C Stud Design As Per Aisi-100-2007

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Axial Force,Pu := 3.8 Kips

Bending Moment,Mux := 55.2 Kip-in

Unbrace Length for Benidng About X-axis Lx= := 240.0000 in

Unbrace Length for Benidng About Y-axis Ly= := 1 in
Unbrace Length forTwisting Lt= := 1 in
Absolute Value of Max Moment in Unbraced Segment, Mmax= := 1 Kip-ft
Absolute Value of Max Moment at quater Point Unbraced Segment, MA= := 0.75 Kip-ft
Absolute Value of Max Moment at Centre Line of Unbraced Segment, MB= := 0.5 Kip-ft

Absolute Value of Max Moment at three -quater pont of Unbraced Segment, MB= := 0.25 Kip-ft
Effective lenght Factor for Bending about yX -axis,Kx := 1.00
Effective lenght Factor for Bendi ng about y -axis,Ky := 1.00
Effective lenght Factor for Twisting,Kt := 1.00


LRFD Material Safety Factor c forCompression := 0.8500
ASD Material Safety Factor c for Flexurecompression := 1.8000
LRFD Material Safety Factor b for Flexure := 0.9500
ASD Material Safety Factor b for Flexure := 1.6700
Fy := 55.0000 Ksi
Maximum Bending Stress Assumed := 55.0000 Ksi
Uniform Compressive at Controlling Buckling Mode, derived Below := 37.2610 Ksi
Basic Parameter
Depth of Section, A' := 9.0000 in
Width of Section, B' := 2.5000 in
Depth of Lip, C' := 0.7730 in
Thickness of Section, t := 0.0590 in
Inside Bend Radius, R := 0.1875 in
=1.0 for Section with Lips := 1.0000 in
r=R+t/2 := 0.2170 in
a=A'-(2tr+t) := 8.5070 in
a=A'-t := 8.9410 in
b=B'-(r+t/2+(r+t/2) := 2.0070 in
b=B'-(t/2+t/2) := 2.4410 in
c=[C'-(r+t/2)] := 0.5270 in
c=(C'-(t/2) := 0.7440 in
u=r/2= := 0.3410 in
A=t[a+2b+2u+(2C+2u)]= := 0.8810 in
Moment of Inertia about X-Axis
Ix=2t{0.0417a3+b(a/2+r)2+u(a/2+0.637r) 2+0.149r 3+[0.0833c3+c/4(a-
c)2+u(a/2+0.637r) 2+0.149r 3]} 10.3000 in

Distance Between Centre and Web Centre Line

xc=2t/A{b(b/2+r)+u(0.363r)+[u(b+1.637r)+c(b+2r)]} := 0.6120 in
Moment of Inertia about Y-Axis
Iy=2t{b(b/2+r)2+b3/12+0.356r 3+(c(b+2r)2+u(b+1.637r) 2+0.149r 3}-Axc2 := 0.6980 in

Distance Between Shear Centre and Web Centre Line

m=b[(3a2b+c(6a2-8c2)/(a3+6a2b+c(8c2-12ac+6a2)] := 1.0480 in
Distance between centroid and shear center
xo=-(xc+m)= := -1.6600 in
St. Venant Torsional Constant
3 4
J=t /3(a+2b+2u+(2c+2u)= := 0.00102 in
Warping Constant
3 2 := 11.9100 in6
+(a+2c) -24ac ] }
Parameter used in Determination of Elastic Critical Moment
3 3 5
w=-(txca /12+txc a) := -2.2720 in
f=t/2[(b-xc)4-xc4]+ta2/4[(b-xc)2-xc2] := 3.8290 in
3 3 3 5
l={2ct(b-xc )+2/3t(b-xc)[(a/2) -(a/2-c) ]}= := 3.2420 in
j=1/(2Iy)(w+f+l)-Xo := 5.1000 in


