can keep the PCs busy for ages. MRilor school rivalries Fllshow you Saragun’s Alcheminary ‘next chapter (and Tarasa’s School of Herbalism in Chapter =). fe Chaptet-s , Basics of Alchemy Salt Knows.” Whether yo of Alchemy. an Exp 1h his ranks als of Basic Abilities As expected, all alchemists nee! t al, at any rank upto ther clam and leveldsiven maxiznun These alchemists Rave the innate ability to separate subst nalyze them srices th least the Alchemy fewmbine and ind out what the uninitiated an sin rethan this (and anything peyond the immedi page 63) requirescither ter Creation feats or prestige clases, both of which take Your alchemist well beyond “basi abit are, and to eres Basic Equipment The core hooks generically hump ak single Alchemists Lab ( fine forthe hobbyist orf lite, how nv more about what you! working with heyord poles, and a miscellany of chemicals and Alchemists’ Kit, Traveling: Th provides the alchem on the fly. This is manwatory Feat (sce Chapter 6 id solvents are tit asa Healer rant forthe distillation aod separation of liquids i of the pear shaped curcurbit or holdin py a screw-on venting hood. Various tubes attach tothe hood and empty is heated vapors into a waiting receptacle Alembics oor metal stands laboratories carry thee two required are in the Alch Alchemist’ Kit Aquas: Defined more fully later (see Chapter 7— CChymicals) each alchemists lis comes with fe urce. Most ‘or four alembics, though the minimal placed over a hea! aqua permanens, and aqua vite making most simple conce hhon-travelin Balance & Seales: Necessary for accurate measuring of and amounts, these stee! or bronze balancing 5 {also called merchants’ scales in the PH) provide precise clings from 1/12 02. to 60 pounds. At Heast one of these 1 necessary for a complete laboratory, though they do not come traveling alchemists’ abs Base Chymical: The bare minimum o is provided ineach Alchemists Ki each ofa handful of chymical -stocked with about 10 ar-of each ‘Braziers: Each la comes with one a beaker or bottle and one m itself. Brariers can be l harcoal, depending on the size and de ames need forthe work Burettes & Pipettes: A highly specialized p slassware, buretter are thin glass tultes blown int books). The labs come cylinders an graduated by alchemists and glaziers for exaet measurements from 1/10. qunce wp to afull ounce. One comes Witheacl laboratory (complete with acork stopper and a stand ‘which to rest) but never withthe kit. For fully stocked Tab ready for all emergencies, three burettes would not be tunreasonable, ‘Corks: Each lab comes with two-score corks of various sizes to stopper any containers. (rom glass Vials and beakers 10 ‘cerauicjare The it simply secures every bottle and jar witha simple cork stopper. The specialized corks have holes drilled inthem so tubes and coil can be connected to heated beakers lems for distillations ‘A porcelain ot ceramic vessel in which things cs, A large ana small crucible Cupel: This sa shallow, porous heat-resistant vessel used toseparate precious metals from more base elements, usally within an even or kiln but sometimes directly over a braziet brcrucibie Cupels are used commoaly fr silver refining, but alchernists ue them in many operations. One comes with the Kit Ugo of graduated sizes come in the Tab, and most fully locked laboratories have a least five Distilling Cail: While technically glassware, this specialized piece of equipment allows vaporous condensation ‘Vapors rise from a cricibe or alembic into the coll, ana those ‘vapors condense back into new lg by radiating away heat asthe vapor moves down the coil to collect in condensation beaker, ‘Glassware: Each laboratory comes complete with smal medium, and large pleces of glassware. two each (small and [ange) ofthe following types —beokers, tubes, las jar, botles, and cups. The first three types tend to be clear or at least translucent, but the cups are dark opaque glass to protect what they hold from the suf. A fall ab prefers atleast four of each ‘ype ‘Kiln o¢ Oven: Iron ovens and charcoalhented oeramic ilns are a necessity, and the small oven provided withthe alchemists lab s enough to make one potion or subwtarice at 3 time. Kilns are necessary forthe creation of powers and the higherend alchana, and youl probably want much larger ‘oven than the minimum. ‘Mortar and Pestle: These crushing implements of stone wood. or ceramic areas necessary as the individual chymicals, fiving the alchemist an object in which to crush and combine {ngredients for compounds and whatnot. A small hand-sized ‘mortar and pestle comes inthe kit with one slightly larger in the basi lab. Many alchemists find it useful to have two if nly wo give their apprentices constant work grinding things. ‘Protective Clothes: While not provided in the kit or the lab, isa good idea to havea numberof aprons, herchies gloves while working, These protect you and your r lothes fram any’ alchemical mishaps. Retort: This pass alemibic is mate of single piece of glass, molded or blown wit seilable openings at both ends: Like the standard alembic, i's used for distillation of