Compression Flange
Assume Compression Stress,f=Fy := 55.0000 Ksi
= := 0.3000
w=b= := 2.0070 in
t= := 0.0590 in
w/t= := 34.0200
w/t of Comp Flange<60 OK
E= 29500 Ksi
S=1.28(E/f)= 29.6400
0.328S= 9.7219
Effective Width Detemination Required as W/t>0.328S
Ia1=399t4[(w/t)/S-0.328]3 := 0.00266 in
Ia2=399t4[(w/t)/S-0.328]3<t4[115(w/t)/s+5) := 0.00166 in
Therefore Ia= := 0.00166 in
d=c= := 0.5270 in
= := 90.0000 Degree
Is=(d3tsin2)/12 := 0.000720 in4
RI=Is/Ia<1.0 := 0.4340
n=[0.582-(w/t)/(4S)]>=1/3 := 0.3333
D=C=Depth of Lip := 0.7730 in
D/w := 0.3852
D/w <0.8 Limit,OK
For D/W<0.25, k=3.57(R I)n+0.43<=4 := 3.1330
For 0.25< D/W<=0.8, k=(4.82-5D/w)(R I) +0.43<=4 := 2.6200
Therefore K= := 2.6200
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 60.3600 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.9550
Flange is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.8060
b= w if <=0.673, b=w := 1.6180 in
Stiffener Lip
w=d=c := 0.5270 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 8.9300 in

Maximum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle),f1=f[A'/2-t/2-r]/[A'/2]= := 51.9900 Ksi

Minimum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle)f2=f[A'/2-C']/[A'/2]= := 51.9900 Ksi Conservatively
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=0.578/(+0.34) := 0.4300
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 143.8000 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.6010
Lip is under Global Buckling
RI := 0.4340
b=ds'=d := 0.5270 in
ds=ds'RI := 0.2290 in
Web: Stiffened Element Under Stress Gradient
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 144.20
Maximum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle),f1=f[A'/2-t/2-r]/[A'/2]= := 51.9900 Kips
Minimum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle)f1=-f[A'/2-t/2-r]/[A'/2] := -51.9900 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=4+2(1+)3+2(1+) := 24.0000
2 2 2
Fcr=k{ [ E/(12(1- )](t/w) := 30.7700
=(f/Fcr) := 1.3000
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.6390
be=w := 5.4360 in
ho=A' := 9.0000 in
bo=B' := 2.5000 in
ho/bo := 3.6000
For ho/bo <4, b1=be/(3+)= := 1.3590 in
For >0.236, b2=be/2 := 2.7180 in
For <0.236, b2=be-b1 := 4.0770 in
Therefore b2 := 2.7180 in
b1+b2 := 4.0770 in
Assume Intial Depth of Compression Web,w/2= := 4.5000 in
Web is Not Fully Effective as b1+b2<w/2
Ineffective Portion of Web as Negative Length, bneg := -0.4230 in
Centroidal Axis of bneg below Top Fibre, y=t/2+r+b1+bneg/2 := 1.8170 in
Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.6180 in
2.Bottom Flange := 2.0070 in
3.Web := 8.5070 in
4.Negative Web Element := -0.4230 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.2290 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.5270 in
SUM 13.8290 in
Centroidal Axis ofElement from Top Fibre y=
1.Top Flange := 0.0300 in
2.Bottom Flange := 8.9710 in
3.Web := 4.5000 in
4.Negative Web Element := 1.8170 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.1080 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 8.8920 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.1080 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 8.8920 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.3600 in
10.Bottom Lip := 8.4900 in
First Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly= := 0.0485 in2
1.Top Flange := 18.0048 in2
2.Bottom Flange := 38.2815 in2
3.Web := -0.7686 in2
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0368 in2
5.Top Inside Corner := 3.0322 in2
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0368 in2
7.Top outside Corner := 3.0322 in2
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0824 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 4.4742 in
10.Bottom Lip := 66.2610 in
2 3
Second Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly = := 0.0015 in
1.Top Flange := 161.5210 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 172.2668 in
3.Web := -1.3966 in
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0040 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 26.9621 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0040 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 26.9621 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0297 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 37.9862 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 424.3410 in3
Ix about own Axis,
1.Top Flange := 0.0000 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 0.0000 in
3.Web := 51.3040 in3
4.Negative Web Element := -0.0060 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.0010 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 0.0120 in3
SUM 51.3190 in
Centroidal Axis of Effective Section, y=Ly/L := 4.7915 in
The Calculated Axis Does not Macth with Assumed Axis=4.5 inch
Compute New Stress with Calculated Axis




Distance CG of Section from Top Fibre := 4.7915
Distance CG of Section from Bottom Fibre := 4.2085
Distance CG of Compression Web from Top Fibre := 4.5450
Distance CG of Tesnion Web from Bottom Fibre := 3.9620
E := 29500.0000 Ksi
:= 0.3000
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
r= := 0.2170
w/t := 144.2000
Maximum Stress in f1= := 52.1700 Kips
Minimum Stress in Lip f2 := -45.4800 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 0.8718
k=4+2(1+)3+2(1+) := 20.8600
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 26.7500
=(f/Fcr) := 1.3970
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.6030
be=w := 5.1297 in
ho=A' := 9.0000 in
bo=B' := 2.5000 in
ho/bo := 3.6000
For ho/bo <4, b1=be/(3+)= := 1.3249 in
For >0.236, b2=be/2 := 2.5649 in
For <0.236, b2=be-b1 := 3.8048 in
Therefore b2 := 2.5649 in
b1+b2 := 3.8898 in
Depth of Compression Block of Web := 4.5450 in
Web is Not Fully Effective as b1+b2<w/2
Ineffective Portion of Web as Negative Length, bneg := -0.6552 in
Centroidal Axis of bneg below Top Fibre, y=t/2+r+b1+bneg/2 := 1.8990 in
Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.6180 in
2.Bottom Flange := 2.0070 in
3.Web := 8.5070 in
4.Negative Web Element := -0.6552 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.2290 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.5270 in
SUM 13.5968 in
Centroidal Axis ofElement from Top Fibre y=
1.Top Flange := 0.0300 in
2.Bottom Flange := 8.9710 in
3.Web := 4.5000 in
4.Negative Web Element := 1.8990 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.1080 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 8.8920 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.1080 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 8.8920 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.3600 in
10.Bottom Lip := 8.4900 in
First Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly= := 0.0485 in
1.Top Flange := 18.0048 in2
2.Bottom Flange := 38.2815 in2
3.Web := -1.2443 in2
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0368 in2
5.Top Inside Corner := 3.0322 in2
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0368 in2
7.Top outside Corner := 3.0322 in2
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0824 in2
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 4.4742 in2
10.Bottom Lip := 65.7850 in2
Second Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly2= := 0.0015 in3
1.Top Flange := 161.5210 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 172.2668 in3
3.Web := -2.3629 in3
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0040 in3
5.Top Inside Corner := 26.9621 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0040 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 26.9621 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0297 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 37.9862 in
10.Bottom Lip := 423.3740 in
Ix about own Axis,
1.Top Flange := 0.0000 in
2.Bottom Flange := 0.0000 in
3.Web := 51.3040 in
4.Negative Web Element := -0.0230 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0021 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.0021 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.0010 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 0.0120 in3
SUM 51.3020 in3
Centroidal Axis of Effective Section, y=Ly/L := 4.8383 in
The Calculated Axis Does not Macth with Assumed Axis=4.791 inch
Compute New Stress with Calculated Axis