liquids, Unfortunately, we don't have the space or the knowledge to doa fll catalog ofall the possible chymicals solvents, and substances that might be found among an alchemist’ things 1A good rule of thumb if you or your players need or want Something specific in the lab (especialy sf its forthe sake of the game) is that it's there—provided it could have been | prepared by medieval methods (no plutonium or argon er things that require more advanced technology 4 isolate, ‘derity and use) Basie Philosophy Whale going into the deep philosophies spouted by Paracelsus for Roger Bacon of others would take pages, there are #0 busi Beliefs that all alchemists have adhere 0 ‘Alchemists always sock theultimate perfection and purity of matter In our world, easter alchemists sought that goal in personal purification and perfection immortality via the Elixir of Life chemists sought material perfection and the Philosopher's Stone and its ability to tum lead to gold + Gold, silver, and other precious metals were ‘ae “pure forms” and were the goals fed to make from baser metals + Allmatter is inherently the same atthe basic levels Scan be transformed or altered cosmetically For more philosophical discussions of alchemy, check out the books in the bibliography’ on the Bastion Press website For our purposes here, these three basic eas encompass the lines upon which we build new advanced d20 rules for alchemy, Alchemical Processes Regardless of how one lear alchemy, there are elementary fents of knowledge that all alchemists share, This Knowledge (at least in our world) formed some of the underpinnings for scientific theory and our basic ‘understanding of how our world and matter work While there fare other, more arcane procestes with far more adventurous results, chemists news fo understand the fundamentals before faking ther fist steps toward making elixirs. The following thods are used for every alchemical goal, from identifying some substance to creating an Emerald Tablet Exactly which [processes go into the makings of which substances left u the DM. The following explanations should give DMs descriptive hooks for players and their characters when tetering an alchemists shop ar when they/re trying to create ‘Something themselves. “Throuighout history alchemists have argued over corganization of alchemical processes, each alchemist publishing tis ideas of which steps led to the prima materia, oF “first matter” from which all matter forms (also known as the Philosopher's Stone), Many said seven procestes were crucial while others said twelve, and Linked the process to the {strological zodiac. Since no two teats agrew on the proper Series, the base processes are organized alphabetically for ease Of definition and use Absorption Gases and vapors liquids canbe purifies by filtration. Most fiten, prepare chresecoths treated with charcoal and some tons (or sometimes dry) help filler out impurities—any Eontainante are lft bebind onthe charcoal and the cle. fpunfving the vapors for condensation and ws. These firs Sr swally placed in glass plobes within the distilaton tube ‘nd the press performed under pressurized and slated anditions. Other methods of absorbing impurities out of ‘spor and gases include forcing them to bubble up or trough 2 igo dened to remove particulates and vontaminants Assation Waxy substances, unguents, and compounds are often subjected to asation to purify oF isolate key components of tmaterials. The material fs acraped or placed into. heat lass ‘ressel and dried over hot ashes of atthe edge of a braziee It ‘an oven is available the material is more evenly and cleanly ‘cooked and reduced to erystals and dust in an oven Caleination Alchemists use calcination to overheat a metal or other hard solidand reduce tte a fable, powdered material This process Sllows them to purify metals and reduce them to workable forme without losing thee innate merits or usefulness. This also causes many metals and substances to take on least a different state—drips out of the coll and collects in a breaker or another container. Insuration This stage requires the alchemist o saturate a substance with Fiquids of various kinds (depending on the need and process athand) inorder to disolve it In some works, insuraton helps purification ofa substance. Another typeof insuration saturates the substance with a desiccant (such as salt) and thoroughly the process of sublimation. ly then fst as quickly condenses and return the vaporized solid toa diferent solid form. Very often aches nd porcelain eetoets to withstand the great temperatures, and pack ke (or use cooling mages) around the disilaion coils to swiftly reduce the temperature of the vapor to liquid and back again to sli Alchemists’ Activities [Now that you'se been shown what the alchemist has in his ab and what he does with it what does it all mean? In the game world sense what can an alchemist do every day, whether you PGsarearound.rnot? What's the typical daily activity of Mat the Alchemist? Component Preparation The most obvious and commion expectation of alchemists i 420 worlds is their creation and preparation