Distance CG of Section from Top Fibre := 4.8383
Distance CG of Section from Bottom Fibre := 4.1617
Distance CG of Compression Web from Top Fibre := 4.5920
Distance CG of Tesnion Web from Bottom Fibre := 3.9150
E := 29500.0000 Ksi
:= 0.3000
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
r= := 0.2170
w/t := 144.2000
Maximum Stress in f1= := 52.2000 Kips
Minimum Stress in Lip f2 := -44.5000 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 0.8525
k=4+2(1+) +2(1+) := 20.4200
Fcr=k{ [ E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2
:= 26.1800
=(f/Fcr) := 1.4120
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.5980
be=w := 5.0872 in
ho=A' := 9.0000 in
bo=B' := 2.5000 in
ho/bo := 3.6000
For ho/bo <4, b1=be/(3+)= := 1.3205 in
For >0.236, b2=be/2 := 2.5436 in
For <0.236, b2=be-b1 := 3.7667 in
Therefore b2 := 2.5436 in
b1+b2 := 3.8641 in
Depth of Compression Block of Web := 4.5920 in
Web is Not Fully Effective as b1+b2<w/2
Ineffective Portion of Web as Negative Length, bneg := -0.7279 in
Centroidal Axis of bneg below Top Fibre, y=t/2+r+b1+bneg/2 := 1.9309 in
Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.6180 in
2.Bottom Flange := 2.0070 in
3.Web := 8.5070 in
4.Negative Web Element := -0.7279 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.2290 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.5270 in
SUM 13.5241 in
Centroidal Axis ofElement from Top Fibre y=
1.Top Flange := 0.0300 in
2.Bottom Flange := 8.9710 in
3.Web := 4.5000 in
4.Negative Web Element := 1.9309 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.1080 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 8.8920 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.1080 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 8.8920 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.3600 in
10.Bottom Lip := 8.4900 in
First Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly= := 0.0485 in2
1.Top Flange := 18.0048 in2
2.Bottom Flange := 38.2815 in2
3.Web := -1.4055 in2
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0368 in2
5.Top Inside Corner := 3.0322 in2
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0368 in2
7.Top outside Corner := 3.0322 in2
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0824 in2
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 4.4742 in2
10.Bottom Lip := 65.6240 in2
Second Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly2= := 0.0015 in3
1.Top Flange := 161.5210 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 172.2668 in3
3.Web := -2.7139 in3
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0040 in3
5.Top Inside Corner := 26.9621 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0040 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 26.9621 in3
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0297 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 37.9862 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 423.0230 in3
Ix about own Axis,
1.Top Flange := 0.0000 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 0.0000 in3
3.Web := 51.3040 in3
4.Negative Web Element := -0.0320 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.0010 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 0.0120 in
SUM 51.2930 in
Centroidal Axis of Effective Section, y=Ly/L := 4.8524 in
The Calculated Axis Does not Macth with Assumed Axis=4.838 inch
Compute New Stress with Calculated Axis