of ma ‘components. Every alchemist worth his salt learns how to prepare, collet anid preserve spell components, whether he fever uses them or not. This is ane of the comerstanes of an alchemists trade, especially he lives in a city and is the ifliated supplier of s mage's guild. In recent centuries, alchemists verse in spelleraft and necessary ingredients ponents, the DM 30 ‘chooses, spell components could be more alchemical for your d use powders and gels and dered bones. This fs ‘optional, but it does make the alchemist and hie skills more Useful to thore games (not to mention making it ess disgusting to shake hands with a wizard after a spell battle). adopted the cons of material spell components might be raised from negligible ad unlisted to perhaps 1cp/spell level chemists continue, on all d20 worlds, to perfect spell ‘components (for their own use of forsale). Meas for further ‘expansion could be alchemically enhanced spell components that work lke Metamagic feats to boost or reduce effects and soforth. These plans are the future of alchemy in many worlds, and coold change many mote things, fom simple colors to types of damage ing the spells area of effect. After all, even alchemists need some pure research and altering spells merely by changing components is achallenge they want tothe on Analysis & Ident Every now and again, people ced mysterious substances ‘dentfed and that san urwung talent ofthe alcheenist. Withe ‘ignificanily depleting the item's effect or impact (inthe cae of a potion or other consumable substance), alchemists ean nalyze magical substances and (i they're capable of making, in) identity them for clients ‘Bear in mind that this applies only to an alchernist tll [PCs what the item is made of (in the case of many miagic tem). although he ean fully identify any tems an alchemist ‘an create: In fact even if he cannot crete such ai item, his basic training in alchemy taught him what many (tems and pptions should look ike or how they should react. Hower if you've given an alchemist something new you might find someone willing to take the Hem off your hands—and there's another adventure in unscrupulous chemists giving clients fake potions after analysis, and keeping the real samples to study and possibly duplicate The DC for analyzing an unknown rubstance, whether it's to kdentity the type of metal in'a sword or the sail that's dripping off the blade, is based on ts rarity and power levels {using the core system standard of minor. medi, and tar Heme} ‘© very alchomist who his learned about potions can ‘automatically identify all potions by taste, even before noting any effects of the potion. The ‘dentification of potions by an alchemist a DC 25 without doing more than tooking atthe bottle and {ts contents, DC 20 with smelling. and DC 13 by tasting (the taste f too small to retuce the potion by any discernible amount) + The klentifcaton of unknown minor items ‘nommagica inorganic substance) isa DC 2 ‘+ Theidenticationof unknown medium items (or any snonmagical organic substance) isa DC 30 ‘+ The identification of unknown major items (or any ‘magical substance) is DC 40, Distinguishing what craft or crestor mae an (Le. wizard-made of alchemist-made, etc) i 40 + Reverse-engineering an item taking an existing pption or tem. breaking it down to compares, and studying its structure—reduces the DC for future Creation of said item by -5 (though this process destroys the analyzed sample), DC Other Common Deeds ough the two activities mentioned above are the mest mon interface between player characters and NPC alchemists these people regularly perform other tasks for themselves and for non-adventuring customers ‘+ Alchemists prepare and make many substances that ‘we take for granted, but which are in large demand among the commoners. If it cannot be found in fatureand is not necessarily made by omigic, chances are i's made by an alchemist. They can prepare glues, inks, clothing dyes, paints, and all sors of ‘other mundane items, Other craftsmen can make such things also, but alchemists can charge mo higher quality workmanship (especially the the related Craft ski and chase to make it with Alchemy instead of stock methods). + As t's always important to keep good relations, alchemists also tend to help thetr immediate neighbors. Alchemists con often be found helping repair 9 wagon wheel (whether by enhancing the woos’ strength or simply holding up the wagon until the wheel's back on), teaching loal kids how to ead and write, or even sprinkling some special dusts outside a baker's window to keep the neighborhood cats and dogs (and the sewer rats) from jumping up and stealing ples cooling on sil, These aren't hele ations. nor are they costly or profitable they're fe, and that’s an activity ih which every character should always be invalved Instead of fst waiting around forthe foces of evil ts show up again Special Dealings Cresting fine or special items falls among the more uncommon, sctvites for an alchemist. Not done every day or perhaps feven more than once a month, alchemists can make « wide Variety saving items oF near-magical creat ‘of special deeds for alchemists of any stripe are Examph furayayy Jo saisug [ b aaidegy Pring Chapter 2: “Saragun’s Alcheminary” Thischapter provides a seting and.a school where anyone can. Jearn alchemy from is most bic classes to its most acvanced heights, While not prone to boosting, Ue faculty claims that sore than one of each typeof Alchana Stone has been crafted here, a fact not challenged by any other site or schoo! 