Distance CG of Section from Top Fibre := 4.8524
Distance CG of Section from Bottom Fibre := 4.1476
Distance CG of Compression Web from Top Fibre := 4.6060
Distance CG of Tesnion Web from Bottom Fibre := 3.9010
E := 29500.0000 Ksi
:= 0.3000
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
r= := 0.2170
w/t := 144.2000
Maximum Stress in f1= := 52.2100 Kips
Minimum Stress in Lip f2 := -44.2200 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 0.8470
k=4+2(1+)3+2(1+) := 20.2900
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 26.0200
=(f/Fcr) := 1.4170
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.5960
be=w := 5.0702 in
ho=A' := 9.0000 in
bo=B' := 2.5000 in
ho/bo := 3.6000
For ho/bo <4, b1=be/(3+)= := 1.3180 in
For >0.236, b2=be/2 := 2.5351 in
For <0.236, b2=be-b1 := 3.7522 in
Therefore b2 := 2.5351 in
b1+b2 := 3.8531 in
Depth of Compression Block of Web := 4.6060 in
Web is Not Fully Effective as b1+b2<w/2
Ineffective Portion of Web as Negative Length, bneg := -0.7529 in
Centroidal Axis of bneg below Top Fibre, y=t/2+r+b1+bneg/2 := 1.9409 in
Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.6180 in
2.Bottom Flange := 2.0070 in
3.Web := 8.5070 in
4.Negative Web Element := -0.7529 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.2290 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.5270 in
SUM 13.4991 in
Centroidal Axis ofElement from Top Fibre y=
1.Top Flange := 0.0300 in
2.Bottom Flange := 8.9710 in
3.Web := 4.5000 in
4.Negative Web Element := 1.9409 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.1080 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 8.8920 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.1080 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 8.8920 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.3600 in
10.Bottom Lip := 8.4900 in
First Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly= := 0.0485 in2
1.Top Flange := 18.0048 in2
2.Bottom Flange := 38.2815 in2
3.Web := -1.4614 in
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0368 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 3.0322 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0368 in
7.Top outside Corner := 3.0322 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0824 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 4.4742 in
10.Bottom Lip := 65.5680 in
Second Moment of Area of Unit Width, Ly2= := 0.0015 in3
1.Top Flange := 161.5210 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 172.2668 in3
3.Web := -2.8364 in3
4.Negative Web Element := 0.0040 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 26.9621 in3
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0040 in
7.Top outside Corner := 26.9621 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0297 in3
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 37.9862 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 422.9010 in3
Ix about own Axis,
1.Top Flange := 0.0000 in3
2.Bottom Flange := 0.0000 in3
3.Web := 51.3040 in3
4.Negative Web Element := -0.0360 in3
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.0021 in3
7.Top outside Corner := 0.0021 in3
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.0021 in
9.Top Lip (t/2+r+ds/2) := 0.0010 in3
10.Bottom Lip := 0.0120 in3
SUM 51.2890 in3
Centroidal Axis of Effective Section, y=Ly/L := 4.8572 in
The Calculated Axis Does not Macth with Assumed Axis=4.852 inch
% Difference in Assumed and Worked Axis= 0.0999 %
WITHIN 2% , Further Iteration may be avioded
:= 9.1870 In
Se=Ix/Y := 1.8914 Inch3
EFFECTIVE AREA Ae, at a Uniform Compressive Stress=37.261 Ksi
a Compression Flange
E= := 29500.0 Ksi
:= 0.3
f= := 37.2610 Ksi
S=1.28(E/f)= := 36.020
0.328S= := 11.815
w= 2.0070
t= 0.0590
w/t= := 34.0169
d=c= := 0.5270 in
= := 90.0000 Degree
3 2
Is=(d tsin )/12 := 0.000720
Effective Width Detemination Required as W/t>0.328S
4 3 4
Ia1=399t [(w/t)/S-0.328] := 0.00113 in
4 4
Ia2=t [115(w/t)/S+5) := 0.00138 in
Therefore Ia= := 0.00113 in
RI= Is/Ia= := 0.6370
n=[0.582-(w/t)/(4S)]>=1/3 := 0.3460
D=C=Depth of Lip= := 0.7730 in
D/w := 0.3852
D/w <0.8 Limit,OK
For D/W<0.25, k=3.57(R I) +0.43<=4 := 3.4840
For 0.25< D/W<=0.8, k=(4.82-5D/w)(R I) +0.43<=4 := 2.9060
Therefore K= := 2.9060
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 66.9600 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.7460
Flange is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.9450
b= w if <=0.673, b=w := 1.8970 in
Stiffener Lip
w=d=c := 0.5270 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 8.9300 in

Maximum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle),f1=f[A'/2-t/2-r]/[A'/2]= := 37.2610 Ksi

Minimum Stress in Lip f2=f[A'/2-C']/[A'/2]= := 37.2610 Ksi
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=0.578/(+0.34) := 0.4300
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 143.8000 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.5090
Lip is under Global Buckling
RI := 0.6370
b=ds'=d := 0.5270 in
ds=ds'RI := 0.3360 in
f := 37.2610 Ksi
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 144.2000
Maximum Stress in f1= := 37.2610 Kips
Minimum Stress f2 := 37.2610 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=4 := 4.0000
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 5.1300 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 2.6950
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.3410
b=w := 2.9010 in

Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.8970 in
2.Bottom Flange := 1.8970 in
3.Web := 2.9010 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.3360 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.3360 in
SUM 8.7310 in

Effective Area , Ae=tL := 0.5150 in

EFFECTIVE AREA Ae, at a Uniform Compressive Stress=55 Ksi

a Compression Flange
E= := 29500.0 Ksi
:= 0.3
f= := 55.0000 Ksi
S=1.28(E/f)= := 29.640
0.328S= := 9.722
w= := 2.0070
t= := 0.0590
w/t= := 34.0169
d=c= := 0.5270 in
= := 90.0000 Degree
Is=(d3tsin2)/12 := 0.000720
Effective Width Detemination Required as W/t>0.328S
4 3 4
Ia=399t [(w/t)/S-0.328] <t [115(w/t)/S+5)
Ia1=399t [(w/t)/S-0.328]3
:= 0.00266 in4
Ia2=t4[115(w/t)/S+5) := 0.00166 in4
Therefore Ia= := 0.00166 in
RI= Is/Ia= := 0.4340
n=[0.582-(w/t)/(4S)]>=1/3 := 0.3330
D=C=Depth of Lip= := 0.5270 in
D/w := 0.2626
D/w <0.8 Limit,OK
For D/W<0.25, k=3.57(R I)n+0.43<=4 := 3.1340
For 0.25< D/W<=0.8, k=(4.82-5D/w)(R I)n+0.43<=4 := 3.0860
Therefore K= := 3.0860
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 71.1100 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.8790
Flange is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.8530
b= w if <=0.673, b=w := 1.7120 in
Stiffener Lip
w=d=c := 0.5270 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 8.9300 in

Maximum Stress in Lip(By Similar Triangle),f1=f[A'/2-t/2-r]/[A'/2]= := 55.0000 Ksi

Minimum Stress in Lip f2=f[A'/2-C']/[A'/2]= := 55.0000 Ksi
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=0.578/(+0.34) := 0.4300
Fcr=k{ [2E/(12(1-2)](t/w)2 := 143.8000 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 0.6180
Lip is under Global Buckling
RI := 0.4340
b=ds'=d := 0.5270 in
ds=ds'RI := 0.2290 in
f := 55.0000 Ksi
w := 8.5070 in
t := 0.0590 in
w/t := 144.2000
Maximum Stress in f1= := 55.0000 Kips
Minimum Stress f2 := 55.0000 Kips
=|f2/f1| := 1.0000
k=4 := 4.0000
2 2 2
Fcr=k{ [ E/(12(1- )](t/w) := 5.1300 Ksi
=(f/Fcr) := 3.2740
Web is Subjected to Local Buckling
=(1-0.22/)/ := 0.2850
b=w := 2.4240 in

Element Lenght, L
1.Top Flange := 1.7120 in
2.Bottom Flange := 1.7120 in
3.Web := 2.4240 in
5.Top Inside Corner := 0.3410 in
6.Bottom inside Corner := 0.3410 in
7.Top outside Corner := 0.3410 in
8.Bottom Outside Corner := 0.3410 in
9.Top Lip := 0.2290 in
10.Bottom Lip := 0.2290 in
SUM 7.6700 in
Effective Area , Ae=tL := 0.4530 in
Pno=AeFy := 24.9150 Kips


Ly := 1.0000 in
Lt := 1.0000 in
Absolute Value of Max Moment in Unbraced Segment, Mmax= := 1.0000 Kip-ft
Absolute Value of Max Moment at quater Point Unbraced Segment, MA= := 0.7500 Kip-ft
Absolute Value of Max Moment at Centre Line of Unbraced Segment, MB= := 0.5000 Kip-ft