'We'llexploce the castle and lanxson which the alcheminary rests, take a four of the campus, and then explore the Coursework and studies expected of all students of the transformative arts Finally there are three prestige classes at the chapter's end, which reflect the three ways to learn ‘advanced alchemy here athe Alchesninary Ready to learn more hands-on know kedge of alchemy? First, history lesson Tors Vhurinness Nobody uses this old term anymore, preferring to call the ‘whole complex “SaragutYs" or the Alchemninary " The ancient ‘ame links the three baronies of Layndess ~ Vural, Rinnath And Sorese and made this the seat of power from which the Counts of Lnyndese ruled with an iron fist. They ruled for generations unt the appearance of Truths Arms one hundred [nud seventicen years ago. The adventuring company ~Saragun the wizard, Tarasta the druid-torceer, Tarn te rogbe-ranger, alg the barbarian warrior and Aden the paladin rose from the foal villages of Howling Mill and Wheatsford to oppose and defeat the evil Count Barrick and bis three corrupt barons. ‘Saragun and his friends took up residence here and in the baronial villas, one of which is detailed as Tarasta’s Schoo of Herbalism in Chapter 4) but decided not to rename the castle The et black sone ofthe cate star contrasts the ish grees pines and other plants ofthe high foothill it looks down upon The atone was mined from quarries nthe low mountains, less than a mile away, and dragged here stone by stone as a monument to the poster of Lnyndess and its count. The five towers reperaented the three baronies, the county, and the ‘count, si wafting Usa the Counts tower and one ofthe brarony towers fell during the siege of Tors Vhuriness and Barrick’ defeat, The five towers now stand tall once again, but as a monument to alchemy and goodness. The castle commands the crest ofa high foothill and looks down upen cleared hills for four hundred yards untl the forest's edge to the south [Behind the caste and to its west are the rough rocky lls and lower mountains ofthe Jhaanspeaks, while the eastern walls Took upon 2 loop of the River Thyrch. Unlike the woods surrounding Tarasta's no druids or centaurs occupy the ctor fof the Thyribane Woods surrounding the Alcheminary However, the guards of Saragun’s do have two wandering patrols (one mounted on the mad, one on foot among the tees {nd hills) keeping the approaches to the castle safe a al times. ‘Approaching the high-walled caste i tll intimidating, sven its grim black stone walls, though coloeful enners ofa Fes thon a black eagle, and a white phoenix adorn the outer walls over the gate, and flags with those designs fly from ‘arious towers as well. The black is also broken by stlight Feflected of silver shingling on the keep root, and by various ‘ecorative statues placed haphazardly along the walls. There isan outer guard post near the forests edge, manned by five guards at al times! hidden just inside the treeline, hese guards tvatch the roads and flank any riders from bxhind before they proach within three hundred yards ofthe castle. Mest often these guards simply extend grectings and escort new stdent> oro friends tothe Alcheminary without incident but al five fre armed with weapons, numerous alchemical Items, and thors to sodnd the alarm should any undesirables darken the alchemists’ doorstep. ‘Upon ist glance, Saraguan’s seems smaller than it actually is, because of the sizable clearing around it, That is merely an ‘optical usion, however. The castle walls are atleast ninety yards on each sde, Is exterior curtain walls massive two: tories high and forty fet thick—and would be a ‘defense even without the erenelated battlements Jnouse. The gates arestillimpressive, but since the they areclowed, The road comes straight out of the loops est, toward the rivet, and around to the he eastern wal. Gatehouse & Guards The gatehouse is the primary defense forthe Alcheminary, and its only known entry or ext (unless, of course, you can By), The three-story high gatchouse has two sets of porculis, an exterior and interior set of doors (with beams for barring) and many arrow loops, murder holes, and dead drops to ensure that those who enter with open malice will not reach the inner ‘ourtyand. The thir floor ofthe gatehouse f the guard officers ‘quarters, while the bulk of the guard are Pilleted in barracks srithin the southeastern all, Tnall, thee ace 60 guards here with eight seni officers lest by jautm Aderson who i paladin ke his famous father [UG tam Paladini2}. Aside from a few officers, the guards are first to fourth level NPC Warriors. Two patrols of five men ‘each actos sentries over the road and the surrounding hills, ‘operating on eight-hour shifts around the clock. The guards Ihave access to well-made armsand armor, but only the officers stalf ofthe alcheminary) can provide them with ‘one of three Alchemories—where the re hept. The smallest ofthese sn the Second floor of the gatehouse, along with murder hole drop ‘Many guards grow bored of the rather lax ‘Saragan’s hast come under attack for more than bbut locals cho wish to become warriors oF guards in other places endure a mandatory service here of thrve years. After that time each sifted with armor and a weapon, alchemical strengthened! and thus a worthy prize. The other duty the ‘guards fulfill sto act as escorts fr the biannual caravans of Sichemical supplies or craft, taken tothe spring and harvest Testivals in the riverside city of Thyechpot to the northeast. ‘The Wall ‘The block-like walls are massive constructed to repel the many ‘enemies made by the counts of Lhynidess over the years, icky Saragun and his frends and students have found may tues forthe overbuit cuales defenses Despite any ather notes ‘guards still man the battlements at all times, roughly one guard per hundred feet of wall, and Uhe small chambers directly foot harrow loops and pour spouts for wege ght-foot wide corridor Funs between the outer won the inner walls, which are p. The outer wal Heel is four feet thick lands’ main armory is on the ground floor of the ceniral Keep, while uch staller secondary armors occupy ‘one room in each of the walls and in the gatehouse Beneath the httlements are still or guards, shallow iv deep rooms wi Alchemories hold the special equipment (and are cep, the gatehouse, and the north tower) "The Black Wing-—the School of Transformation and the focal point for block alchemy takes up te interior af the entire western wall, opposite the gates The clansrooms are the ground Foor and dormitories are on the second floor ‘The northem and southern walls have rand scholastic purposes. There at Storage, others for temporary quarters (or for requested ‘solation), and sill others for reception areas of rooms for schoo! guest. silty oe ‘numerous rooms used for different (see below). All shave these characteristics: multiple floors, windows limited to arrow loops below th and the top two floors used as personal quarters There may also walls (se Chapt 7—Alchemortars), but which ones and where ate unknown The most striking ofthe five is The White Tower—hame to the School of Fn for white st its fellow towers The tower fs built ‘of the same stone a8 the brat its calor was alchemically changed to shite alter the Alcheminary’s founding, to suit the new school. The former Counts to the lower floors are elasscooms, with two floors of dormitory culls for students, and the holds the apartments of the White Mistress and her family. The White Tower tthe northeastern tower, to the right ofthe keeps gate, and ea its base is the Intirmary. The tower atthe hack of the castle—The fed Tower —is also distinet, though not as sharply. Its stone was also. transformed by carly red alchemists, turned deep crimson as dried blood to highlight its use as the home of the Lions” ‘School —the Lion isthe symbol for a unified alchemist. Ths was the second tower tobe rebuilt af loge (the Whit Tower was the firs). This northwestern tower looms near the Black Wing and their school, but the Lions keep within the tower and the central Keep. The Red Master's chambers top this tower, ‘Star Tower isthe next tower of note —its rooms serve as ‘smaller classrooms forall the schowls, but its top floor is ot living quarters but an astronomical observatory. The tower's placement, directly in line with the gatehouse and set atop the high point within the partially sloping grounds, makes ie the Uallest ofthe towers A strictly mechanical contrivance allows the shingled roof to be winced open to allow full access 10 thesky and stare The other towers are West Tower (actually the southwest tower). which olfers graduate students beter accomadations than underclassmen, and South Tower (actually in the omer) which provides additional classrooms, bunks anal common rooms for guests and reception areas for parties ot bell i the Great Hal The Castle Grounds The grounds are enclosed by the curtain wall, which are ghly 200 feet per side. The heep and towers dominate the nnds an take up half the avallae area. St, many support igsexist between the hrepand the gatehouse (or mtle mngsde the towers and keep walls for supper), In general the castle grounds are gravel-covered and busy with foot trafic at all times of day. There are a few small gardens inside the walls for emergency tse, but the majority ‘ofthe Alcheminary’s food is grown outside the northern wall ‘or brought from nearby farms and villages Stable: Set just inside to the right ofthe gatehouse entry isthe lange Stables, with room for 40 horses. There ote two dozen here at atimes al forthe use ofthe guards, and the stablehands live above the stables. Students staying fr less than a month can stable a mount here for 1 sp/day plus S

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