Absolute Value of Max Moment at three -quater pont of Unbraced Segment, MB= := 0.2500 Kip-ft
Cb=12.5Mmax/(2.5Mmax+3MA+4MB+3MC) := 1.6700 Comment
Effective lenght Factor for Bendi ng about y -axis,Ky := 1.00
Effective lenght Factor for Twisting,Kt := 1.00
E := 29500.00 Ksi
G := 11300.00 Ksi
rx=(Ix/A) := 3.42 in
ry=(Iy/A) := 0.89 in
xo := -1.66 in
Cw := 11.91 in
ro=(rx2+ry2+xo2) := 3.90 in
J= := 0.00102
ey=2E/(Kyry)2 := 230668.5000 Ksi
2 2 2
t=1/Aro [GJ+ ECw/(ktLt) ] := 258285.0000 Ksi
Elastic Section Modulus of Unreduced Section,Sf= := 2.2900
Fe=(CbroA/Sf)(eyt) := 612181.9900 Ksi
2.78Fy := 152.9000 Ksi
0.56Fy= := 30.8000 Ksi
For 2.78Fy>Fe>0.56 Fy, Fc=(10/9) Fy[1-10Fy/(36Fe)] := 61.1096 Ksi
For Fe>2.78 Fy, Fc=Fy := 55.0000 Ksi
For Fe<0.56Fy,Fc=Fe := 612181.9900 Ksi
Fe>2.78Fy, Section Is Not Subjected to Lateral Torsional Buckling
Therefore,Fc := 55.0000 Ksi
Mn=SeFc := 8.6689 Kip-ft
LRFD Moment Capacity=bMn := 8.2355 Kip-ft
ASD Moment Capacity=Mn/b := 5.1910 Kip-ft


Fy := 55.0000 Kis
E= := 29500.0000 Ksi
G= := 11300.0000 Ksi
A := 0.8810 in
rx := 3.4200 in
ry := 0.8900 in
J := 0.001020 in4
Cw := 11.9100 in
xo := -1.6600
2 2 2
ro=(rx +ry +xo ) := 3.9044
Kx := 1.0000
Lx := 240.0000 in
Ky := 1.0000
Ly := 1.0000 in
Kt := 1.0000
Lt := 1.0000 in
Check Flexural Buckling
KxLx/rx := 70.1754
KyLy/ry := 1.1236
2 2
Fex= E/(KxLx/rx) := 59.1223 Ksi
Fey=2E/(KyLy/ry)2 := 230622.5526 Ksi
Check Torsional Flexural Buckling :=
=1-(xo/ro)2 := 0.8192
2 2
ex= E/(KxLx/rx) := 59.1223 Ksi
t=1/Aro2[GJ+2ECw/(ktLt)2] := 258200.6130 Ksi
Fe=1/2[ex+t-((x+t) -4ext)] := 59.1199 Ksi
Therefore Controlling Fe= := 59.1199 Ksi

c=(Fy/Fe) := 0.9645
For c<=1.5, Fn=(0.658 )Fy := 37.2611 Ksi
For c>1.5, Fn=(0.877/c2)Fy := 51.8481 Ksi
Therefore, Fn := 37.2610 Ksi
Effective Area at 37.261 Ksi := 0.5150 in
Pn=AeFn := 19.1894 Kips
LRFD Capacity,cPn := 16.3110 Kips
ASD Capacity,Pn/c := 10.6608 Kips


Cmx= := 1.0000
Pex=2EIX/(KxLx)2 := 52.1000 Kips
P=Pu := 3.8000 Kips
Mx=Mux= := 55.2000 Kip-in
x=1-P/PEx := 0.9271
Pno=AeFy := 24.9150 Kips
Interaction Euation1
P/cPn+CmxMx/bMnxx+CmyMy/bMnyy := 0.8355
P/cPn+Mx/bMnx+My/bMnyy := 0.7380
Max Interaction Ratio= 0.8355

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